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Pacts and deals with powerful beings are risky for the unwary, but opening the floodgates of the raw potential of the fundamental forces of the universe to do your bidding is foolhardy for even the most wary. Therefore, the wild mage ignores wariness and caution entirely, empowering his abilities without regard to the costs and side effects.

The wild mage is an archetype of the black mage class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The Wild Mage mainly focuses on DEX for combat and INT for their class features and spells.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Black Magery, Spell Proficiency. 2ndMage Talent. 3rd –  Dark Affliction, Focused Caster. 4thMage Talent. 5th Black Magery. 6thMage Talent. 8thMage Talent. 9th Black Magery. 10thMage Talent. 12thAdvanced Mage Talent. 13th Black Magery. 14thAdvanced Mage Talent. 15th – Sudden Metamagic. 16thAdvanced Mage Talent. 17th Black Magery, Bypass Spell Resistance. 18thAdvanced Mage Talent. 20th Advanced Mage Talent.

Wild Magic (Su)

At 1st level, wild magic can be used in any situation where magic might cause randomness and chaotic effects. When a wild mage casts a spell or takes an action that could trigger a surge of wild magic (see Implementing Wild Magic below), roll on Table: Wild Magic Surge.

Roll to determine the surge effect before the spell is cast, but apply the effect after the spell is cast unless it alters the spell itself in some way (such as changing the effective wild mage level). Any reference on the table to the spell or the spell’s level applies to the spell being cast, supernatural ability being used, or magic item effect being activated.

If the wild magic surge effect she rolls isn’t possible due to the nature of the spell or effect, roll instead on Table: Universal Surge Effects. A wild magic surge effect doesn’t allow a saving throw, even if it’s replicating a spell that normally would, and any effect that would normally have a limit on the amount of Hit Dice it can affect ignores that limit. Higher results on the table are more likely to be beneficial, so a GM might give a bonus or penalty on the check if an action would alter how likely it is that the wild magic surge would be helpful.

Implementing Wild Magic

Though the rules on when to use wild magic are deliberately vague to give the GM leeway, here are some suggestions, presented in order from simplest to most complex.

  • Failed Concentration: When a wild mage fails a concentration check, and thereby loses a spell, some of the spell’s energy escapes in a wild magic surge.

  • Dispel and Counterspell: When a spell or magical effect is dispelled or counterspelled, it triggers a wild magic surge on the wild mage or subject.

  • Wild Zones: Some places are magically unstable. When a wild mage casts a spell, uses a spell-like ability, or activates a magic item in such an area, it causes a wild magic surge.

  • Boost Casting: A wild mage can attempt to use a metamagic feat she has with a spell she’s casting without expending additional MP. To do so, she must attempt a caster level check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s level + 5 for every MP the metamagic feat would normally cost. If she succeeds, her spell gains the metamagic feat’s benefit and she causes a wild magic surge. If she fails, she still rolls on Table: Wild Magic Surge, but subtracts from the result a number equal to the amount by which she failed the check.

