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Given the power to control outsiders by the gods themselves, the persona evoker seeks to control, ignore, or break fate. Often using the power he is granted to go against those who aim to destroy the balance. After facing his inner demons and desires, a persona evoker gains the ability to control a manifestation of his true self as well as command the true selves of other beings.

The persona evoker is an archetype of the summoner class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The persona evoker mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features and spells.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Avatar, Cantrips, Limit Breaks, Spells, Summon Gear. 2nd Life Link. 3rd Blood Pact, Bond Senses, Summoner Bonds. 4thDetect Summons. 5thShield Ally. 7thMaker’s Call, Summon Tactics. 9thTransposition, 11thGreater Blood Pact, Greater Shield Ally. 13thLife Bond. 15thParagon Summons. 17thTireless PactSuperior Shield Ally. 19th Merge Forms. 20th Mighty Blood PactTwin Avatar.

Class Skills

A persona evoker adds Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), and Intimidate (Cha) to his list of class skills but loses Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), and Ride (Dex).

Weapon and Armor proficiencies

The persona evoker gains proficiency with light and one-handed martial weapons as well as light armor.

This ability modifies the summoner’s starting proficiencies.

Diminished Spellcasting

A persona evoker gains fewer MP than normal equal to the spell level he gains. For example, a persona evoker of 5th level would only have 6 MP excluding extra MP from Charisma bonus.

Table: Diminished Full MP Progression

LevelMPSpell Level

Martial Prowess

A persona evoker’s base attack bonus increases by one step (from 1/2 BAB to 3/4 BAB). Also increases persona evoker’s hit dice from d6 to d8.

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, the persona evoker receives the Limit Breaks (Multi-Persona and Salvation)

Multi-Persona (Su): This Limit Break shortly extends the persona evoker’s mental abilities. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four summoner levels after 1st, the persona evoker can swap between his personas with a free action, even outside of his turn. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Salvation (Su): This Limit Break calls upon the power of a single persona. Draining the essence of one of his personas, the persona evoker can revive a dead ally within 30 feet to full HP, as long as they had died within 24 hours. The persona chosen cannot be used for 1 week after this Limit Break is used. The slot taken up by this persona also cannot be reused until the week has passed.

This ability replaces the Limit Breaks (Avatar Mastery and Avatar Protection).

Demonic Casting (Su)

Instead of learning spells in the normal way, the persona evoker is restricted to the spells and abilities of his personas. He ignores the spells gained by his summoner level and cannot learn any summoner spells.

The persona evoker can cast any spell his currently equipped persona knows, using his own MP, caster level and Charisma modifier to cast them. Abilities that are learnable by blue mages can also be used as described on the Persona, using MP equivalent to the level of the spell.

The persona evoker may use any class abilities, items or feats on his persona spells. The persona evoker cannot cast any spell that has an MP cost over 9, or more than 1 spell level above what a summoner could cast at his level.

This ability modifies spells and replaces cantrips.

Persona (Su)

At 1st level, a persona evoker begins play with 1 persona of his choice. The persona must be an outsider (except for Cie’th) or fey with an HD equal to, or less than, his summoner level + 1. This increases by a further +1 at level 5, 10, 15, and 20 (25 HD at level 20). A persona is a manifestation, or true self, of an outsider he is able to defeat in combat and who gives up their power willingly (up to GM) or negotiated into joining him.

To summon or change a persona, the persona evoker must utilize an evoking gun, tarot card, or masquerade mask, or any other object at the GM’s discretion. Using these objects requires a full-round action. Once summoned, the persona stays active on the persona evoker until dismissed or changed. Changing persona is a mentally exhausting experience, and can only be done a number of times per day equal to summoner level + his Charisma modifier. This becomes a standard action at 5th level, move action at 10th level, swift action at 15th level, immediate action at 20th level.

