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Some thieves prefer to get up close and personal with their opponents instead of being all sneaky and stabby. Utilizing different weapon techniques and flashy moves, they can style on enemies with high damage and debilitating techniques.

The combatant is an archetype of the thief class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The combatant mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat and WIS for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – BAB, Class Skills, Skill Ranks, Weapon Proficiencies, Limit Break (Shroud in Darkness), Mark, Sneak Attack, Trapfinding. 2ndThief Talent. 3rdMeasure the Mark. 4thDebilitating Injury, Thief Talent. 6thThief Talent. 8thThief Talent. 9thDistraction. 10thMug, Thief Talent. 12thThief Advanced Talent. 13thSkirmisher. 14thThief Advanced Talent. 16thThief Advanced Talent. 17thHide in Plain Sight. 18thThief Advanced Talent. 20thThief Advanced Talent, Master Strike.

Class Skills

A combatant loses Disable Device and Stealth as class skills and gains Survival as a class skill.

Weapon Proficiency

A combatant gains proficiency with all one-handed firearms.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the combatant receives the Limit Break (Adrenaline Rush).

Adrenaline Rush (Su): This Limit Break allows the combatant to charge headlong into battle, fueled by adrenaline alone. When activated, this Limit Break restores a number of ki points to the combatant’s ki pool equal to her Wisdom modifier temporarily for 1 round + 1 round per four thief levels after 1st. When this limit break ends, any unspent ki points disappear. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Shroud in Darkness).

Martial Prowess

A combatant’s base attack bonus increases by one step (from 3/4 BAB to Full BAB). Also increases combatant’s hit dice from d8 to d10.

This ability replaces trapfinding and reduces the thief’s starting skill points per level to 4 + Int modifier.

Ki Pool (Su)

At 1st level, a combatant gains access to a ki pool equal to half her thief level (minimum 1) + her Wisdom modifier. As long as she has at least 1 point in her ki pool, she gains a +1 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls with finesse weapons. This bonus increases by +1 for every four thief levels after 1st. Also, a combatant can spend 1 point from her ki pool as a swift action to gain an additional attack at her highest base attack bonus during a full round attack. At 3rd level, this becomes a free action instead, but can only be done once per round.

This ability replaces sneak attack.

Combatant Techniques (Ex)

At 1st level, a combatant gains access to a small selection of special techniques that she can use to empower attacks with various weapons. Whenever a combatant would attack an opponent with a weapon, if that weapon is the appropriate type for a technique, she can spend 1 point from her ki pool to use a technique instead. A combatant has access to the following techniques:

  • Backstab (Ex): Even a combatant knows that the most deadly blows come from behind. A combatant must be flanking her target to use this technique, and she takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls, but she deals double weapon damage and additional bleed damage equal to her Wisdom modifier. Backstab can only be used with piercing weapons.
  • Kick (Ex): A well-placed kick can solve almost any problem, especially if that problem is trying to blast the combatant in the face with fire. A kick has a -4 penalty to the attack roll, but has the ability to deal lethal damage, and the damage is considered prolonged damage for purposes of concentration checks for spellcasters. Kick can only be used with unarmed strikes.
  • Mutilate (Ex): Using such a small weapon allows the combatant to be able to focus her attack to inflict a painful blow. Mutilate causes the combatant’s attack to have a -2 penalty to the attack roll, but deals double of the weapon’s damage dice. Mutilate can only be used with the thrown weapon group.
  • Quick Shot (Ex): A nice way to surprise any enemy is to suddenly put a gun to their head. The combatant makes a single firearm attack against a target within melee range. Quick Shot does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Quick Shot can only be used with one-handed firearms.
  • Sap (Ex): If an enemy wants to get all up in the combatant’s face, delivering a quick bop to the face can daze them long enough for her to make a quick getaway or reposition. Sap has a -2 penalty to attack rolls, but if it lands, the target must make a successful Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half of the thief’s level + her Wisdom modifier) or be stunned for 1 round. Sap can only be used with bludgeoning weapons.
  • Sinister Strike (Ex): If a combatant is willing to play dirty, she can exploit a weakness in her opponent’s defenses quite easily. Sinister Strike has a -2 penalty to attack rolls, but its critical threat range is increased by 1. This stacks with Improved Critical feat and Keen effects, but is applied after. Sinister Strike can only be used with slashing weapons.