Wild Magic Surge

d%Surge Effect
01–02The wild mage takes 1d6 points of damage per spell level.
03–04The wild mage is affected by a slow spell for 5 rounds.
05The spell takes effect at a random location within the spell’s range.
06The wild mage is confused for 1 round (as confusion).
07The wild mage takes 1 point of Constitution bleed.
08The wild mage takes 1 point of ability bleed that matches her spellcasting ability score.
09–10The wild mage is dazed for 1 round.
11–12The spell deals half as much damage as normal.
13The wild mage takes 1d4 points of bleed damage.
14The wild mage falls asleep for 1 minute (as sleep).
15–16The wild mage can’t cast or concentrate on spells for 1 round.
17The wild mage is affected by blind for 1 minute.
18–19The wild mage becomes sickened for 5 rounds.
20A small elemental is called adjacent to the wild mage. This elemental is hostile to all creatures and attacks the nearest to the best of its ability. The size of this elemental increases with caster level: CL 5 - medium, CL 10 - large, CL 15 - huge, CL 20 - elder. Roll 1d4 to determine the elemental type, 1 - air, 2 - earth, 3 - fire, 4 - water.
21–29The wild mage suffers 50% spell failure chance for 1d6 rounds.
30–32All targets of the spell are affected by restora.
33–38All targets of the spell are healed of 1d8+1 points of damage. This is a positive energy effect.
39–43The spell’s area or the targets of the spell become affected by silence for 3 rounds.
44–50All targets of the spell become invisible for 1 round (as vanish).
51–58The area of the spell is filled with daylight for 10 minutes per caster level.
59–64A spell affects a 5-foot radius around each target of the spell (or the spell’s area).
65–71For 1 minute per black mage level, the wild mage’s arms and legs are replaced by tentacles. These tentacles may not supply somatic components, wield weapons and shields, nor use items. The wild mage’s base speed becomes 10 ft. and she gains a climb speed of 20 feet. Each tentacle grants a tentacle natural attack (secondary, 1d4 medium, 1d3 Small) with the reach property
72–74The wild mage is stunned for 1 round.
75–78An instrument appears adjacent to each target (as summon instrument).
79–80The caster is nauseated for 1 round.
81–83The wild mage teleports to a square of her choice adjacent to the spell’s target or within the spell’s area.
84–86The MP cost of the spell increases by 1d4. If the caster does not have enough MP, she is instead dazed until the end of her next turn
87–90The wild mage gains 2d6 temporary hit points that last 1 hour and don’t stack with any other temporary hit points.
91–92A random creature from the summon monster I list is summoned in a square adjacent to the wild mage. It is under the wild mage’s control. This lasts for 1 round per level.
93–95The wild mage is affected by tongues for 10 minutes.
96–97The wild mage is affected by haste for 5 rounds.
98The spell is extended, as if using Extended Spell feat.
99The spell is maximized, as if using Maximize Spell feat.
100The MP used to cast the spell is not expended.

Universal Surge Effects

d%Surge Effect
01–20The wild mage takes 1d6 points of damage that can’t be prevented in any way.
21–80For 1 minute, all magic items within long range of the wild mage shed light as a torch.
81–100The wild mage gains 1d6 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. These don’t stack with other temporary hit points.

This ability replaces black magery.

Tap Chaos (Su)

At 1st level, the wild mage amplifies her power by pushing beyond the structures and forms of normal magic, with predictably unpredictable results. A wild mage may, as part of the action required to cast a spell, increase her caster level by 2 for that spell. This applies to variables dependent on a particular casting of an effect (damage, duration, number of targets etc.), but it does not apply to the caster’s total caster level with that spell. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level, and by an additional +1 for every four black mage levels thereafter to a maximum of +6 at 17th level. Using this ability activates a wild magic surge.

This ability replaces spell proficiency.

Wild Invocations (Su)

At 2nd level and every two black mage levels thereafter, the wild mage may select a mage talent or a wild invocation from the list below.

Aura of Chaos (Su): As a move action, the wild mage may emit an aura out to 20 ft. that increases the wild magic chance of all effects originating from hostile creatures by 50% for a number of rounds equal to her Intelligence modifier. Affected creatures are unaware of this penalty.

Arcane Rift (Su): When the wild mage is slain, the wild mage causes an area out to long range to act as a wild magic zone, increasing all wild magic chances in that area by 100% for 1 day per black mage level. The wild mage may choose a number of creatures inside that area equal to his Intelligence modifier to be able to ignore this increase.

Chaos Shield (Su): The wild mage may spend a move action to reduce his wild magic chance by 50% for one round.

Chaotic Flexibility (Su): The wild mage may spend a move action to gain the use of 1d3 mage talents of his choice for 1 minute. A wild mage may only have one use of chaotic flexibility active at any one time. The wild mage must use tap chaos on any spell using a talent gained from chaotic flexibility.

Curse of Chaos (Su): As a move action, the wild mage may charge her next attack with disruptive energies. The next creature she deals damage to with a manufactured or natural weapon attack before the start of her next turn increases its wild magic chance by 100% for a number of rounds equal to her Intelligence modifier. Affected creatures are unaware of this penalty.

