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Though most would look upon the flow of time and see naught but chaos. Some few, however, are able to divine the pattern behind it. Using clockwork machinery they are able to manipulate this pattern to their benefit.

The clockwork mage is an archetype of the time mage class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The clockwork mage mainly focuses on Intelligence for spell combat and Intelligence for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
Temporal Hiccup. 2ndTemporal Talents. 4thTemporal Precognition, Temporal Talents. 6thTemporal Talents. 8th Temporal Talents. 9th Time Shift. 10th Temporal Talents. 11th Abbreviation Magic. 12th Advanced Temporal Talents. 13thTime Sight. 14th Advanced Temporal Talents. 16th Advanced Temporal Talents. 18th Advanced Temporal Talents. 20th Advanced Temporal Talents.

Class Skills

The clockwork mage loses Fly but gains Repair as a class skill.

This ability alters the time mage’s base class skills.

Clockwork Counter (Su)

At 1st level, a clockwork mage is able to apply pressure to time’s flow with exacting precision. A clockwork mage gains a clockwork counter that stores clockwork ticks. When the clockwork mage rolls initiative, his clockwork counter is set to 1 and it increases by 1 at the end of his turn while in combat or when he spends motes of time. When the clockwork counter would go above 12, it instead resets to 1.

As a free action when he uses a clockwork mage class feature or spell to heal a creature, he may spend up to his Intelligence modifier of clockwork ticks to increase the amount healed by that amount.

This ability replaces temporal hiccup.

Clockwork Talents (Ex/Su)

Starting at 2nd level, the clockwork mage gains access to the following talents. Talents marked with an asterisk require a clockwork mage to spend motes, which he may do only once per round.

Bells of the Clock Tower (Su): As a standard action, the clockwork mage expends clockwork ticks up to his Intelligence modifier and points at a space he can see within 30 feet of him. All creatures within a 10-ft.-radius of that point take non-elemental damage equal to the amount of clockwork ticks expended unless they succeed a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the time mage’s level + his Intelligence modifier) Prerequisite: A clockwork mage must be at least 4th level before selecting this temporal talent.

Biological Clock (Su): Any clockwork mage class feature or spell that can heal constructs now works on living targets, however they only heal half the amount on such a target. At 16th level, this becomes the full amount.

Clockwork Regulation* (Su): When the clockwork mage or a creature he can see within 30 feet of him makes an attack, he can remove all randomness from the equation as an immediate action by spending a mote of time to replace the number rolled on the die with a 10, potentially turning an hit into a miss or a miss into a hit. If this is used on an unwilling creature, they can resist the effect by making a Will save (DC 10 + half the time mage’s level + his Intelligence modifier). Prerequisite: A clockwork mage must be at least 6th level before selecting this temporal talent.

Clockwork Tricks (Ex): A clockwork mage that selects this talent gains an engineer trick of his choice. He treats his time mage level as his engineer level, but must obey all other prerequisites. A clockwork mage may take this talent multiple times, each time taking a different engineer trick. Any augmentation trick the clockwork mage takes this way applies to any construct the clockwork mage summons or creates, however they only gain one augmentation (if an augmentation has another as a prerequisite, apply the highest). The augmentation trick is chosen when the construct is created or summoned, however the augmentation of a crafted construct can be changed with 8 hours of work.

Create Clockwork Constructs (Su): The clockwork mage gains the Craft Construct feat as a bonus feat, ignoring any prerequisites. When he creates a construct using this feat and the Craft (Clockwork) skill, he may substitute spells he does not know with clockwork ticks equal to the sum of the spell levels. This does not have to be done in one go. Prerequisite: A clockwork mage must be at least 12th level before selecting this temporal talent.

Deafening Bells (Su): When using the bells of the clock tower talent, creatures that fail the save are now deafened for a number of rounds equal to half the clockwork ticks expended, rounded down. Prerequisite: A clockwork mage must be at least 8th level and must have the bells of the clock tower temporal talent before selecting this temporal talent.

Even Louder Ticking (Su): The maximum amount of clockwork ticks a clockwork mage may apply to an ability is now triple his Intelligence modifier. Prerequisite: A clockwork mage must be at least 12th level and must have the louder ticking temporal talent before selecting this temporal talent.

Juddering Halt (Su): By shattering his clockwork counter, a clockwork mage can freeze a creature he can see within 60 feet. The target is afflicted with the Stop condition. There is no save, but creatures with spell resistance benefit from it. This talent sets the clockwork counter to 0 and prevents the clockwork mage from gaining any more until the end of combat. The duration equals one quarter of the clockwork ticks expended (rounded down). Prerequisite: A clockwork mage must be at least 20th level to select this temporal talent.

Louder Ticking (Su): When the clockwork mage uses an ability that allows him to spend an amount of clockwork ticks up to his Intelligence modifier, the maximum amount of clockwork ticks he can spend becomes up to twice his Intelligence modifier.

Rushed for Time (Su): A clockwork mage can spend a number of clockwork ticks up to his Intelligence modifier to apply haste to a target he can see within 30 feet for a number of rounds equal to the ticks spent.

Translocation (Su): The clockwork mage can expend clockwork ticks as a move action to swap locations with a construct he has summoned or created that is within 120 feet. The amount of ticks required depends on the size: if it is medium or smaller, two ticks are required. If the construct is larger, it requires two ticks per size category larger than medium. Prerequisite: A clockwork mage must be at least 16th level before selecting this temporal talent.

These abilities may replace temporal talents.

Repair (Su)

A clockwork mage can fix broken items or damaged constructs with a mere touch. Starting at 4th level, as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the clockwork mage repairs 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two time mage levels beyond 4th (2d6 at 6th, 3d6 at 8th, and so on). In addition, one use of Repair restores an item affected by the broken condition. The clockwork mage can repair a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier.

A clockwork mage may spend a number of Clockwork Ticks up to his Intelligence modifier to increase the amount of damage repaired by that amount.

This ability replaces temporal precognition.

Summon Clockwork (Sp)

Starting at 9th level, a clockwork mage may spend 5 MP as a full-round action to summon a Clockwork Soldier as if casting Summon Monster V. At 13th level, a clockwork mage can be summoned in the same way by spending 7 MP as if casting Summon Monster VII, and at 17th level, for 9 MP, he can be spend to summon a clockwork dragon as if casting Summon Monster IX.

Some or all of the MP may be substituted for using clockwork ticks, up to the clockwork mage’s Intelligence modifier.

This ability replaces time shift.

24 Hour Time (Su)

At 12th level, a clockwork mage is able to improve his clockwork counter, granting the following effects:

  • The maximum amount of clockwork ticks that can be held before causing a rollover is increased to 24.
  • Each creature he has applied a Haste effect to (including himself) increases the amount of clockwork ticks he gains at the end of his turn by 1, up to his Intelligence modifier.
  • His clockwork counter is no longer reset to 1 when he rolls for initiative.
  • By meditating for 1 round, a clockwork mage can spend 6 clockwork ticks to regain 1 mote, or spend 12 clockwork ticks to restore 1 aevum

This ability replaces abbreviation magic and time sight.