Negotiation: As he fights more outsiders, he will have chances to negotiate with them to join him. To negotiate an outsider or fey to join him, the target must be within 60ft and at or below 25% health and then the persona evoker must, as a standard action, succeed in a negotiation check (DC 15 + HD + their Wisdom modifier) with Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate based on the outsider’s alignment (Chaotic – Intimidate, Neutral – Bluff, Lawful – Diplomacy). A successful negotiation will have the outsider transform their essence into a material object, which the persona evoker controls. These objects are bullets, cards, or masks, or any other object at the GM’s discretion. The creature must not be from a summon monster spell or similar spell/ability. Creatures with the archfiend, boss, cie’th, mini-boss, primal, or super boss subtype, cannot be made into personas. The MOAB creature, and the magic pot family, also cannot be made into a persona.

Stock: A persona evoker can only stock personas up to a maximum of 3 + 1 per three summoner levels to a maximum of 9. To remove a persona from his stock, a persona evoker must spend 1 minute to do so, after which the persona disappears. If he is currently negotiating with an outsider, the persona evoker may release a stocked persona as a free action to free up space. Personas can only be gained or controlled if they have an HD equal to, or less than, the persona evoker’s summoner level + 1 (and +1 at every 5th level). The persona evoker can only ever have 1 of the same persona at any 1 time, for example only 1 minor air elemental, but he can have 1 large air elemental too.

When a persona is summoned, they will inhabit part of the persona evoker’s body, showing a ghostly image of themselves behind the user. The persona has no real material form, but they share their elemental immunities, elemental weaknesses, and elemental resistances with the persona evoker as long as they are summoned. While summoned, the persona also allows the persona evoker to cast any spells it knows or use any special abilities that count as blue mage spells, to a maximum of 1 spell level above what a blue mage of his level could cast (level 1 can cast 2nd levels, level 3 can cast 3rd levels.). Regardless of the caster level or modifier that the persona uses, the persona evoker uses his own caster level and Charisma modifier to determine effects. The persona retains its summoning and teleportation spells for the persona evoker, unlike normal summons.

This ability replaces avatar, life link, and bond senses.

Tarot Reading (Su)

At 1st level, the persona evoker can look into the deepest parts of an enemy’s psyche, discovering if they would make a viable companion. As a move action, the persona evoker can identify an enemy to see if they can become a possible persona (are of the right type and HD) detailing their type and subtypes. Additionally, they force the enemy to make a will save (DC 10 + summoner level + charisma) or reveal if they are at or below 25% HP, their number of HD, and their alignment.

At 7th level, the persona evoker may use this ability as a move or swift action.

This ability replaces summon gear and summon tactics.

Tartarus Talents (Ex or Su)

At 2nd, a persona evoker gains access to several different talents alongside the summon talents they normally gain, these otherwise function like summon talents. At every 2 levels thereafter, the persona evoker can choose to take a Tartarus talent or a summon talent.

Demolingual (Ex): The persona evoker expands his ability to negotiate with their foes, allowing a wider variety of personas. Choose between aberration, ooze, or undead (with intelligence 2+) to add to creatures that you can negotiate into becoming your persona.

Midnight Arms (Ex): The persona evoker knows to always pack a backup weapon, even if it would be illegal to do so in their place of residence. The persona evoker gains proficiency in simple firearms.

This ability replaces the additional monster, augment avatar, avatar magic, flexible augmentation, focused avatar ability, increased avatar range, and improved life bond summon talents.

Armored Mage (Ex)

At 3rd level, normally, armor of any kind interferes with a spell-caster’s gestures, which can cause spells to fail if those spells have a somatic component. A persona evoker’s limited focus and specialized training, however, allows him to avoid spell failure so long as he sticks to light armor and light shields. This training does not extend to medium armor or to heavy shields. This ability does not apply to spells gained from a different spell-casting class.

This ability replaces summoner bonds.

Persona Spell Cards (Su)

At 3rd level, the persona evoker gains the ability to transform the material object of his personas into a spell card. When doing so, the persona evoker may choose a single spell or special ability of the persona to transfer into the card. Once he has the card, he may use it on any other persona, teaching that persona the spell or ability. This ability takes 1 hour to do, but applying the card to a new persona only takes 1 minute. Changing a persona into a spell card destroys the said persona, removing it from the persona evoker’s stock.

This ability replaces blood pact.

