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Sometimes it is not enough to be a conquering warrior, a champion of all that’s right, an experienced sellsword, or an elite foot soldier. Sometimes the circumstances require a solid commander of soldiers and situations. Sometimes the circumstances demand a paradigm shifter. They inspire trust in those they lead. They earn that trust by slogging through harsh landscapes, dangerous battlefields, and haunted catacombs along with those under their command. With a look, they can see where to best deploy their resources or come up with a sneaky ruse to fool their enemies. A paradigm shifter has a tactician’s mind, a cartographer’s overview of the disputed landscape (or dungeon warren), and a way with words that can inspire battle-hardened fighters to give it their all when melee breaks out.

The paradigm shifter is an archetype of the red mage class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The paradigm shifter mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features and spellcasting, though they also use INT and WIS for class features, as well as DEX for optional class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stLimit Break (Flexibility), Red Magery. 4thQuick Cast. 5thConvert, Red Magery. 9thRed Magery. 11thFighter Training. 13thRed Magery. 17thRed Magery. 19th1 MP Spell.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the paradigm shifter receives the Limit Break (Gestalt Mode).

Gestalt Mode (Su): This Limit Break makes the outfit of the paradigm shifter glow with light and pristine sparkles. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four red mage levels after 1st, the paradigm shifter treats her current Paradigm Shifts as providing double the bonuses. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Flexibility).

Paradigm Shift (Su)

At 1st level, the paradigm shifter can shift between one of the six paradigms that grants nearby allies and herself a special benefit. Paradigm shifting is a swift action, and can only shift into one paradigm at a time until 19th level (see Paradigm Elite ability). A paradigm shift remains in effect until she uses a free action to dismiss it or shift into another paradigm. She can be in a paradigm continually; thus, a paradigm can be in effect at the start of an encounter even before she takes her first turn. The paradigm’s abilities affect all allies within 30 feet (including the paradigm shifter) with line of effect to her. These abilities are dismissed if she becomes unconscious or is slain, but otherwise it remains in effect even if she is incapable of acting. The bonus granted by her paradigm begins at +1 and increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 13th level, and +5 at 17th level. These are the six paradigms that a paradigm shifter can shift into:

  • Commando: This paradigm grants you and all nearby allies a morale bonus to Attack rolls.
  • Medic: This paradigm grants you and all nearby allies Fast Healing up to 50% health.
  • Ravager: This paradigm grants you and all nearby allies a morale bonus to melee damage rolls.
  • Saboteur: This paradigm grants you and all nearby allies a competence bonus to DC saving throws for any spells or abilities that deal Status effects.
  • Sentinel: This paradigm grants you and all nearby allies a deflection bonus to Armor Class.
  • Synergist: This paradigm grants you and all nearby allies a morale bonus to Saving Throws.

At 10th level, the range of Paradigm Shift increases to 60 feet.

This ability replaces red magery.

Adaptability (Su)

Beginning at 4th level, as a swift action, the paradigm shifter can add a +2 enhancement bonus to an ability score of her choice for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier, once per day. Adding the bonus to Charisma does not increase the duration of this ability.

At 12th level, the paradigm shifter can add two +2 enhancement bonuses to two different ability scores, or one +4 enhancement bonus to one ability score. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used again until the current enhancement bonus expires.

At 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th levels, the paradigm shifter may use this ability an additional time per day.

This ability replaces quick cast.

Focus (Ex or Su)

At 5th level, the paradigm shifter hones in on the role which most suits him. He chooses one of his six paradigms and gains its corresponding ability, which can be used once per encounter so long as he is currently in that paradigm:

  • Commando: “Blitz” (Ex): The paradigm shifter may make a melee attack against all opponents in threatened squares as a standard action. If an affected target had the Staggered condition, it becomes Disabled and the status effect’s duration is prolonged by one round; likewise, if it was Shaken, it becomes Frightened; if it was Frightened, it becomes Panicked.

  • Medic: “Curasa” (Su): The paradigm shifter may, as a standard action, activate a spell-like ability which functions like both Cure and Regen simultaneously on a target with 1-3 HD, like Cure II and Regen II for 4-6 HD, Cure III and Regen III for 7-9 HD, and Cure IV and Regen IV for 10 HD and beyond. The Regen duration is one round regardless of magnitude, stacking with the Medic paradigm’s Fast Healing bonus.

  • Ravager: “Overwhelm” (Ex): Upon successfully hitting an opponent with the spellstrike ability, the paradigm shifter may choose to inflict the Staggered status on that enemy with a duration of one round. While the enemy is Staggered, whenever it takes damage, it takes additional damage equal to the paradigm shifter’s Charisma modifier.

  • Saboteur: “Jinx” (Su): The paradigm shifter may extend the duration of a debuff or negative status effect when he inflicts it by one round. When the paradigm shifter inflicts this debuff or negative status effect on an enemy, the duration of all existing debuffs or negative status effects on that enemy are refreshed, resetting duration as if re-cast.

  • Sentinel: “Provoke” (Su): The paradigm shifter may, as a standard action, make an Intimidate skill check against all enemies within 30 feet as per the Intimidate use of the Antagonize feat. The paradigm shifter gains a bonus to this check equal to his red mage level. Additionally, when the paradigm shifter successfully antagonizes a creature with this ability, his deflection bonus to AC is doubled against attacks from that creature, and he cannot be flanked by that creature.

  • Synergist: “Boon” (Su): The paradigm shifter may extend the duration of a buff or status enhancement when he confers it by one round. When the paradigm shifter confers this buff or status enhancement on a target, the duration of all existing buffs or status enhancements on that target are refreshed, resetting duration as if re-cast.

At 9th, 13th, and 17th levels, these abilities can be used an additional time per encounter, to a maximum of 4 at level 17. The ability’s associated duration is also prolonged by one round, to a maximum of 4 at 17th level.

This ability replaces convert.

Quick Change (Ex)

At 11th level, the paradigm shifter can switch roles as an immediate action instead of as a swift action. The paradigm shifter can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces fighter training.

Paradigm Elite (Su)

At 19th level, the paradigm shifter’s shifting ability becomes legendary. She can combine two different paradigms, granting both set of bonuses to herself and nearby allies.

This ability replaces 1 mp spell.