These abilities replace mark.

Finishing Moves (Ex)

Techniques aren’t just used for their various situations. They are also used to build up to powerful blows. At 2nd level and every even numbered thief level thereafter, a combatant selects one special techniques from the Finishing Moves list or a thief talent. Each finishing move requires a certain amount of combatant techniques in order that must hit and be completed before the end of her next turn of the last successive hit or the combatant must start over. Once a combatant has built up to a finishing move, she has until the end of her next turn to be able to execute that finishing move or its lost.

The combatant may activate a combo finisher as a swift action, unless indicated otherwise on the ability. If the combo finisher requires an attack roll it replaces a melee or ranged attack respectively from her next attack made before the next round. All combo finishers with an attack component are made at the highest base attack bonus. Once a finishing move is triggered and if it hits, it restores an amount of ki equal to the number of techniques required to trigger it. Certain finishing moves can only be used with certain weapons. If a finishing move requires a saving throw, the DC is 10 + half of the thief’s level + her Wisdom modifier.

Between the Eyes (Ex): (Requires Quick Shot → Quick Shot → Quick Shot → Quick Shot → Quick Shot) Aiming at just the right spot with the advantage of point blank range, this finishing move focuses on filling the opponent with lead. The combatant makes an attack roll as part of this finishing move. If she hits, she deals quadruple (4x) weapon damage and the target must make a Reflex save or be blinded and deafened for 1 round. Between the eyes can only be used with one-handed firearms, and only within 30 feet of the target.

Breaking Point (Ex): (Requires Sinister Strike → Mutilate → Sinister Strike) The combatant uses her weapons to eviscerate a target’s equipment. This finishing move focuses on disarming and sundering opponents. The combatant makes a Sunder combat maneuver check as part of this finishing move. If she succeeds, she deals double weapon damage to any single piece of equipment wielded by the target. If fighting with two weapons, she instead deals damage with both weapons.

Bullet Hell (Ex): (Requires Quick Shot → Mutilate → Mutilate → Quick Shot) Unleashing a string of rapid fire bullets into a single target, this finishing move focuses on absolute destruction. This finishing move deals quintuple (5x) damage with a one-handed firearm she wields. The target is allowed a Reflex save to halve the damage.

Crashing Wave (Ex): (Requires Sinister Strike → Backstab → Quick Shot → Sinister Strike) Running headline and delivering a devastating blow to an enemy, this finishing move focuses on mobility. The combatant makes a charge attack as part of this finishing move. If she hits, she deals triple weapon damage. If fighting with two weapons, it instead deals double damage with both weapons. Movement from this finishing move does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Crimson Tempest (Ex): (Requires Mutilate → Sinister Strike → Mutilate → Sinister Strike → Mutilate) Allowing the combatant to become a whirlwind of absolute death, this finishing move focuses on area of effect damage. When activated, this finishing move deals quadruple (4x) weapon damage to all enemies within a 10-foot radius of the combatant. If fighting with two weapons, this finishing move instead deals triple the damage with both weapons. Affected enemies are allowed a Reflex save for half damage.

Daggerfall (Ex): (Requires Mutilate → Backstab → Backstab) Raining down knives over a long distance onto several foes, this finishing move focuses on long range damage. This finishing move deals double weapon damage in a 60-foot-line in front of the combatant. Enemies caught in the area of effect must succeed on a Reflex save in order to halve the damage. If fighting with two weapons, this finishing move instead dealt damage with both weapons. Daggerfall can only be used with daggers or thrown weapons.

