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These time crusaders harness the very fabric of time and space to manipulate it into defending themselves and their allies.

The temporal knight is an archetype of the knight class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The temporal knight mainly focuses on STR for martial combat, CON for their class features, and CHA for optional features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Defend Ally, Limit Break. 2ndKnight Talent. 4thBulwark, Knight Talent. 6thKnight Talent. 8thKnight Talent. 10thKnight Talent. 12thAdvanced Knight Talent. 14thAdvanced Knight Talent. 16thAdvanced Knight Talent. 18thAdvanced Knight Talent. 20thAdvanced Knight Talent, Indestructible.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the temporal knight receives the Limit Break (Time Ripple).

Time Ripple (Su): This Limit Break creates a 30-ft.-radius aura around the temporal knight. This area grants himself and allies within the area of effect the haste status effect and penalizes enemies with the slow status effect (no save). Allies and enemies alike that leave the area of effect are no longer affected. This limit break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four knight levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces one of the knight’s standard Limit Breaks.

Motes of Time (Su)

A mote is a tiny split-second of time that a temporal knight steals from his own future. The motes taken are inconsequential slivers of continuance that even the temporal knight will not notice being missing from his activities. However, a temporal knight can use these motes to affect his present timeline, allowing him to retry actions and slow down time around him so he can act more carefully and alertly in fast-moving situations.

Each day, the temporal knight has a pool of motes equal to his knight level. Once a round, a temporal knight can expend a mote to do any one of the following things:

  • Gain a bonus to one attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw. The roll must represent a single action that occurs entirely within a single round. (A temporal knight could use a mote to add a bonus to an Acrobatics check to leap over a chasm, but not to a Craft check made to determine how much progress was made after a day of work.) The bonus gained is equal to +1d3. This increases to +2d3 at 8th level, and +3d3 at 16th level. The temporal knight can decide to add this bonus immediately after seeing the result of the original die roll.
  • Take a swift action that does not count against the temporal knight’s normal limit of one swift action per round that can be used with temporal knight or knight class features. This does not increase the normal limit of one swift cast spell per round.
  • Act in the surprise round when the temporal knight would not normally be able to do so.

At 4th level, a temporal knight gains the ability to add the bonus from spending a mote of time to a single damage roll, or to his armor class (as a dodge bonus) until the beginning of his next turn.

At 7th level, the temporal knight may spend a mote to reduce the duration of any negative condition or effect he is suffering. By accelerating the speed with which only the negative influences on his travel through time, the temporal knight can reduce the duration of any one condition, affliction, or spell effect by 1d6 rounds (to a minimum of 0). This increased to a 2d6 round reduction at 15th level.

At 11th level, the temporal knight may spend a mote to take a move action as a swift action.

At 18th level, the temporal knight may use a mote to grant any ally within 60 feet that he can see an additional move action on that ally’s next turn.

A temporal knight may gain additional options for use of a mote by taking temporal talents, though he is still restricted to spending motes only once each round.

This ability replaces defend ally and bulwark.

Temporal Talents

As a temporal knight gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and confound his foes. Starting at 2nd level, a temporal knight gains one knight talent or temporal talent. He gains an additional talent every even level except 20. A temporal knight cannot select an individual talent more than once unless stated. Talents marked with an asterisk require a temporal knight to spend motes, which he may do only once per round.

Deflect Projectiles (Ex): Knowing the timing of things allows the temporal knight to deflect projectiles with ease. While under defensive stance, once per round when the temporal knight would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, he may deflect it so that he takes no damage from it. The temporal knight must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged attack doesn’t count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged attacks generated by natural attacks or spell effects can’t be deflected.

Doublecut* (Su): This temporal talent allows the temporal knight to make the same exact attack. As a standard action, by spending a mote, and declared before attacking, the temporal knight makes a single attack. If it hits, roll damage as usual, doubling it (including precision damage, elemental damage from the weapon, etc.).

