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Many minds of the mechanical persuasion are obsessed with perfection. Always striving for just an inch more leverage, just a millimeter more precision, just a hair’s breadth closer to some invisible goal that forever moves beyond their horizons. But despite this aim, many ignore the flaws much more close to home. The prosthetist takes a look at himself, and sees what he can do better; in the most literal sense possible.

The prosthetist is an archetype of the engineer class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The prosthetist mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and INT for his class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Class Skill (Use Magic Device), Base Attack Bonus, Hit Dice, Automaton, Limit Break (Overdrive). 4thSupport Droid. 7thQuick Craft. 19thPrimal Technomancy.

Class Skills

The prosthetist gains Heal as a class skill, but loses Use Magic Device.

Martial Prowess

A prosthetist’s base attack bonus increases by one step (from 3/4 BAB to Full BAB). Also increases prosthetist’s hit dice from d8 to d10.

This ability replaces support droid gained at 4th level.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the prosthetist receives the Limit Break (Empowered Arm).

Empowered Arm (Su): This Limit Break allows the prosthetist to increase the effectiveness of his prosthetic arm temporarily. For the duration of 1 round + 1 round per four engineer levels after 1st, the prosthetic arm gains 1 hardness. It also grants its user a +1 competence bonus to Attack rolls that use the arm, a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity, and a +1 deflection bonus to AC. These bonuses increase by said amount per four engineer levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Overdrive).

Prosthetic Arm (Ex)

At 1st level, a prosthetist begins play by removing and replacing one of his arms with a mechanical version. It is roughly the same size as the original, and is made of metal and other mechanical components. It otherwise functions exactly the same as the arm that was replaced. By spending a full day working on the prosthetic arm, the prosthetist may apply and reapply the benefit of features that affect items created by him, such as his durable materials feature or the durable technique engineer trick as well as remaking the arm using different materials. It also counts as a companion for the purposes of features like Limit Breaks and the Boon Companion feat.

Table: Prosthetic Arm

LevelHit PointsAC Bonus

While the arm is attached, the engineer may use its resilient frame to defend against attacks. It grants the user an armor bonus to his AC equal to that shown on the above table, and has the hit points shown there as well. These hit points can be restored in any way an engineer could normally repair his automaton. Whenever the prosthetist takes damage, he may choose to have it affect his normal hit points or the hit points of the prosthetic arm. Non-lethal and energy damage cannot be redirected to the arm, and always hits against the prosthetist’s hit points. An attacking enemy may choose to make a sunder maneuver to always deliver damage to the prosthetist’s arm. Furthermore, the prosthetist can use his Repair ability on his arm as a swift action for as long as it has hit points, otherwise, he must spend a standard action as normal.

When the arm’s hit points reach half its maximum, it gains the broken condition. Attack rolls using it or weapons held in it take a -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls, any AC bonus it grants is halved, and tools using it take a -2 penalty. If its hit points are reduced to 0, the arm becomes inactive, but is not destroyed. The prosthetist gains the Loss of Arm wound (–1 Str, cannot use two-handed items or two one handed items), he cannot use any abilities relating to the arm, and lose any bonuses granted by it. If the arm regains any hit points, the effect of the wound is removed, and the prosthetist may use its abilities and bonuses again.

The prosthetist can also use it to enhance his own attacks. Whenever the prosthetist makes a full-round attack, he may make an additional attack with either the arm itself or a one-handed weapon wielded with it, using his own BAB. In addition, the engineer gains access to a natural slam attack (1d8) using the arm. This slam attack may be used as a secondary natural attack, even if the arm has attacked already with a manufactured weapon this turn.

Modifying prosthetic arm takes 8 hours of crafting. Arm is composed of two parts – light (natural, slam) weapon and light armor. The prosthetist can apply material cost to both, or separate material to each component, in which case double cost of cheaper material (to represent cost of fitting the two together). The weapon part only applies to attacks potentially affected by arm’s enchantment bonus (by default only Slam). The arm itself cannot be enchanted (until the prosthetist has the Enchant Friendly trick).

In case of multiple item sources of armor bonus (armor, bracers of armor, and so on), only apply constant bonuses, but contact-dependent (such as Adamantine DR, Living Steel damaging weapons, and such) only if the damage is taken to the arm, not to the prosthetist.

A prosthetist does not gain the Share Trick ability or Automaton Upgrades, and instead, gains the following benefits at the appropriate levels.

