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There is a subsection of doctors that, through rigorous study, have an extensive knowledge of physiology. They can target the immune systems of living creatures and can bolster or hamper their subjects.

The toxifier is an archetype of the medic class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The toxifier mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat and INT for his class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Triage, Medic Training, Medical Specialist. 2ndMedical Practices, Surgical Precision. 5thInjections. 6thMedical Alchemist. 7thImproved Triage. 9thResuscitation. 10thImproved Injections. 13thTherapy. 14thImproved Resuscitation. 15thSuperior Injections. 16thFormulating Solution. 19thGreater Resuscitation. 20thMaster Medic.

Narrow Study (Ex)

Due to his extensive training, a toxifier can add his Intelligence modifier to Heal checks instead of his Wisdom modifier. In addition, any medic class features or medical practices that uses the medic’s Wisdom modifier instead uses his Intelligence modifier for the calculations or uses of that feature.

Experimental Toxin (Su)

At 1st level, a toxifier is able to create an experimental toxin with a mix of rigorous study and fringe science. The toxifier can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half his medic level plus his Intelligence modifier. The experimental toxin functions only when used by the toxifier and remains inert if not used within 1 minute. Creating the toxin is a standard action and applying it to a weapon or piece of ammunition is a move action.

At 1st level, the toxifier must choose whether his toxin deals Strength or Dexterity damage.

At 3rd level and every four medic levels thereafter, the toxifier can enhance his toxin in one of the following ways.

  • Select an additional form of ability damage: Charisma, Wisdom, Intelligence, Strength, or Dexterity.
  • Grant an onset time of 1 round or increase an existing onset time by 2 rounds (max of 10 rounds).
  • Increase the ability damage die by 1 step. (maximum of 1d6).
  • Increase the number of consecutive saves to cure the poison by 1 (max of 3).
  • Increase the duration by 2 rounds (maximum of 10 rounds).

Experimental Toxin:

Type: poison, injury; Save Fortitude (DC 10 + half of the medic’s level + his Intelligence modifier); Frequency 1/round for 2 rounds; Effect 1d2 ability damage (see above); Cure 1 save

If the toxifier can deal different kinds of ability damage, he selects which kind the toxin deals each time he creates a dose of the experimental toxin. He can also willingly reduce the enhanced aspects of his toxin each time he creates a dose, such as the save DC and onset time. There are also medical practices that can provide secondary effects: The experimental toxin can only cause one secondary effect at a time. Any medical practices or class features (that do not belong to the toxifier) that affect mundane poisons do not affect the experimental toxin. The experimental toxin is not a typical poison and therefore does not stack with itself with multiple doses unless a medical practice allows it.

This ability replaces triage.

Toxicologist (Ex)

At 1st level, the toxifier gains a bonus on Craft (Alchemy) and checks for developing poisons or antitoxins (such as Antidotes or Panaceas) equal to half his medic level (minimum of +1). In addition, the toxifier can create poisons and antitoxins in half the time.

This ability replaces medical specialist

Poison Expertise (Ex)

The toxifier is trained in the use of poisons at 1st level and cannot accidentally be poisoned when applying poison to a weapon, attacking with a poisoned weapon, or crafting a poison. In addition, the toxifier gains the Poison Focus feat as a bonus feat without needing to meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces the medic training.

Surgical Delivery (Ex)

This functions as surgical precision but with a twist. Whenever the toxifier deals extra damage with either surgical precision or from a critical hit with a melee weapon that has a dose of poison applied to it: He gains the benefits of the Powerful Poisoning feat for that attack.

This ability modifies surgical precision.

Medical Practices (Ex or Su)

The toxifier gains new medical practices to combat or reinforce his knowledge of poisons and diseases. These medical practices are exclusive to the toxifier:

Antidote (Su): The toxifier can sacrifice a use of his experimental toxin to create a tincture, which he can feed to an adjacent, willing creature or himself to gain the effects of panacea. At 10th level, it can remove the sapped status effect in addition to its previous benefits. This is a standard action.

Apothecary (Ex): When determining if a creature, object, or 5-ft.-cube of an area is poisoned or poisonous, the toxifier can make a DC 20 Perception check. On a success, the toxifier learns the type of poison and possible method of delivery. This ability can penetrate barriers unless 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Biolitic Toxin (Su): The toxifier can make a more virulent version of his toxin. By spending an extra use of experimental toxin, he can make it apply the Poisoned status effect as a secondary effect. At 8th level, he can apply the Sapped status effect instead. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 4th level to select this practice.

