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Hailing from a mysterious land beyond the sky, PuPu who engage in combat often use equally mysterious energy-projecting devices which they can call out of thin air. Mystery or not, though, these “space blasters” fire deadly beams!

The space force is an archetype of the gunner class, available only to pupu gunners.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The space force mainly focuses on DEX and INT for martial combat and INT for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Weapon Proficiencies, Limit Break (Trigger Happy), Gunner Style, Gunsmith. 2ndGun Fix, Gunnery Talent. 4thGun Training, Gunnery Talent. 5thImproved Gunner Style. 6thGunnery Talent. 8thGunnery Talent. 10thGunner Style Mastery, Gunnery Talent. 12thGunnery Talent. 14thGunnery Talent. 16thGunnery Talent. 18thGunnery Talent. 19thRanged Specialist. 20thGunnery Talent, Personal Armory.

Weapon Proficiency

A space force is only proficient with all simple and martial weapons and all simple firearms.

This ability modifies weapon proficiencies.

Intellectual Gunslinger (Ex)

A space force uses Intelligence in place of Wisdom for all gunner class features.

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, a space force receives the Limit Break (High Tension).

High Tension (Su): This Limit Break allows the space force to gain a number of attacks of opportunity equal to her Dexterity modifier; these attacks of opportunity can only be made using the space force’s magic gun, which can be used for attacks of opportunity while this limit break is active, as though the space force threatened all enemies within the range of her magic gun. This limit break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four gunner levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Trigger Happy).

Space Blaster (Su)

At 1st level, the space force gains the feat Magic Gun without needing to meet the prerequisites and gains a MP pool containing 1 MP, which refreshes at the start of each day. The highest-level non-elemental spell the space force can cast is considered to be 1st level, plus one spell level for every two gunner levels she has past 1st, to a maximum of 9th at 17th level, unless it would otherwise be higher. The weapon created by this feat is called a space blaster, and is treated as a firearm for all feats and gunner class features, and its maximum range is treated as its first range increment.

At 5th level and every four gunner levels thereafter, a space force can reconfigure her space blaster with a single modification by spending 1 hour of work and a certain amount of gil. Most modifications can only be taken once, unless specified. She may reconfigure her space blaster as many times as she likes but is only granted up to 4 (at 17th level) of the following benefits at a time. She can remove modifications from her space blaster for free by spending 1 hour of work, but the modification and any gil spent towards it is lost. The space force’s modifications apply whenever her space blaster is summoned.

