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The watersinger’s song reaches from the depths of her soul into the elemental waters from which life first sprang. Her voice commands water, bending and shaping it to her desire.

The watersinger is an archetype of the bard class, available only to lamia bards.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The watersinger mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stFascinate. 3rd Inspire Competence. 8thDirge of Doom18th Funeral Ballad.

Bardic Performance

A watersinger has some unique bardic performances, which replace some of the standard bardic performances as listed in each entry. These bardic performances follow all the general rules and restrictions of a bard’s bardic performances.

Watersong (Su): At 1st level, a watersinger can use bardic performance to manipulate and control the shape of water within 30 feet. A successful Perform check allows the bard to animate and control a 5-foot-cube of water. The watersinger can command the water to take various forms, bend, rise, fall, or sustain a shape, and can make it support weight as if it were solid ice. For example, the watersinger could create a pillar of water (to provide cover), ladder, channel, bridge, stairs, slide, and so on. The manipulated water is as slippery as normal ice. This ability cannot create forms more fragile or complex than what could be carved in normal ice. While under the bard’s control, the water has hardness 0 and 3 hit points per inch of thickness. At 3rd level, the manipulated water gains hardness 1, and this increases by +1 for every 3 bard levels beyond that. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, the volume affected increases by an additional 5-foot cube (these cubes must be adjacent to each other). The manipulated water retains its shape for 1 round after the bard stops spending bardic performance rounds to maintain it.

This performance replaces fascinate and funeral ballad.

Waterstrike (Su): At 3rd level, the watersinger can spend 1 round of bardic performance to command any water she is currently manipulating with her watersong performance to lash out and strike an opponent with a slam attack. The watersinger uses her base attack bonus and Charisma bonus to make this attack, and deals 1d6 points of water damage plus her Charisma bonus. The attack can originate from any square of water the bard is manipulating, and the water can get a flanking bonus or help a combatant get one, but cannot make attacks of opportunity. The water can make multiple attacks per round if the watersinger’s base attack bonus allows her to do so. At 10th level, the water’s damage increases to 1d8 points and the water gains a reach of 10 feet. At 15th level, the water’s damage increases to 2d6 points. At 20th level, the water’s slam damage increases to 2d8 points.

This performance replaces inspire competence.

Lifewater (Su): At 8th level, the watersinger can spend 1 round of bardic performance as a standard action to manipulate the water, blood, and other fluids within a creature’s body, causing the target to become sickened for 1d4 rounds. Alternatively, she may use this ability to attempt a reposition combat maneuver, using her base attack bonus and her Charisma modifier as her CMB. This ability has a range of 30 feet, only works on creatures whose bodies contain fluid, and does not affect creatures that are immune to critical hits.

This performance replaces dirge of doom.