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Dream sages are a strange group of illusory soothsayers and spies. To them, the information provided by the unconscious mind is a treasure trove of secrets to be protected or exploited. When facing a dream sage, one must be careful; for they can manifest the chaotic aspects of dreams and make them seep into reality.

The dream sage is an archetype of the illusionist class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The dream sage mainly focuses on DEX for combat, and CHA for his class features and spells.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Limit Break (Perfect Illusion), Spells, Veil Pool, Blinding Ray, Deceptive Flourish, Cantrips. 3rdVeil Powers. 4thSocial Cloaking. 7thMaster of Disguise. 9thIllusionary Puppet. 12thVeil Power, Body Double.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the dream sage receives the Limit Break (Dreamt Into Reality).

Dreamt Into Reality (Su): This Limit Break allows  the dream sage to conjure the realm of dreams in an area. Choose an area within 30 feet. For a duration of 1 round + 1 additional round per four illusionist levels, the dream sage turn a 50-ft.-diameter area into a mass of swirling colors and phantoms, making it gain the wild magic planar trait. Creatures that start their turn in the area must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the illusionist’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be flat-footed and fascinated by their own day dreams for the duration. If the dream sage is in the area, all spells or effects with the figment, pattern, and phantasm descriptors have their DCs increased by 1.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Perfect Illusion).

Oneiric Esoterica (Su)

The dream sage draws his power from the realm of dreams. With it he can manipulate the mindscape to a frightening degree. The dream sage adds all enfeebling spells from the black mage spell list and treats them as illusionist spells on the illusionist spell list. However, all enfeebling spells from the black mage spell list gain the illusion and mind-affecting descriptors when cast by the dream sage if they didn’t have it before. If a spell from the enfeebling school is cast by the dream sage and requires a Fortitude save, it instead requires a Will save. Those spells gain the “Will disbelief” entry as well.

This ability modifies the illusionist’s spellcasting ability.


The dream sage adds the lullaby jingle to his list of illusionist cantrips.

This ability modifies cantrips.

Dream Leech (Su)

At 1st level, the dream sage can syphon power from a weakened creature. When within 30 feet of an unconscious or sleeping creature, he can take a swift action to syphon their dreams. The creature can attempt a Will save against the effect (DC 10 + half of the illusionist’s level + his Charisma modifier); sleeping creatures are not considered willing. Creatures that don’t dream are immune to this effect. On a failed save, the dream sage gains temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + an additional 1d6 per three illusionist levels after 1st. This benefit lasts for 1 hour and does not stack with other sources of temporary hit points. The dream sage can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier, but no more than once per creature per day. He can use dream leech within a dream from any distance as long as he has line of sight with the subject.

This ability replaces blinding ray.

Oneiric Arcana (Su)

The energies within a dream and the power of thoughts, painful or otherwise, empower the dream sage. Whenever he casts a spell of the illusion school, he gains an insight bonus to AC equal to the level of the spell (minimum of one) for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces deceptive flourish.

Sleep-Driven Veils (Su)

At 1st level, the dream sage funnels the power of dreams into the waking world. He uses that power to let unaware minds slip into a dreaming state. This functions as a veil pool but with the following changes:

  • The dream sage can spend a veil point to cast Sleep as a spell-like ability, as a standard action, as per the spell.
  • At 5th level, when performing a successful Diplomacy, Bluff, or a Handle Animal check on a creature, the dream sage can spend a veil point to lull them into a drowsy state. Creatures take a -4 penalty on Perception checks and a -2 penalty against sleep spells and effects. These penalties last for a number of minutes equal to half his Charisma modifier or for as long so he keeps communicating.
  • At 9th level, the dream sage can send small dreams to aid the weary. He can spend a veil point as an immediate action to grant unconscious creatures within 20 feet an insight bonus on stabilize checks and Fortitude saves against Coup de Grace attempts equal to his Charisma modifier.
  • At 13th level, the dream sage can add his Charisma modifier to his saving throws against spells and effects from the illusion school so long as he has one veil point left in his pool.

This ability modifies veil pool.

Veil Powers (Ex/Su)

The dream sage gets a slew of unique veil powers, exclusive to them. He can gain one of the following veil powers at each level he would gain a veil power:

Adventurous Dreamer (Ex): With numerous dives into the Realm of Dreams under the dream sage’s belt, he can traverse the subconscious with a steeled soul. He gains the Practiced Dreamer feat as a bonus feat without needing to meet the prerequisites. At 10th level, he gains Dreamwalker as a bonus feat without needing to meet the prerequisites.

Assail The Waking (Su): The dream sage can summon the figments of dreams and nightmares. He can spend 1 veil point to summon and control 1d4 +1 Dream Spiders as per summon monster I. He can spend 2 veil points to summon 1d2 Animate Dreams to assist him as per summon monster VI. Prerequisite: The dream sage must be at least 9th level to select this veil power.

Dream Eater (Su): When using dream leech, the dream sage can instead drain a portion of their consciousness as a standard action. Instead of gaining the usual benefits, when a creature fails a saving throw against dream leech, they suffer 1d6 + an additional d6 of non-lethal damage per two illusionist levels he has. When the subject succeeds their save, they wake up instead of remaining unconscious if they have at least 0 hit points or higher. The dream sage can spend 1 veil point to effect the same creature again with the dream eater.

Dream Magic (Ex): When casting a spell from the school of illusion on an unconscious creature, the dream sage treats his caster level as one higher for the purposes of duration and effects. If he is inside a dream and casts a spell of the illusion school or an ability that is mind affecting, creatures within the dream gain a -2 penalty to saving throws against the spell or ability.