  • Automatic Fire: The space blaster becomes capable of automatic fire. As a full-round action, the space force can fire a barrage of blasts to attack all creatures in a line. This line starts from any corner of her space and extends to the limit of the space blaster’s range or until it strikes a barrier it cannot penetrate. The space force makes a separate attack roll against each creature in the line. Each creature in the line can be attacked with only one shot from each burst. Each attack roll takes a -2 penalty, and its damage cannot be modified by precision damage or damage-increasing feats such as Vital Strike. Effects that grant concealment, such as fog or smoke, or the blur, mirror image, or vanish spells, do not affect the space blaster’s automatic fire attack. Roll to confirm each attack roll that threatens a critical hit separately. When using automatic fire, creatures count their perception checks to hear the sound as if they had rolled a 20. This cannot be used with Exploding Bolts. Cost: 3,000 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 9th level to select this modification.
  • Close Range: The space blaster’s shots come out even faster at close range, making them harder to dodge. This modification grants +1 on attack rolls to hit a target within 20 feet. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • Dark Shots: The space blaster’s shots are imbued with dark energy, becoming slightly more powerful as a result. All damage dealt by the space blaster is shadow damage instead, and its damage dice increase by one step (d3 -> d4 or d4 -> d6). This cannot be used with Elemental Shots or Light Shots. Cost: 2,500 gil.
  • Elemental Shots: The space blaster’s shots are imbued with an elemental energy, becoming slightly more powerful as a result. When constructing this modification, select earth, fire, ice, lightning, wind, or water. All damage dealt by the space blaster is of this element, and its damage dice increase by one step (d3 -> d4 or d4 -> d6). This cannot be used with Dark Shots or Light Shots. Cost: 2,500 gil.
  • Elongated Barrel: The elongated barrel allows for surer aim and grants +1 bonus to space blaster attack rolls. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • Exploding Bolts: The space blaster’s shots explode on impact, spraying damaging energy on everything within five feet of the target. Anything adjacent to a target hit by the space blaster takes the minimum damage of each attack, as if the attack were from a splash weapon. This cannot be used with Automatic Fire. Cost: 4,000 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 9th level to select this modification.
  • High Power: By minorly increasing the energy output, the space blaster gains a +1 bonus on damage rolls. This cannot be used with any other tier of High Power. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • High Power 2: By increasing the energy output, the space blaster gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls. This cannot be used with any other tier of High Power. Cost: 4,500 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 9th level to select this modification.
  • High Power 4: By greatly increasing the energy output, the space blaster gains a +4 bonus on damage rolls. This cannot be used with any other tier of High Power. Cost: 7,000 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 13th level to select this modification.
  • High Power 5: By massively increasing the energy output, the space blaster’s damage dice increase by one step (d3 -> d4 or d4 -> d6) and gain a +5 bonus on damage rolls. This cannot be used with any other tier of High Power. Cost: 10,000 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 17th level to select this modification.
  • Light Shots: The space blaster’s shots are imbued with light energy, becoming slightly more powerful as a result. All damage dealt by the space blaster is holy damage instead, and its damage dice increase by one step (d3 -> d4 or d4 -> d6). This cannot be used with Dark Shots or Elemental Shots. Cost: 2,500 gil.
  • Long Range: The space blaster’s shots carry further. Increase the range of the space blaster by 10 feet. This modification can be selected more than once. Cost: 1,000 gil.
  • Power Shot: The space blaster now fires large balls of energy which are easier to dodge but deal additional damage. It gains a +2 bonus on damage, but the space force suffers a -1 penalty on all attacks with it. This cannot be used with any other tier of Power Shot. Cost: 4,500 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 9th level to select this modification.
  • Power Shot 2:  The space blaster now fires huge balls of energy which are easier to dodge, but deal additional damage. It gains a +4 bonus on damage, but the space force suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks with it. This cannot be used with any other tier of Power Shot. Cost: 7,000 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 13th level to select this modification.
  • Power Shot 3: The space blaster now fires immense balls of energy which are easier to dodge, but deal additional damage. It gains a +6 bonus on damage, but the space force suffers a -3 penalty on all attacks with it. This cannot be used with any other tier of Power Shot. Cost: 10,000 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 17th level to select this modification.
  • Reflex Sight: With a lens and reflective overlay at its focus, an optical collimator produces a virtual image of a reticle providing a +1 bonus on attack rolls. This cannot be used with Night Vision. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • Silencer: The space blaster’s shots are almost entirely silent except for when they impact their targets. In order to hear one of these being fired, a Perception check (DC 20 + the space force’s level) must be made. This modification does nothing to make brightly glowing energy blasts less obvious visually, however. This cannot be used with any other tier of Silencer. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • Silencer 2: The space blaster’s shots are almost entirely silent except for when they impact their targets. In order to hear one of these being fired, a Perception check (DC 20 + the space force’s level) must be made. In addition, the blasts no longer glow brightly, only being about as visually obvious as arrows or crossbow bolts in motion. This cannot be used with any other tier of Silencer, or any tier of Tracer. Cost: 4,500 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 9th level to select this modification.
  • Tracer: The space blaster’s shots leave a glowing trail which helps the space force aim further shots in the same volley. This provides a +1 bonus to hit on attacks made after the first attack with this space blaster the gunner makes in a round. This cannot be used with any other tier of Tracer. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • Tracer 2: The space blaster’s shots leave a brilliant trail which helps the space force aim further shots in the same volley. This provides a +2 bonus to hit on attacks made after the first attack with this space blaster the gunner makes in a round. This cannot be used with any other tier of Tracer. Cost: 4,500 gil. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 9th level to select this modification.

This ability replaces gunsmith and gun fix.

Blaster Style (Ex)

At 1st level, the space force is treated as having one of the following feats: Deadly Aim, Point Blank Shot, or Precise Shot, even if she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. The benefits of this ability apply only when she wears light or no armor. She loses all benefits of this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor.

This ability modifies gunner style.

Gunnery Talents

The space force cannot select the following gunnery talents: Big Iron On The Hip, Fast Draw, Improved Quick Draw, Mobile Attack, Reflexive Shot, Small Arms, Speed Loader, Stable Shooter, Steady Shooting, and Trigger Work but she gains access to the following gunnery talent options:

Advanced Space Blaster (Su): The space force can fire her blaster a third time as part of a full round action, at a -10 penalty. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 16th level to select this talent.

Blaster on the Hip (Su): The space force may form her space blaster and make a single attack with it as part of rolling initiative. This attack cannot critically hit nor can precision damage be applied to it. Multiple characters with this or a similar talent make this “free” attack in initiative order. Prerequisites: The space force must be at least 6th level and have the Faster Blaster gunnery talent to select this talent.