Deadly Throw (Ex): (Requires Kick → Sinister Strike → Kick) Using the combatant’s dexterous expertise to toss an enemy, this finishing move focuses on making an enemy prone. The combatant makes a grapple combat maneuver check as part of this finishing move. If successful, she proceeds to throw the target to the ground, dealing bludgeoning damage equal to her thief level + her Wisdom modifier and knocking her opponent prone. She does not maintain the grapple, however.

Envenom (Ex): (Requires Mutilate → Backstab) Driving the combatant’s weapons deep into her opponent and opening them up, this finishing move emphasizes weakening the opponent. The combatant makes an attack roll as part of this finishing move. If she hits, she deals double weapon damage and the target must succeed on a Fortitude save or receive a penalty to AC and all saves equal to her Wisdom modifier for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier. If fighting with two weapons, this attack instead deals damage with both weapons. Envenom can only be used with piercing weapons.

Eviscerate (Ex): (Requires Sinister Strike → Mutilate → Sinister Strike) A gut-ripping and deadly blow to the target’s core, this finishing move prioritizes brutality. The combatant makes an attack roll as part of this attack. If she hits, she deals double weapon damage and the target must succeed a Fortitude save or receive half the damage again as bleed damage. If fighting with two weapons, this attack instead deals damage with both weapons. Eviscerate can only be used with slashing weapons.

Expose Armor (Ex): (Requires Mutilate → Sinister Strike → Mutilate) Ripping holes in the target’s defenses with the combatant’s weapons, this finishing move focuses on creating opportunities for all allies in combat. The combatant makes an attack roll as part of this finishing move. If she hits, she deals normal weapon damage and the target must succeed on a Fortitude save or lose their armor and natural armor bonuses to AC for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier. Expose Armor cannot be used with bludgeoning weapons.

Kidney Shot (Ex): (Requires Kick → Sap → Sinister Strike → Kick) Striking an opponent in just the right place to lock them down and disable them, this finishing move focuses on disabling threatening opponents. The combatant makes an unarmed strike as part of this finishing move. If she hits, she deals martial arts damage as if she was a monk, using her thief levels as her monk levels, and the target must succeed on a Fortitude save or be staggered for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier.

Make it Rain (Ex): (Requires Quick Shot → Quick Shot) Raining bullets down on a wide area of the battlefield, this finishing move focuses on quick and consistent area damage. This finishing move deals double weapon damage in a 10-ft.-radius with a range of 30 feet. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. Make it Rain can only be used with one-handed firearms

Nightblade (Ex): (Requires Backstab → Sinister Strike → Backstab → Mutilate → Backstab) Using a forgotten technique to deal an inconspicuous blow to the opponent, this finishing move focuses on hitting even targets that are normally very hard to hit. The combatant makes a Sleight of Hand skill check against the target’s AC as part of this finishing move. If she beats the AC, she deals quadruple (4x) weapon damage. If fighting with two weapons, she instead deals triple damage with both weapons.

Recuperate (Ex): (Requires Kick → Sap) Focusing generated energy within and recovering the combatant’s own wounds, this finishing move focuses on self healing. When activated, this finishing move grants the combatant Fast Healing equal to her Wisdom modifier, for a number of rounds equal to her thief level.

Roll the Bones (Ex): (Requires Quick Shot → Kick → Sinister Strike) Taking a chance and rolling the dice of fate, this finishing move focuses on gaining a combat advantage through fortunate circumstances. Roll 5d6 as part of this finishing move. The combatant gets a +4 morale bonus to the ability score that came up the most on those 5 dice, with 1 being Strength, 2 being Dexterity, 3 being Constitution, 4 being Intelligence, 5 being Wisdom, and 6 being Charisma, for 1 minute. Prerequisite: The combatant must be 10th level before selecting this finishing move.