Combine Toxins (Ex): A toxifier can diversify his experimental toxin, dealing damage to any two ability scores with a single dose. The toxifier must already know how to target both ability scores with his experimental toxin. A combined toxin reduces the damage die of its experimental toxin by one step, to a minimum of 1 point of ability damage to each ability score.

Contact Toxin (Ex): The toxifier can turn his experimental toxin into a contact toxin. A vial of contact toxin can be thrown up to 30 feet as a ranged touch attack or smeared on a surface as a standard action but it becomes inert after 1 minute. The save DC is reduced by 2. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 4th level to select this practice.

Craft Ailment (Ex, Su): The toxifier becomes so familiar with ailments, that he can craft petulant diseases. A toxifier can craft a mundane disease by making a successful Craft (Alchemy) check with a DC equal to the disease’s base save DC + 5. On a success, the toxifier crafts the disease and places it within a sealed container. The disease is treated as a poison for the purposes of class features, feats, and prerequisites. At 15th level, the toxifier can craft magical diseases in the same manner. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 10th level to select this practice.

Draining Toxin (Su): The toxifier becomes more familiar with internal forces of power. He can craft a toxin to drain an opponent’s resources. Choose two of the following upon selecting this practice: Ki pool, Bushido pool, Arcane pool, Stamina pool or MP pool. Whenever a creature fails a save against the toxifier’s experimental toxin, they lose 1d2 points from the chosen pools if they have them as a secondary effect. The toxifier can select this practice one more time to affect another pool and increase the die to 1d4. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 6th level to select this practice.

Enduring Poisons (Ex): The toxifier’s poisons are so potent, that a single dose lasts longer than normal. When the toxifier crafts a poison or creates his experimental toxin and it is applied to a melee weapon; instead of being expended on a single successful attack, a single dose is expended on two. At 10th level, it takes three attacks to expend a dose instead of two. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 6th level to select this practice.

Ensorcelling Pathogen (Su): By sacrificing a use of experimental toxin, the toxifier creates a strain that can eat away at magical effects. When a creature fails the Fortitude save against his toxin, he can make a dispel check using his medic level as his caster level against magical effects the creature benefits from. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 10th level to select this practice.

Envenom (Ex): The toxifier can create and apply his experimental toxin to a held weapon (his own or an ally’s) or up to ten pieces of ammunition as a move action. The toxin lasts up to 1 minute or until used.

Ingested Toxin (Ex): The toxifier can turn his experimental toxin into an ingested toxin. The onset time is increased by 1 round and the duration is increased by 1 round but deals 1 additional point of ability damage or hit point damage if the toxifier took the Biolitic Toxin medical practice.

Lethal Toxin (Ex): The toxifier’s experimental toxin can deal Constitution damage. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 10th level to select this practice.

Martial Poisoner (Ex): After successfully attacking a creature with a melee attack, the toxifier can quickly apply his experimental toxin or any injury or contact toxin as a swift action to a held weapon (his own or an adjacent ally’s) but the duration is reduced by half.

Mind-Altering Toxin (Su): Whenever a creature fails its saving throw against the toxifier’s experimental toxin, it also becomes fascinated by hallucinations for the toxin’s duration as a secondary effect. When the toxifier reaches 10th level, targets become confused instead. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 6th level to select this practice.

Mounting Sickness (Ex): The experimental toxin becomes so virulent that multiple doses increase its effectiveness. If the toxifier successfully applies another dose of experimental toxin to a creature that is already suffering from it, the toxin stacks with itself. However, the DC of the toxin goes up by 1 instead of 2. At 10th level, any diseases gathered with Harvest The Downtrodden count as poisons and can stack with themselves with multiple doses. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 6th level to select this practice.

Natural Harvester (Ex): The toxifier gains the Natural Poison Harvester feat as a bonus feat without needing to meet the prerequisites. In addition, he can apply the benefits of the feat to checks that involve harvesting poison and disease from areas, objects, and checks that involve milking or harvesting poison from living creatures.

Paralytic Toxin (Su): Whenever a creature fails its saving throw against the toxifier’s experimental toxin, it also becomes staggered for the toxin’s duration as a secondary effect. Beginning at 15th level, the target becomes paralyzed instead. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 8th level to select this practice.

Tailored Toxin (Ex): Choose one creature type (and subtype, for humanoids or outsiders). The toxifier’s experimental toxin is particularly effective against such creatures, increasing the save DC by 2. This medical practice can be selected more than once; each time it applies to a different creature type (or subtype).

