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Incubi (or succubi, if female) are the demons of lust and desire, the most renowned tempters of the hellish hordes. Beautiful in appearance and with striking personalities, incubi seem to be the answer to mortals’ most hidden dreams and needs. While they feed off the energy of the people who get too close to them – one of the traits that makes them so dangerous – many incubi have adapted to living with mortals and no longer dry their victims to death, while others only crave for their latest kill to exhale one final moan of pleasure with its last breath.

The incubus is an archetype of the illusionist class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The incubus mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat, and CHA for his class features and spells.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Spellcasting, Base Attack Bonus, Hit Die, Weapon Proficiency, Limit Break (Terrifying Nightmare), Veil Pool, Blinding Ray, Deceptive Flourish. 2ndDiscern Deception. 3rdVeil Power. 4thSocial Cloaking. 5thTrue Illusion. 6thVeil Power, The Show Must Go On. 7thQuick Veil. 8thTenacious Illusions. 9thVeil Power, Illusionary Puppet. 12thVeil Power, Body Double. 13thCloak of Shadows. 14thInvisibility Field. 15thVeil Power, Doublecast. 16thIllusive Reality. 17thBlurred Reality. 18thVeil Power. 19thMaster of the Veil. 20thBend Reality.

Limited Spellcasting

An incubus loses access to 7th through 9th level spells and has a lower Base MP as noted below.

Table: 3/4th MP Progression

LevelBase MPSpell Level

Martial Prowess

An incubus’s base attack bonus increases by one step (from 1/2 BAB to 3/4 BAB). Also increases incubus’s hit dice from d6 to d8.

Weapon Proficiency

An incubus is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, and whip.

This ability replaces the illusionist’s starting weapon proficiencies.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the incubus receives the Limit Break (Lustful Withdrawal).

Lustful Withdrawal (Su): This Limit Break allows the incubus to drain the Charisma from all enemies within 30 feet. All enemies within 30 feet take 1 point of Charisma damage plus an additional point for every four illusionist levels after 1st, a Will save (DC 10 + half of the illusionist’s level + his Charisma modifier) to negate. In addition, for each point of Charisma damage inflicted, the incubus gains 1 Lust Point, which he can immediately spend if needed.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Terrifying Nightmare).

Drain Touch (Su)

At 1st level, an incubus gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat even if he doesn’t meet the requirements.

The incubus can touch creatures to damage their Charisma and empower himself. Normal, casual contact is enough to trigger this effect (such as a handshake, for example), but if the target isn’t willing to touch the incubus, this is treated as a melee touch attack. Each time the incubus strikes a creature with an unarmed strike, he can deal 1 point of Charisma damage instead of the normal damage.

As a standard action, he can instead inflict the Charisma damage with a melee touch attack. Each point of Charisma damage inflicted in this way adds 1 point to the incubus’s lust pool (see below). If a creature is brought to 0 Charisma by the incubus’s drain touch, it falls comatose until it regains at least one point of Charisma. Drain touch cannot inflict Charisma damage if the lust pool is full.

This ability replaces blinding ray.

Lust Pool (Su)

The lust pool is a meter of how much energy the incubus has drained through his powers. The lust pool empties each day at dawn and can contain a number of points equal to twice the illusionist’s level. The incubus gains 1 point each time he successfully uses his drain touch ability to damage a creature’s Charisma, and the ability damage inflicted this way cannot be healed as long as the incubus maintains the corresponding points in his lust pool (the order in which the points are depleted is “First In, First Out”). By spending 1 point from his lust pool, the incubus can generate the following effects:

As long as there is at least 1 point in the Lust Pool, the incubus gains a deflection bonus to his AC equal to his Charisma modifier. Furthermore, as long as there is 1 point in the Lust Pool, the incubus can change his appearance to that of a hume, as per the disguise self spell, except that it allows to conceal the presence of wings. This last effect can be used at will.

This ability replaces veil pool.

Entertainer’s Knowledge (Ex)

Being creatures that live off seduction, the incubus is an excellent entertainer. An incubus adds half his illusionist level (rounded down) as a bonus to Craft (any one), Diplomacy, Knowledge (nobility), and Perform (one among act, dance, oratory, percussion, strings, or sing) checks, and can make checks in these skills even untrained.

This ability replaces deceptive flourish.

Smooth Talker (Ex or Su)

An incubus is adept at swaying other creatures’ minds with his words. Starting from 2nd level, he can make a Diplomacy check to modify a creature’s attitude as a full-round action with a –5 penalty.

This ability replaces discern deception.

