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Some zen archers seek to become one with another weapon entirely—the bow. The zen archer seeks perfection in the pull of a taut bowstring, the flex of a bow’s limbs, and the flight of an arrow fired true.

The zen archer is an archetype of the archer class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The zen archer mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat and DEX and WIS for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Limit Breaks, Archer Training, Aim. 5th Targeted Shot. 13th Take Aim. 19th Aim Mastery.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the zen archer receives the Limit Break (Meikyo Shisui).

Meikyo Shisui (Su): This Limit Break grants a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls made by the zen archer while wielding a bow or crossbow for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four archer levels after 1st. This bonus increases by 2 per four archer levels after 1st. Furthermore, she can perform a combo finisher without needing to perform archery techniques, as a standard action, once per round for the duration of this limit break. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Trueshot Arrow).

Archery Techniques (Ex)

At 1st level, a zen archer can utilize these techniques to enable combo finishers (see below). Archery techniques are special attacks which can be used in place of an attack during an attack action, full-attack action, or charge action. These techniques only function when using bows and crossbows.

  • Shot (Ex): A zen archer who uses this archery technique deals normal weapon damage.

  • Tricky Arrow (Ex): A zen archer who uses this archery technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll and deals normal weapon damage +1. A foe struck by this, must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or be immobilized for 1 round.

  • Weapon Shot (Ex): A zen archer who uses this archery technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll and deals normal weapon damage +1 and has a chance to make his opponent drop a held item. The zen archer can attempt a disarm combat maneuver against his opponent as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity if he hits with this archery technique.

  • Fire (Ex): A zen archer who uses this archery technique deals normal weapon damage.

  • Heavy Shot (Ex): A zen archer who uses this archery technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll and deals normal weapon damage +1 and has a chance to push his target away. The zen archer can attempt a bull rush combat maneuver against his opponent as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity if he hits with this archery technique.

  • Hand Strike (Ex): A zen archer who uses this archery technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll and deals normal weapon damage +1 and has a chance to make his opponent drop a held item. The zen archer can attempt a disarm combat maneuver against his opponent as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity if he hits with this archery technique.

This ability replaces archer training.

Combo Finishers (Ex)

Starting at 1st level and every two archer levels thereafter, a zen archer gains a combo finisher that allows her to put the archery techniques into good use by starting and finishing combos. Each combo finisher requires a certain amount of archery techniques in order that must hit and be completed before the end of her next turn of the last successive hit or the zen archer must start over. Any archery techniques used in part to fulfill a combo finisher may be used on any number of creatures. In addition, once the zen archer is able to use a combo finisher, she must activate it before the end of her next turn or it is lost.

The zen archer may activate a combo finisher as a swift action, unless indicated otherwise on the ability, if the combo finisher requires an attack roll it replaces a melee or ranged attack respectively from her next attack made before the end of her next round. All combo finishers with an attack component are made at the highest base attack bonus. At 6th level, a zen archer can substitute, as a free action, any archery technique by forgoing one of her attacks in a round. Any combo finisher that adds extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.

12-Axe Challenge (Ex): (Requires Shot → Tricky Arrow → Fire → Tricky Arrow) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to shoot a single arrow with impossible skill. The zen archer chooses a creature within his weapon’s range and attack. If his attack hits, the zen archer multiplies the normal weapon damage he deals by the number of creatures (maximum of 4) that were standing between him and his target (this damage is multiplied on a critical hit). Additionally, every creature that was standing between him and his target must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or become shaken for a number of rounds equal to the zen archer’s Wisdom modifier.

Anchoring Shot (Ex): (Requires Tricky Arrow → Tricky Arrow) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to incapacitate an enemy temporarily with one well-placed shot. The zen archer makes a ranged attack. If it hits, the enemy becomes entangled until, as a standard action, it breaks free by making a successful CMB check against the zen archer’s CMD.

