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Masters of the spear are quick and deadly, Flourishing their spears like a torrent, they summon mirages of themselves to strike at their foes even faster. The spearmaster is quick and feared everywhere. They utilize their mirages to get the upper hand on their foes so that they can finish them off with an array of techniques, they only know.

The spearmaster is an archetype of the dragoon class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The spearmaster mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and STR, DEX, and CON for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Limit Breaks, Deadly Lancer, JumpStrengthened Agility . 2ndDragoon Talent, Hardy Landing, Super Jump. 3rdArmor Training, Blood of the Dragon, Lancet 4thDragoon Talent, Elusive Jump. 5thDragon’s Breath, Polearm Training. 6thDragoon Talent, Wyrmkiller. 7thSwoop of the Dragon. 8thDragoon Talent, Tail Sweep. 9thWall Jumping. 10thDragoon Talent, Ride the Wind. 11thDragon Sight. 12thDragoon Talent, Spinning Lance. 13thMulti-Jump. 14thDragoon Talent. 15thFlawless Lancer. 16thDragoon Talent. 17thStardiver. 18thDragoon Talent. 19thPiercing Critical. 20thDragoon Talent, Master Dragoon.

Armor Proficiency

A spearmaster is proficient with only light armor but no shields.

This ability modifies the dragoon’s starting armor proficiencies.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the spearmaster receives the Limit Break (Perfect Mirage).

Perfect Mirage (Su): This Limit Break makes the spearmaster appear elsewhere, surrounding himself with mirages of himself. Any melee or ranged attacks automatically misses unless a natural roll of 20 is rolled, and even then, the critical threat is unconfirmed unless another natural roll of 20 is rolled. This ability only dodges a number of attacks equal to the spearmaster’s Dexterity modifier per round. This limit break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four dragoon levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Bahamut Leaps).


At 1st level, the spearmaster gains Mobility as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces strengthened agility.

Spear Techniques (Ex)

At 1st level, a spearmaster can utilize these techniques to enable combo finishers (see below). Spear Techniques are special polearm attacks which can be used in place of an attack during an attack action, full-attack action, or charge action. These techniques only function when using a spear, lance or polearm.

  • Falling Swing (Ex): A spearmaster who uses this spear technique deals normal weapon damage.
  • Heavy Thrust (Ex): A spearmaster who uses this spear technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal weapon damage + 1 and a foe struck by this, must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the dragoon’s level + his Strength modifier) or be staggered for 1 round.
  • Rising Drive (Ex): A spearmaster who uses this spear technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal weapon damage + 1 and has a chance to knock a foe prone. The spearmaster can attempt to trip his opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if he hits with this spear technique. If the attempt fails, the spearmaster is not tripped in return.
  • Swing (Ex): A spearmaster who uses this spear technique deals normal weapon damage.
  • Leg Sweep (Ex): A spearmaster who uses this spear technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal weapon damage + 1 and has a chance to knock a foe prone. The spearmaster can attempt to trip his opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if he hits with this spear technique. If the attempt fails, the spearmaster is not tripped in return.
  • Thrust (Ex): A spearmaster who uses this spear technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal weapon damage + 1 and has a chance to sunder armor. The spearmaster can attempt to sunder his opponent as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity if he hits with this spear technique.

This ability replaces jump.

Mirage Strike (Su)

Also at 1st level, the spearmaster can summon a translucent copy of himself that helps him pull off combos. When he performs a full-round attack, he can summon a mirage of himself to strike with him, as a free action. When full-round attacking, the spearmaster gains an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus that must be done to perform a spear technique. Once the attack is made, his mirage disappears. This extra attack stacks with haste and other effects but not multi-weapon fighting. At 11th level, he gains another extra attack at his highest base attack bonus. This ability, however, is taxing, he may only use mirage strike a number of times per day equal to half his dragoon level (minimum 1) plus his Constitution modifier.

This ability replaces deadly lancer and hardy landing.

Combo Finishers (Ex)

At 1st level and every other level thereafter, a spearmaster gains a combo finisher that allows him to put the Spear Techniques into good use by starting and finishing combos. Each combo finisher requires a certain amount of Spear Techniques used in order that must hit and be completed before the end of his next turn of the last successive hit or the spearmaster must start over. In addition, once the spearmaster is able to use a combo finisher, he must activate it before the end of his next turn or its lost.

