If life is a game, swindlers play to win. When skill and luck aren’t enough, cheating is often the best option.
The swindler is an archetype of the gambler class.
Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The swindler mainly focuses on DEX and STR for combat and CHA for their class features.
Archetype Feature Replacements:
2nd – Professional Gambler. 3rd – Slots. 4th – Gambit. 5th – Coin Toss, Press Your Luck. 7th – Gambit. 8th – Read ‘Em Like a Book. 10th – Gambit. 12th – Ace in the Hole. 13th – Gambit. 16th – Gambit. 19th – Gambit. 20th – Felicity.
Hustler’s Edge (Ex)
At 2nd level, the swindler adds half his gambler level to all Bluff, Profession (gambling), and Sleight of Hand skill checks.
This ability replaces professional gambler.
Nudge (Su)
At 3rd level, the swindler thrives on manipulation and guile, always ready to tip the scales of fate in his favor with a deft touch.
As a free action, the swindler can expend MGP to adjust the value of any d6 or d8 he rolls by +1 or –1. Decreasing a rolled 1 increases it to the die’s maximum value, while increasing a maximum rolled value reduces it to 1. Each die can only be adjusted by this ability once per roll. This ability cannot be used when rolling for hit points. The amount of MGP expended is equal to the number of dice adjusted.
This ability replaces slots.
Gambits (Ex and Su)
The swindler loses access to the Bribe and Nudge gambits, but gains the option to select the gambler’s Slots class feature as an available gambit.
This ability modifies gambits.
Bribe (Su)
At 5th level, the swindler perfects the art of persuasion through subtle manipulation, ensuring the odds always lean in his favor.
By expending up to 15 MGP as a free action, the swindler can assume a value for his next check involving a d20 die equal to the amount of MGP expended. Because this does not instantiate the roll of a die, abilities such as Lucky Sevens cannot be utilized with this ability.
This ability replaces coin toss.
Cheat Fate (Su)
At 5th level, the swindler’s knack for bending the rules extends to all aspects of teamwork, allowing him to manipulate outcomes to his advantage.
Whenever the swindler makes an ability check, skill check, or saving throw alongside his allies (such as when targeted by an area effect spell or ability), he may attempt a Sleight of Hand skill check as an immediate action with a DC equal to the DC of the original check. Upon a success, he may replace his roll with any allies’ roll for the same check. The swindler must use this ability after rolling for the check but before the result is revealed.
This ability replaces press your luck.
Marked Deck (Su)
At 8th level, the swindler’s mastery of deception extends even to the unseen forces of fate.
The swindler may use his Bribe ability even after rolling a d20 die, replacing the result with the amount of MGP he expends.
This ability replaces read ’em like a book.
Hard Nudge (Su)
At 12th level, the swindler gains greater precision with his manipulations.
When using his Nudge ability, he can further adjust the value of any d6 or d8 by an additional +1 or –1 by expending 1 extra MGP per die.
This ability replaces ace in the hole.
Master of Fate (Su)
At 20th level, the swindler becomes a true arbiter of fortune, capable of influencing fate for both himself and his allies.
The swindler’s Bribe ability now allows him to expend up to 20 MGP instead of 15, increasing the effect to a maximum assumed roll of 20.
In addition, as an immediate action, the swindler may use his Bribe ability to replace a visible ally’s d20 roll with a value equal to half the MGP he expends (up to 40 MGP for an assumed roll of 20).
This ability replaces felicity.