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Some hypellos strive to overcome their natural limitations on land, giving up on their natural swimming prowess to strengthen their legs. A select few can do both just as well, gracefully leaping through the air as if they were swimming underwater.

The drigagoonie is an archetype of the dragoon class, available only to hypello dragoons.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The drigagoonie mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and STR, DEX, and CON for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Weapon Proficiency, Limit Break (Bahamut Scales), Strengthened Agility. 4th – Elusive Jump. 6th – Wyrmkiller. 10th – Ride the Wind. 15th – Flawless Lancer.

Weapon Proficiency

A drigagoonie is proficient with simple weapons, and all spears, lances, and polearms that deal piercing damage.

This modifies the dragoon’s normal weapon proficiencies.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the drigagoonie receives the Limit Break (Bubble Shield):

Bubble Shield (Su): This Limit Break surrounds the drigagoonie with bubbles, granting him a +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 resistance bonus to Reflex saves. The AC bonus increases by +2 and the Reflex save bonus increases by +1 for every four dragoon levels after the 1st. This effect lasts 1 round + 1 round for every four dragoon levels after the 1st. This limit break requires a swift action.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Bahamut Scales).

Sky Swimming (Ex)

At 1st level, a drigagoonie may use his Swim skill in place of his Acrobatics skill when making jump checks, and may long jump, high jump, and dive while swimming. While swimming, a drigagoonie is considered airborne for the purpose of Deadly Lancer attacks against other swimming creatures. He does not add his racial bonus to Swim checks made out of water. In addition, all dragoon class features and talents that affect or use the dragoonie’s Acrobatics skill may affect or use his Swim skill instead.

This ability replaces strengthened agility.

Current Resistance (Ex)

At 4th level, a drigagoonie is better at swimming against the current of rivers and oceans. If he chooses to, he is moved 10 ft. less by the current of running water each round. This increases by 5 ft. for every 2 dragoon levels after 4th, until 20th level where he may ignore being carried by the current entirely.

This ability replaces elusive jump.

Paddle (Ex)

At 6th level, the drigagoonie can use his wielded spear, lance, or polearm that deals piercing damage to move more gracefully, in or out of water. If he does not already have a racial swim speed, he gains a 10 ft. swim speed and the +8 racial bonus to Swim checks for having a swim speed when wielding one of the specified weapons. If he already has a racial swim speed, he adds 5 ft. to his base land speed when wielding one of the specified weapons. The drigagoonie can apply his racial Swim bonus to Swim checks made on land or while swimming in liquids that aren’t water, such as acid (harmful liquids still cause damage as normal).

This ability replaces wyrmkiller.

Ride ze Waves (Ex)

At 10th level, a drigagoonie may add his Strength modifier in addition to his Dexterity modifier to his initiative rolls made while swimming.

This ability replaces ride the wind.

Shoopuf Launchin’ (Ex)

At 15th level, the drigagoonie can choose to create a strong current when he jumps underwater, carrying creatures through the waves like the mighty shoopuf. This current starts from where the drigagoonie started his jump, follows the path of his jump, and ends where he landed. This current has the same height and width as the drigagoonie when he made the jump. Creatures may enter any space of the current to be transported to the end point of the current. This movement does not count against their total movement in a round, but any creature may make a Swim check or CMB roll against the drigagoonie’s CMD to move against the current. This current lasts a number of rounds equal to the drigagoonie’s Strength modifier, and he may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Strength modifier.

This ability replaces flawless lancer.