The spearmaster may activate a combo finisher as a swift action, unless indicated otherwise on the ability. If the combo finisher requires an attack roll it replaces a melee or ranged attack respectively from her next attack made before the end of her next round. All combo finishers with an attack component are made at the highest base attack bonus. Any combo finisher that adds extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total. At 6th level, a spearmaster can substitute, as a free action, any spear technique by spending 1 use of mirage strike per technique substituted.

Areadbhar (Ex): (Requires Thrust → Falling Swing → Leg Sweep) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to leap into the air, ignite fire around his weapon and plunge down upon an enemy. He makes a single melee attack and, if successful, he deals double weapon damage as fire damage. If the enemy is prone, he deals triple weapon damage as fire damage instead.

Chaos Thrust (Ex): (Requires Swing→ Swing → Falling Swing) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to make a stunning thrust that leaves his enemy in disarray. The spearmaster makes a single melee attack and, if successful, he deals double weapon damage and the enemy must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the dragoon’s level + his Strength modifier) or be inflicted with Confusion for 1 round.

Disembowel (Ex): (Requires Swing → Leg Sweep→ Heavy Thrust→ Rising Drive) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to thrust into a foe and rake their armor with his spear. The spearmaster makes a single melee attack and, if successful, he deals double weapon damage and reduces the DR and Hardness of the enemy by an amount equal to the spearmaster’s Strength modifier. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the dragoon’s level + his Strength modifier) can negate this reduction. If the enemy does not have DR or Hardness, the speramaster instead makes a free sunder attempt that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Doom Spike (Ex): (Requires Thrust → Rising Drive →Falling Swing) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to thrust forward a wave of energy at an opponent. The spearmaster deals triple weapon damage as non-elemental damage to all enemies in a 15-ft.-line before him. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the dragoon’s level + his Strength modifier) halves this damage.

Fang and Claw (Ex): (Requires Rising Drive → Swing → Thrust ) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to attack his foe with two overwhelming swings of his weapon. The spearmaster makes two melee attacks at his highest BAB against an opponent with each dealing normal weapon damage, if successful. If both attacks hit, he deals additional damage equal to his normal weapon damage.

Gáe Bulg (Ex): (Requires Swing→ Falling Swing→ Thrust → Rising Drive → Leg Sweep) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to launch his spear at an opponent with terrifying force. It zips around the battlefield until it hits its mark. He makes a ranged touch attack against an opponent within 60 feet using his weapon without penalty even if it cannot normally be thrown. This ranged attack ignores cover and feats and abilities that negate or hinder ranged attacks such as deflect arrows, bullet time and wind shield. If successful, it deals four times weapon damage and zips back to the spearmaster’s hand at the end of his turn. This range attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Gungnir (Ex): (Requires Swing → Falling Swing → Thrust) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to hurl his spear at an enemy within 20 feet he can see. He makes a ranged touch attack against an opponent within 20 feet using his weapon without penalty even if it cannot normally be thrown. If successful, he deals triple weapon damage and his spear appears back in his hand at the end of his turn.

Highwind (Ex): (Requires Thrust → Heavy Thrust → Swing → Leg Sweep → Rising Drive → Falling Swing) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to effortlessly leap into the air and plummet with his spear at any point he can see within 60 feet. The spearmaster moves to any point within 60 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity, unhindered by difficult terrain, casing an eruption of power to explode around him. He deals four times weapon damage as non-elemental damage to all enemies in a 30-ft.-radius from the point he lands. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the dragoon’s level + his Strength modifier) halves this damage.

Impulse Drive (Ex): (Requires Heavy Thrust → Leg Sweep → Rising Drive) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to dash forward at an enemy and drive his spear into them, and leaving behind a translucent mirage of himself. The spearmaster may move up to 15 feet towards an enemy and make a single melee attack, if successful, he deals triple weapon damage.

Lance Barrage (Ex): (Requires Swing → Swing → Swing) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to make a multitude of attacks. During the round this combo finisher is used, the spearmaster doubles the amount of attacks he has based on his base attack bonus (does not include any additional attacks from anything that grants additional attacks like haste, flurry of blows, two-weapon fighting,), but cannot use any spear techniques or mirage strike.

