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Known as the “Living, breathing, statistical impossibility,” an auroch is a Blitzball player that through hard work, determination, and sometimes sheer luck can push back from the brink and deliver victory.

The auroch is an archetype of the gambler class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The auroch mainly focuses on STR/DEX for combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stLimit Break (Tip the Scales), Phantom Roll. 2ndProfessional Gambler. 3rdMGP, Slots. 5thGambits. 5thCoin Toss. 9thPocket Pair. 11thSnake Eye. 12thAce in the Hole. 15thCrooked Cards.

Weapon Proficiencies

The Auroch adds blitzballs and spiked blitzballs to his weapon proficiencies and loses throwing cards.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the auroch gains the Limit Break (Auroch Reels).

Auroch Reels (Su): This Limit Break allows the auroch to spin the attack, status, and elemental reels all at once, even if the auroch isn’t high enough level to spin them normally. All three reels are rolled separately and the luck pool cost is ignored. This limit break only requires a swift action.

This replaces the limit break (tip the scales).

Do Our Best (Ex)

At 1st level, instead of rolling dice for Phantom Roll, the auroch gives a pep talk. This ability functions as Phantom Roll, except the auroch always uses the unlucky bonus. The auroch may use this ability as a move action to instead grant the base bonus.

This ability modifies phantom roll.

You Can’t Do it, Kid (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, the auroch’s “inspiring” words can affect and confuse an opponent. When adding opponents as part of Do Our Best, the bonus instead applies as an equal penalty to the first applicable roll of that type. If a bonus would increase a saving throw, this penalty is half the bonus (rounded down). If a bonus would grant damage reduction, they instead lose an equivalent amount of damage reduction from the next relevant attack. If a bonus would grant additional healing, they would reduce healing from their next source.

This is a language dependent, mind-altering effect.

This ability replaces double up.

Pro-Athlete (Ex)

At 2nd level, the auroch adds half his gambler level to all Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks.

At 3rd level, the auroch may expend a luck point to treat any Acrobatics, Climb, or Swim skill check as if he rolled a 10, or to increase the duration he can hold his breath by 10 minutes.

This ability replaces professional gambler.

Luck Pool (Su)

At 3rd level, the auroch gains a reservoir of luck points that he can draw upon to fuel his abilities.

The luck pool contains a number of points equal to the auroch’s gambler level + his Charisma modifier, and it refreshes once per day after the auroch rests for 8 hours.

The auroch can use these points in various ways, including class features gained as he levels up. Whenever he misses a blitzball attack, he can spend a luck point as a free action to retrieve the ball as it bounces back to him.

This ability replaces MGP.

Reels (Su)

The auroch has the ability to spin his reels, applying supernatural effects to his blitzball as a swift action. These function like slots, except the Win, Jackpot, and Dud effects change per reel.

At 3rd level, the auroch gains access to the elemental reels for 1 luck point. This augments his next blitzball attack with the listed element. Affected creatures may make a reflex save (DC 10 + half his gambler level + his Charisma modifier) to half this bonus damage.

  • Win (Doubles): Deals an additional 2d6 elemental damage to the target, plus an additional 1d6 per four gambler levels after 3rd.
  • Jackpot! (Triples): Deals an additional 3d6 elemental damage to the target and all enemies within a 15-foot radius, plus an additional 1d6 per two gambler levels after 3rd.
  • Dud (Other): The auroch can change the blitzball’s damage to an element of his choice that corresponds to one of the numbers rolled.

At 7th level, the auroch gains access to the status reels for 2 luck points. This augments his next blitzball attack with the listed status effect. On a successful hit, the target may make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half his gambler level + his Charisma modifier) to negate the status effect.

  • Win (Doubles): Applies the listed status effect until the end of the target’s next turn. On a failed save, the target takes an additional 2d6 precision damage.
  • Jackpot! (Triples): Applies the listed status effect for 1d4+1 rounds. On a failed save, the target takes an additional 3d6 precision damage.
  • Dud (Other): The target is dazzled until the end of the target’s next turn. On a failed save, the target takes an additional 1d6 precision damage.

At 11th level, the auroch gains access to the attack reels for 3 luck points. This reel grants him a number of bonus attacks on a full-attack for the round. All bonus attacks granted by the attack reels are taken at the auroch’s highest BAB -2.

  • Jackpot! (Triples): The auroch ignores the table and gains six additional attacks
  • Win/Dud (Other): Add up the number of “Hits” and add them as extra attacks. Misses count as 0.

Table: Auroch Reels

Reels NameDie Roll (d8)
StatusPoisonedBlindedSleepSilencedStaggeredPetrificationFull Break
AttackMissMissMissMiss1 Hit1 Hit2 Hit

This ability modifies slots.

Blitz Style (Ex)

At 4th level, and every third level thereafter, the auroch gains one of the following feats as a bonus feat. He must meet any prerequisites as normal:

Deadly Aim, Jecht Shot Mark III, Master Swimmer, Point-Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Swim), Startoss Comet, Startoss Shower, Startoss Style, Ultimate Jecht Shot, Weapon Focus

This ability replaces gambits.

With Much Skill (Ex)

At 9th level, when the auroch misses a target with a blitzball attack, he may spend a luck point as a swift action to reroll the attack as it conveniently ricochets off a surface, this time using their Charisma instead of Dexterity on the attack roll and Charisma instead of Strength on the damage.

This ability replaces pocket pair.

Underwater Spins (Su)

At 11th level, when the auroch rolls on the Reel, he may spend a luck point to reroll one die used on that reel. He may use this ability only once per use of Reels.

At 15th level, the auroch may instead choose to spend 2 luck points to reroll as many dice on the reel as he wants. He must choose which dice to reroll before seeing the results of any rolls, and can only use either ability once per use of Reels.

This ability replaces snake eye and crooked cards.

We’re Gonna Win (Ex)

At 12th level, the auroch’s inspirational quotes take on a whole new meaning. He may spend an additional use of phantom roll to increase the bonus provided to a target by one step (unlucky > base > lucky).

This ability replaces ace in the hole.