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Dimensional hoppers discover and travel to all the secret places of both the mortal and immortal spheres, which often puts them at odds with authorities. Many find work as messengers, heralds, envoys, runners, couriers, dispatch riders, and emissaries the world over.

The dimensional hopper is an archetype of the time mage class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The dimensional hopper mainly focuses on DEX for combat, and INT for her class features and spells.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stMotes of Time.

Motes of Movement (Su)

At 1st level, each day, the dimensional hopper gains a pool of supernatural motes of movement equal to her time mage level. Using a mote of movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity nor does teleporting. The dimensional hopper can use these motes to perform a number of effects but she can only spend one mote of movement each round. A dimensional hopper may use motes of movement for any time mage class feature that uses motes of time instead and the Extra Motes feat can be used to gain extra motes of movement.

  • Dimensional Hop (Su): As a move action, the dimensional hopper can spend a mote of movement to instantaneously teleport to any other spot within 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 time mage levels. If the spot the dimensional hopper chooses is within line of sight, the dimensional hopper arrive there unerringly. If the destination is not in line of sight, the dimensional hopper must be able to visualize the spot or state the direction and distance to it, but the hop has a 25% chance of a mishap and the dimensional hopper cannot take any further actions until her next turn. No matter what the dimensional hopper’s destination, she can transport only herself and a maximum 100 lbs. (or her maximum load, whichever is less) of objects she carries or touches. The dimensional hopper cannot transport any creature except for her familiar, an animal companion, or cohort of up to Tiny size (whose weight counts against her load limit). If the dimensional hopper suffers a mishap or arrives in a place already occupied by a solid body, the dimensional hopper and any creatures with her take 1d6 points of damage and are shunted to closest random open space on a suitable surface of the intended location. If the dimensional hopper is at least 8th level this can functions as dimension door instead.
  • Instant Liberation (Su): As a swift action, the dimensional hopper can spend a mote of movement to instantaneously teleport to a standing position from prone position or whisks herself out of a grapple losing the grappled and pinned conditions and is teleported to the nearest unoccupied square the dimensional hopper chooses.
  • Narrow Escape (Su): As an immediate action, the dimensional hopper automatically spends a mote of movement to instantly blink to avoid any confirmed critical hit or any attack that would reduce her to 0 hit points or less, this ability only operates if the dimensional hopper chooses to avoid the critical hit. Avoiding the hit requires a successful Reflex save (DC equal to the Attack roll or the DC of the spell/effect) though she adds her Intelligence modifier to this save rather than her Dexterity modifier. In the case of a damaging spell or ability that would reduce the character to 0 hit points or less, this effectively grants the dimensional hopper a second saving throw to negate the spell or effect. This ability spends a mote of movement even if the dimensional hopper has used one already for this round, however this ability can only function once per round. If the dimensional hopper is at least 10th level, she does not need to spend a mote of movement to use the narrow escape ability; she does need to have at least one point in her mote of movement pool though.

At 3rd level, as an immediate action, the dimensional hopper can spend a mote of movement, and speak to an ally anywhere within line of sight, providing morale support. The message is conveyed to him via distorting space so that her voice teleports the distance. If the ally can hear and understand her, this ally gains a morale bonus equal to the dimensional hopper’s Intelligence modifier on his next d20 roll. As a full-round action, the dimensional hopper can use this ability to affect up to three allies in a single round (if she has the motes of movement to spend on each use) instead. She can only affect the same ally a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier. She cannot provide the bonus to herself. This ability is a sonic, mind affecting, language dependent effect. This does not allow two-way communications so the dimensional hopper must be aware of the situation her ally faces in order to grant the bonus.

At 7th level, as an immediate action, the dimensional hopper can spend a mote of movement and speak to an opponent anywhere within line of sight, issuing a threat. If the target can hear the dimensional hopper and understand her, he must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + half of the time mage’s level + her Intelligence modifier) or suffer a morale penalty equal to the dimensional hopper’s Intelligence modifier on his next d20 roll. As a full-round action, the dimensional hopper can use this ability to affect up to three enemies in a single round (if she has the motes of movement to spend on each use) instead. This ability is a sonic, language dependent, mind-affecting effect.

At 11th level, the dimensional hopper can spend one additional mote of movement per round.

At 19th level, as a move action, the dimensional hopper can spend 5 motes of movement and the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the time mage’s level + her Intelligence modifier) or be sent as greater bend space and time to any location upon the same plane. This is usually a terminal location she knows about such as the bottom of the world’s deepest ocean trench, the void of outer space, or the heart of an active volcano; regardless, the subject suffers 200 points of damage of a type appropriate to the location upon a failed Fortitude save (DC 20 + the dimensional hopper’s Intelligence modifier). Upon a successful save, the dimensional rift fails to suck the target through though, he still suffers 50 points of damage, but afterwards, is immune to the effects of Dimensional Terminus for 24 hours.

This ability replaces motes of time.