Run Through (Ex): (Requires Sinister Strike → Sinister Strike → Sinister Strike → Sinister Strike) A quick blade strike that cuts right through an enemy, this finishing move focuses on getting an advantageous position. The combatant makes an attack roll as part of this finishing move. If she hits, she deals triple weapon damage and she may also attempt a reposition combat maneuver as a free action. If fighting with two weapons, this attack instead deals double damage with both weapons. Run Through can only be used with piercing weapons.

Rupture (Ex): (Requires Backstab → Mutilate) A deep cut that takes a long time to heal, this finishing move focuses on dealing damage over time. The combatant makes an attack roll as part of this finishing move. If she hits, the target must make a Fortitude Save or take 1d6 bleed damage per round for a number of rounds equal to her thief level. Rupture can only be used with slashing weapons.

Sawgrin (Ex): (Requires Mutilate → Mutilate → Mutilate) Performing the brutal act of slitting the opponent’s throat, this finishing move focuses on shutting down spellcasters. The combatant makes an attack roll as part of this finishing move. If she hits, she deals double weapon damage and the target must make a Fortitude save or receive the Silence status effect for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier. If fighting with two weapons, this finishing move instead deals damage with both weapons. Sawgrin can only be used with slashing weapons.

Secret Technique (Ex): (Requires Sap → Mutilate → Backstab → Quick Shot → Kick → Sinister Strike) Unleashing a hidden technique in order to strike from multiple angles, this finishing move focuses on strike an opponent where they’re weakest. The combatant makes an attack roll against an enemy’s touch AC as part of this finishing move. If she hits, she deals 1d6 points of shadow damage for every two thief levels she possesses. A successful Fortitude save halves this damage.

Slice and Dice (Ex): (Requires Backstab → Sinister Strike → Mutilate → Sinister Strike) Taking advantage of the situation to get in even more attacks, this finishing move focuses on hitting the opponent with as many different strikes as possible. The combatant makes a full-round attack as part of this finishing move. Prerequisite: The combatant must be 16th level before selecting this finishing move.

These abilities may replace thief talents and advanced thief talents.

Poison Use (Ex)

A combatant knows that all is fair in love and war, even using a tainted weapon. At 3rd level, whenever a combatant applies poison to a weapon, attacks with a poisoned weapon, or crafts a poison, she has no risk of poisoning herself.

This ability replaces measure the mark.

Hit and Run (Ex)

A combatant knows to keep moving at all times to keep her opponents on their toes. Starting at 4th level, the combatant gains a 10-foot bonus to movement speed. This bonus increases by 10 feet for every four thief levels thereafter.

This ability replaces debilitating injury.

Ruthlessness (Ex)

At 9th level, the sheer power behind a combatant’s maneuvers can put her opponent off guard for the rest of their team. Whenever a combatant successfully lands a finishing move against an opponent, that creature loses their Dexterity bonus to AC until the start of the combatant’s next round.

This ability replaces distraction.

Dirty Tricks (Ex)

At 10th level, the combatant techniques, kick and sap, no longer requires a ki point to use, but also does not restore ki points when used in a finishing move.

This ability replaces mug.

Skirmisher (Ex)

At 13th level, whenever the combatant moves at least 10 feet and makes an attack, the first technique that the combatant uses that turn does not require her to spend points from her ki pool.

This ability modifies skirmisher.

Executioner (Ex)

At 17th level, the weapon damage of all of the combatant’s finishing moves are doubled.

This ability replaces hide in plain sight.

Marked for Death (Ex)

Upon reaching 20th level, a combatant has become a master of impromptu maneuvers and techniques. As a standard action, a combatant can move to a target within 30 feet and instantly strike them with a finishing move. This movement does not trigger attacks of opportunity. Regardless of whether or not the finishing move hits the target, Marked for Death cannot be used on the same target again for 24 hours.

This ability replaces master strike.