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Shinra Infantry are Shinra’s non-mako infused military/police force. Although not having as much of a reputation as SOLDIERs, the shinra infantry makes up the majority of Shinra’s military force, and is deployed far more often than SOLDIER. The shinra infantry keeps peace in Midgar, is deployed to handle events of public unrest and guards and operates many Shinra-owned facilities.

The shinra infantry is an archetype of the gunner class.

Perks of the Job

A shinra infantry counts as having the skill ranks to apply for the Turk or Soldier prestige class but must meet all other requirements.

Shinra Infantry Uniform

At 1st level, a shinra infantry starts with a standard uniform for shinra infantry. The uniform is standard quality light armor (as a masterwork Parade Armor) with a helm (that takes up the head slot) that grants him low-light vision and darkvision up to 15 feet. If the shinra infantry has darkvision, it increases the range by that much instead. In addition, he also gains one of the following firearms of his choice: trainee pistol, trainee rifle or trainee shotgun. His starting weapon is battered, and only he knows how to use it properly. All other creatures treat his gun as if it had the broken condition. If the weapon already has the broken condition, it does not work at all for anyone else trying to use it. This starting weapon can only be sold for scrap (it’s worth 4d10 gil when sold). The shinra infantry also gains Gunsmithing as a bonus feat.

At 5th level, the uniform is enhanced up to a +1 enhancement (or adds a +1 enhancement if already enhanced) and the helm’s vision increases by 5 feet. Every four gunner levels after 5th level, these increase by +1/5 feet.

This ability replaces gunsmith.

Specialty (Ex)

At 1st level, a shinra infantry specializes his training in one of the following functions: Combat, Demolitions, Infiltration, or Intelligence. He gains improvement in his chosen specialty at 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th levels. Each time he gains a specialty improvement, he can replace his chosen specialty for a new one.

  • Combat: The shinra infantry gains proficiency with medium armor. In addition, wearing medium armor works with all gunner class features.
  • Demolitions: The shinra infantry gains Disable Device as a class skill. If he already has this as a class skill, he gains a +2 competence bonus with Disable Device skill checks.
  • Infiltration: The shinra infantry gains Stealth as a class skill. If he already has this as a class skill, he gains a +2 competence bonus with Stealth skill checks.
  • Intelligence: The shinra infantry gains Linguistics as a class skill. If he already has this as a class skill, he gains a +2 competence bonus with Linguistics skill checks.

This ability replaces fast movement.

Tactical Aid (Ex)

At 2nd level, as a swift action, the shinra infantry can provide tactical aid to 1 ally (but not himself) within sight and voice range of his position. Or as a full-round action, the shinra infantry can provide tactical aid to all of his allies (including himself) within sight and voice range of his position. This aid provides a competence bonus on attack rolls or a dodge bonus to AC (his choice). This bonus is equal to his Intelligence modifier (min +1). The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to half his gunner level.

This ability replaces nimble.

Specialty Improvement I (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a shinra infantry gains the following specialty improvement:

  • Combat: Whenever the shinra infantry make a ranged attack against a target within 30 feet, if he rolls a 1 or a 2 on the damage roll, he can reroll the damage die.
  • Demolitions: The shinra infantry is proficient with all explosives. He gains a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls using explosives.
  • Infiltration: The shinra infantry can make a Stealth check as a swift action on his turn. In addition, when he misses an attack while hidden, he doesn’t reveal his position.
  • Intelligence: As a swift action, the shinra infantry can make a Perception check contested by the target’s Sense Motive check. If he wins, he can roll twice and take the highest on his next attack roll made before the end of this turn.

This ability replaces flanking fire.

Specialty Improvement II (Ex)

At 8th level, a shinra infantry develops the tactical aspects of his Specialty. He gains a following benefit depending on his chosen specialty:

  • Combat: Once per turn, the shinra infantry can forgo one of the his attacks to make one attack against each creature within 15 feet. Once the shinra infantry uses this feature, he suffers a -2 penalty on AC until the start of his next turn.
  • Demolitions: The shinra infantry can throw or plant an explosive as a standard action, instead of using a full-round action. In addition, when a creature rolls a 1 on the saving throw against his explosives, they take the maximum amount possible for that explosive, instead of rolling for it. He always treats objects as rolling 1 on the saving throw.
  • Infiltration: The shinra infantry adds his gunner level as a competence bonus on checks made with Athletics, Sleight of Hand. and Disguise.
  • Intelligence: The shinra infantry can use his Wisdom, instead of Charisma, when making Bluff or Intimidate checks. In addition, he becomes immune to the Charm status effect.

This ability replaces a gunnery talent gained at 8th level.

Specialty Improvement III (Ex)

A shinra infantry further develops his offensive capabilities. At 12th level, the shinra infantry gains the following benefit, depending on his chosen specialty:

  • Combat: When the shinra infantry makes a ranged attack, he can make another attack using his swift action.
  • Demolitions: The shinra infantry has DR 5/slashing. He also gains Elemental Resistance of 5 versus fire and lightning damage.
  • Infiltration: The shinra infantry can spend a swift action to impose a -2 penalty on all attack rolls made against him until the start of his next turn.
  • Intelligence: The shinra infantry can act in a surprise round even if he doesn’t notice his enemies, though he remains flat-footed until he acts.

This ability replaces covering fire.

Specialty Improvement IV (Ex)

Starting at 16th level, a shinra infantry reaches the peak at his chosen specialty. The shinra infantry gains the following benefits:

  • Combat: Once per round, whenever a creature makes an attack against an allied creature within the shinra infantry’s weapon’s reach or or his first range increment, he can make an attack of opportunity against that creature.
  • Demolitions: When rolling damage with explosives, the shinra infantry rerolls 1s.
  • Infiltration: If the shinra infantry is within 5 feet of an object of at least half his size and width or in an area of dim light or darkness, he can spend a move action to conceal the himself. If the shinra infantry does so, he is considered invisible until the end of his next turn.
  • Intelligence: The shinra infantry is always aware of the presence of any invisible or hidden creatures within 20 feet.

This ability replaces a gunnery talent gained at 16th level.