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A holy guardian focuses her efforts to defending herself and others with her holy sword and her holy powers.

The holy guardian is an archetype of the paladin class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The holy guardian mainly focuses on STR for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Weapon Proficiency, Cover, Oath Stance. 2nd – Paladin Talent. 4th – Paladin Talent. 6th – Paladin Talent, Blessing. 8th – Paladin Talent. 10th – Paladin Talent. 12th – Paladin Talent, Blessing. 14th – Paladin Talent. 16th – Paladin Talent. 18th – Paladin Talent, Blessing. 20th – Paladin Talent.

Weapon Proficiency

A holy guardian becomes proficient with a specialized melee power weapon, the holy sword. The holy guardian begins play with 1 holy sword. The holy sword requires at least 1 holy point in her holy pool to function.

holy Sword (1-handed melee power weapon): 1d6 + CHA mod (up to max paladin level) holy damage, crit: 20/x2, weight: 5 lbs., special: finesseable, can be wielded in two-hands (capped by her paladin level) multiplied by 1.5x charisma modifer.

This ability modifies the paladin’s starting weapon proficiencies.

Deflect (Ex)

At 1st level, a holy guardian learns to deflect projectiles with her holy sword, thereby providing a +2 deflection bonus to AC against such attacks, which increases by +1 for every three paladin levels thereafter. The holy guardian must be carrying an active holy sword to use this special ability.

This ability replaces oath stance.

Holy Pool (Su)

At 1st level, a holy guardian can expend 1 point from her holy pool as a swift action to grant any weapon she is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 3rd, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 19th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.

At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties instead: called, cunning, double charged, gaia powered, limning, max charged, overcharged, quad charged, or triple charged.

Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the holy pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the holy guardian uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the holy guardian.

A holy guardian can only enhance one weapon in this way at one time. If she uses this ability again, the first use immediately ends.

This ability replaces cover and holy pool gained at 3rd level.

Holy Powers (Su)

As she gains levels, a holy guardian learns special powers tailored to her specific way of blending martial puissance and holy power. Starting at 2nd level, a holy guardian gains one holy power. She gains an additional holy power for every two levels of paladin attained after 2nd level. Unless specifically noted in a holy power’s description, a holy guardian cannot select a particular holy power more than once. Any holy powers that requires a save, the DC is equal to 10 + half of the paladin’s level + her Charisma modifier.

Affect Mind (Su): At a cost of 1 holy point from her holy pool, the holy guardian can use her holy powers to alter a target’s perceptions or make a telepathic suggestion in another character’s mind. The holy guardian must declare whether she’s attempting to alter perceptions or make a suggestion. The target must make a Will save, if the target fails, she can do one of the following things:

  • Alter Perceptions: This creates a simple false stimulus, such as a brief sound or a fleeting image, detected by a single person and lasting no more than a single round. It is generally used to distract an opponent, which can also have the effect of a feint (see Bluff). Note that the target receives a +2 circumstance bonus on their saving throws for every additional person beyond the first that the holy guardian wants to detect the false stimulus.
  • Suggestion: This is the classic “mind trick,” allowing the holy guardian to make an otherwise unpalatable suggestion seem completely acceptable to the target, and the suggestion can’t obviously threaten the target’s life. The target won’t realize later that what he did was unreasonable.

Dispelling Strike (Su): The holy guardian can spend 1 or more points from her holy pool as a swift action to imbue her weapon with a special power. If the weapon strikes a creature within the next minute, that creature is the subject of a targeted dispel using the paladin’s level as the caster level, except that this effect cannot dispel a spell of a level higher than the number of holy pool points expended to activate this ability (treat higher-level spells as if they do not exist and apply the dispel attempt to the remaining spells with the highest caster level). Once the strike is made, the power dissipates, even if the dispel attempt is unsuccessful. Prerequisite: paladin 8

Disruptive (Ex): The holy guardian gains Disruptive as a bonus feat.

Enduring Blade (Su): Whenever the holy guardian enchants her weapon using her holy pool, she may spend 1 additional point from her holy pool to increase the duration to 1 minute per paladin level.

Enhance Senses (Su): At a cost of 1 holy point from her holy pool, the holy guardian can use her holy powers to enhance her normal sensory capabilities. This adds a +2 circumstance bonus to any Perception or Sense Motive check for one hour. It also adds to Survival checks made to find or follow tracks. This bonus increases by +2 for every three paladin levels after 2nd.

Hasted Assault (Su): The holy guardian can expend 1 point from her holy pool as a swift action to move more quickly. This functions as haste, but only targets the holy guardian and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the holy guardian’s Charisma modifier. This haste works with her holy sword, allowing her to make an extra attack with her holy sword with a full-attack. Prerequisite: paladin 8

Holy Accuracy (Su): The holy guardian can expend 1 point from her holy pool as a swift action to grant herself an insight bonus equal to her Charisma modifier on all attack rolls until the end of her turn.

Holy Defense (Su): At a cost of 1 holy point from her holy pool, the holy guardian can use her holy powers to improve her resistance to dark power attacks, wrapping yourself in the light’s protective embrace. This adds a +2 circumstance bonus to any saving throw made against a Dark Power attack for 1 hour. This bonus increases by +2 for every three paladin levels after 2nd.

