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Masters of espionage and disguises who travel the world in search of information. They are well known for keeping a woman–or several–in every port.

The agent is an archetype of the thief class.

Master of Disguise (Ex)

At 1st level, an agent can use disguise with great results. When disguising himself as a different gender, race, age category, or size category, an agent reduces the penalties for each by –2. For example, if the agent disguises himself as a female two age categories older than himself, he would take a –2 to the check instead of a –6. Also, an agent can disguise himself with 1d3 minutes of work (instead of the normal 1d3 x 10 minutes of work).

This ability replaces trapfinding.

Gifted Detective (Ex)

At 1st level, an agent adds his Wisdom modifier as well as his Charisma modifier on Bluff and Disguise skill checks and on Diplomacy checks to gather information. Attempting a Diplomacy check to gather information never takes an agent more than 1 hour.

This ability replaces mark.

Swift Disguise (Ex)

At 2nd level, an agent gains the quick disguise thief talent, and he can create a disguise twice as quickly as normal even for that thief talent (he can create a disguise that encompasses only minor details as a standard action).

This ability replaces a thief talent gained at 2nd level.

Voice Mimicry (Ex)

At 3rd level, an agent learns to mimic voices and sounds around him. Using this ability requires a special Disguise check, and creatures hearing the voice can make a Perception check to discover the ruse. An agent can attempt to emulate any creature or other sound he’s heard clearly for at least 1 minute. The bonuses or penalties to this special Disguise check are modified in the following ways, all of which are cumulative.

Disguised Voice Check Modifier

  • Voice is not your own, but not that of a distinct individual +5
  • Voice is that of a different gender –2
  • Voice is that of a different race –2
  • Voice is that of a different age category –2
  • Voice is that of a different size category –5

Also, the creature making the Perception check gains a bonus based on its familiarity with specific voices, just as if it were confronted with a normal disguise. This ability is a language-dependent effect, meaning that if a creature cannot hear or understand what the agent is saying, the ruse fails. Magic items, feats, and traits that affect typical disguises do not affect this disguise check. At 8th level, the agent gains the no penalty for a voice of a different gender, race, or age category, and only a –3 penalty for a different size category.

This ability replaces measure the mark.

Uncanny Agent (Ex)

At 4th level, an agent gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks when trying to force an opponent to give her information (or Bluff and Diplomacy checks for the same purpose if she has the coax information thief talent). She also gains a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks to tell if someone’s information is false. At 8th level, these bonuses increase to +4.

This ability replaces a thief talent gained at 4th level.

Master of Whispers (Ex)

At 8th level, an agent receives the rumormonger advanced thief talent.

This ability replaces the thief talent gained at 8th level.

Super Agent (Ex)

At 10th level, an agent gains the master of disguise advanced thief talent and can use it an unlimited number of times per day. Because he must still don a physical disguise to gain this bonus, it doesn’t stack with the bonuses from spells like disguise self, but since it is completely non-magical, it is more reliable when scrutinized under magical detection.

This ability replaces the thief talent gained at 10th level.

Thief Talents: The following thief talents complement the agent archetype: camouflage, false friend, major magic, minor magic, obfuscate story, shades of gray, and steal story.

Advanced Talents: The following advanced thief talents complement the agent archetype: hard minded, hidden mind, skill mastery, slippery mind, and unwitting ally.