Toxic Fumes (Ex): The toxifier can create his experimental toxin as an inhaled poison. He can throw a vial of experimental toxin up to 30 feet as a ranged touch attack, affecting all creatures in a 10-foot-by-10-foot square. The toxin’s save DC is reduced by 4, its duration is halved, and a successful save immediately ends the inhaled toxin’s effect. Prerequisite: The toxifier must be at least 6th level to select this practice.

These abilities replace all medical practices related or make use of Triage.

Virulent Toxins (Ex)

At 5th level, the toxifier’s experimental toxin can bypass more resilient immune systems. The experimental toxin and any poisons made by the toxifier ignore a creature’s innate natural (non-magical, such as with spells) immunity to poison effects as long as their number of hit dice do not exceed the toxifier’s medic level. At 10th level, the toxifier’s poisons can affect creatures with an amount of hit dice up to 2 higher than his medic level but gain a +4 bonus to the save. At 15th level, this limit is increased to creatures with 5 or more hit dice than the toxifier’s medic level. This ability does not work on creatures with no discernible or natural physiology, such as constructs, oozes, ethereal enemies or aberrations.

This ability replaces injections, improved injections, and superior injections.

Harvest the Downtrodden (Ex)

At 6th level, the toxifier learns how to gather, prepare and subsequently weaponize disease. The toxifier can gather enough diseased tissue from a victim of a disease with a Heal check, DC 10 + the disease’s Save DC. On success, the toxifier gains one dose of that disease.

To convert a gathered disease into a usable form, the toxifier uses the tissue to form either a paste, a toxin, gas, or other infection method for the disease. This takes 1 hour and requires an alchemist’s workshop to do so. Once complete, the disease can be used in the same manner as the toxifier’s experimental toxins. The prepared disease lasts one week before becoming inert, or until used. The toxifier can only extract mundane diseases in this manner.

At 16th level, the toxifier can count his prepared disease as a poison for his Virile Toxins ability, allowing it to bypass natural immunity. The toxifier can now gather magical diseases in this manner but must increase the DC to do so by 10.

This ability replaces medical alchemist and formulating solution.

Improved Toxins (Ex)

At 7th level, the toxifier grows more adept at applying his toxins. The toxifier can apply his toxin to a held weapon (his own or an ally’s) as a swift action instead of a move action. This applies to the Envenom practice as well. In addition, the toxifier can apply two secondary effects to his experimental toxin. At 12th level, he can apply three secondary effects.

This ability replaces improved triage.

Persistent Prescription (Su)

At 9th level, a toxifier finally grasps how antitoxins could be better enhanced. Whenever the toxifier creates an antitoxin, regardless of whether the imbiber saves or fails against resisting the poison, the antitoxin delays the effects of the poison for 1 hour per medic level.

At 13th level, the toxifier also learns how to counteract vicious diseases. The toxifier can create anti-plagues that, regardless of success or failure when taken if the imbiber is already infected, delay the effects of the disease for 1 hour per medic level.

This ability replaces resuscitation and therapy.

Miracle Drug (Su)

At 14th level, the toxifier’s tinctures are so potent that they can stave off death. When the toxifier crafts an antitoxin, antiplague, or antidote (this includes the Antidote medical practice), he can make an additional DC 35 Craft (Alchemy) check to convert the item to have the effects of raise when ingested. The toxifier uses his medic level as his caster level when determining its effects.

At 19th level, the toxifier can make an additional DC 40 Craft (Alchemy) check to give it the effects of full-life.

The toxifier can only convert 1 antitoxin, antiplague, or antidote per day in this manner. If he makes another one, the previous item becomes inert.

This ability modifies improved resuscitation and greater resuscitation.

Master Toxicologist (Ex)

At 20th level, the toxifier’s body reacts to negative effects differently. When he gains the Poisoned, Sapped, Diseased, or Zombie status effect, he can spend an immediate action and 2 uses of his experimental toxin to convert that effect into a beneficial effect.

  • Poisoned converts to Haste.
  • Sapped converts to Regen II.
  • Diseased converts to Shell II.
  • Zombie converts to DR 4/-.

If the toxifier is immune to these effects, he gains the corresponding benefits immediately. These benefits last for as long as the duration of the effect that afflicted the toxifier. The toxifier cannot gain these effects from his experimental toxin or any modified poisons that benefit from his medical practices.

This ability replaces master medic.