Chained Strike (Ex): (Requires Shot → Fire → Heavy Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to bounce a single arrow between his enemies. The zen archer makes a ranged attack within his first range increment, it deals normal damage. If it hits, then he chooses a creature within one range increment of the struck creature and makes an attack against them. He can make a total number of attacks equal to 1 + an additional attack per three archer levels after 1st, and may attack the same creature more than once, but he can’t attack the same creature twice in a row.

Cupid’s Arrow (Ex): (Requires Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot → Tricky Arrow) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to bind two enemies together with one arrow. The zen archer makes a ranged attack. If he hits his target, the zen archer deals normal weapon damage, and if there’s another enemy adjacent to them, that enemy must then make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or become bound to its ally. Creatures bound by this effect must roll a grapple check against each other every round to determine which one gets to move, the highest roll wins. Regardless of the winner, bound creatures move as one. To end this effect, one of the creatures affected may roll a CMB check against the zen archer’s CMD, as a full-round action.

Dragon’s Fire (Ex): (Requires Fire → Fire → Fire) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to shoot arrows with blinding speed in a 30-ft.-cone in front of him. All enemies in the area of effect are dealt weapon damage + 1d6 points of fire damage + an additional 1d6 points of fire damage per three archer levels after 1st, a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) halves the damage, but a natural 1 on the save is a critical success that uses the weapon’s critical multiplier.

Far Strike (Ex): (Requires Heavy Shot → Tricky Arrow → Heavy Shot → Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to pierce through enemies with one well-placed piece of ammo. The zen archer chooses a creature within his weapon’s first range increment. The zen archer makes a ranged touch attack that deals normal weapon damage + 1d6 points of damage + an additional 1d6 points of damage per three archer levels after 1st. Any creatures in between him and his target must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) for half damage.

Feather Step (Ex): (Requires Shot → Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to leap gracefully while making a somewhat unpredictable attack. The zen archer moves 30 feet in any direction, and may make a single ranged attack at any point during this movement, dealing normal weapon damage.

Fly True (Ex): (Requires Hand Strike → Tricky Arrow) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to fire a single, unerring shot. The zen archer chooses a creature within his weapon’s first range increment. He instantly hits that creature and may roll damage. The zen archer rolls to see if it’s a critical hit, then confirm as normal.

Hail of Arrows (Ex): (Requires Tricky Arrow → Tricky Arrow → Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to unleash a volley of arrows into the air, making it rain death down upon his enemies. Within his weapon’s first range increment, one 20-feet-radius sphere deals normal weapon damage + 1d6 points of damage + an additional 1d6 points of damage per three archer levels after 1st, a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) for half damage.

Heartseeker (Ex): (Requires Shot → Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot) The combo finisher allows the zen archer to make a ranged attack against a creature within his first range increment. If this attack hits, it is an automatically confirmed critical hit. Any bonuses to critical confirmation rolls the zen archer might have, such as from critical focus, apply to this attack roll.

Hume Arrow (Ex): (Requires Tricky Arrow → Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to defy the laws of physics, not only by shooting himself from his own bow but also by keeping it after he’d pulled off the feat. The zen archer moves in any direction a maximum number of feet equal to his weapon’s first range increment. The zen archer may stow his bow and draw another weapon as part of this movement.

Impossible Shot (Ex): (Requires Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to perplex his enemies one way or another with a single arrow and a simple yet effective technique. The zen archer makes a ranged sunder combat maneuver attempt against a creature within his weapon’s first range increment. If it hits, the strike deals normal weapon damage + 1d6 points of piercing damage + an additional 1d6 points of piercing damage per three archer levels after 1st, and ignores points of hardness equal to the zen archer’s Wisdom modifier. If it misses, the arrow splits in half, allowing him to then choose two other creatures within his first range increment. They must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or take half that damage.

Kneecap (Ex): (Requires Tricky Shot → Fire → Heavy Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to mercilessly cripple an opponent. The zen archer makes a ranged attack against a creature within his weapon’s first range increment. If it hits, his attack deals normal weapon damage and makes his enemy fall prone, unable to stand up until the arrow is ripped out. During its turn, the enemy affected may use a standard action to try and rip the arrow off their knee, rolling a CMB check against the zen archer’s CMD. If they roll higher, they end this effect and take normal weapon damage + 1d6 points of bleed damage + an additional 1d6 points of bleed damage per three archer levels after 1st.

