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Among the quadav, in worlds where the land’s energies were a chaotic flux and leylines were disrupted, throwing the energies of nature into chaos, Geomancers were slowly dying out, their natural means of drawing their strengths disrupted and weakened. However, one quadav found a means of drawing elemental energies through the use of jewels, and from it, she founded the Order of the Jewel Knights, an armored and martial branch of the Quadav Geomancers who draws their powers and talents from the very minerals that come from the land itself.

The jewel knight is an archetype of the geomancer class, available only to quadav geomancers.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The jewel knight mainly focuses on STR/DEX for combat and WIS for their class features and spells.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Weapon and Armor Proficiencies, Spellcasting, Base Attack Bonus, Hit Dice, Cantrips, Geomancy, Spell Proficiency, Limit Breaks. 2ndGeomancy Trick, Ley Lines, Elemental Resistance. 3rdArmored Mage. 4thGeomancy Trick, Terrain Movement. 5thEndure Elements. 6thGeomancy Trick. 8thGeomancy Trick. 9thThe Earth Speaks. 10thGeomancy Trick. 11thTimeless Body. 12thGeomancy Trick. 13thThe Air Sings. 14thGeomancy Trick. 16thGeomancy Trick. 17thThe Echoes Dance. 18thGeomancy Trick. 20thGeomancy Trick, Earthen Ascension.

Weapons and Armor Proficiencies

The jewel knight gains proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, as well as 1 exotic weapon of his choice at 1st level. He also gains proficiency in light and medium armor, but no shields.

This ability alters the geomancer’s starting weapon and armor proficiencies.

Limit Breaks (Su)

The jewel knight receives the Limit Breaks (Power of the Eight Jewels and Prism Barrier).

Power of the Eight Jewels (Su): This Limit Break allows the jewel knight to unite the power in his jewels and consolidate them into one, gaining all the elemental damage and now deals 1 point of elemental damage per element from all his jewel knight rings on all attacks. This bonus damage increases by 1 for every four geomancer levels after 1st and it is not multiplied on a critical hit. This lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 additional round per four geomancer levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Prism Barrier (Su): This Limit Break allows the jewel knight to raise his jewels high, and conjure a barrier around himself and his allies witihin 30 feet. The jewel knight and his allies within 30 feet gain all Elemental Resist 5 and DR 5/Bludgeon plus an additional 5 per four geomancer levels after 1st, and it lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 additional round per four geomancer levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces the geomancer’s standard Limit Breaks.

Limited Spellcasting

A jewel knight loses access to 7th through 9th level spells and has a lower Base MP as noted below.

Table: 3/4th MP Progression

LevelBase MPSpell Level

Martial Prowess

A jewel knight’s base attack bonus increases by one step (from 3/4 BAB to FULL BAB). Also increases jewel knight’s hit dice from d8 to d10.

Jewel Knight Rings (Su)

At 1st level, the jewel knight starts with eight Jewel Knight rings at no costs. These jewel knight rings are exclusive to him and no one else can benefit from these rings, even for other jewel knights as the jewels embedded in them are attuned specifically to each individual jewel knight. By spending a full round action, he can change his Jewel Knight ring to gain the benefits of another, ending the previous Jewel Knight ring’s benefits. The benefits of the rings last indefinitely and he can potentially start an engagement in one of his forms. A Jewel Ring when worn takes up a ring slot as appropriate.

  • Ruby: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Fire, and he gains fire resistance 10 and ice resistance 5, but a weakness to water. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 1d6 points of fire damage.
  • Sapphire: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Water, and he gains water resistance 10 and fire resistance 5, but a weakness to lightning. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 1d6 points of water damage.
  • Emerald: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Wind, and he gains wind resistance 10 and earth resistance 5, but a weakness to ice. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 1d6 points of wind damage.
  • Citrine: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Earth, and he gains earth resistance 10 and lightning resistance 5, but a weakness to wind. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 1d6 points of earth damage.
  • Aquamarine: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Ice, and he gains ice resistance 10 and wind resistance 5, but a weakness to fire. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 1d6 points of ice damage.
  • Amethyst: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Lightning, and he gains lightning resistance 10 and water resistance 5, but a weakness to earth. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 1d6 points of lightning damage.
  • Onyx: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Dark, and he gains shadow resistance 10, but a weakness to holy. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 1d6 points of shadow damage.
  • Opal: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Light, and he gains holy resistance 10, but a weakness to shadow. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 1d6 points of holy damage.

This ability replaces geomancy and spell proficiency.

Armored Mage (Ex)

At 1st level, normally, armor of any kind interferes with a spell-caster’s gestures, which can cause spells to fail if those spells have a somatic component. A geomancer’s limited focus and specialized training, however, allows him to avoid spell failure so long as he sticks to light armor. This training does not extend to medium armor. This ability does not apply to spells gained from a different spell-casting class. At 7th level, a geomancer learns to use medium armor with no chance of spell failure.

This ability replaces cantrips and armored mage.

Jewel Magic (Su)

At 2nd level, the jewel knight learns to cast elemental magic through his rings. He gains access to elemental spells from the Black Mage and White Mage spell lists, but can only cast the appropriate elemental magic according to his currently attuned ring. The spells gained are only accessible through the rings and are not added to his regular spell list, and the jewel knight will know the spells as long as he’s attuned to it. A jewel knight can only know spells up to his highest spell level. For example, a jewel knight of 4th level attuned to Emerald can cast Aero and Aero II, but not Aero III or Blizzard. In addition, any elemental spell the jewel knight casts from the geomancer’s spell list has the DC increased by 2.
The spells gained through the attunement does not count towards the requirements to craft items.

