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With the power of a judge and the wisdom of a philosopher, the script master is the pinnacle of written artists, so much so he can affect the real world with what he writes. Formal documents, informal threats and using the most pristine grammar allows these writers to cast magic simply from utilizing language to its fullest potential.

The script master is an archetype of the black mage class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The Script Master mainly focuses on DEX for combat and INT for their class features and spells. 

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Black Magery, Limit Breaks, Spell Proficiency. 2nd Elemental Shield. 3rd Dark Affliction, Focused Caster. 4th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal. 5th Black Magery. 6th Elemental Shield, Innate Spell. 8th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal. 9th Black Magery, Innate Spell. 10th Elemental Shield. 12th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal, Innate Spell. 13th Black Magery. 14th Elemental Shield. 15th Innate Spell. 16th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal. 17th Black Magery. 18th Elemental Shield, 1 MP Spell, Innate Spell. 20th Elemental Shield, Elemental Seal, Black Wizard.

Class Skills

The script master adds Sense Motive to his list of class skills. This replaces Appraise as a class skill.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the script master receives the Limit Break (Rewrite Scene).

Rewrite Scene (Su): This Limit Break allows the script master to reroll a single d20 die roll. As an immediate action, the script master may reroll a single d20 roll from himself, an ally, or an enemy. If rerolling for himself or an ally, he or the ally gains a +2 bonus to the roll, plus an additional +2 bonus per four black mage levels after 1st. If rerolling for an enemy, he must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the black mage’s level + his Intelligence modifier) or he receives a -2 penalty instead, with an additional -2 penalty per four black mage levels after 1st. In addition, if the d20 roll results in a 20 or higher (from the natural roll plus the Limit Break bonus), it is counted as a natural 20 instead. Likewise, if an enemy rolls a 1 or lower (from the natural roll plus the Limit Break penalty), it is counted as a natural 1 instead. This limit break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four black mage levels after 1st. The script master may only affect one roll per round.

This ability replaces one of the black mage’s standard Limit Breaks.

The Power of Words

Starting at 1st level, the script master gains Orator as a bonus feat even if he does not have the prerequisite. The script master also gains a +1 bonus to Craft (Calligraphy) skill checks, this increases by +1 for every four levels thereafter.

This ability replaces spell proficiency.

Syntax Mageries (Su)

At 1st level, and every four levels thereafter (5th, 9th, 13th and 17th) the script master gains a better understanding of correct grammar, spelling and examples. This ability applies only to spells that he casts as a black mage, not to those he might have by virtue of levels in another class. The script master can select the normal black mageries, except for Increased Damage which is replaced by Flawless Wording. At each such opportunity, he can choose from the black mageries or the following (with a maximum of 2 per):

  • Flawless Wording: This increases the caster level and DCs of scrolls by 1.

This ability modifies black magery.

The Pen is Mightier than the Sword (Su)

Table: Pen Damage

LevelDamage of
Utensil (Pen)

At 2nd level and every other level thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, etc.) the script master learns that writing a document can kill thousands in 1 stroke, while a sword must kill 1 at a time, though sometimes, a sword must be crossed along the way. The script master can imbue any writing utensil with his magic, as long as he has 1 MP remaining and is not within an anti-magic field. The writing utensil is then granted a damage die above that of a normal pencil. They may only have 1 writing utensil at a time enchanted in this way.

At 2nd level, the script master’s writing utensil is considered a magical dagger (of his size) of 1d4, this damage increases by 1 die step at every other level. This writing utensil works just like a dagger mechanically, and does not gain any additional strength through two-handing. If the script master wants to enchant his utensil like a normal weapon, he can, however, it retains the HP and Hardness of a dagger. Hardness 10, HP 2. The utensil still gets +2 to Hardness and +10 to HP for every enhancement bonus it has.

This ability replaces elemental shield.

Writing Talents

As a script master gains experience, he learns a number of talents that assists him in manipulating his formulae as well as that of professions. At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, a script master can gain a mage talent or a writing talent from the list below. Unless stated, a script master cannot select an individual talent more than once.

Apprentice Writer (Ex): The script master gains a non-combative familiar in the form of an Imp, Goblin or small sized outsider (bipedal only, hands/claws only) that must be of a CR equal to or less than half his black mage level, the script master’s expertise in writing attracts all sorts. The alignment of the familiar is the same as the script master, doing almost any task given to them. In combat, the familiar is unable to attack, use offensive spells or abilities or take the aid another action.

└- Peculiar Writer (Ex): The script master gains another non-combative follower, in the form of a Mimic or animated object of sentience (Hands/Claws only), the script master’s immense knowledge of all things writing attracts the most astute students, as a cohort that must be at least two levels lower than the script master. The alignment of the follower is the same as the script master, doing almost any task given to them. This follower can only make skill checks and gains/gives aid another with the script master for skill checks outside of combat. Prerequisites: The script master must have apprentice writer writing talent and must be at least 6th level to select this talent.

Arcane Calligrapher (Ex): The script master has an exceptional understanding of the grammar behind creating magical scrolls. He creates scrolls 25% faster than normal, and gains a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks.

Arcane Flexibility (Ex): The script master may decipher a magical scroll outside of his native spell list that is up to and including his second-highest spell level to temporarily gain knowledge of the spell within until he rests or is knocked unconscious. Gaining a spell in this way follows the normal rules for learning spells from scrolls. The learned spell uses the casting modifier derived from the original caster (ie: Wisdom or Charisma for Cure), and is ineligible to receive any metamagic enhancements. This talent may be taken multiple times, allowing multiple spells to be memorized at a time.