Hasted Assault* (Su): The temporal knight may spend a mote as a swift action to move more quickly. This functions as haste, but only targets the temporal knight and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the temporal knight’s Charisma bonus. Prerequisite: Temporal knight 6

Old Wounds* (Su): As a standard action, the temporal knight can channel time into a wound, causing it to experience rapid healing, as if many days had passed. The temporal knight may spend a mote to heal his own wounds, or the wounds of an ally touched. The wounds heal for 1d8 damage + 1 per class level of the temporal knight. This ability increases by an additional 1d8 every 4 knight levels to a maximum of 5d8.

Prescient Attack* (Su): The temporal knight may spend a mote as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon, ranged touch, or touch attack, allowing him to anticipate his opponent’s defenses. The target is denied its Dexterity bonus against the temporal knight’s attacks until the end of the temporal knight’s next turn.

Prescient Defense* (Su): The temporal knight may spend a mote as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon, ranged touch, or touch attack, granting him a premonition of his enemy’s intentions. The temporal knight gains a bonus to his AC and on Reflex saves equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 0) against attacks by that opponent until the beginning of his next turn.

Reality Shift* (Su): This temporal talent allows the temporal knight move as if he teleported. As a move action and spending a mote, the temporal knight can teleport up to his normal movement speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. This ability ignores the limitation of defensive stance. Prerequisite: Temporal knight 4

Steady Hand* (Su): The temporal knight can rewind time by small amounts to erase any minor mistakes he makes as a result of distraction around him. By spending a mote, the temporal knight may use skills reliably even under adverse conditions. Once he spends the mote, he may take 10 on any single skill check made before the end of his next round, even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.

Steal Fate* (Su): As a standard action, the temporal knight can attempt to steal a crucial moment from a target’s future, reducing the chance the target will enjoy a happy and prosperous future. The temporal knight spends a mote and the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the knight’s level + his Charisma modifier) or suffer a penalty to all attack and damage rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. This effect lasts for 1 round per knight level. The penalty suffered is equal to –1, and increases to –2 at 8th level, and –3 at 16th level, while the temporal knight gains this as a bonus as he uses the stolen fate to carefully plan each action he takes. Steal Fate has a range of 30 feet. Prerequisite: Temporal knight 4

Steal Time* (Su): As a standard action, with this talent, a temporal knight can steal time from a target. The temporal knight spends a mote and the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the knight’s level + his Charisma modifier) or suffer a penalty to AC, Reflex saves, and movement speed. This effect lasts for 1 round per knight level. The penalty suffered is equal to –1 to AC and Reflex saves as well as a -5 foot movement speed, and increases to –2 and -10 foot at 8th level, and –3 and -15 at 16th level, while the temporal knight gains this as a bonus as he uses the stolen time to move quickly. Steal Time has a range of 30 feet. Prerequisite: Temporal knight 4

Temporal Barrier* (Su): As a swift action, with this talent, a temporal knight slows time around him and any allies adjacent to him. While under defensive stance. the temporal knight may spend a mote and gain a DR/- equal to half his level that affects himself and any allies adjacent to him. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier or until the temporal knight withdraws from his defensive stance, whichever comes first.

Temporal Image* (Su): As a standard action, and spending a mote, the temporal knight creates a number of temporal, illusory doubles of himself that inhabits his square. These doubles make it difficult for enemies to precisely locate and attack him. When temporal image is used, 1d4 images plus one image per three knight levels (maximum eight images total) are created. These images remain in temporal knight’s space and moves with him, mimicking his movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever the temporal knight is attacked or is the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets one of his images instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment. If it is a figment, the figment is destroyed. If the attack misses by 5 or less, one of your figments is destroyed by the near miss. Area spells affect the temporal knight normally and do not destroy any of his figments. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect temporal knight normally and do not destroy any of his figments. Spells that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy a figment. An attacker must be able to see the figments to be fooled. If the temporal knight is invisible or the attacker is blind, this ability has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply). These images last for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. Prerequisite: Temporal knight 4

These abilities may be exchanged with the knight’s talents.

Advanced Temporal Talents

Beginning at 12th level, a temporal knight adds the following advanced temporal talents to his choices when picking a new temporal talent. Many advanced talents require a temporal knight to spend two of his daily uses of his mote of time ability. This still qualifies as spending a mote once during his turn, even though multiple motes are spent.