Effective Elemental Shots: The space force gains the Effective Power Weapons feat, treating her space blaster as a power weapon and her gunner level as her caster level for the purpose of this feat. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 8th level to select this talent.

Emergency Reconfigure (Ex): As a move action, the space force may temporarily remove one modification from her space blaster for 1 minute. Emergency Reconfigure may be used a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier. Prerequisites: The space force must be at least 6th level to select this talent.

Faster Blaster (Su): The space force may form her space blaster as part of a standard or full-round action to attack with it.

Improved Emergency Reconfigure (Ex): As a standard action, the space force may temporarily add one modification she meets the prerequisites of to her space blaster for 1 minute. This can go beyond her maximum modifications, but only one temporary modification can be added at once. This talent draws from the same pool of daily uses as Emergency Reconfigure. Prerequisites: The space force must be at least 10th level to select this talent.

Improved Fast Blast (Su): If the space force’s space blaster is in her hand, she may make a single attack with it during a surprise round, even if she is surprised. Prerequisite: The space force must have the Faster Blaster gunnery talent to select this talent.

Improved Rapid Blast (Su): The space force reduces the penalty by 1 on her attack roll when using the Rapid Blast talent. Prerequisites: The space force must be at least 8th level and have the Rapid Blast gunnery talent to select this talent.

Improved Space Blaster (Su): The space force can fire her blaster a second time as part of a full round action, at a -5 penalty. Prerequisite: The space force must be at least 8th level to select this talent.

Mobile Blast (Ex): Immediately after attacking multiple times with her space blaster as a full-round action, the space force may move up to half her movement speed as a swift action. Prerequisites: The space force must be at least 6th level and have the Rapid Blast or Improved Space Blaster gunnery talent to select this talent.

Rapid Blast (Su): The space force can fire her blaster an additional time at her highest bonus as part of a full round action. Each attack made during this full attack takes a -2 penalty.

Reflexive Blast (Su): The space force can take a shot at an opponent about to engage her in melee combat. Whenever an opponent first engages the gunner in melee combat, she can as an immediate action make one space blaster attack at her highest attack bonus. If the attack is successful, she deals damage as normal. Once the attack is made, her space blaster disappears and she can draw a melee weapon and engage in melee combat as normal. The space force must be holding her space blaster to use Reflexive Blast. Prerequisites: The space force must be at least 6th level and have the Faster Blaster gunnery talent to select this talent.

This ability modifies gunnery talents.

Blaster Training (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a space force gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when making attacks with her space blaster. In addition, she uses her Intelligence modifier as a bonus to ranged damage rolls (this bonus is halved if she has a level in another non-prestige class and this is not her favored class) with her space blaster as well. Every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th), the bonus on attack and damage rolls increases by +1.

This ability replaces gun training.

Improved Blaster Style (Ex)

At 5th level, a space force’s aptitude with her space blaster improves. She is treated as having one of the following feats or a feat from the previous ability: Improved Precise Shot, Parting Shot, and Ranged Disarm, even if she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. In addition, the Parting Shot feat now allows her to make a single attack with her space blaster instead of a ranged attack, regardless of how that feat is gained. As before, the benefits of this ability apply only when she wears light or no armor. She loses all benefits of this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor.

This ability modifies improved gunner style.

Blaster Style Mastery (Ex)

At 10th level, a space force’s aptitude with her space blaster improves again. She is treated as having one of the following feats or a feat from the previous two abilities: Extra Gunnery Talent and Shot on the Run, even if she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. In addition, the Shot on the Run feat now allows her to make a single attack with her space blaster instead of a ranged attack, regardless of how that feat is gained. As before, the benefits of this ability apply only when she wears light or no armor. She loses all benefits of this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor.

This ability modifies gunner style mastery.

Covering Blast (Ex)

Covering Fire also allows the space force to make attacks of opportunity with her space blaster while it is in effect.

This ability modifies covering fire.

Blaster Sniper (Su)

At 19th level, the range of the space force’s space blaster is doubled.

This ability replaces ranged specialist.

Space Master (Su)

At 20th level, the space force becomes incredibly adept with her space blaster, able to adapt it to almost any situation. Her damage bonus from blaster training increases to 1-1/2 times her Intelligence bonus, and she can now add or remove any amount of modifications from her space blaster as a standard action. She may still only have 4 modifications at once, and must still pay their cost in gil to add new modifications, however.

This ability replaces personal armory.