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To truly understand beasts, one must become one themselves. Channeling their inner beasts, they attack using nothing more than their own raw strength and intuition. The natural striker is like a beast possessed, though still has their wits about them. Utilizing their own intellect, they work with their companion to give themselves an edge in combat, where survival is for the fittest.

The natural striker is an archetype of the beastmaster class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The natural striker mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Wild Empathy, Nature Sense, Animal Focus, Animal Companion. 2nd Beastmaster Trick. 4th – Beastmaster Trick. 6th – Beastmaster Trick. 7th – Second Animal Focus. 8th – Beastmaster Trick. 10th – Beastmaster Trick, Beast Shape. 12th – Beastmaster Trick. 13th – Third Animal Focus. 14th – Beastmaster Trick. 16th – Beastmaster Trick. 17th – Master of the Pack. 18th – Beastmaster Trick. 20th – Beastmaster Trick, Mastery of Beasts.

Weapon Proficiency

A natural striker is proficient with all simple weapons.

This ability modifies the beastmaster’s starting weapon proficiencies.

AC Bonus (Ex)

When unarmored and unencumbered, the natural striker adds his Charisma modifier (if any) (this bonus is halved if he has a level in another non-prestige class and this is not his favored class) to his AC and his CMD. In addition, a natural striker gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five beastmaster levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the natural striker is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load. These bonuses do not stack with the monk or similar AC Bonus class features.

This ability replaces the beastmaster’s starting armor proficiencies and wild empathy.

Bestial Attacks (Ex)

At 1st level, a natural striker can utilize these attacks to enable combo finishers (see below). Bestial Attacks are special natural attacks which can be used in place of an attack during an attack action (standard action attack), full-attack action, or charge action. These attacks only function when using a natural attack.

  • False Swipe (Ex): A natural striker who uses this bestial attack gains a +2 bonus to this Attack roll but deals no damage and has a chance to feint a foe. This natural striker can attempt to feint his opponent as a free action using the attack’s result.
  • Foul Blow (Ex): A natural striker who uses this bestial attack suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal attack damage +1 and has a chance to hinder a foe. The natural striker can attempt a dirty trick on his opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if he hits with this bestial attack.
  • Low Strike (Ex): A natural striker who uses this bestial attack suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal attack damage +1 and has a chance to knock a foe prone. The natural striker can attempt to trip his opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if he hits with this bestial attack. If this attempt fails, the natural striker is not tripped in return.
  • Nudging Blow (Ex): A natural striker who uses this bestial attack suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal attack damage +1 and has a chance to reposition a foe. The natural striker can attempt to reposition his opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if he hits with this bestial attack.
  • Swipe (Ex): A natural striker who uses this bestial attack deals normal damage.
  • Wrist Strike (Ex): A natural striker who uses this bestial attack suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal attack damage +1 and has a chance to disarm a foe. The natural striker can attempt to disarm his opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if he hits with this bestial attack. If this attempt succeeds, the natural striker may pick up the dropped item.

This ability replaces nature sense.

Animal Companion (Ex)

The natural striker’s bond with his animal companion stems from understanding and teamwork. His animal companion can use his Bestial Attacks and Combo Finishers at 1st level as Shared Combo, replacing Shared Saves. This is to include which primary natural attacks can be used for Bestial Attacks and the building of combos for: Personal, Beast, and Shared whether in tandem or separate.

This ability modifies animal companion.

Natural Mastery (Ex)

At the 1st level, the natural striker may select one type of primary natural attack that can be used to make Bestial Attacks. He gains another primary natural attack to use Bestial Attacks at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level. The types are: Bite, Claw, Gore, Slam, Sting, and Talons. These can only be selected once.