Persona Inheritance (Su)

At 5th level, the persona evoker may take on more characteristics of his personas. He may choose from the list below at 5th level and every four summoner levels thereafter (to max of 2 per choice). Once this choice is taken, it applies to any persona the persona evoker summons.

  • Ability Score Increase: If a persona has a bonus in an ability score, the persona evoker may take some of that increase for himself. Select 1 ability score with a bonus, gain 2 points from that score as a profane bonus. (Choosing this a 2nd time allows +4 points from 1 score, or +2 from 2 scores).
  • Movement: If a persona has a higher base movement speed, or different movement style, the persona evoker may take on that speed. The persona evoker gains +10 to his movement speed as long as the persona has a higher speed, or he may take 1 movement type to apply to themselves. When selecting a movement type, when choosing Burrow, Climb, or Swim he only gains half the speed and bonus associated with it, a second selection gives the full speed and bonus. When choosing Fly, he only gains half the speed and counts the maneuverability as 2 stages lower than the persona (minimum clumsy), a second selection gives the full speed and maneuverability.
  • Senses: If a persona possesses more senses than the persona evoker, he may transfer those senses over. The persona evoker may choose 1 sense from the persona to gain himself. When selecting all-around vision, darkvision, Greensight, Keen Scent, low-light vision, Mistsight, or Scent, he gains the full amount. He must have 2 selections to gain Blindsense, Blindsight, Lifesense, See in Darkness, See Invisiblity, Thoughtsense, or Tremorsense. He cannot gain Dragon Senses.

This ability replaces detect summons and shield ally.

Weakness Advantage (Su)

At 7th level, the persona evoker gains the ability to take advantage of the weaknesses of his enemies. Once per round, if the persona evoker is able to deal damage with an attack that an enemy is weak to, the persona evoker may gain an additional standard action. The persona evoker may use this standard action to negotiate with outsiders, if they were the one hit, even if he would be above the required 25% health. This ability can be used once per day at 7th level, plus one additional time per day for every four summoner levels beyond 7th.

This ability replaces maker’s call.

Persona Evolution (Su)

At 9th level, if a persona under the control of the persona evoker has a higher form, the persona evoker may spend 1 day per HD change to morph the persona into the higher form. For example, he may change a minor air elemental into a normal one, then a large one, etc.

This ability replaces transposition.

Greater Inheritance (Su)

At 11th level, the persona evoker is able to take on almost a complete form of his personas. He may choose from the list below at 11th level and every four summoner levels thereafter (to max of 2 per choice). Once this choice is taken, it applies to any persona the persona evoker summons. The persona evoker can only benefit from this ability if his persona has a higher bonus than his current bonus.

  • Natural Armor: Take 2 natural armor from the persona and apply to the persona evoker.
  • Feats: Take 1 feat from the persona and apply to the persona evoker if he meets the prerequisites.
  • Fast Healing: Take 2 fast healing from the persona and apply to the persona evoker.
  • Regeneration: Take 1 regeneration from the persona and apply to the persona evoker.

This ability replaces great blood pact and greater shield ally.

Persona Sacrifice (Su)

At 13th level, a persona can risk their own existence to save the life of the persona evoker. If an attack would kill the persona evoker, the persona can stop the damage, causing the persona to die instead. This particular persona cannot be summoned until 1 week has passed and it has regained its strength. This effect cannot occur more than once per battle. The slot taken up by this persona also cannot be reused until the week has passed.

This ability replaces life bond.

Persona Infusion (Su)

At 17th level, the persona evoker can absorb all the essence of his persona for a short time, increasing his abilities. Once per day, as a standard action, the persona evoker can take on all ability scores of his persona for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. As a free action, the persona evoker can also summon a new persona to gain the benefits of his class abilities with both personas.

This ability replaces paragon summons, tireless pact, superior shield ally and merge forms.

Expanded Personality (Su)

At 20th level, the persona evoker can take on several personalities at once, revealing his truest self. At all times, the persona evoker can have 2 personas summoned at once, benefiting from both of their spell and blue mage ability lists. If personas have conflicting immunities and weaknesses, apply only the immunities. When utilizing persona infusion, he may take the better of the 2 personas ability scores individually.

This ability replaces mighty blood pact and twin avatar.