This ability replaces geomancy tricks.

Jewel Domain (Su)

At 2nd level, the jewel knight can draw upon the powers of the Jewel Rings and create a territory around him that is advantageous to him and his allies while disadvantageous to the enemy. By spending a full-round action, the jewel knight can create an aura 30 foot around him that increases the effectiveness of matching elemental spells and abilities of himself and allies by 1 caster level, while lowering opposing elemental spells and abilities of enemies by 1 caster level. At 6th level and every four geomancer levels thereafter, the jewel knight increases the effective caster level while decreasing his enemy’s effective caster level by an additional +1. This aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to half his geomancer level and can be used a number of times equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier.

This ability replaces ley lines and elemental resistance.

Armor of Jewels (Ex)

At 4th level, the jewel knight gains DR 1/Bludgeoning. This increases by 1 for every four geomancer levels after 4th (max of DR 5/Bludgeoning at 20th level).

This ability replaces terrain movement and endure elements.

At 9th level, the jewel knight can temporarily grant an ally the benefits of his currently equipped ring. As a swift action, he can designate a single ally and choose one of his rings that he is currently attuned to. The ally will gain full benefits of the Jewel Ring, as if they are using the Jewel Knight Ring as well, but the jewel knight cannot change Jewel Knight Rings as long as the ally is granted the powers of the Jewel Knight Ring. This ability lasts for 1 minute, and the jewel knight can dismiss it as a free action. The jewel knight can use this ability a number of times equal to half his geomancer’s level.

This ability replaces the earth speaks.

Improved Jewel Knight Rings (Su)

At 11th level, the jewel knight’s rings gain an additional mineral to enhance it, powering the jewel knight further. In addition, he can change his rings as a standard action instead.

  • Ruby Jacinth: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Fire, and he gains fire resistance 20 and ice resistance 10, but a weakness to water. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 2d6 points of fire damage.
  • Sapphire Azurite: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Water, and he gains water resistance 20 and fire resistance 10, but a weakness to lightning. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 2d6 points of water damage.
  • Emerald Jade: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Wind, and he gains wind resistance 20 and earth resistance 10, but a weakness to ice. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 2d6 points of wind damage.
  • Citrine Jasper: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Earth, and he gains earth resistance 20 and lightning resistance 10, but a weakness to wind. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 2d6 points of earth damage.
  • Aquamarine Flourite: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Ice, and he gains ice resistance 20 and wind resistance 10, but a weakness to fire. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 2d6 points of ice damage.
  • Amethyst Sugilite: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Lightning, and he gains lightning resistance 20 and water resistance 10, but a weakness to earth. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 2d6 points of lightning damage.
  • Onyx Jet: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Dark, and he gains shadow resistance 20, but a weakness to holy. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 2d6 points of shadow damage.
  • Opal Moonstone: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Light, and he gains holy resistance 20, but a weakness to shadow. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 2d6 points of holy damage.

This ability replaces timeless body.

Jewel Extension (Su)

At 13th level, the jewel knight learns a secret of the Jewels and his body, allowing him to attune two rings at the same time, gain half of the effectiveness of his jewel knight ring, with weaknesses and resistances stacked upon each other. For example, a jewel knight that attunes to his Amethyst Sugalite and Citrine Jasper rings gain lightning resistance 15, water resistance 5 and earth resistance 10, but gains a weakness to both earth and wind. He can only maintain this ability for a number of rounds equal to his geomancer level per day, but it does not need to be consecutive rounds.

This ability replaces the air sings.

Quick Hands (Su)

At 17th level, the jewel knight can change his rings and his form as a move action instead.

This ability replace the echoes dance.

Jewel Knight Commander (Su)

At 20th level, the jewel knight reaches peak capabilities, maximizing what his jewel knight rings can do. Once per day, when he uses the Jewel Extension ability, he removes the weaknesses and gains full resistances as appropriate for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier.

  • Ruby Jacinth: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Fire, and he gains fire immunity and ice resistance 15, but a weakness to water. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 3d6 points of fire damage.
  • Sapphire Azurite: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Water, and he gains water immunity and fire resistance 15, but a weakness to lightning. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 3d6 points of water damage.
  • Emerald Jade: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Wind, and he gains wind immunity and earth resistance 15, but a weakness to ice. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 3d6 points of wind damage.
  • Citrine Jasper: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Earth, and he gains earth immunity and lightning resistance 15, but a weakness to wind. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 3d6 points of earth damage.
  • Aquamarine Flourite: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Ice, and he gains ice immunity and wind resistance 15, but a weakness to fire. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 3d6 points of ice damage.
  • Amethyst Sugilite: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Lightning, and he gains lightning immunity and water resistance 15, but a weakness to earth. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 3d6 points of lightning damage.
  • Onyx Jet: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Dark, and he gains shadow immunity, but a weakness to holy. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 3d6 points of shadow damage.
  • Opal Moonstone: The jewel knight becomes attuned to Light, and he gains holy immunity, but a weakness to shadow. In addition, a weapon wielded by a jewel knight in this form deals an extra 3d6 points of holy damage.

This ability replaces earthen ascension.