Defensive Maelstrom (Su): Whenever the wild mage enhances a spell with tap chaos, he may spend a move action to wrap himself in chaos for 1 round, imposing a percentage miss chance on all attack rolls targeting him equal to his black mage level x 5.

Direct Chaos (Su): Whenever the wild mage makes a roll on a wild magic table, he may spend a move action to roll twice and choose which result to take.

Postpone Consequences (Su): Before the result of a wild magic roll is known, the wild mage may spend a move action to delay the onset of the wild magic effect for 1d12 rounds. Modifications to instantaneous effects or effects that have already expired are instead incurred the next time a valid effect is cast.

Wild Charge (Su): The wild mage may spend a move action to add his tap chaos bonus to the caster level of a spell-completion or spell-trigger magic item he is wielding for 1d4 rounds. This bonus only functions while the item is being wielded by the wild mage.

Wild Empowerment (Su): Whenever the wild mage enhances a spell with tap chaos, he may spend a move action to add his tap chaos bonus to his spell penetration rolls for that effect.

Wild Fire (Su): When the wild mage enhances a spell with tap chaos, he may spend a move action to empower himself. He gains a bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and a dodge bonus to AC equal to his tap chaos bonus for a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier.

These abilities may replace mage talents.

Ring of Wonder (Su)

At 3rd level, primal, arcane powers form a ring on the wild mage’s center finger. This ring functions just like a bonded object from the sorcerer’s arcane bond class feature. If it is taken off or if the wild mage enters an anti-magic zone, the ring disappears for 1d6 rounds and then reappears on the wild mage. While off, this magic item slot is still considered filled.

Each day at dawn, the ring of wonder generates different properties, the ability is determined by rolling on the ring or greater minor ring table. At 9th level, this ability is rolled from the lesser medium ring or greater medium ring table and at 16th level from the lesser major ring or greater major ring table.

This ability replaces dark affliction.

Focal Pulse (Su)

At 3rd level, a wild mage can imbue spells with random power pulses by building arcane forces and then holding them at bay. By increasing a spell’s casting time (swift/immediate to standard action, standard action or less to 1 round, 1 round to 2 rounds, or double any longer casting time), the wild mage can roll on Table: Chaotic Pulse Table and add the resulting metamagic feat to the spell without increasing the MP cost.

Use of this ability must be declared before the spell to be affected is cast. If an attack, spell failure chance, or spell resistance roll is required, resolve those before rolling on the Chaotic Pulse Table. If, after rolling on the table, the resulting metamagic effect cannot be applied to that spell, the caster must roll again. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier. Using this ability activates a wild magic surge.

Table: Chaotic Pulse
d% Meta Effect
01-35 Heighten Spell
36-55 Enlarge Spell
56-75 Extend Spell
76-90 Empower Spell
91-95 Widen Spell
96-100 Maximize Spell


This ability replaces focused caster.

Excitatory Trance (Su)

At 15th level, once per day, the wild mage can enter a state of perception overload for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his character level. The wild mage levitates 6 inches in the air, receives a –4 penalty on Will saves, and is considered flat-footed.

While in this trance, the wild mage may only speak and cast spells; these spells may not have a range of touch. Once the spell is cast, roll on the Table above and add the resulting metamagic feat to the spell without increasing its MP cost nor activating a wild magic surge. If the resulting metamagic effect cannot be applied to that spell, roll again.

The wild mage may leave the trance as a free action and is fatigued afterward for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the trance.

This ability replaces sudden metamagic.

Excitatory Enlightenment (Su)

At 17th level, the wild mage has reached a supreme understanding of chaos and no longer takes the –4 penalty to Will saves while in an excitatory trance. Furthermore, his body is not fatigued after the trance.

This ability replaces bypass spell resistance.

Chaotic Invoker (Su)

At 20th level, the wild mage selects two invocations other than arcane rift; he may use these invocations at will without needing to spend a move action.

This ability replaces an advanced mage talent gained at 20th level.