  • Bite (Ex): If the natural striker does not have access to a bite natural attack when this type is selected, he can make a single bite attack that deals 1d4 damage (M). If he does have access to a bite natural attack, he may use whichever is the strongest.
  • Claws (Ex): If the natural striker does not have access to a claw natural attack when this type is selected, he can make two claw attacks that deals 1d4 damage (M). If he does have access to a claw natural attack, he may use whichever is the strongest.
  • Gore (Ex): If the natural striker does not have access to a gore natural attack when this type is selected, he may use headgear made from bone to gore that deals 1d6 damage (M). If he does have access to a gore natural attack, he may use whichever is the strongest.
  • Slam (Ex): If the natural striker does not have access to a slam natural attack when this type is selected, he may use his body weight that deals 1d6 damage (M). If he does have access to a slam natural attack, he may use whichever is the strongest.
  • Sting (Ex): If the natural striker does not have access to a sting natural attack when this type is selected, he grows a stinger that deals 1d4 damage (M). If he does have access to a sting natural attack, he may use whichever is the strongest.
  • Talons (Ex): If the natural striker does not have access to a talons natural attack when this type is selected, he can make a talon attack that deals 1d4 damage (M). If he does have access to a talons natural attack, he may use whichever is the strongest.

This ability replaces animal focus, second animal focus, and third animal focus.

Combo Finisher (Ex)

At 2nd level and every two beastmaster levels thereafter, a natural striker gains a combo finisher that allows him to put the Bestial Attacks into good use by starting and finishing combos or a beastmaster trick. Each combo finisher requires a certain amount of Bestial Attacks used in order that must hit and be completed before the end of his next turn of the last successive hit or the natural striker must start over. Any Bestial Attacks used in part to fulfill a combo finisher may be used on any number of creatures. In addition, once the natural striker is able to use a combo finisher, he must activate it before the end of his next turn or it’s lost.

You may activate a combo finisher as a swift action, unless indicated otherwise on the ability, if the combo finisher requires an attack roll it replaces a melee or ranged attack respectively from your next attack made before the next round. All combo finishers with an attack component are made at the highest base attack bonus. These combo finishers are separated into three categories of: Beast, Personal, and Shared. Beast finishers can only be performed by an animal companion with the Shared Combo feature, Personal finishers can only be performed by the natural striker, and Shared finishers can be performed by both.


Aural Mauling (Ex): (Requires Swipe → Swipe → False Swipe → Foul Blow) This combo finisher allows the animal companion to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage and the enemy must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + the companion’s Strength modifier) or be inflicted with Deafen. This can be cured by a Heal check (DC 20).

Bestial Restraint (Ex): (Requires Wrist Strike → False Swipe → Low Strike → Nudging Blow) This combo finisher allows the animal companion to make a single natural attack and, if successful, grapples the target.

Exsanguinate (Ex): (Requires Swipe → Wrist Strike → Nudging Blow → False Swipe → Foul Blow → Low Strike) This combo finisher allows the animal companion to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage and the enemy must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + the companion’s Strength modifier) or take 1d4 Constitution damage. This can be cured by a Heal check (DC 20) or by magical restoration.

Infectious Fang (Ex): (Requires Low Strike → Swipe → Swipe → Foul Blow → Low Strike) This combo finisher allows the animal companion to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage. If the enemy has taken Constitution damage, they must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + the companion’s Strength modifier) or be inflicted with Disease. This can be cured by a Heal check (DC 20) or by use of Vaccine.

Ocular Rend (Ex): (Requires Swipe → Swipe → Nudging Blow → Foul Blow) This combo finisher allows the animal companion to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage and the enemy must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + the companion’s Strength modifier) or be inflicted with Blind. This can be cured by a Heal check (DC 20) or by use of Eye Drops.

Savage Pounce (Ex): (Requires Swipe → False Swipe → Nudging Blow → Swipe) This combo finisher allows the animal companion to make a special attack charge, making a full attack (including rake attacks if the companion also has the rake ability). These attacks made by this finisher cannot make Bestial Attacks.