Power of Love (Su)

Starting from 3rd level, an incubus can gain power from the lust points he accrues. Whenever he gains one or more lust points, he can decide, as a  free action, to allocate them towards personal power. If he does, those points cannot be spent to activate abilities or powers, but are not removed from the lust pool until it refreshes the next day, making them ‘frozen’ in the lust pool. The maximum number of points that can be allocated to power of love is equal to the incubus’s Charisma modifier, without counting temporary bonuses. The bonuses gained from power of love last for ten minutes since the last time a lust point was allocated this way, and depend on how many points are allocated, as follows:

  • 1 or more points: the incubus gains a +2 profane bonus to Will saves and to opposed Charisma checks;
  • 2 or more points: the incubus gains a +1 profane bonus to the save DC of all spells, extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities that he uses;
  • 3 or more points: the incubus gains a number of temporary hit points equal to his Charisma modifier + his incubus level;
  • 4 or more points: the incubus gains a +4 profane bonus to Will saves, opposed Charisma checks, and Bluff, Perform, and Stealth checks;
  • 5 or more points: the incubus gains a +2 profane bonus to the save DC of all spells, extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities that he uses, and a +1 to caster level, when applicable;
  • 6 or more points: the incubus gains damage reduction 10/good;
  • 7 or more points: the incubus gains a +2 profane bonus to Charisma;
  • 8 or more points: the incubus adds his Charisma bonus as an insight bonus to armor class and to attack rolls;
  • 9 or more points: the incubus gains a +4 profane bonus to Charisma;
  • 10 or more points: the incubus adds his Charisma bonus as an insight bonus to damage rolls;
  • 11 or more points: the incubus gains a +6 profane bonus to Charisma
  • 12 or more points: the incubus can reroll any one d20 roll, after knowing the result, once every 10 minutes. Also, the incubus gains a spell resistance equal to his level plus his Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces veil powers.

Lover’s Gift (Su)

When an incubus of 4th level or higher uses his drain touch ability, he can give the target something in compensation for the Charisma loss. Said compensation can be in the form of a +4 profane bonus to a physical ability score, or a +2 profane bonus to AC, or all skill checks, or 10 temporary hit points. The bonus lasts for 10 minutes or until the creature’s Charisma score is restored. While two instances of the same bonus do not stack, a creature can receive more than one bonus from lover’s gift.

This ability replaces social cloaking.

Lay on Hands (Su)

Starting from 5th level, an incubus can expend 1 lust point to use lay on hands like a holy knight of his level, thus healing 1d6 points of damage for every 2 levels he has. Spending 1 extra lust point he can count as a holy knight 5 levels higher, or add to his lay on hands a blessing a holy knight of his level could use. Starting from 16th level, an incubus can choose to spend 1 extra point to make his lay on hands have maximum effect instead. An incubus can only expend up to 2 points on a single use of lay on hands, having to choose between adding a blessing or healing more hit points each time.

This ability replaces true illusion.

Reckless Drain (Su)

When using drain touch, an incubus of at least 6th level can take a –2 penalty to attack rolls and AC for one round. If he does, he can inflict 2 points of Charisma damage instead of 1, and charges his lust pool accordingly. This effect can be used only if drain touch is used as an attack, not with casual contact.

This ability replaces the show must go on.

Improved Lust Pool (Su)

Starting from 7th level, an incubus’s lust pool can hold an extra number of lust points equal to his Charisma modifier (without counting temporary bonuses, such as from power of love). Also, an incubus can spend 3 lust points as a swift action to gain DR 5/good, or a +6 profane bonus to AC, or a +4 morale bonus to any ability score other than Charisma for 1 minute per level. Furthermore, he can now spend 1 point to use seducer’s eyes or unnatural lust as a supernatural ability.

This ability replaces quick veil.

Blow Kiss (Su)

An incubus of 8th level or higher can use drain touch or lay on hands as a ranged touch attack rather than a melee touch. The range of this ability is 30 feet. All other effects and options remain the same.

This ability replaces tenacious illusions.

Power Share (Su)

An incubus of 9th level or higher can, as a standard action, touch an ally; doing so, he can grant that ally a number of lust points from his lust pool, or spend them to activate on the ally abilities that would normally only target himself. If he grants lust points, they can be allocated by the targets to gain the same benefits the incubus can through power of love, depending on the amount of points granted. These points still count against the incubus’s maximum lust points; as such, he cannot grant any points if he has no free lust points (should he allocate his whole pool for power of love, for instance, he wouldn’t be able to grant points). He can grant as many points as possible to any number of creatures, although each creature must receive the points with a single use of this ability. If the target of this ability is another incubus or succubus, they can use the lust points obtained in this way to activate their own abilities, or allocating them for their own power of love ability. With a swift action, the incubus can reclaim all unspent points from all the creatures they have been bestowed to, or all the unspent points from a single creature.