Prosthetic Upgrade 1: A prosthetist may add this upgrade to his prosthetic at 5th level. With this upgrade, the prosthetic becomes more like a tool than a mere replacement for a lost limb. Any attacks made using it or weapons held in it gain a +1 bonus to his attack rolls. In addition, the prosthetist may gain a +2 equipment bonus to Strength or Dexterity while his prosthetic is active.

Prosthetic Upgrade 2: A prosthetist may add this upgrade to his prosthetic at 10th level. While the prosthetic is active, he may make an additional attack with its slam as part of his full-attack action at the prosthetist’s BAB – 5, on top of the extra attack already granted by the prosthetic. In addition, the prosthetist may gain a +2 equipment bonus to Strength or Dexterity (that stacks with the 1st upgrade) while his prosthetic is active.

Prosthetic Upgrade 3: A prosthetist may add this upgrade to his prosthetic at 15th level. Adding the third upgrade to the prosthetic grants it the use of an elemental energy attack. At the time of the upgrade, the prosthetist chooses from fire, ice, or lightning elemental energy and picks either a 60 ft. line or 30 ft. cone, inflicting 4d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every two engineer levels he possesses. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the engineer’s level + his Intelligence modifier) halves the damage. This ability is usable once every 3 rounds and cannot be changed until the prosthetic is upgraded again. The prosthetist also gains his choice of the Grab, Powerful Charge (additional 1d8+2), or the Push (10 feet) special attack with the prosthetic’s slam. In addition, the prosthetist may gain a +2 equipment bonus to Strength or Dexterity (that stacks with the 1st and 2nd upgrades) while his prosthetic is active.

Prosthetic Master Upgrade: A prosthetist may add this upgrade to his prosthetic at 20th level. Adding the master upgrade allows the extra slam attack provided by the 2nd upgrade to be made at the prosthetist’s full BAB. Also, its slam attack deals an extra 2d6 points of the elemental damage that the prosthetist selected for his third upgrade, and he may also choose to change the damage type of the elemental attack to earth, water or wind damage. In addition, the prosthetist may gain a +2 equipment bonus to Strength or Dexterity (that stacks with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd upgrades) while his prosthetic is active.

This ability replaces automaton.

Engineer Tricks (Ex)

The prosthetist loses access to the augmentation engineer tricks for automatons as well as any engineer tricks that involve automatons but can add the following engineer tricks to their repertoire.

Active Sonar (Ex): By slamming his hand against a hard surface as a swift action, the prosthetist uses echolocation to find enemies. He gains blindsense out to 20 feet until the end of his current turn. This sound wave can be detected with a DC 15 perception check. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must be at least 4th level before selecting this trick.

Advanced Heavy Armor Plating (Ex): The armor bonus provided by the prosthetic arm increases by +2. It also gives the prosthetist an armor check penalty of -2. This stacks with the bonuses and penalties granted by Heavy Armor Plating. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must be at least 10th level to select this trick.

Arcforged Frame (Ex): The prosthetist’s arm gains a hardness of 5. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must be at least 10th level to select this trick.

Burst Knuckles (Ex): When the prosthetist makes a slam attack using his prosthetic arm, he may choose to cause a 15-ft.-cone, starting at a corner of the target’s space, to blast out behind the target. The target and creatures in that cone take 1d6 non-elemental damage plus an additional 1d6 at 6th, 12th, and 18th level, and may make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the engineer’s level + his Intelligence modifier) to halve it. He may use this ability up to 3 times per day.

Combat Grapple (Ex): The prosthetist’s grapple-hand can be used to make Disarm, Drag, Steal or Trip maneuver using the prosthetist’s Intelligence modifier in place of Strength, or Dexterity, on the CMB check. Additionally, the grapple-hand can move a maximum of a medium load. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must have the grapple shot engineer trick to select this trick.

Crushing Force (Ex): The prosthetist’s slam attack ignores 1 point of damage reduction or hardness. This bonus increases by 1 for every four engineer levels he possesses.

Enchant-Friendly (Ex): The prosthetist’s prosthetic arm can now be enchanted the same as a melee weapon, and applies its benefit to its unarmed strikes and slam attacks. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must be at least 8th level to select this trick.

Folding Shield (Ex): The prosthetist installs a low-profile foldable shield into his prosthetic arm. As a swift action, he may activate or deactivate the shield. It has the statistics of a heavy steel shield, and cannot be modified in any way. His hand is not considered occupied while the shield is active, although any attacks with the arm or weapons wielded in it take a -4 penalty to his attack rolls.

