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The tamer befriends – or enslaves – monsters, calling on them to assist him in battle.

The tamer is an archetype of the beastmaster class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The tamer mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stAnimal Companion, Animal Focus. 2nd – Flanking Companion. 3rdBeastmaster Tactics, Teamwork Feat. 4th – Alertness. 5thWoodland Stride. 6thSpeak With Animals. 7thSecond Animal Focus, Bonus Trick. 10th – Raise Animal Companion, Beast Shape. 13thThird Animal Focus. 17th – Master of the Pack. 18th – Beastmaster Trick. 19th – Beast of Legend. 20th – Mastery of Beasts, Beastmaster Trick.

Monstrous Affinity (Ex)

At 1st level, a tamer can use Knowledge (Nature) instead of Knowledge (Arcana) for the monster lore of magical beasts and gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Nature) checks.

This ability replaces nature sense.

Tools of the Trade (Ex)

At 1st level, the tamer chooses an implement to wield: A bell or a whip. When the tamer holds the item of his choice, he gains a specific benefit. This choice is permanent.

  • Bell: The tamer gains proficiency with bells. The tamer may dismiss his animal companion with a bell as an immediate action (as long it’s within 30 feet), fast enough to save it even if it would normally be killed. When used to damage a creature, the tamer suffers a -1 penalty to Wild Empathy checks made to control that creature (as the ability). As a standard action, this bell requires a ranged touch attack and it deals non-elemental damage equal to 1d4 + his Charisma modifier at a range of 25 feet + 5 feet per two beastmaster levels. Any enhancement/enchantment placed onto their bell also applies with this attack.
  • Whip: The tamer gains proficiency with whips. The tamer may order its animal companion with a whip to take suicidal actions. Upon damaging a creature with his whip, the tamer gets a +1 bonus to Wild Empathy checks made to control that creature (as the ability), but the creature gets a +1 bonus against the tame beast ability.

These penalties increase by 1 for every four beastmaster levels beyond 1st, and last until the end of the tamer’s next turn.

This ability replaces the beastmaster’s proficiency with martial weapons and medium armor.

Tame Beast (Su)

At 1st level, as a full-round action, a tamer can tame any animal, magical beast, plant, or vermin creature within 30 feet of a hit dice equal up to twice his beastmaster level. The creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + his Charisma modifier) or it will be under the tame beast condition. This condition cannot be removed by any spell or class feature. A tamer cannot use this ability on other people’s animal companions or mounts. A tamed creature remains under the tame beast condition for a duration of 10 minutes per beastmaster level. If a tamed creature loses the tame beast condition naturally, it will attack the tamer. This tamed creature improves by the animal companion table. The tamed creature counts as an animal companion for all other class features and feats. When tamed, the creature retains their current HP, MP, and any active statuses, continuing their duration while in their own space.

This ability replaces animal companion.

Command (Ex)

A tamer can put his tamed creature to work in ways other beastmasters can only dream of, optimizing his monster’s actions through sheer will (and loud yelling). At 1st level, a tamer can command his beasts for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier, the beasts must stay within 60 feet of the tamer and be able to hear (bell) / see (whip) him to receive this effect. For each level after 1st he possesses, the tamer can use command for 2 additional rounds per day. A tamer can use command as a swift action and it can be maintained each round as a swift action. The total number of rounds of command per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these rounds need not be consecutive.

While command is active, a tamed creature gains benefits depending on whether the tamer chose a bell or a whip:

  • Bell: The tamed creature benefits from Defensive Stance, using the tamer’s beastmaster level as his knight level.
  • Whip: The tamed creature benefits from Rage, using the tamer’s beastmaster level as his berserker level.

A tamer can end his command as a free action, and his creatures become fatigued as normal. A tamer can’t use command while at least his tamed creature is fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise use command multiple times per day. If a tamer falls unconscious, his command immediately ends. The tamer may select the Extra Rage or Extra Defensive Stance feat to gain more rounds of command per day.

