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Thaumaturgy is a form of arcane manipulation that allows the practitioner to unleash his will as deadly manifestations of primal power. The origin of their art can be found in the cumbersome magicks of their ancestors – subsequently focused and refined through their use in the funeral rites of the Order of Nald’thal. Though, once used exclusively for the preparation of the dead, these incantations of destruction soon found new purpose on the battlefield. “Death,” of course, is still very much the central focus of the discipline.

The thaumaturge is an archetype of the black mage class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The Thaumaturge mainly focuses on DEX for combat and INT for their class features and spells.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Black Magery, Spell Proficiency. 2nd Elemental Shield, Mage Talent. 3rdDark Affliction, Focused Caster. 4th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal, Mage Talent. 5th Black Magery, Metamagic Enhancement. 6th Elemental Shield, Counter Magic, Mage Talent. 7th Arcane Knowledge. 8th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal, Mage Talent. 9th Black Magery. 10th Elemental Shield. 11th Loremaster, Metamagic Enhancement. 12th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal, Counter Magic, Advanced Magic Talent. 13th Black Magery, Metamagic Flexibility. 14th Elemental Shield. 15th Metamagic Enhancement. 16th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal, Advanced Magic Talent, Metamagic Flexibility. 17th Black Magery, Metamagic Enhancement, Bypass Spell Resistance. 18th Elemental Shield, 1 MP Spell, Counter Magic. 19thMetamagic Flexibility. 20th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal, Advanced Magic Talent.

Intuitive Thaumaturgy (Su)

Beginning at 1st level, a thaumaturge learns two additional cantrips, and learns a third additional cantrip at 3rd level. The true power of the intuitive thaumaturgy takes effect later.

Beginning at 5th level, whenever a thaumaturge gains access to a new spell level, he can choose a spell of up to the second highest level spell he can now cast. This spell is known as his intuitive spell. A thaumaturge can cast an intuitive spell a number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier without spending MP. Temporary increases or decreases to Intelligence do not affect the number of times per day a thaumaturge can cast his intuitive spells. Once a thaumaturge chooses an intuitive spell, he cannot change it. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or abilities. The spell must be one gained from the black mage spell list, and not a spell gained through some other character class. This spell is otherwise treated exactly like any other spell the thaumaturge casts.

This ability replaces black magery.

Blood Rite (Su)

Magic is aether, life is aether, which means to a thaumaturge, life is magic. Through this concept, the thaumaturge offers his own essence and blood to bolster his abilities. He gains a bonus to all attack and damage rolls equal to his Constitution modifier (up to the max of his black mage level). However, while activating the Blood Rite, he sacrifices hit points equal to his black mage level, as well as the beginning of each turn he remains under the rite’s effects. With the Blood Rite active, the thaumaturge is immune to all healing effects other than from his own abilities or spells. Meaning only the thaumaturge’s own spells, shadowsear, and punishing barbs may restore his hit points while under the Blood Rite, as well as any other character abilities from other classes. He may activate the Blood Rite as a move action. The Blood Rite lasts until the thaumaturge chooses to end it, or the thaumaturge is at -1 hit points or less. This may be ended as a move action.

This ability replaces spell proficiency.

Shadowsear (Su)

At 2nd level, a thaumaturge can release his own aether to lash and latch upon a target, converting the blood to aether and siphoning the energies within reach. Each day, he can use this ability a number of times equal to half his black mage level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. As a ranged touch attack up to 30 feet, a thaumaturge can cause 1d6 points of non-elemental damage and the caster is healed for that much. This amount increases by 1d6 for every two black mage levels beyond 2nd level. This ability works against undead unlike most draining abilities. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

This ability replaces a mage talent gained at 2nd level.

Arcane Reservoir (Su)

At 2nd level, the thaumaturge gains the scholar’s arcane reservoir class feature. The thaumaturge uses his black mage level as his scholar level for determining how many arcane reservoir points he gains at each level.

This ability replaces elemental shield.

Sacrifice (Su)

At 3rd level, a thaumaturge can convert his own flesh and blood into aether, which in turn is used to heal a target. Each day, he can use this ability a number of times equal to half his black mage level + his Constitution modifier. When the thaumaturge chooses to use this ability, he must take 1d6 damage for every two black mage levels, and heal a target (within 60 feet) other than themselves 1d8 hit points of damage for every two black mage levels he possesses. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

At 11th level, this ability can be used as a swift action instead of a standard action.