Grapple Shot (Ex): The prosthetist installs a spring-and-winch system into the wrist of his prosthetic arm, allowing him to “launch” his hand as though it were a grappling hook. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 20 feet and a maximum number of 3 range increments +1 range increment per four engineer levels. This does not allow the prosthetist to make combat maneuvers “at range”, but he can use it to pull himself towards the grapple point or an unattended object or willing creature towards himself at a rate of 30 feet a round or 60 feet if he uses a full round action. The grapple can only be used to move a light load, using the engineer’s Intelligence score in place of Strength to determine it, or the prosthetist, regardless of weight.

Great Grip (Ex): The prosthetist gains a +6 bonus to combat maneuver checks to grapple a target using his prosthetic arm, and also add this bonus to his CMD against attempts to disarm an item held in his prosthetic arm. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must be at least 6th level to select this trick.

Haymaker Drive (Ex): When the prosthetist makes a slam attack using his prosthetic arm, he may choose to take a -4 to the attack roll. If the attack hits, he gains a +4 bonus to the damage roll, and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the engineer’s level + his Strength modifier) or be knocked back 15 feet. If this movement causes it to collide with a wall, object, or creature, both take 1d6 additional bludgeoning damage. A target more than one size category larger than the prosthetist is not knocked back. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must be at least 6th level to select this trick.

Heavy Armor Plating (Ex): The armor bonus provided by the prosthetic arm increases by +1. It also gives the prosthetist an armor check penalty of -1. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must be at least 4th level to select this trick.

Install Weapon (Ex): The prosthetist can install a single one-handed melee weapon, medium or smaller firearm, or crossbow into his prosthetic arm. This weapon is always considered drawn and wielded while the arm has hit points. The prosthetist gains a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls with the installed weapon. This bonus increases by +1 at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level. Installing and uninstalling a weapon takes one hour of work, which can be done during a short rest.

Iron Fist (Ex): Slam attacks made with the prosthetic arm deal 1d6 additional points of bludgeoning damage. This damage increases by +1d6 at 10th level. In addition, the slam attack may be used to make iterative attacks from the prosthetist’s BAB on a full-attack action, treating the slam attack as a manufactured weapon for this purpose, though doing so removes the ability to make a slam attack as a natural attack for the turn.

Oversize (Ex): The prosthetist makes his prosthetic arm significantly more bulky than it was. It is considered a size larger for the purposes of weapons wielded using that hand. For instance, a medium-sized prothetist may wield a large-sized longsword with both hands or held only in his prosthetic arm without penalty. His slam attack damage also increases to 2d6. However, weapons not sized for the arm thus take appropriate penalties, and he takes a -2 penalty on Dexterity checks requiring fine work. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must be at least 10th level to select this trick.

Punch Jets (Ex): Whenever the prosthetist makes a slam attack with his prosthetic arm, he may move up to 10 feet before making the attack. He must end this movement within range of the target of his attack.

Spring Loaded (Ex): The prosthetist installs a small compartment in the palm of his prosthetic hand, allowing him to store a number of fine objects (such as an alchemical item, a stack of up to 10 coins/shuriken, a key, a single dart, etc) equal to his Intelligence modifier. The prosthetist may eject one of those items as a swift action into his prosthetic hand. If the item is instead a thrown weapon, such as a stack of shuriken, he may instead eject one of them as an attack action, using his Intelligence modifier, rather than Dexterity, to determine attack roll.

Superior Arcforged Frame (Ex): The prosthetist’s arm gains a hardness of 5. This stacks with the hardness provided by the Arcforged Frame trick. Prerequisites: The prosthetist must be at least 16th level and have the arcforged frame engineer trick to select this trick.

Tough Materials (Ex): The prosthetist’s arm gains maximum hit points equal to his engineer level + his Intelligence modifier. Prerequisite: The prosthetist must be at least 4th level to select this trick.

Prosthetic Prodigy (Ex)

At 7th level, the prosthetist gains Craft Cybernetics as a bonus feat. He does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat. In addition, the prosthetist may choose to have his arm count as a cybernetic arm; if so, the arm gains an implantation value, the prosthetist gains weakness to lightning (unless he has the anti-shock implant), and it provides benefits as a cybernetic arm, even able to be modified as one.

This ability replaces quick craft.

More Machine than Man (Ex)

At 19th level, a prosthetist’s body is so used to being part machine that it rejects implants much less violently. A prosthetist counts his Constitution or Intelligence as double for determining the total number of cybernetic enhancements he can have installed.

This ability replaces primal technomancy.