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Farstrikers are specialized skirmishers and masters in the art of hurling spears and polearms swiftly and quickly. Light warriors focusing on hit and run strategies over brute force, farstrikers hinder their enemies from afar by striking a weak point, and focus on teamwork to bring them down.

The farstriker is an archetype of the dragoon class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:

The farstriker mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CON and WIS for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:

1st – Class Skills, Weapon and Armor Proficiency, Limit BreaksPole FightingStrengthened AgilityJumpDeadly Lancer2nd – Dragoon TalentHardy LandingSuper Jump3rd – Armor Training, Lancet 4th – Dragoon Talent5th – Dragon’s BreathPolearm Training6th – Dragoon TalentWyrmkiller7th – Swoop of the Dragon8th – Dragoon TalentTail Sweep9th – Wall Jumping10th – Dragoon TalentRide the Wind. 12th – Dragoon TalentSpinning Lance13th – Multi-Jump14th – Dragoon Talent15th – Flawless Lancer16th – Dragoon Talent17th – Stardiver18th – Dragoon Talent19th – Piercing Critical20th – Dragoon TalentMaster Dragoon.

Class Skills

A farstriker gains Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Planes), and Knowledge (Religion).

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A farstriker loses proficiency with medium and heavy armor.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the farstriker receives the Limit Break (Shin Striker).

Shin Striker (Su): This Limit Break focuses the farstriker into attacking the legs of his targets. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four dragoon levels after 1st, the first time the farstriker hits a target with a thrown attack, the target must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the dragoon’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or become immobilized for 1 round + 1 round per four dragoon levels after 1st. This effect can only occur once per turn. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Bahamut Leaps).

Skilled Thrower (Ex)

At 1st level, the farstriker is skilled at throwing weapons in combat. He can throw spears and polearms that normally can’t be thrown with a range increment of 10 feet. In addition, the farstriker throws such weapons as a standard action rather than a full-round action.

Additionally, at 5th level and every five dragoon levels thereafter, the farstriker increases the range increment of any spear or polearm with a listed range increment by 10 feet.

This ability replaces jump.

Powerful Throw (Ex)

At 1st level, a farstriker may use his Strength modifier in place of his Dexterity modifier when making a ranged attack with thrown weapons. Additionally, the farstriker may also use the Power Attack feat instead of the Deadly Aim feat when attacking with thrown weapons.

This ability replaces strengthened agility.

Point-Blank Shot (Ex)

At 1st level, a farstriker gains Point-Blank Shot as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces pole fighting.

Charging Hurl (Ex)

At 1st level, if the farstriker throws his weapon after traveling at least 10 feet as part of a charge, he adds an extra 1d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 for every two levels after 1st level. All the parameters of a charge apply, except that you must only move closer to your opponent. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or any class feature that multiplies damage.

This ability replaces deadly lancer.

Farstrike (Ex)

At 2nd level, a farstriker can empower his next throw to travel vast distances and to even deadlier effect. As a swift action, the farstriker removes all attack penalties associated with range increments on his next attack with a thrown weapon (the attack still has a hard limit range of five range increments per normal throwing rules). If the attack hits, it also inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet of distance between the farstriker and his target. The amount of additional damage dice derived from distance is capped by the farstriker’s level (ex: a 5th level farstriker can inflict up to 5d6 of additional damage), with this extra damage not being multiplied on a critical hit or any class feature that multiplies damage. These effects last until the end of the farstriker’s turn or until expended with a successful hit.

The farstriker can use this ability a number of times a day equal to his dragoon level.

This ability replaces super jump.

Fast Thrower (Ex)

At 2nd level, a farstriker gains Quick Draw as a bonus feat, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

At 5th level, he gains Shot on the Run as a bonus feat, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

At 9th level, when using the Shot on the Run feat, he can make a second ranged attack with a –5 penalty at any point during his movement.

At 14th level, he can make a third ranged attack with a –10 penalty at any point during his movement. If the farstriker already has these feats, he may take another Combat feat that he must meet the prerequisites for.

This ability replaces hardy landing.

Find the Breach (Ex)

Also at 2nd level, the farstriker learns to penetrate most defenses with a well-placed blow, including magically enhanced ones. The farstriker may attempt an appropriate Knowledge check against a target; if he succeeds at this check, he ignores 1 point of damage reduction per two dragoon levels against that target.

In addition, the farstriker may ignore an amount of armor, natural armor or shield bonus to AC on this target equal to his Wisdom modifier; this choice is made at the same time as the Knowledge skill check, once the farstriker learns the enemy’s defenses. This ability remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. A farstriker who fails this Knowledge check cannot attempt another against this creature until 24 hours later.

This ability replaces dragoon talents.

Evasion (Ex)

At 3rd level, a farstriker can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the farstriker is wearing light armor, or no armor. A helpless farstriker (such as one who is unconscious or paralyzed) does not gain the benefit of evasion.

This ability replaces armor training.

Spirit Lancet (Ex)

At 3rd level, by spending 1 point of dragon blood as a standard action, the dragoon can attempt to absorb the essence from a living foe within 30 feet of him. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the farstriker’s level + his Constitution modifier) or they are inflicted with 2d6 points of non-elemental damage plus an additional 1d6 for every three farstriker levels beyond 3rd, healing the farstriker for the same amount.

This ability replaces lancet.