This ability replaces dark affliction.

Focused Spells (Su)

At 3rd level, once per day the thaumaturge’s understanding of spells allows him to increase his caster level by 4 for a single spell cast. He can do this twice per day at 10th level, and three times per day at 17th level.

This ability replaces focused caster.

Damnation (Su)

At 4th level, a thaumaturge can further release his own aether to lash and latch upon the very essence of a target, siphoning the energies within reach to refuel his own MP. Each day, he can use this ability a number of times equal to half his black mage level + his Intelligence modifier. As a ranged touch attack up to 30 feet, a thaumaturge can cause 1d4 points of MP damage and the caster gains MP for that much. This amount increases by 1d4 for every four black mage levels beyond 4th level. This ability works against undead unlike most draining abilities. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

This ability replaces elemental seal.

Thaumaturgy Exploit

At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, the thaumaturge gains a single scholar exploit. The thaumaturge uses his black mage level as his scholar level for determining the effects and DCs of his scholar exploits.

This ability replaces mage talents gained at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level.

Convert (Ex)

Beginning of 5th level, once per day, a thaumaturge can convert hit points into MP as a swift action. For every 5 hit points converted, the thaumaturge receives 1 MP. The thaumaturge cannot convert below 1 hit point and can only convert MP equal to his thaumaturge level. They can use this ability twice per day at 10th level, three times per day at 15th level, and four times per day at 20th level.

This ability replaces metamagic enhancement.

Arcane Surge (Ex)

Beginning at 6th level, a thaumaturge may, once a day, cast a single spell as a swift action. The spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action or less, and the thaumaturge may not cast any other spell during the same round. The spell must be one gained from the black mage spell list, and not a spell gained through some other character class. The thaumaturge can use this ability twice per day at 10th level, three times a day at 14th level, and four times a day at 18th level.

This ability replaces a mage talent gained at 6th level.

Dark Seal (Ex)

At 6th level, using a mixture of astral and umbral magics, the thaumaturge can naturally create aetherial guides for his spells to travel through, allowing more accurate spellcasting. Whenever required to make a ranged touch attack for casting a spell, the thaumaturge gains an additional +1 bonus to the attack roll. This amount increases by 1 for every four black mage levels beyond 5th level.

This ability replaces counter magic.

Excruciate (Su)

At 7th level, the thaumaturge’s skill at altering and manipulating the flesh is used against his enemies. Once per day, the thaumaturge may increase the duration for every status effect that does damage over time on a single target by 2 rounds. This amount increases by 2 for every six black mage levels beyond 6th level. Additionally, for every six levels beyond 6th level, the thaumaturge may use Excruciate one additional time per day.

This ability replaces arcane knowledge.

Punishing Barbs (Ex)

At 11th level, the thaumaturge’s flesh begins to react to foreign influences around it, responding to strikes against it. Any creature striking them with its body or handheld weapons takes 1d4 points of non-elemental damage + 1 point per two levels of black mage (maximum +10) and the thaumaturge is healed by that much. If the creature has spell resistance, it applies to the damage. Weapons with reach, such as long spears, do not endanger their users in this way.

This ability replaces loremaster.

Stygian Spikes (Ex)

At 13th level, the thaumaturge’s natural aura begins to react to the ebbs and flows of aether around it, hungrily responding to any life to pull from if imbalanced. Any creature striking them with its body or handheld weapons takes 1d4 points of MP damage + 1 point per two levels of black mage (maximum +10) and the thaumaturge gains MP by that much. Weapons with reach, such as long spears, do not endanger their users in this way.

This ability replaces metamagic flexibility.

Emulate (Su)

At 17th level, as a swift action, the thaumaturge can alter his physical form to better enhance his sacrifice effect. The thaumaturge must select a target to emulate his aetherial being. Once in this new form, any usage of sacrifice on the target he emulates now heals an additional 1d8 hit points per two black mage levels. In addition, the thaumaturge takes the types and subtypes of his target, overwriting his own, while the effect remains active. The thaumaturge can disable his emulation as an immediate action, and the effect cannot be dispelled. This does not change the physical appearance of the thaumaturge.

This ability replaces bypass spell resistance.