This ability replaces illusionary puppet.

Suggestion (Su)

When making a Diplomacy check to ask a creature to do something, an incubus of 11th level or higher can also spend 1 lust point; if he does and the check is successful, the creature is subject to a suggestion spell, and suffers a –5 penalty to its saving throw against it.

This ability replaces cloak of shadows.

Strength of Love (Su)

At 12th level, an incubus can channel his lust points into strengthening his body. This ability uses the same allocated points as power of love, and the bonuses can be switched between power of love and strength of love whenever a lust point is allocated towards these abilities. Lust points cannot be allocated separately towards power of love or strength of love, and only one can be active at the same time. The bonuses granted by strength of love are as follows:

  • 1 or more points: the incubus gains a +2 profane bonus to Fortitude saves, to CMB and to CMD;
  • 2 or more points: the incubus gains a +2 profane bonus to damage rolls;
  • 3 or more points: the incubus gains a +2 profane bonus to attack and initiative rolls;
  • 4 or more points: the incubus gains a +4 profane bonus to Fortitude saves, CMB, CMD, and to Acrobatics and Swim checks;
  • 5 or more points: the incubus gains a +4 profane bonus to damage rolls;
  • 6 or more points: the incubus adds his Charisma bonus to his Strength bonus to determine his carrying capacity, to Strength checks, and to determine CMB for grapple checks;
  • 7 or more points: the incubus gains a +2 profane bonus to Strength;
  • 8 or more points: the incubus adds his Charisma bonus as an insight bonus to armor class and to attack rolls;
  • 9 or more points: the incubus gains a +4 profane bonus to Strength;
  • 10 or more points: the incubus adds his Charisma bonus as an insight bonus to damage rolls;
  • 11 or more points: the incubus gains a +6 profane bonus to Strength
  • 12 or more points: the incubus can reroll any one d20 roll after knowing the result, once every 10 minutes. Also, the incubus gains fast healing 10.

This ability replaces body double.

Demanding Gift (Su)

Starting from 13th level, the incubus can decide, when using lover’s gift, to give double the bonus (for example a +4 profane bonus to AC instead of +2), or have it last 10 minutes per level, but if he does the incubus gains one less lust point than normal, usually 0 for a normal drain touch.

This ability replaces invisibility field.

Group Hug (Su)

Starting from 15th level, the incubus can use a full-round action to use drain touch at a distance (as per blow kiss), affecting a number of creatures up to his Charisma modifier. For each creature, he can apply lover’s gift, if he so wishes, and give different bonuses to each creature. If he uses reckless drain on this ability, it affects the whole group hug, and he cannot apply it only to some of the targets.

This ability replaces doublecast.

Lover’s Lament (Su)

Starting from 16th level, an incubus can leave his victims powerless in his grasp. A creature that suffers Charisma damage from an incubus while grappled, or under the effect of an enfeebling or illusion spell originating from the incubus himself, must succeed a Fortitude save or become dazed until the end of the following round.

This ability replaces illusive reality.

Eternal Bond (Su)

An incubus of 17th level or higher can spend 1 extra point of his lust pool to double the duration of any effect that he activated through his lust pool. Spending 1 extra lust point while activating an enhancing effect makes the target’s attitude remain permanently shifted by one towards friendly on a failed save. This change is permanent but doesn’t exclude the possibility of the attitude worsening in normal ways afterwards, such as by the effect of an Intimidate check.

This ability replaces blurred reality.

Improved Power of Love (Su)

Starting from 19th level, the incubus can gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the number of lust points in his lust pool whenever he adds points to it. These hit points don’t stack with themselves, only the highest amount counts. These temporary hit points disappear after 1 hour of being gained. Furthermore, using power share to give lust points becomes a swift action, and the lust points can be divided among any number of creatures within 30 feet.

This ability replaces master of the veil.

Lust Incarnate (Su)

At 20th level, an incubus becomes a master at manipulating the sexual energies of lust. When the incubus confers bonuses upon a creature (through lover’s gift or expending lust points), the bonuses increase by 2. Apply this effect after demanding gift, if applicable. Furthermore, the incubus can now attempt to remove the very soul from a creature. Once per day, the incubus can declare the use of this ability and attempt to use drain touch or blow kiss as a full-round action. If he hits, the target must succeed a Fortitude save or die instantly. If the creature dies in this way, the incubus gains a number of lust points equal to the creature’s Charisma modifier (or 3, whichever is higher). The incubus can immediately spend any of these points using power share, or accumulate them as normal. If the creature successfully saves, the effect is lowered to 3 points of Charisma damage, and the incubus gains 3 lust points.

This ability replaces bend reality.