Dreamer (Sp): The dream sage’s connection to the realm of dreams allows him to slip into the dreams of others. He can spend 1 veil point to cast Minor Dream as a spell-like ability, using his illusionist level as his caster level. At 12th level, he can cast Dream as a spell-like ability. At 15th level, he can cast Dream Casting as a spell-like ability and can cast any spell with the phantasm descriptor when unconscious or sleeping. Prerequisite: The dream sage must be at least 9th level to select this veil power.

Incorporeal Dream (Su): The dream sage learns to shift a portion of his corporeal form to the Realm of Dreams. As a standard action, the dream sage can spend a veil point to temporarily make himself gain the benefits of an incorporeal creature. He can spend 2 veil points to gain this benefit as a swift action. This benefit lasts for 1 round per illusionist level he possesses. Prerequisite: The dream sage must be at least 6th level to select this veil power.

Nightmare’s Curse (Su): The dream sage’s knowledge of dreams can be used to inflict visions of horror in a single touch. He can spend 4 MP or 2 veil points to make a melee touch attack. Upon touching his target, he inflicts the Nightmare Curse of an Animate Dream using his Will save (DC 10 + half of the illusionist’s level + his Charisma modifier). If he spends an additional veil point, he can reduce the frequency to 1/round but lower the DC by 2. Prerequisite: The dream sage must be at least 9th level to select this veil power.

Sow Idea (Ex): When inside a dream, the dream sage can spend a veil point to cast Suggestion. When doing so, the suggestion lingers as an individual thought, completely of the subject’s own making. The subject has no indication that the caster cast the spell unless the creature knows or has any details of the caster’s identity (such as their name, occupation, or has seen their face). When the creature wakes, it deigns to complete the course of action given at its earliest convenience. Prerequisite: The dream sage must be at least 6th level to select this veil power.

Oneiromancy (Su)

At 4th level, the dream sage’s practice of harnessing and manipulating the mindscape becomes more versatile. He gains the Lucid Dreamer feat without needing to meet the prerequisites.  When adjacent to an unconscious creature, he can invoke a particular type of dream. He must spend a full-round action and 1 veil point. The subject gains one of the following effects of the dream sage’s choice:

  • Insightful Dream (Su): The dream sage informs the subject of any useful knowledge or give visions of danger. The subject gains a +1 insight bonus to Intelligence checks or a +1 insight bonus to Initiative checks.
  • Sweet Dream (Su): The dream sage lulls the subject into a dream of comfort and confidence. The subject gains a +1 morale bonus to Charisma checks or a +1 morale bonus on Diplomacy checks.
  • Voyaging Dream (Su): The dream sage fills the dream with wanderlust and urgency. The subject gains a +5 enhancement bonus to their movement speed or a +1 enhancement bonus to Fortitude saves.

Each benefit lasts for 2 hours per illusionist level (maximum of 24 hours) after the subject wakes up. The subject has no indication of the source of the dream. Each bonus increases by +1 per three illusionist levels.after 4th (the land speed bonus increases by +5 per three illusionist levels after 4th). The dream sage can perform this ability once per day per creature, up to his Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces social cloaking.

Dream Mastery (Sp)

At 7th level, the veils of the dream sage grow more potent. He can pay 2 veil points to cast Sleepga as a spell-like ability. In addition, when a creature fails a saving throw against an illusion with the compulsion, figment, pattern, or phantasm descriptor he casts; he treats that creature as ‘unconscious’ for the purposes of abilities like Dream Leech or Dream Eater. This lasts for as long as the duration of the illusory effect.

This ability replaces master of disguise.

Secrets of the Dream (Su)

At 9th level, the dream sage can delve into the depths of the unconscious to discover knowledge unspoken. He gains the Dreamed Secrets feat as a bonus feat without needing to meet the prerequisites. However, he can learn two spells from the Red Mage spell list instead. He can only learn spells that are, at least, 1 level lower than his highest level illusion spell he can cast.

At 13th level, the dream sage can choose to learn 2 additional spells from another spell list he selects and again at 17th level. He cannot learn spells from the Summoner spell list or the Blue Mage spell list in this manner. In addition, he can spend a veil point to be able to cast a learned spell without making a Will save as described in the feat. This must be spent as part of casting the spell. In addition, whenever the dream sage sleeps for 8 hours, he may change the spells he learned with this ability. If his slumber is interrupted in any way, he loses the new spells and keep the last spells he learned.

This ability replaces illusionary puppet.

Waking Dreams (Su)

The dream sage’s knowledge of the subconscious increases at 12th level. Once per day, the dream sage can buffet enemy creatures with waking dreams. All creatures within a 20-ft.-diameter circle around the dream sage must make a Will save or be drawn into waking dreams. A failure results in the creature becoming Confused for 2d6 rounds. Creatures confused in this way are considered unconscious and sleeping for the purposes of spells and abilities the dream sage employs. A success negates this effect. This is a mind-affecting figment effect.

This ability replaces body double.

Dream-Touched (Sp)

At 12th level, the dream sage’s mastery over oneiromancy excels further. The dream sage can spend 2 veil points to cast Dream Travel as spell-like ability. In addition, the dream sage gains Planar Infusion as a bonus feat and gains the benefit of the Dimension of Dreams. If the dream sage already has this feat, he can gain the improved version or another feat of his choosing.

This ability replaces the veil power gained at 12th level.