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Garleans are known for their ineptitude for magic, but some are such influential beings that their tactics almost feel like magic. Inspiring leaders stir their companions into action, with morale and competence! These commandants specialize in assisting others in combat, providing bonuses and supervision rather than physical might.

The commandant is an archetype of the knight class, available only to garlean knights.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The commandant mainly focuses on STR for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Defensive Stance. 2nd Stand Firm. 3rd Shield Block. 4th Active Defense. 8th Courtly Refinement. 11thImproved Defensive Stance. 13th Counterattack. 17th – Tireless Stance. 20th – Superior Defensive Stance.

Commander’s Aura (Ex)

 At 1st level, a commandant can project a commander’s aura as a move action, this aura extends 60 feet from the commandant and can be ended as a free action. A commandant can maintain his commander’s aura for a number of rounds each day equal to 4 + the commandant’s Charisma modifier; this duration may be divided in whichever fashion the commandant pleases. At each level after 1st, he can maintain his commander’s aura for an additional 2 rounds per day. Whenever a commandant projects his commander’s aura, he can select one of the following aura abilities, providing bonuses to all allies inside the aura. A commandant can spend a swift action to switch the bonus provided by this ability. At 7th level, he can instead use an immediate action to switch the bonus provided by this ability.

  • Armored Adage: All allies gain DR 2/-. At 5th level and every four knight levels afterwards, this damage reduction increases by 2.
  • Buffering Encouragement: All allies gain temporary hit points equal to the commandant’s level + his Charisma modifier which last until the aura ends. These temporary hit points refresh at the beginning of each of the ally’s turns as long as this aura is maintained.
  • Defensive Strategum: All allies gain a +1 morale bonus to their armor class. At 5th level and every four knight levels afterwards, this morale bonus to their armor class increases by +1.
  • Destructive Counsel: All allies gain a +2 morale bonus to their weapon damage rolls. At 5th level and every four knight levels afterwards, this morale bonus to weapon damage rolls increases by +2.
  • Healing Lesson: All allies gain fast healing 2. At 4th level and every three knight levels afterwards, this fast healing increases by 2.
  • Resilient Recommendation: All allies gain 3 points of elemental resistance against one element type (earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind) chosen when the commander’s aura is projected. At 4th level and every three knight levels afterwards, this elemental resistance is increased by 3.
  • Tactical Advice: All allies gain a +1 morale bonus to all combat maneuver checks they make. At 5th level and every four knight levels afterwards, this morale bonus to combat maneuver checks increases by +1.
  • Valiant March: All allies gain a +10 foot morale bonus to all movement speeds they possess. At 4th level and every three knight levels afterwards, this morale bonus to movement speed increases by +10 feet.
  • Warding Warning: All allies gain a +1 morale bonus to all saving throws. At 5th level and every four knight levels thereafter, this morale bonus to saving throws increases by +1.

A commander’s aura is a verbal, visual, and mind-affecting morale effect; creatures which cannot see or hear the commandant cannot benefit from it. At 5th level and every four knight levels afterwards, the area of the commander’s aura extends by 10 feet, to a maximum of 100 feet at 17th level.

This ability replaces defensive stance, improved defensive stance, tireless stance, and superior defensive stance.

At 2nd level, the commandant’s banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the commandant or his mount to function. All banners affect all allies within 60 feet of the commandant as long as they can see the banner. A commandant can select one of the following banners at 2nd level, and its effects increase as he gains levels in knight.

  • Fleet Banner (Ex): An ally who benefits from this standard increases her land speed by 5 feet and gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which she moved at least 10 feet. This increase to land speed is an enhancement bonus. At 7th level and every five knight levels thereafter, the bonus to speed increases by 5 feet. At 14th level, an ally benefiting from this banner also gains a +2 morale bonus on Reflex saving throws against effects that target an area, such as fira or breath weapons. When the commandant waves this standard as a standard action, each ally within 60 feet can move up to her speed as an immediate action.
  • Inspiring Banner (Ex): As long as the commandant’s banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. For every five knight levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1. At 14th level, an ally benefiting from this banner also gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the commandant’s level + his Charisma modifier. When the commandant waves this standard as a standard action, a number of allies equal to the commandant Charisma modifier (minimum 1) within 60 feet can immediately make a new saving throw to end a status effect inflicting them.
  • Jinx Banner (Ex): These grim fetishes are common among some commandants. An ally who benefits from this standard gains a +1 bonus on caster level checks to bypass spell resistance and a +1 bonus to the DC of her hexes (or similar class features) and necromancy or enfeebling spell she casts. At 7th level and every five knight levels thereafter, the bonus on caster level checks increases by 1. At 14th level, an ally benefiting from the banner gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against spells or effects that deal hit point damage. When the commandant waves this standard as a standard action, a number of allies equal to the commandant’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1) within 60 feet can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize a foe as an immediate action.
  • Knave Banner (Ex): An ally who benefits from this standard gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity provoked by movement and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls that benefit from flanking. At 7th level and every five knight levels thereafter, the bonus to AC increases by 1. At 14th level, an ally benefiting from the banner gains  sneak attac +1d6. When the commandant waves this standard as a standard action, a number of allies equal to the commandant’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1) within 60 feet can each attempt a feint against a foe she threatens as an immediate action.
  • Stalwart Banner (Ex): An ally who benefits from this standard gains a +2 morale bonus to CMD and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls to creatures threatening an ally. At 7th level and every five knight levels thereafter, the bonus to CMD increases by +1. At 14th level, an ally benefiting from the banner is treated as one size category larger for the purposes of determining which creatures can affect him with combat maneuvers. When the commandant waves this standard as a standard action, each ally within 60 feet can move up to 10 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity and ignoring difficult terrain as an immediate action.

This ability replaces stand firm.

Knight Talents (Ex/Su)

At 2nd level, the commandant loses access to knight talents that requires defensive stance but can choose mounted talents instead, using his knight level as his chocobo knight level for mounted talent prerequisites.

Battlefield Tactics (Su)

At 3rd level, a commandant is adept and making decisions and leading others into combat. He may choose a teamwork feat to gain as a bonus feat, and grants it to all allies being affected by his Commander’s Aura. He gains another bonus teamwork feat at 9th and 15th level.

This ability replaces shield block.

Aura of Competence (Su)

At 4th level, a commandant is resilient against those that would sway his judgment. Each ally within 20-ft of him gains a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 10th level, this bonus becomes +3, and at 16th level, this bonus becomes +4.

This ability replaces active defense.

Chivalry’s Call (Ex)

At 8th level, a commandant can appeal to the honor of his comrade, freeing them from outside control. As a swift action, a commandant may expend 3 rounds of his Commander’s Aura to allow an ally within the range of his Aura to make another saving throw against a mind affecting effect, using the commandant’s total bonus to Will saving throws or their own bonus, whichever is higher.

This ability replaces courtly refinement.

Dual Aura (Ex)

At 13th level, whenever a commandant projects a commander’s aura, he can choose to provide two abilities with his aura without expending additional rounds, rather than just one.

This ability replaces counterattack.