This ability replaces animal focus.

Familiar Beast (Su)

At 2nd level, once per day, a tamer can extend the duration of his tamed beast ability to 1 hour per beastmaster level. In addition, if tame beast effect wears off naturally, the creature wanders off rather than attack the tamer.

This ability replaces flanking companion.

Beastmaster Tricks

A tamer gains access to following tricks:

Improved Jug Level (Ex): The level of an animal companion from a jug is the tamer’s beastmaster level. Prerequisite: The tamer must be least 8th level to select this trick.

Improved Bestial Loyalty (Ex): The tamer can use bestial loyalty up to 3 times per day instead. Prerequisite: The tamer must be least 14th level to select this trick.

Superior Tools of the Trade (Ex): When the tamer is holding a bell or whip, he gains the following abilities: (Bell) When the tamer loses control of a tamed creature, it will tries its best to run away rather than attack him. (Whip) A tamed creature under the control of the whip gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls but become berserked when the tamer loses control, attacking him as normal.

Monstrous Tactics (Ex)

At 3rd level and every three beastmaster levels thereafter, the tamer gains a benefit depending on the implement chosen at 1st level:

  • Bell: The tamer gains 1 knight talent for his animal companion to use during command. The tamer may select the Extra Knight Talent feat, ignoring its prerequisites, to grant his animal companion an additional knight talent. At 12th level and every three levels thereafter, he can choose a knight advanced talent in place of a knight talent.
  • Whip: The tamer gains 1 rage power for his animal companion to use during command. The tamer may select the Extra Rage Power feat, ignoring its prerequisites, to grant his animal companion an additional rage power.

This ability replaces teamwork feats.

Control (Ex)

Also at 3rd level, a tamer’s affinity with monsters and their conducts allows him to coerce or calm creatures into submission. As a standard action, the tamer can make a Wild Empathy check (1d20 + his beastmaster level + his Charisma modifier) on any creature within 60 feet of the following types: Animals, Dragons, Magical Beasts, Oozes, Plants, or Vermin. If he succeeds (DC 25+ creature’s Charisma modifier), the creature loses its move action for 1 round.

At 7th level, a creature affected loses its standard actions for 2 rounds.

At 13th level, a creature affected loses its standard and move actions for 3 rounds.

Creatures immune to mind-affecting effects are not immune to this ability, but instead the tamer gets a -4 penalty to Wild Empathy checks made against them. This ability cannot be used on a creature under the effects of Berserk or a similar ability. The tamer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces beastmaster tactics.

Reward (Su)

At 4th level, a tamer can feed his tamed creature or jug pet any food, granting it a Regen spell effect equal to half his beastmaster level to a maximum of 9th spell level.

This ability replaces alertness.

Inspire Greatness (Su)

At 5th level, the tamer can grant extra fighting ability to his animal companion within 30 feet. An inspired animal companion gains +2 Hit Dice (d10s that grant temporary hit points), a +2 competence bonus on attacks, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. Apply the animal companion’s Constitution modifier, if any, to each bonus Hit Die. The tamer can inspire his animal companion once per day, and the effects last for 5 rounds. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability.

This ability replaces woodland stride.

Speak with Monsters (Ex)

At 6th level, the tamer forms a deeper bond with his tamed creature, and may comprehend and communicate at will with its animal companion.

This ability replaces speak with animals.

Beast Tamer (Su)

At 7th level, up to a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier, the tamer can lower the resistance of a creature to his tame beast class feature. A creature within 30 feet suffers a -1 penalty to Will saves versus his tame beast ability plus an additional -1 for every three beastmaster levels after 7th.

This ability replaces bonus trick.

Call Beast (Su)

At 7th level, as a standard action, a tamer can call forth a beast from a jug (see below), expending it, this creature is treated as an animal companion of a beastmaster level – 2. This creature lasts until the beastmaster sleeps or goes unconscious. In addition, a tamer can craft jugs without the Craft Alchemical Items feat by spending gil of the full amount rather than half and requires 8 hours of continuous crafting.

