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Namazu are natural tradesmen that excel in the creation and sales of wares. Due to their large scale festivals, many foreigners visit, and thus, the high roller shines. Using their deceptively dexterous fins and natural charisma, they manipulate fate and turn luck to their advantage. These gamblers specialize in dice with quite a nasty trick up their sleeves if you’re unprepared!

The high roller is an archetype of the gambler class, available only to namazu.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The high roller mainly focuses on DEX and CHA for combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Limit Break (Tip the Scales), Keep ‘Em Guessing, Precise Throw. 3rdMGP, Slots, Joker’s Aim. 5thCoin Toss. 9thPocket Pair. 10thDouble or Nothing. 11thSnake Eye.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the high roller receives the Limit Break (Fortune Dice).

Fortune Dice (Su): This Limit Break allows the high roller to choose any numerical result for a roll of a six-sided die (d6), up to a number of dice equal to his gambler level per round. This overrides any restriction on choosing or manipulating dice rolls. The effect lasts for 1 round + 1 round per four gambler levels attained after 1st.

This ability replaces tip the scales.

Loaded Dice (Su)

At 1st level, a high roller begins play with the ability to summon ethereal dice. These dice are not magical and cannot be sundered, disarmed, masterworked, or enchanted. Upon rolling the dice as a standard action, the face-up pips glow and fire missiles to hit their target before fading from existence. Loaded Dice function as ranged touch attacks with a 10 foot range increment. Loaded dice materialize when the attack is made and do not provoke attacks of opportunity, even when used in melee. A successful hit deals 1d6 + the gambler’s charisma modifier non-elemental damage. The gambler is considered to have the Precise Shot feat when using Loaded Dice.

This replaces the high roller’s proficiency with throwing cards, keep ‘em guessing, and precise throw.

Dice Jar (Su)

At 3rd level, the high roller starts each day with an additional number of phantom dice equal to his gambler level. Instead of betting MGP, the high roller bets up to two phantom rolls. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, the maximum bet increases by one. Whenever the gambler would recover MGP (such as through the Avarice talent), they instead restore one phantom roll.

When the gambler spends MGP, they instead expend a use of phantom roll and roll a 1d6, adding that value to their effective MGP pool until the start of their next turn. The high roller may convert phantom dice into MGP at any time, including after the results of a roll have been revealed, to pay for ability costs.

This ability modifies MGP and replaces MGP (buy in).

Cursed Dice (Su)

At 3rd level, a high roller can spend 2 MGP to bring forth the maladies of misfortune and throw an additional loaded die at the target for an attack, increasing the damage. The sum of the dice determines the status effect applied, as indicated in the table below. The target must attempt a saving throw of the appropriate type (DC 10 + half of the gambler’s level + his Charisma modifier) or suffer the chosen Status Effect for 1d4 rounds.

Table: Cursed Dice

Die Roll (2d6)Status EffectSave Type

This ability replaces slots.

Exploding Rolls (Su)

At 3rd level, the high roller deals additional damage equal to 1 per d6 rolled when determining damage. This bonus damage matches the damage type of the triggering die. At 13th level, this bonus increases by +1.

This ability replaces joker’s aim.

Gaffed Dice (Su)

At 5th level, the high roller can spend 1 MGP as a free action to roll an additional 1d6 damage with his loaded dice. He must announce this ability before the attack roll. At 7th level, and every two levels thereafter, the high roller may spend an additional MGP to roll an extra die.

The high roller may divide these extra damage dice between multiple targets, making a separate attack roll for each. He may spend 1 MGP per target to add a cursed dice to each enemy targeted once per enemy, rolling the additional die against each. If a target is affected by more than 2d6 damage, the high roller selects any two d6 results to determine the status effect.

This ability replaces coin toss and pocket pair.

Fate Dice (Su)

At 10th level, whenever the high roller rolls multiple d6s during a single action and at least two dice show the same result, he recovers phantom rolls equal to the largest group of matching results. For example, if he rolls six dice and gets 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, and 5, he recovers three phantom rolls (corresponding to the three 1s). The high roller does not gain this benefit for d6 rolls used to generate MGP for ability costs.

This ability replaces double or nothing.

One-Eyed Dice (Su)

At 11th level, the high roller may apply the effects of Snake Eye to Cursed Dice, but must pay the Phantom Roll cost per target they wish to use it on.

This ability modifies snake eye.