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Accurate, vindictive and violent, the Blackarrow employs the bow against foes, striking from behind the front-line warriors. Employing fire and deadly gifts of shadow, the Blackarrow is a potent foe who drives his arrows deep into his targets’ midst.

The blackarrow is an archetype of the archer class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The blackarrow mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat and for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
2ndArchery Talent, Hawkeye. 4thArchery Talent. 6thArchery Talent. 8thArchery Talent. 10thArchery Talent. 12thArchery Talent. 14th Archery Talent. 16thArchery Talent. 18thArchery Talent. 20thArchery Talent.

Skirmisher Stance (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, the blackarrow gains a +5 movement speed per two archer levels to his base move speed. This movement speed stacks with fast movement. In addition, the blackarrow can make any amount of movement (equal to his maximum movement speed) before, during, or after using any blackarrow talents.

This ability replaces hawkeye.

Blackarrow Talents (Ex)

At 2nd level and every two archer levels thereafter, a blackarrow gains either an archery talent or a blackarrow talent to enhance and modify his arrows, listed below.

Blackarrow Talents

Death Blossom (Ex): As a standard action, the blackarrow can fire multiple arrows, raining on his foes above, in a 30-ft.-radius within his first range increment. The blackarrow deals normal damage plus an additional 1d6 damage per two archer levels after 2nd, a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is higher) reduces the damage by half. Prerequisite: The blackarrow must be at least 6th level to select this talent.

Flaming Arrow (Ex): The blackarrow creates a fire-tipped arrow which will continue to burn the target after landing. As a standard action, the blackarrow can fire a flaming arrow that deals normal damage plus 3d6 points of fire damage plus an additional 1d6 per two archer levels after 2nd. Prerequisite: The blackarrow must be at least 4th level to select this talent.

Headshot (Ex): As a standard action, the blackarrow can fire an arrow that ignores all damage reduction, dealing normal damage.

Hindering Shot (Ex): The blackarrow creates a shaft aimed to slow the movement of his quarry. As a standard action, the blackarrow can fire an arrow that does normal damage and inflicts the immobilize status effect for 1 round per archer level unless a Fortitude save is made (DC 10 + half of the archer’s level + his Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is higher). On a successful save, the target’s movement speed is reduced by half for 1 round per archer level instead. Prerequisite: The blackarrow must be at least 4th level to select this talent.

Improved Punctured Target (Ex): In addition to ignoring armor bonuses to AC, Punctured Target also ignores natural armor bonuses to AC as well. Prerequisite: The blackarrow must have the punctured target blackarrow talent to select this talent.

Improved Vital Target (Ex): In addition to bleeding damage, Vital Target also causes the target to be sickened for as long as the target continues to bleed. Prerequisite: The blackarrow must have the vital target blackarrow talent to select this talent.

No, You Don’t! (Ex): The blackarrow, seeing a caster preparing a spell, takes careful aim and disrupt their attempt. As an immediate action, the blackarrow can fire an arrow on a target spellcaster that is casting a spell, that target must make a normal concentration check equal to the damage plus the blackarrow’s archer level.

Punctured Target (Ex): The blackarrow creates a sharpened arrow that can pierce armor. As a standard action, the blackarrow can fire an arrow that ignores a target’s armor bonus to AC, dealing normal damage.

Revenge (Ex): As a standard action, if the target is under any status effect, the blackarrow can fire an arrow that deals normal damage plus 5d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per two archer levels after 2nd. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. Prerequisite: The blackarrow must be at least 8th level to select this talent.

Screaming Shafts (Ex): As a standard action, the blackarrow lets loose three arrows in rapid bursts. The blackarrow must make a ranged attack for each attack at a -2 penalty, dealing normal damage. Prerequisite: The blackarrow must be at least 6th level to select this talent.

Strong Pull (Ex): The blackarrow pulls on his bow and lets loose an arrow a mighty arrow. As a standard action, the blackarrow fires an arrow that deals double damage. If a (2x) critical hit, this arrow deals triple damage. If a (3x) critical hit, this arrow deals quadruple damage. Prerequisite: The blackarrow must be at least 4th level to select this talent.

Tangleshot (Ex): If the target is affected by Hindering Shot, the blackarrow can fire an arrow that deals double damage and increases the duration of immobilize or the slowing of movement for 5 additional rounds. Prerequisite: The blackarrow must have the hindering shot blackarrow talent to select this talent.

Vital Target (Ex): As a standard action, the blackarrow can fire an arrow that causes the target to bleed. If the target is struck, the target takes normal damage plus 1d6 bleed damage plus an additional 1d6 bleed damage per two archer levels after 2nd.

These abilities may replace archery talents.