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The surgeon is a master of the scalpel, a well studied healer of physical ailments. They focus more on the medical side of a combat medic, trading some combat abilities for better healing abilities.

The surgeon is an archetype of the medic class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The surgeon mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat and INT or WIS for his class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Triage, Medic Training. 2nd – Holistic Care. 3rdEmergency Team. 4thHealing Hands. 6thMedical Alchemist. 12th – Medical Practice

Surgical Expertise (Ex)

The surgeon may use Intelligence or Wisdom for Heal checks and for any medic feature that uses Wisdom.

Surgery (Ex)

At 1st level, the surgeon is able to perform surgery in record times. He can choose in combat to do a quick patch, or to spend a little extra time healing his allies.

When spending extra time to heal allies, he can use a Treat Deadly Wounds check in place of his normal triage healing. When using Treat Deadly Wounds this way, the surgeon does not need to spend uses of a healer’s kit and it does not apply to the normal limit of Treat Deadly Wounds. In order to do so, he increases the normal time it takes to perform a triage by one step; Standard → Full-Round, Move → Standard. Any full-round action can not be increased further.

Any medical practice that modifies normal triage healing (such as Defensive Triage and Inspiring Touch) can not be used with healing from Treat Deadly Wounds.

This ability modifies triage.

Surgical Practice (Ex)

Also at 1st level, while the surgeon’s lack battlefield medical expertise, none can match them when it comes to surgery. The surgeon can take 10 on any Treat Deadly Wounds check.
At 3rd level, the surgeon is familiar enough with his allies to know their current HP and conditions with a glance, this can be used as a free action on the surgeon’s turn.

This ability replaces medic training.

Swift Care (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, as a swift action, a surgeon can make a Heal check to administer first aid, treat caltrop wounds, or treat poison. Working so hastily increases the normal skill check DC by 5. In addition, a surgeon does not provoke attacks of opportunity when using Heal to administer first aid, treat caltrop wounds, or treat poison.

This ability replaces holistic care.

Wondrous Techniques (Ex)

At 3rd level the surgeon gains Incredible Healer as a bonus feat.
At 6th level, he gains Self-Sufficient as a bonus feat.
At 9th level, he gains Acupuncture Specialist as a bonus feat. He gains all of these feats even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces emergency team.

Surgical Prowess (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, the surgeon can treat deadly wounds, treat disease, and treat wounds from caltrops (and so on) to a number of creatures equal to her Intelligence modifier at the same time (make a separate Heal check for each creature). He may also provide long term care to a number of creatures equal to 6 plus his Intelligence modifier at the same time. Additionally, treating deadly wounds restores 2 HP per level of the creature, removes 1 point of ability damage, and no longer requires the use of a healer’s kit.

At 7th level, treating deadly wounds restores 3 HP per level of the creature and also removes 2 points of ability damage. Additionally, the surgeon can treat deadly wounds on a creature up to two times per day.

At 11th level, treating deadly wounds restores 4 HP per level of the creature and also removes 4 points of ability damage. Additionally, the surgeon can treat deadly wounds on a creature up to three times per day.

This ability modifies healing hands.

Perfect Prescription (Ex)

Whenever the surgeon drinks or administers a potion, he is able to maximize its effects.

Starting at 6th level, he treats healing potions (The Cure Potion line) as if the spell required for them was cast using his ranks in Heal as his caster level and his Wisdom modifier.

This ability replaces medical alchemist.

Advanced Treatments (Ex or Su)

At 12th level and every three levels thereafter, the surgeon may pick a treatment from the list below. This treatment is an additional effect that applies to the surgeon’s triage.

Amputated (Su): The surgeon’s triage also acts as regenerate, but only for the purposes of regrowing severed body members, broken bones, and ruined organs. Prerequisite: The surgeon must have the injured treatment before he can select this treatment.

Empowering (Ex): The target recovers one negative level, 1 point of ability drain, or the surgeon’s Intelligence modifier in ability damage to a single ability score of the surgeon’s choosing. Prerequisite: The surgeon must have the restorative treatment before they can select this treatment.

Ensorcelled (Su): The surgeon’s triage also acts as dispel, using the surgeon’s level as his caster level.

Injured (Ex): The target gains fast healing 3 for a number of rounds equal to half the medic’s level.

Restorative (Ex): The target heals 1d6 points of ability damage from a single ability score of the surgeon’s choosing.

These abilities replace a medical practice gained at 12th level.