This ability replaces second animal focus.

Shared Senses (Su)

Starting at 10th level, the tamer and his animal companion share their senses, including blindsight, darkvision, low-light vision, scent, tremorsense, and true seeing. This doesn’t allow them to see through each other’s eyes, but they can still communicate their observations telepathically.

This ability replaces beast shape.

Advanced Command (Ex)

Also, at 10th level, the benefits to creatures granted by the tamer’s command increase, as per the following:

  • Bell: The tamed creature benefits from Improved Defensive Stance, using the tamer’s beastmaster level as his knight level.
  • Whip: The tamed creature benefits from Greater Rage, using the tamer’s beastmaster level as his berserker level.

Additionally, the tamer may spend his move action while using command to give an extra move action to one of his tamed creature.

This ability replaces raise animal companion.

Bestial Loyalty (Su)

At 13th level, once per day, the tamer can call forth a beast from a jug without expending it.

This ability replaces third animal focus.

Beware of the Dog (Ex)

At 17th level, the training of a tamer’s animal companion has taught it to protect its master at all costs. The animal companion gains a +2 bonus on all attack rolls, checks, and saves after witnessing any threat or harm to the tamer. This bonus lasts as long as the threat is immediate and apparent. In addition, the animal companion gains a benefit depending on the implement chosen at 1st level:

  • Bell: The animal companion can make an attack of opportunity against a foe that moves into any square threatened by the animal companion, regardless of whether that movement would normally provoke an attack of opportunity, but only once per enemy in a round.
  • Whip: Moving out of the area of the animal companion with a withdraw action provokes an attack of opportunity from the animal companion.

This ability replaces master of the pack.

Intensive Training (Ex)

At 18th level and higher, a tamer’s animal companion no longer becomes fatigued at the end of his command. If he uses command again within 1 minute of ending a rage or defensives stance, his animal companion doesn’t gain any temporary hit points.

This ability replaces a beastmaster trick gained at 18th level.

Masterful Command (Ex)

At 19th level, the benefits to creatures granted by the tamer’s command increase, as per the following:

  • Bell: The tamed creature benefits from Superior Defensive Stance, using the tamer’s beastmaster level as his knight level.
  • Whip: The tamed creature benefits from Mighty Rage, using the tamer’s beastmaster level as his berserker level.

Additionally, command only takes a move action to start and maintain, and the tamer may spend his standard action while in command to give an extra standard action to one of his creatures.

This ability replaces beast of legend.

Exotic Taming (Su)

At 19th level, a tamer can use tame beast on dragons or oozes instead.

This ability replaces a beastmaster trick gained at 20th level.

King of Monsters (Ex)

The tamer becomes feared and respected by creatures all over the world. His deeds will be remembered as great legends, and monsters will either bow or cower at his presence. Creatures must succeed on a Will save (DC 20 + his Charisma modifier) to directly attack the tamer. If the creature fails, its action is wasted. Creatures immune to mind-affecting effects are not immune to this ability, but instead get a +4 bonus to their save. Once a creature succeeds, it is immune to the effect of that tamer for 24 hours. Additionally, once per command, as a standard action, the tamer may call upon his tamed creature and make it use one of its abilities that require, at most, a standard action before it’s instantly dismissed.

Also, depending on the implement chosen at 1st level, the tamer’s animal companion receives a benefit:

  • Bell: The tamed creature gains the resolute simple template.
  • Whip: The tamed creature gains the entropic simple template.

This ability replaces mastery of beasts.

(Animal) Jug
Price 150 gil; Slot -; CL 5th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura minor summoning


A jug that allows a tamer to summon an animal companion.


Once used by a tamer using call beast or bestial loyalty class feature, it summons an animal (must be an animal creature) as indicated by the name of the jug.


Cost 75 gil; Feats Craft Alchemical Item; Spells Summon Nature’s Ally I