Forceful Drag (Ex): (Requires Swipe → Low Strike → Nudging Blow) This combo finisher allows the natural striker to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage and can attempt to reposition his opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Hammerfist (Ex): (Requires Swipe → False Swipe → Wrist Strike → Wrist Strike) This combo finisher allows the natural striker to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage and the enemy must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + his Strength modifier) or be treated as having lost a hand. This can be cured by a Heal check (DC 20) or by use of magical regeneration. Should the enemy succeed, he gains a +4 circumstance bonus to the natural striker’s next Hammerfist.

Pack Awareness (Ex): (Requires Wrist Strike → Nudging Blow → Foul Blow) This combo finisher allows the natural striker to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage and may choose one enemy he can see. That enemy is treated as being flanked by the natural striker for the purpose of granting flanking to allies.

Rip and Tear (Ex): (Requires Wrist Strike → Swipe → Swipe → Wrist Strike) This combo finisher allows the natural striker to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage. In addition the natural striker treats himself as having Rake (Ex) for 1d4 rounds whether the attack succeeds or not.

Spinal Tap (Ex): (Requires Foul Blow → False Swipe → Low Strike → Low Strike → False Swipe → Foul Blow) This combo finisher allows the natural striker to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage. If the enemy is grappled, it also inflicts the target with Paralyze, unless a Fortitude save is made to negate (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + his Strength modifier).

Vicious Stomp (Ex): (Requires Swipe → Foul Blow → Low Strike → Low Strike) This combo finisher allows the natural striker to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage and the enemy must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + his Strength modifier) or be treated as having lost a foot. This can be cured by a Heal check (DC 20) or by use of magical regeneration. Should the enemy succeed, he gains a +4 circumstance bonus to the natural striker’s next Vicious Stomp.


Burst Vessel (Ex): (Requires Nudging Blow → False Swipe → Wrist Strike → Foul Blow → Nudging Blow) This combo finisher allows the natural striker or animal companion to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage and 1d4 bleed damage that stacks with other bleed damage.

Echoing Roar (Su): (Requires Swipe → Low Strike → False Swipe → Nudging Blow → Foul Blow → Wrist Strike) This combo finisher allows the natural striker or animal companion to deal 1d6 non-elemental damage per level (or HD) to enemies within 20-ft.-radius of him. A successful Will save (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + his Strength modifier) halves this damage.

Feral Surge (Ex): (Requires Low Strike → False Swipe → Nudging Blow → Wrist Strike → Swipe → Foul Blow) This combo finisher doubles all damage that would be done by natural attacks by the natural striker and his animal companion(s) for the round, but cannot use any Bestial Attacks.

Ferocious Howl (Ex): (Requires Swipe → Wrist Strike → Low Strike → False Swipe) This combo finisher allows the natural striker or animal companion to make a single natural attack and, if successful, deals normal damage and all enemies that can hear natural striker or animal companion must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the beastmaster’s level + his Strength modifier) or be shaken for 1d4 rounds.

Mortal Wound (Ex): (Requires Personal False Swipe → Foul Blow → Low Strike → Wrist Strike → Nudging Blow → Swipe AND Requires Beast Swipe → Nudging Blow → Wrist Strike → Low Strike → Foul Blow → False Swipe) This combo finisher requires the natural striker and the animal companion to build their own combo and be activated at the same time. Both the natural striker and animal companion make a natural attack and, if any are successful, the enemy’s current HP is reduced to 1.

These abilities may replace beastmaster tricks.

Beast Mastery (Ex)

When the natural striker attains 10th level, he may choose a skill for a single primary natural attack he has chosen to master. He gains another skill from this list at 15th and 20th level. Multiple skills do not stack unless stated otherwise but may be chosen for another primary natural attack. The options for the natural striker to obtain are listed below.

  • Increase the DC of all combo finishers by 1. This skill stacks.
  • Add his Charisma modifier to the attack rolls of all his Bestial Attacks and combo finishers.
  • Chosen primary natural attack gains an additional damage die.
  • Chosen primary natural attack deals damage as if one size category larger.

This ability replaces beast shape and master of the pack.