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A diminutive adept turns his diminutive stature and unorthodox footwork into a powerful weapon. Effortlessly moving across the battlefield, he ducks under the legs of larger creatures and then topples them with surprising attacks.

The diminutive adept is an archetype of the monk class, available only to any small race monks.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The diminutive adept mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CON for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stFlying Kick. 2ndAscetic. 6thMonk Talent.

Diminutive Trip (Ex)

At 1st level, a diminutive adept learns a number of maneuvers and grabs that can cause even the largest opponents to stumble and fall. He gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the requirements.

At 4th level, and every four levels thereafter, he acts as if he is one size larger for the purposes of determining the maximum size of creatures he can trip and when determining his CMB and CMD for purposes of a trip combat maneuver.

This ability replaces flying kick.

Diminutive Grace (Ex)

At 2nd level, a diminutive adept uses his size and grace to avoid the attacks of those he passes. When using the Acrobatics skill to avoid attacks of opportunity by moving through a threatened area or an enemy’s space, he only takes a –5 penalty when doing so at full speed, instead of the normal –10 penalty.

This ability replaces ascetic.

Improved Diminutive Grace (Ex)

At 6th level, a diminutive adept’s ability to avoid attacks of opportunity against those he passes improves. When using the Acrobatics skill to avoid attacks of opportunity, while moving through a threatened area or through an enemy’s space, he takes no penalty when doing so at full speed.

This ability replaces a monk talent gained at 6th level.