At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, the gambler can select one gambit. These abilities employ the gambler’s MGP to change the tide of battle. Once a gambit is selected, it cannot be changed later. Unless specified otherwise, a gambler cannot select the same gambit more than once, nor can he utilize a gambit that would result in him expending an amount of MGP greater than his gambler level.
Unless otherwise noted, the DC for gambits are equal to 10 + half the gambler’s level + his Charisma modifier.
Table: Gambits
Gambit | Prerequisite(s) | Benefits |
Advantage Play (Su) | — | As a part of the action to place a bet, you may expend an additional amount of MGP up to the value of your bet to influence the outcome. For every 2 MGP expended beyond your bet amount, the target of the bet gains a +1 bonus or suffers a –1 penalty to the check being bet on, depending on the nature of the bet. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this effect. You do not reclaim the additional MGP expended as part of this gambit if you correctly predict the outcome of the bet. |
Anchor (Su) | — | By expending an amount of MGP as a free action after rolling for initiative but before the turn order commences, you assign one visible creature as the anchor, placing them last in the initiative order. The target may attempt a Will save to negate this effect. This gambit expends an amount of MGP equal to the affected creature's initiative value. You may expend more MGP than your gambler level when using this gambit, but it cannot be used at the same time as the Ante gambit. |
Ante (Su) | — | By expending an amount of MGP up to your gambler level as a free action that occurs after rolling for initiative but before the turn order commences, you gain a bonus to your initiative equal to half the MGP expended. This gambit cannot be used at the same time as Anchor. |
Blind Bets (Su) | — | You can expend MGP to assign the Dimmed status effect to one target and the Blinded status effect to another, both within 30 feet of you. Once assigned, each target may attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. The duration of these effects is equal to the amount of MGP expended in rounds. At the start of your next turn, you may sustain the effects on the same targets (no additional saving throw required) or assign new targets as a free action. If an affected creature moves beyond this gambit's range, the effect ends for that creature. |
Bounty (Su) | — | You can expend up to your gambler level in MGP to mark a creature within 30 feet with a bounty equal to the MGP expended. The target may attempt a Will save to negate the effect. While the bounty is active, any ally that threatens the marked creature during their turn can make an attack of opportunity against it. If the bounty is 5 or higher, the ally gains a +5 luck bonus on the attack roll. Each successful attack of opportunity triggered by this ability reduces the bounty by 5. When the bounty drops to 4 or lower, the luck bonus equals the remaining bounty. The bounty lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, or until the bounty is reduced to 0, whichever comes first. |
Bribe (Su) | — | By expending up to 15 MGP as a free action, you assume a value for your next check involving a d20 die equal to the amount of MGP expended. Because this does not instantiate the roll of a die, abilities such as Lucky Sevens cannot be utilized with this gambit. |
Call (Su) | — | You negate the damage dealt to a creature within a range of 30 feet of you as an immediate action. The amount of negated damage is equal to the amount of MGP expended × 3. If the creature is hit by multiple attacks in a single action, such as through natural or iterative attacks, tally up the total damage before utilizing this gambit to nullify it. Complete negation of all damage is necessary for this gambit to take effect. |
Card Count (Ex) | — | When making a full-attack action, you can expend an amount of MGP equal to the number of attacks you can make during that action. If you do, roll all of your attack rolls at once and assign the results to your attacks in any order you choose. |
Dead Money (Su) | — | By expending an amount of MGP up to your gambler level as a swift action, you ensnare a creature within 30 feet in the grips of a terrible curse, consigning them to a fate of inevitable demise with each misstep they take. The target can negate this effect with a successful Fortitude save. A creature afflicted with this effect suffers an amount of non-elemental damage equal to double the amount of MGP expended upon failing any kind of check involving a d20. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the gambler's Charisma modifier. |
Dice (Su) | — | By expending an amount of MGP up to your gambler level, you throw a set of ethereal dice on the ground within a range of 20 feet. Upon landing, the dice explode, dealing 1d6 non-elemental damage per 2 MGP expended to all creatures within a 10-ft. burst radius (no save). |
Fold (Su) | Gambler 7 | As a swift action, you can expend 7 MGP to cleanse yourself of lesser negative status effects as per Esuna. Alternatively, starting at 17th level and by expending 17 MGP, you can gain the effects of Basuna to remove all negative status effects from yourself. |
Nudge (Su) | — | As a free action, you can expend MGP to adjust the value of any d6 or d8 you roll by +1 or –1. Decreasing a rolled 1 increases it to the die’s maximum value, while increasing a maximum rolled value reduces it to 1. Each die can only be adjusted by this gambit once per roll. This gambit cannot be used when rolling for hit points. The amount of MGP expended is equal to the number of dice adjusted. |
Raise (Su) | — | By expending an amount of MGP up to your gambler level as an immediate action, you amplify an amount of healing or damage dealt to a single creature within a range of 30 feet. The target can negate this effect with a successful Will save. The amount amplified is equal to the amount of MGP expended × 3, but cannot surpass more than double the initial amount. Sum the total amount of damage first before amplifying it with this gambit if the creature suffers damage from multiple attacks in the same action (ie: multiple natural attacks or iterative attacks). |
Rakeback (Su) | — | By expending an amount of MGP up to your gambler level, you grant an ally within 30 feet the ability to heal by harming their enemies. While this effect is active, the affected ally heals an amount of damage equal to the MGP expended for the first instance of damage they deal to enemies on each turn, with subsequent instances of damage in the same action providing half as much healing as the previous (minimum 1 healing). Each attack is treated as a separate instance of damage. For multi-target damage effects, each enemy harmed counts as a separate instance (e.g., casting Fira on three targets results in three instances of healing). The healing received from each instance cannot exceed the damage dealt to the target. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). |