Corrective Teaching (Su): The script master gives an insight bonus to other allies, but not themselves, within range when he casts spells. He can increase the saving DC of spells cast by a single ally within 30-feet by +2. This ability is an immediate action and can be done a number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier.

└- Emboldened Teaching (Su): The script master gives an insight bonus to other allies within range when he cast spells. He can increase the number of damage dice of spells cast by a single ally within 30-feet by 1, increasing beyond past the normal cap. This ability is an immediate action and can be done a number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier. Prerequisite: The script master must have corrective teaching writing talent to select this talent.

Learned Reader (Ex): The script master adds his level to all Spellcraft checks made to decipher scrolls, spellbooks and magical writing.

Master Scribe (Ex): A script master adds his class level as a bonus on all Linguistics and Profession (scribe) checks, as well as Use Magic Device checks involving scrolls or other written magical items. A script master can make Linguistics checks to decipher text as a full-round action and can always take 10 on Linguistics and Profession (scribe) checks, even if distracted or endangered.

Scroll Arcanum (Ex): The script master is able to pull out all the power of the scrolls he wields. Any time the script master uses a scroll to cast a spell, he may use his caster level instead of the scroll’s. He uses his true caster level for this, even if using Use Magic Device. Prerequisite: Script Master 10, Use Magic Device 10 ranks.

Scroll Mastery (Ex): The script master fixes the errors of scrolls and even adds addendums to them. Any time the script master uses a scroll to cast a spell, he may calculate the DC as if he were using his Intelligence modifier instead. He uses his true intelligence modifier for this, even if using Use Magic Device. Prerequisite: Script Master 5, Use Magic Device 5 ranks.

Signature Skill: The script master gains the Signature Skill feat as long as it applies to a Craft, Profession, or Linguistics skill. This can be selected several times, applying to different skills.

Skilled Focus: The script master gains the benefit of a single Skill Focus feat, as long as it is to do with writing. The most common are: Linguistics, Profession (Stenographer), Craft (Calligraphy). This can be selected several times, applying to different skills.

Calligraphic Magic (Su)

At 3rd level, a script master is able to create magical scrolls just by merely practicing their perfect calligraphy skills.

By spending 10 minutes of time with pen and parchement, a script master writes a single scroll containing a spell of a level that he can cast but otherwise can originate from other spell lists. The scrolls cannot contain spells that have costly components nor casting times over 1 round. This counts as a temporary scroll and thus disappears after 24 hours from being created as well as removing any knowledge it imparts to its readers (such as learning the spell). These scrolls are clearly temporary, and cannot be sold or traded. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the script master’s Intelligence modifier, however, the level of the spell he creates in a scroll removes the same number of uses (4th level spells take away 4 uses).

This ability replaces dark affliction.

Comprehend Languages (Sp)

At 3rd level, a script master can cast Comprehend Languages at will as a spell-like ability.

This ability replaces focused caster.

Perfected Formulae (Ex)

Beginning at 4th level, a script master can increase the save DC of his next spell as a swift action, as long as the casting time of the spell is 1 standard action or less. The next spell the script master casts, gains the Persistent Spell metamagic effect of forcing the target to make two rolls against the save, this change does not affect the spell level. This ability can be used once per day plus an additional time per day for every four black mage levels after 4th.

This ability replaces elemental seal.

You Spelt That Wrong! (Su)

Beginning at 6th level, the script master sees the faults in all his opponent’s spells and proceeds to correct them. The script master can counterspell, as if using a targeted Dispel spell, any caster within 60-feet as an immediate action. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier.

This ability replaces counter magic.

Secret Script (Ex)

At 7th level,  a script master invents a secret written language which only he has the ability to understand. The language is complete and able to get across any ideas that he could with normal writing. He can teach the language to another creature with an Intelligence score of 10 or more by spending 8 hours per day instructing them for a number of days equal to 10 minus his black mage level. A creature with Intelligence less than 10 requires twice that amount of time, and a creature with Intelligence less than 3 cannot learn the language. The language can be deciphered normally by those with the Linguistics skill: otherwise it is not possible to understand except through magic.

This ability replaces new arcana.

Greater Secret Script (Ex)

At 13th level, any written languages that a script master has invented using the Secret Script class feature becomes much more difficult for others to decipher. The DC of the Linguistics check to decipher these languages is increased by 10 and the checks take twice the amount of time as normal. Even those who use magic (such as comprehend languages) to attempt to decipher the script must make an Intelligence check with DC equal to 10 + his black mage level in order to understand the script, thanks to its deceptive nature.

This ability replaces metamagic flexibility.

Detailed Description (Su)

At 18th level, a script master can write so many words it takes the target longer to fully read or understand them. As a swift action, the script master gives his next spell an increase in spell duration, turning rounds to minutes, and minutes to hours. This does not affect the level of the spell and can only be used once per day.

This ability replaces 1 MP spell.

Death Note (Su)

At 20th level, once per day, if the script master knows the name of a target, both first and last, along with a clear vision of the target’s face (this can be seen through divination but not through art), he can force that target to die. Writing down how the target dies is up to the script master, but it cannot be done by another character, it must be a bodily affect such as a heart attack or suicide. The target will die within their next turn, or up to 5 turns depending on the script master’s wish. The target gets a Will save (DC 20 + the script master’s Intelligence modifier) to resist the effect. This effect works like a death effect, and those immune to death effects are also immune to Death Note.

This ability replaces black wizard.