Elemental Fury (Ex)

At 5th level, a farstriker may tap into his draconic blood to assail his enemies with elemental fury. By spending 1 point of dragon blood as a swift action, the farstriker may enhance his next attack with a thrown weapon to deal his damage as elemental damage; be it earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind. Additionally, that attack inflicts their correlating elemental status effect upon a successful hit; Fire: Burning (saving throw: Reflex), Water: Drenched (saving throw: Fortitude), Ice: Frozen (saving throw: Fortitude), Wind: Squalled (saving throw: Reflex), Lightning: Staticed (saving throw: Reflex), or Earth: Weighted (saving throw: Fortitude). The target is allowed a save to negate this effect (DC 10 + half of the dragoon’s level + his Constitution modifier). This effect has a duration of 1d8 rounds, with an effective spell level equal to half of the farstriker’s level.

This ability replaces dragon’s breath.

Crippling Missile (Ex)

At 6th level, a farstriker can hinder his opponent’s combat ability with a well-placed blow. He may attempt combat maneuvers at range with thrown weapons; hey may use his Dexterity modifier to calculate his CMB for the purposes of these maneuvers.

The farstriker chooses a number of combat maneuvers equal to his Wisdom modifier from the following list that he can use with a ranged attack made with a thrown weapon: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Sunder, and Trip. At 11th and 15th level, the farstriker can choose an additional combat maneuver, and he adds the following maneuvers to the list of maneuvers he may choose from: Grapple, Reposition.

A target grappled by a thrown weapon can break free by destroying the weapon (a sunder attempt that does not provoke attacks of opportunity), or by removing it as an Escape Artist or CMB check (against the farstriker’s CMD –4).

If the farstriker’s Wisdom modifier is reduced (or permanently increased), he loses (or gains) an appropriate number of combat maneuvers to the list of combat maneuvers he can attempt with a thrown weapon. If his Wisdom modifier is permanently increased, he gains an appropriate number of combat maneuvers or actions; these choices are definitive.

This ability replaces wyrmkiller.

Farstriker’s Charge (Ex)

At 7th level, a farstriker learns to make more accurate thrown attacks while charging. The farstriker receives a +4 bonus on thrown attack rolls on a charge (instead of the normal +2). In addition, the lancer does not suffer any penalty to his AC after making a charge attack.

This ability replaces swoop of the dragon.

Create Openings (Ex)

At 9th level, the farstriker may provide a +2 circumstance bonus as a free action to the next attack roll of a single ally made against a target that the farstriker hits with a ranged attack or combat maneuver made with a thrown weapon. The ally benefiting from this circumstance bonus must be designated when the thrown weapon hits; the farstriker can treat himself as his own ally if needed. This attack must occur before the end of the farstriker’s next turn. This bonus increases by +1 at 8th level and every four dragoon levels thereafter, up to +6 at 20th level.

The farstriker may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier.

This ability replaces wall jumping.

Impaling Skirmish (Ex)

At 10th level, a farstriker gains Spring Attack as a bonus feat, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites. Additionally, he may attack at any point during a charge and retreat back as part of the charge movement.

If throwing a piercing or slashing weapon as part of a charge, the farstriker may impale the enemy with the weapon. An impaled enemy suffers an amount of bleed damage at the beginning of his round equal to the base damage dice of the weapon plus the weapon’s enhancement bonus; plus the bonus damage dice dealt on a hit by any weapon property that can apply to ranged weapons (like flaming, holy, etc.), if any. An enemy can remove an impaled weapon as a move action, suffering the normal damage as if he began his round impaled by the weapon.

If throwing a bludgeoning weapon as part of a charge, on a hit the farstriker deals bleed damage equal to the base damage dice of the weapon, he may do a bull rush or trip attempt as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and may make the weapon rebound over a surface – as if using the Ricochet Shot Deed feat.

This ability replaces ride the wind.

Bestial Knowledge (Ex)

At 12th level, a farstriker chooses one of the following Knowledge skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Engineering, Local, Nature, Planes or Religion. He gains a bonus equal to his dragoon level when using that skill for Monster Lore purposes. At 16th and 20th levels, the farstriker may select an additional Knowledge skill from this list.

This ability replaces spinning lance.

Farstrike Barrage (Ex)

At 13th level, a farstriker can utilize his Farstrike ability as a free action.

This ability replaces multi-jump.

Penetrating Strike (Ex)

At 15th level, when a farstriker confirms a critical hit with a thrown spear or polearm, the spear or polearm pierces the target and can strike another creature in line behind it. The farstriker must be able to trace a line starting at his space and passing through both targets to make this additional attack. The secondary attack is made at a –4 penalty, in addition to any modifiers for added range. If this attack is also a critical hit, the spear or polearm can continue to hit another target, but the penalties stack.

This ability replaces flawless lancer.

Draconic Instinct (Ex)

At 17th level, a farstriker can channel his draconic blood to gain extraordinary levels of tactical insight, allowing him to land nigh-impossible throws. By spending 1 point of dragon blood as a swift action, he can ignore total cover on his next attack with a thrown weapon, even around corners. The weapon must still be able to reach the target; for instance, a target inside a closed building with no open doors or windows cannot be attacked using this ability.

This ability replaces stardiver.

Piercing Critical (Ex)

At 19th level, a dragoon increases his critical threat range by 1 while using a thrown weapon. This amount increases to 2 for attacks that would utilize his Farstrike ability. These increases are applied after any effects that multiply the critical threat range of a weapon (ex: the Improved Critical feat).

This ability replaces piercing critical.

Truestrike Throw (Ex)

At 20th level, the farstriker has reached the pinnacle of thrown weapon mastery. As a full-round action, the farstriker makes a single ranged thrown weapon attack at his highest base attack bonus with a +20 insight bonus to the attack roll. If he hits, he deals confirmed critical hit damage and all Farstrike damage are maximized.

This ability replaces master dragoon.