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Time is not an immutable force but an inscrutable phenomenon. Rare arcane scholars known as timekeepers demonstrate the ability to shift themselves in short bursts between the past, future, and alternate presents.

The timekeeper is an archetype of the black mage class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The Timekeeper mainly focuses on DEX for combat and INT for their class features and spells. 

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Black Magery, Spell Proficiency. 2nd Mage Talent. 5th Black Magery, Metamagic Enhancement. 9th Black Magery. 10th Mage Talent. 11th –  Metamagic Enhancement. 13th Black Magery. 14th Advanced Magic Talent. 15th Metamagic Enhancement. 17th Black Magery, Metamagic Enhancement.


A timekeeper adds Chronomancy spells from the time mage spell list but loses all Dark-descriptor spells.

Chronal Bond (Su)

At 1st level, a timekeeper forms an arcane bond with a timepiece that can be held, usually a clockwork watch or an hourglass. This timepiece can be used as the focus for any spell with the chronomancy descriptor. If a timekeeper attempts to cast a spell without his bonded object in hand, he must make a concentration check or lose the spell. The DC for this check is equal to 20 + the spell’s level. While the timepiece is held, the timekeeper can spend points from his temporal pool in the following ways:

  • Extend Magic: A timekeeper can spend a point from his temporal pool to increase the duration of a spell he has cast that has a duration of rounds/level. By spending a point from his temporal pool as a free action, the timekeeper can extend the spell’s duration by a number of rounds equal to half of his black mage level rounded down (minimum 1). At 10th level, the timekeeper can spend a point from his temporal pool as a free action to extend a spell he has cast with a duration of min./level by a number of minutes equal to half his black mage level. A timekeeper can only spend a point from his temporal pool at a time this way; additional points from his temporal pool spent to try to increase the duration of a spell do not further increase its duration and instead are wasted.
  • Quicken Magic: At 11th level, a timekeeper can spend eight points from his temporal pool as a free action to cause the next spell he casts that round to be quickened, as if using the Quicken Spell metamagic feat. This does not change the MP cost of the altered spell. A spell with a casting time of greater than 1 round cannot be affected by quickened magic. A spell can only be quickened once in this way.

If lost or destroyed, the timekeeper’s timepiece can be replaced in the same manner as a wizard’s arcane bonded object.

This ability replaces spell proficiency and metamagic enhancement.

Temporal Pool (Su)

At 1st level, a timekeeper gains a reservoir of temporal energy to manipulate the time stream in a variety of ways listed below. This temporal pool has a number of points equal to half his black mage level + his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). This pool refreshes once per day when the timekeeper rests for 8 hours.

Forewarned (Su): The timekeeper can expend 1 point from his temporal pool when he rolls initiative to allow himself or an ally within 30 feet to roll 1d4 and add it to that character’s initiative result. At 5th level, the timekeeper can expend 2 points from his temporal pool as an immediate action to apply this benefit to a saving throw he has just rolled (but before the result is revealed). At 10th level, the die size increases to 1d6.

Rewind (Su): As an immediate action after losing a spell due to a failed concentration check or after casting a spell that had no effect (such as due to successful saving throws, a failed caster level check to overcome spell resistance, or other immunities), the timekeeper can expend a number of points from his temporal pool equal to half the spell’s level (minimum 1) to immediately cast the spell again, as if it had not been cast. Any material components expended in the original casting remain expended.

Accelerate (Su): At 10th level when casting a spell, the timekeeper can expend 2 points from his temporal pool to apply the effects of haste to one creature affected by the spell until the end of the timekeeper’s next turn.

Complex Contingency (Su): At 15th level, the timekeeper can specify two trigger conditions when casting contingency. In addition, when the timekeeper’s contingency would trigger, the timekeeper can expend 1 point from his temporal pool as an immediate action to prevent the contingency from triggering, saving the stored effect for later.

Parallel Self (Su): At 20th level, if the timekeeper is killed, he can immediately expend 10 points from his temporal pool to summon an alternate version of himself from a parallel existence, appearing up to 30 feet away. This alternate version is identical to the timekeeper except he is a member of a random race, determined using the table that accompanies reincarnate. The alternate version has half the timekeeper’s total hit points (but not any temporary hit points) and half of his MP pool. The alternate version has the same equipment as the timekeeper but does not bear any artifacts the timekeeper was carrying. Any expendable items, charges, or expensive material components the alternate version uses are also expended for the timekeeper. This alternate version remains for 1 minute before the dead duplicate and its equipment are ripped back to a different reality.

This ability replaces black magery.

Extend Spell

At 2nd level, a timekeeper receives Extend Spell as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces a mage talent gained at 2nd level.

Quicken Spell

At 10th level, a timekeeper receives Quicken Spell as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces a mage talent gained at 10th level.

Prolong Spell

At 14th level, a timekeeper receives Prolong Spell as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces a mage talent gained at 14th level.