Holy Grip (Su): At a cost of 1 holy point from her holy pool, the holy guardian can use her holy powers to injure a single opponent within 30 feet by finding the lines of energy that connect all things together and using them to grip an organ or crush a larynx. The target must make a Will save. On a failed save, the target takes 3d6 points of physical damage. On a successful save, the target takes half damage (round down). In addition, at a cost of 2 holy points from her holy pool, the holy guardian has the possibility of dazing her target by using Holy Grip to cut off his airway. If the target fails his saving throw, he is dazed for 1 round in addition to taking full damage.

Holy Light (Su): At a cost of 1 holy point from her holy pool, the holy guardian can channel her holy powers into withering blasts of holy light that can weaken Dark Pool users or destroy undead within 30 feet. When used against a character or creature with Dark Pool points, the character or creature loses a Dark Point (plus an additional dark point for every three paladin levels after 2nd) if it fails a Will save. When used against an undead creature, Holy Light deals 1d8 points of holy damage (plus an additional 1d8 for every three paladin levels after 2nd) to the undead creature. When an undead crature is reduced to 0 hit points, it is permanently destroyed.

Holy Redoubt (Su): As a swift action, the holy guardian can expend 1 point from her holy pool to treat her shield bonus to AC (including any enhancement bonus) as a bonus to touch AC until the beginning of her next turn.

Holy Redoubt, Greater (Su): Whenever the holy guardian uses her holy redoubt holy power, she may spend an additional point from her holy pool in order to apply her shield bonus to AC (including any enhancement bonus) as a bonus on Reflex saves until the beginning of her next turn. If she is targeted with an effect requiring a Reflex save while using this power, she may spend 2 points from her holy pool as an immediate action to grant herself evasion, or 4 points to grant herself improved evasion. Prerequisite: paladin 12, holy redoubt holy power

Holy Strike (Su): At a cost of 1 holy point from her holy pool, the holy guardian can attack an opponent using her holy powers up to 30 feet away. The target must make a Reflex save. On a failed save, the target takes 3d4 points of physical damage. On a successful save, the target takes half damage. At a cost of 2 holy points from her holy pool, the holy guardian can physically shove her target in addition to Holy Strike’s normal effects. Her target is pushed 10 feet directly away from her and knocked prone on a failed Reflex save. In addition, the target gets a +4 bonus to its Reflex save for every size category greater than Medium, a –4 penalty to its Reflex save for every size category smaller, and a +4 bonus to its Reflex save if it has more than two legs or is otherwise more stable than a normal humanoid. The pushed character moves in a straight line directly away from the holy guardian and takes 1d6 points of damage (no save) if he hits an obstacle. The obstacle takes damage according to the pushed character’s size. If the obstacle is a character, he may make a Reflex save (DC 15) to take half damage.

Heal Another (Su): At a cost of 1 holy point from her holy pool, the holy guardian can use her holy powers to heal damage taken by another person. The holy guardian must touch the target that she wants to heal. The target is healed for 1d8 points of damage or 1 point of ability damage. This increases by 1d8 or 1 additional ability damage for every three paladin levels after 2nd. Her target can’t receive healing that would increase her hit points or any of her ability scores beyond her full normal total. Any excess points restored are lost.

Heal Self (Su): At a cost of 1 holy point from her holy pool, the holy guardian can use her holy powers to heal damage she has taken. The holy guardian is healed for 1d8 points of damage or 1 point of ability damage. This increases by 1d8 or 1 additional ability damage for every three paladin levels after 2nd. She can’t receive healing that would increase her hit points or any of her ability scores beyond her full normal total. Any excess points restored are lost.

Lingering Pain (Su): The holy guardian can expend 1 point from her holy pool as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack. All damage from that attack is considered continuous damage for the purposes of any concentration checks made by the target prior to the beginning of the holy guardian’s next turn.

Prescient Attack (Su): The holy guardian can expend 1 point from her holy pool as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack, allowing him to anticipate her opponent’s defenses. The target is denied its Dexterity bonus against the holy guardian’s attacks until the end of the holy guardian’s next turn.

Prescient Defense (Su): The holy guardian can expend 1 point from her holy pool as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack, granting her a premonition of her enemy’s intentions. The holy guardian gains a bonus to her AC and on Reflex saves equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 0) against attacks by that opponent until the beginning of her next turn. Prerequisite: paladin 8

Spellbreaker (Ex): The holy guardian gains Spellbreaker as a bonus feat. Prerequisite: paladin 12

Telepathy (Su): At a cost of 1 holy point from her holy pool, the holy guardian can use her holy powers to establish a mental link with a specific target within 30 feet. Through the link, she can exchange emotions and a single thought, such as “Go!”, “Help!”, or “Danger!” Against hostile targets, they have to make a Will save to resist.

These abilities replace paladin talents.

Improved Holy Sword Wielder (Ex)

At 6th level, the holy guardian gains Improved Power Weapons Wielder as a bonus feat without needing to meet its prerequisites. If he already has this feat, he may pick another Combat feat that he meets the prerequisites for.

This ability replaces a blessing gained at 6th level.

Advanced Holy Sword Wielder (Ex)

At 12th level, the holy guardian gains Advanced Power Weapons Wielder as a bonus feat without needing to meet its prerequisites. If he already has this feat, he may pick another Combat feat that he meets the prerequisites for.

This ability replaces a blessing gained at 12th level.

Superior Holy Sword Wielder (Ex)

At 18th level, when using the Improved Power Weapons Feat, the holy guardian may attack a fourth time at a -15 penalty.

This ability replaces a blessing gained at 18th level.