Butterfly Effect* (Su): As a reaction, the temporal knight can make minor changes in his past, which creates a cascade of minor changes in the timeline to generate brief favorable circumstances for an ally in his present. The temporal knight can spend two motes to add a bonus to one attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw made by an ally within 30 feet. The roll must represent a single action that occurs entirely within a single round. (A temporal knight could use a mote to add a bonus to an ally’s Acrobatics check to leap over a chasm, but not to his Craft check made to determine how much progress was made after a day of work.) The bonus gained is equal to +2d4. This increased to +3d4 at 16th level. The temporal knight can decide to add this bonus immediately after seeing the result of the original die roll.

Déjà Vu* (Su): By spending two motes, a temporal knight can draw information from his future or past, allowing him to instantly gain the benefits of considerable study and reflection. He can even peer briefly into the future to see how others react to his various attempts at negotiation or subterfuge. The temporal knight can make a single Intelligence-, Wisdom- or Charisma-based skill check with a result equal to 20 + his total skill bonus. Prerequisite: Steady Hand temporal talent

Improved Reality Shift* (Su): This advanced temporal talent allows the temporal knight to teleport anywhere in sight. As a move action and by spending two motes, the temporal knight can teleport anywhere within line of sight. This ability ignores the limitation of defensive stance. Prerequisite: Reality Shift temporal talent

Retroactive* (Su): By spending two motes, a temporal knight can attempt the same physical action over and over, hopping back to his starting point each time if things don’t work out for him. The temporal knight can make a single Strength-, Dexterity- or Constitution-based skill check with a result equal to 20 + his total skill bonus. Prerequisite: Steady Hand temporal talent

Reverse Projectiles* (Su): By spending two motes, a temporal knight may, as an immediate action, reverse a projectile shot at him back to the owner using the same attack roll. Prerequisite: Deflect Projectiles temporal talent

Temporal Reflections* (Su): As a standard action, by spending two motes, the temporal knight creates a copy of himself in an unoccupied adjacent space. The copy lasts for rounds equal to his Charisma modifier and vanishes if the temporal knight is knocked unconscious or killed. The copy acts on the temporal knight’s turn and has one move action usable only for movement, otherwise the temporal knight uses his own actions to control the copy as if it were him. They both share the temporal knight’s number of attacks of opportunity per round, but only one can make an attack of opportunity when it is provoked. When the copy takes damage, it is transferred to the temporal knight. The temporal knight and copy share any conditions/effects affecting either of them, excluding physical ones (such as prone or grappled). If both are affected by an area effect, only the temporal knight suffers the consequences. For all other purposes, the copy is treated as a separate creature. The temporal knight can make the copy disappear as a free action. Prerequisite: Temporal Image temporal talent

Time After Time (Su): The temporal knight gains advanced ability to manipulate time. The temporal knight may now spend motes twice per round, if he wishes.

Time Bandit (Su): The temporal knight’s access to motes increases. The temporal knight can spend an additional number of motes per day equal to his Charisma modifier.

Time Heals All Wounds* (Su): This advanced temporal talent allows the temporal knight to manipulate time to heal all wounds (including ability damage) by resting for 1 hour and spending two motes. Prerequisite: Old Wounds temporal talent

Time Runner* (Su): The temporal knight can move briefly through time, taking an action that does not exist in the normal sequence of reality. The temporal knight spends two motes to gain an additional move action. The temporal knight does not set off traps during this move action (though he may cause them to be triggered if, at the end of his run, the proper triggering situation still exists). He does not provoke attacks of opportunity during this move action, nor may other characters make Perception checks to notice the temporal knight during this move action. After the move action time catches up to the temporal knight, allowing triggered traps to go off and other creatures to immediately notice the temporal knight where he now stands.

These abilities may be exchanged with the knight’s advanced talents.

Time Lord (Su)

At 20th level, the temporal knight is granted a powerful temporal sense in relation to himself. He receives instantaneous warnings of impending danger or harm. He is never surprised or flat-footed. In addition, this ability gives him a general idea of what action he might take to best protect himself and gives a +2 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves. This insight bonus is lost whenever the temporal knight would lose a Dexterity bonus to AC.

This ability replaces indestructible.

Temporal Knight