Named Arrow (Ex): (Requires Shot → Fire → Shot → Fire → Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to focus his attention on one enemy, and shoot one deadly shot. The zen archer makes a ranged attack against a creature within his weapon’s first range increment. If it hits, the creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or die. This is a death effect.

Pinball Volley (Ex): (Requires Shot → Fire → Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to shoot a strange moving arrow. The zen archer makes a ranged attack within his first range increment, it deals normal damage. If it hits, then the zen archer chooses a creature within one range increment of the struck creature and make an attack against them. He can keep attacking as long as he doesn’t miss, and may not attack the same creature more than once.

Ricochet (Ex): (Requires Shot → Fire) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to skillfully ricochet an arrow off structures to get to his target. The zen archer makes one ranged attack. He may target a 5-ft. square of a solid surface, then treat that spot as his new point of origin when attacking a target. This can allow the zen archer to attack around corners, or possibly ignore the cover on a target. He may bounce his shot a number of times equal to 1 + an additional time per three levels of archer after 1st. A bounced surface does not take damage, and he uses the total distance traveled (including to and between bounced surfaces) when determining range penalties.

Shoot Air (Ex): (Requires Weapon Shot → Tricky Arrow → Heavy Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to use the wind to his advantage in combat. For a number of rounds equal to the zen archer’s Wisdom modifier, he doesn’t use up any bow or crossbow ammunition when making attacks with those weapons.

Splinter Barrage (Ex): (Requires Shot → Shot → Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to make a barrage of disorienting, comparatively weak ranged attacks to keep his enemies at bay. The zen archer makes a number of ranged attacks equal to 1 + an additional 1 per three archer levels after 1st. An enemy can choose for one or more of these attacks to miss them, and for every attack that misses in this manner, that enemy takes a cumulative -2 to attack and Perception rolls, and its movement speeds are decreased by 5 feet; until the end of their next round. The zen archer cannot use any archery techniques when making these attacks.

Sting Like Ice (Ex): (Requires Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to fire a cold-hearted arrow towards one enemy. The zen archer makes a ranged attack against any creature within his weapon’s range. If it hits, the zen archer deals normal weapon damage + 1d6 points of ice damage + an additional 1d6 points of ice damage per three archer levels after 1st.

Sunbreaker (Ex): (Requires Shot → Heavy Shot → Tricky Arrow → Weapon Shot → Hand Strike → Fire) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to shoot upwards, striking down stars to annihilate his enemies. Within his weapon’s first range increment, the zen archer can direct up to four 20-feet-radius spheres within 30 feet of each other. Those within the area of effect take normal weapon damage + 1d6 points of damage + 1d6 points of damage per three archer levels after 1st (half in fire damage, the other half in earth damage), a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) for half damage. Creatures cannot be hit with multiple spheres, spheres must be have no overlap.

Thunderclap (Ex): (Requires Shot → Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to shoot an arrow with such force that it generates a sound akin to thunder, creating a vacuum around the arrow. If the attack hits, all enemies within 15-feet of the creature struck are dealt weapon damage + 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage + an additional 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage per three archer levels after 1st. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) halves the damage. Those who fail the save are also deafened for a number of rounds equal to the zen archer’s Wisdom modifier.

Willful Fire (Ex): (Requires Shot → Fire → Shot) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to make a multitude of ranged attacks. During the round this combo finisher is used, the zen archer doubles the number of attacks he has based on his base attack bonus (does not include any additional attacks from anything that grants additional attacks like haste, rapid shot, manyshot), but cannot use any archery techniques.

Windsong (Ex): (Requires Heavy Shot → Heavy Shot → Fire) This combo finisher allows the zen archer to steal the voice off his enemies with one precise shot. The zen archer chooses a creature within his first range increment. That creature and any other creatures between the zen archer and it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or be silenced for a number of rounds equal to the zen archer’s Wisdom modifier.

These abilities replace aim, targeted shot, take aim, and aim mastery.