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The ringing cracks of a desperado’s dual-wielded pistols can often sound like the worst storm of the year coming in. For small towns, overrun by bandits and the like, that’s never too far from the truth.

The desperado is an archetype of the gunner class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The desperado mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat and WIS for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stGunsmith, Skirmish. 4thFlanking Fire, Gun Training. 17thPenetrating Shot. 18thDeath Shot.


A desperado must take a trainee pistol when he chooses a battered firearm at 1st level, although he gains two pistols instead of one. They are worth 2d10 gil each when sold.

This ability modifies gunsmith.

Akimbo Style (Ex)

At 1st level, a desperado is so used to wielding two weapons at once, that he treats them almost as the same weapon. Whenever he takes an attack action with a simple pistol, he may also fire a single extra attack at his highest BAB with a simple pistol wielded in his offhand. The desperado incurs the normal penalties for two-weapon fighting on both attacks in the turn and he may not use Vital Strike with either attack. In addition, whenever he draws or stows a single simple pistol, he may draw or stow another simple pistol with his other hand as a free action.

This ability replaces skirmish.

Gunnery Talents (Ex)

The desperado gains access to following gunnery talents:

Dual Reload (Ex): The desperado may reload two wielded simple pistols with one action, rather than just one, and may even do so without a free hand.

Gun Spinner (Ex): The desperado can stow a simple pistol as a swift action rather than a move action.

Gun Training (Ex)

At 4th level, the desperado is not an accurate gunslinger; he is more concerned with the number of attacks than the damage of each shot. He does not add his Dexterity modifier to damage with his chosen firearm, although all other effects of the gun training feature apply as normal.

This ability modifies gun training.

Guns Blazing (Ex)

At 4th level, a desperado is so adept with his dual-wielded pistols, he can rival the speed of an automatic weapon. When firing a semi-automatic simple pistol and making the extra attack granted by the semi-automatic rate of fire, he may make a single extra attack at his highest BAB with another semi-automatic simple pistol wielded in his off-hand, increasing the penalty on all attacks by 1. If the desperado has the Rapid Shot feat he instead takes no penalties for using the extra attacks granted by this class feature and the semi-automatic firearm property. The desperado still takes the two-weapon fighting penalties as normal.

This ability replaces flanking fire.

Critical Onslaught (Ex)

At 17th level, when a desperado confirms a critical hit with a simple pistol against a target, all other attacks made by the desperado using simple pistols against that target increase his critical threat range by 1 until the end of the current turn. This ability stacks with itself, and stacks with Improved Critical and similar abilities, but is calculated after all other modifiers.

This ability replaces penetrating shot.

Let ‘Em Have It (Ex)

At 18th level, a desperado’s attacks are so numerous and deadly that it almost forms a cloud of lead. As a full round action, the desperado may instead attack in a 15-ft.-cone, and expend all their ammunition in two wielded simple pistols. The desperado may choose to split a number of attacks equal to the expended ammunition among all targets within the cone. Each attack takes a penalty on its roll equal to the total ammo expended.

This ability replaces death shot.