As the gambler gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and confound his foes. Starting at 2nd level, the gambler gains one gambler talent. He gains an additional gambler talent for every 2 levels of gambler attained after 2nd level. Unless specified otherwise, the gambler cannot select an individual talent more than once.
Table: Gambler Talents
Gambler Talent | Prerequisite(s) | Benefits |
Aces Up the Sleeve (Ex) | — | Some gamblers take "pocket aces" to a whole new level. Whenever you place a set of 52 throwing cards in your deck box, you thereafter replenish them at no cost and never run out. In addition, you add your Charisma modifier to the hardness of your deck box. |
Additional Phantom Roll (Su) | Phantom Roll class feature | You learn one additional Phantom Roll of your choice. This talent may be selected multiple times; each time it is taken, you gain a new Phantom Roll. |
All In (Su) | Ante gambit | When you expend all of your MGP while using your Ante gambit, all enemies within line of sight who act after you in the initiative order must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half your gambler level + your Charisma modifier) or become Staggered for 1 round. When utilizing this talent, you may choose to wager an amount of MGP beyond what you are capable of, but your initiative bonus is still capped accordingly. |
Avarice (Su) | Phantom Roll class feature, MGP class feature | Upon scoring a lucky bonus when rolling with your Phantom Roll ability, as a free action, you can choose to claim an amount of MGP equal to your Charisma modifier, imparting a base bonus instead. |
Bad Beat (Su) | Press Your Luck class feature | If the target of your Press Your Luck ability fails their rerolled saving throw by 10 or more, they also suffer a penalty to all saving throws equal to half of the gambler's Charisma modifier (no save). This penalty lasts for the same duration as the effect applied as a result of failing the saving throw. If no duration is specified, the penalty lasts until the end of the target's next turn. This talent has no effect if the target is immune to the effect that would be imposed by Press Your Luck. |
Break the Bank (Su) | MGP class feature | When using your Buy In ability, you may gain an amount of MGP up to half of your maximum MGP limit at the same conversion rate (10 gil per 1 MGP). |
Charismatic Insight (Ex) | — | Your Sense Motive skill becomes keyed off of your Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier. |
Check (Ex) | Gambler 8 | You sharpen your focus and bide your time, leveraging the power of inaction to strike at the perfect moment. As a full-round action, you extend your threat range to all squares within 20 feet when wielding a ranged weapon until the start of your next turn. Additionally, while in this state, you may make a single attack against a creature within range as an immediate action. If you use this immediate action, you lose the benefits of this talent for the remainder of the round. |
Check Raise (Su) | Check gambler talent, Raise gambit | While in an encounter and your Check ability is active, the damage or healing amplified by your next Raise gambit is increased to five times the amount of MGP expended. This enhancement is subject to the normal limitations of the Raise gambit. |
Clear the Board (Su) | Gambler 6, Slots class feature | Upon scoring a "Jackpot!" with your Slots ability, you relieve all allies within range of all negative status effects that are listed on the selected reel. |
Combat Feat | — | Gain a bonus combat feat. This talent may be taken only once. |
Critical Attack Bonus (Ex) | Gambler 2 (1st rank), Gambler 10 (2nd rank) | Gain a +4 bonus to attack when confirming critical hits made with a weapon. This talent may be taken up to two times; the 1st rank being accessible at 2nd level or higher, and the 2nd rank at 10th level or higher. These effects stack with each other. |
Dead Man's Debt (Su) | Dead Money gambit | Debt doesn't stop at the grave. Should a creature be killed or otherwise incapacitated while still inflicted with Dead Money, you may attempt to transfer the affliction to another creature within 30 feet as a free action that may be taken out of turn, also renewing its duration. A successful Fortitude save (DC: 10 + half your gambler level + your Charisma modifier) negates this effect. |
Dealer's Choice (Su) | Slots class feature | When achieving a 'Win' or 'Jackpot!' with your Slots ability, you can instead select an effect that corresponds to the doubles or triples dice roll result from a different set of reels that has a lower MGP cost than the reels you have selected. |
Deceptor (Ex) | — | You can take 10 on Bluff skill checks made to feint a creature. Additionally, you are considered to have the Combat Expertise feat for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites that require Improved Feint. Your gambler level also counts as your base attack bonus for any feat prerequisites involving Improved Feint. |
Deep Pockets (Su) | MGP class feature | You may utilize your extra-dimensional vault to store up an amount of gil that weighs no more than (your gambler level) × 100 in lbs. Like with MGP, retrieving and storing any amount of gil is a free action. |