Ring of Thorns (Ex): (Requires Swing→ Thrust → Rising Drive) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to leap upward from his position and drive his weapon into the ground causing an eruption of energy around him. The spearmaster deals triple weapon damage as non-elemental damage to enemies within 20-ft.-radius of him. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the dragoon’s level + his Strength modifier) halves this damage.

Skewer (Ex): (Requires Thrust → Heavy Thrust → Swing) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to ravage his target with a barrage of thrusts by him and his mirage, leaving the target bloody and in agony. He makes a single melee attack and, if successful, he deals double weapon damage and bleed damage equal to his Strength modifier and the bleed is doubled if the attack is a critical hit. This bleed does not stack on itself or other bleed effects.

Stardiver (Ex): (Requires Heavy Thrust → Swing → Rising Drive → Falling Swing) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to leap into the sky and plunge on an enemy within 30 feet, leaving behind a translucent mirage from his original spot. The spearmaster can move up to 30 feet to a target, unhindered by terrain and not provoking attacks of opportunity. He then makes a single melee attack against the foe. If successful, he deals triple weapon damage.

Wheeling Thrust (Ex): (Requires Thrust → Heavy Thrust → Rising Drive) This combo finisher allows the spearmaster to leap upward to strike downward and then swipe his foe. He makes two melee attacks at his highest BAB against an opponent, each dealing normal weapon damage. If both hit, the spearmaster gains a free trip attempt against the foe. This trip attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity and he is not tripped in return if this attempt fails.

These abilities replace super jump, blood of the dragon, lancet, dragon’s breath, wyrmkiller, swoop of the dragon, tail sweep, wall jumping, ride the wind, dragon sight, multi-jump, flawless lancer.

Warrior Talents

As a spearmaster gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and confound his foes. Starting at 2nd level, the spearmaster gains a warrior talent, using his dragoon level as his warrior level. He gains an additional talent for every two levels of dragoon attained after 2nd level. The spearmaster is considered to have the Chosen Weapon class feature with the spears and polearms weapon groups, for the purposes of selecting talents only. Unless specified otherwise, a spearmaster cannot select an individual talent more than once.

These abilities replace dragoon talents.

Evasion (Ex)

At 3rd level, a spearmaster can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the spearmaster is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless spearmaster (such as one who is unconscious or paralyzed) does not gain the benefit of evasion. At 14th level, this increases to Improved Evasion.

This ability replaces armor training.

Mirage Haze (Su)

At 4th level, the spearmaster has learned to master his mirage’s uses for more than just attack. He can spend a use of mirage strike as a swift action to gain the effect of mirror image. He only summons 1 image and it remains in the spearmaster’s space and moves with him, mimicking his movements, sounds, and actions exactly. These images last for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier. He gains an extra figment every four dragoon levels after 4th.

This ability replaces elusive jump.

Chosen Weapon (Ex)

At 5th level, a spearmaster chooses the weapon group (polearms) as his chosen weapons. He gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with his chosen weapon group. The bonus improves by +1 for every five levels beyond 5th.

This ability replaces polearm training.

Finishing Mirage (Su)

At 12th level, the spearmaster can summon his mirage to finish a combo in an area he cannot normally get to in time, using his mirage to do perform the finishing blow. He can spend two uses of his mirage strike as a free action to treat himself as if he was in another square when performing a combo finisher on a target. He can choose any square not occupied that he can see within 15 feet. This can be used to perform a melee combo finisher on a target too far or to simply grant himself extra range on a ranged combo finisher.

This ability replaces spinning lance.

Mirage Barrage (Su)

At 17th level, the spearmaster is able to conjure double the amount of mirages from his mirage strike ability, once per day. This increases to twice per day at 20th level.

This ability replaces stardiver and piercing critical.

Mirage Mastery (Su)

At 20th level, the spearmaster is always accompanied by his mirage mimicking every move he makes, leaving his translucent image everywhere he goes. He gains a permanent 20% miss chance against all attacks. Additionally, he increases his critical threat range of his weapon by 2 and the critical multiplier by 1 when using mirage strike (applied after Improved Critical and the like).

This ability replaces master dragoon.