Luck of the Devil (Ex) | Luck Bonus (Rank 3) gambler talent | With the devil's own luck, you can twist even a cursed fate into a favorable outcome, defying doom with a smirk and a shrug. You no longer automatically fail a saving throw when rolling a natural 1. Additionally, your luck bonus to all saves from the Lucky Bonus gambler talent is increased to a +4 bonus. |
Elemental Fury (Su) | Slots class feature | You gain access to an additional set of reels for your Slots ability, allowing you to unleash elemental power. When using these reels, you deal elemental damage equal to 1d6 per MGP expended, up to your gambler level, with the element type being based on the rolled result. If you score a "Jackpot!", the damage increases to 1d8 per MGP expended, up to your gambler level. A dud results in no effect. The elemental damage types are as follows – 1: Earth, 2: Fire, 3: Ice, 4: Lightning, 5: Water, 6: Wind. 8: Holy or Shadow. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half your gambler's level + your Charisma modifier) halves this damage. |
Graceful Bluff (Ex) | Big Bluff class feature | You award the recipient of your Big Bluff ability a bonus to their ensuing Diplomacy skill check equal to your Charisma modifier. The recipient's total Diplomacy skill bonus cannot exceed the Gambler's total Diplomacy skill bonus as a result. |
Hero Call (Su) | Call gambit | You can utilize your Call gambit before the damage on your target is announced, increasing its negation effect to five times the amount of MGP expended. This enhancement is subject to the normal limitations of the Call gambit; the gambit will fail if it does not completely negate the damage. |
Luck Bonus (Ex) | Gambler 2 (1st rank), Gambler 6 (2nd rank), Gambler 10 (3rd rank) | Gain a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will). This talent may be taken up to three times; the 1st rank being accessible at 2nd level or higher, the 2nd rank at 6th level or higher, and the 3rd rank at 10th level or higher. These effects stack with each other. |
Lady Luck's Reach (Su) | Slots class feature | Increase range of your Slots ability by 10 feet. This talent may be taken up to three times; the 1st rank being accessible at 2nd level or higher, the 2nd rank at 6th level or higher, and the 3rd rank at 10th level or higher. These effects stack with each other. |
Money Talks (Ex) | Deep Pockets gambler talent | The mere presence of money has a remarkable effect on your social charm. By carrying at least 1,000 gil on your person, you always take the minimum amount of time to gather information (usually one hour). Furthermore, for each additional increment of 1,000 gil beyond this threshold, you accrue a stacking +1 bonus to Diplomacy skill checks, reaching a maximum of +3 when carrying at least 4,000 gil. These benefits are only gained from when gil is stored on your person. |
Pocket Rockets (Su) | Ace in the Hole class feature | Choose a die type (e.g., d6, d8, d20). You can now hold up to two aces in the hole for the selected die type at a time. This talent may be selected multiple times, each time applying its effects to a different die type. |
Quick Toss (Ex) | — | You no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when attacking with a thrown weapon while under threat. |
Ranged Accuracy Bonus (Ex) | — | Gain a +1 bonus to your attack when attacking with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with. |
Rapid Roller (Su) | Phantom Roll class feature | You can use your Phantom Roll ability as an immediate action, applying its effect to a qualifying roll made by yourself or an ally within range. This must be done after the action or roll is declared but before the result is revealed. The requisite number of Phantom Roll usages are expended as normal. |
Renaissance Roller (Su) | Phantom Roll class feature | When you affect at least one ally who qualifies for the class bonus with a Phantom Roll, you extend the +1 class bonus to all creatures affected by that same Phantom Roll. |
Stack the Deck (Ex) | Card Count gambit | You can activate your Card Count gambit as a swift action instead to bank a set of d20 dice equal to the number of attacks granted by your full-attack action. While this effect is active, whenever you make an attack roll, you may choose to use one of the pre-rolled dice results instead of rolling anew, expending that die in the process. This effect remains active until you rest or are otherwise rendered unconscious. Should you activate this ability again while its effects are still active, the previous set of banked dice is replaced with the new set of rolls. |
True Enigma (Ex) | Deceptor gambler talent | Your motives remain shrouded in mystery to all. When successfully detecting a feint attempt through your Sense Motive skill check, you can choose to immediately counter your opponent by engaging in an opposing Bluff skill check. If your Bluff skill check exceeds your opponent's, you feint your target instead. Additionally, you can choose to take 10 on all Bluff skill checks. |