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To some, glory and power aren’t found, but forged. These men and women seek the great artifacts of the past as an architect seeks blueprints, eagerly analyzing the secrets of their creation. A disciple of the hand is someone who eschews the traditional study of engineering in order to more fully explore the art of enchanting magic items, for he knows a well-placed weapon can change the course of a war, and kingdoms have been traded for a single sword. These men and women, while generally considered to be more mentally stable than chemists, are often just as eccentric and single-minded, sometimes spending weeks at a time in complete seclusion, crafting their latest masterpiece. A disciple of the hand may delve into dungeons and face monsters with the rest of them, but his true passion is always creation, and his true goal a legacy to last the ages.

The disciple of the hand is an archetype of the engineer class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The disciple of the hand mainly focuses on STR/DEX for combat and INT for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stAutomaton, Technologist, Crafter, Limit Break (Overdrive). 2ndCombat Awareness. 3rdRough and Ready. 4thSupport Droid. 5thCrafting Expertise. 11thUnflustered. 13thPrecise Timing. 15thConstruct Expertise. 19thPrimal Technomancy. 20thOne With Machines.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the disciple of the hand receives the Limit Break (Enhancing Aura).

Enhancing Aura (Su): This Limit Break allows the disciple of the hand imbue all weapons, armor, and shields for himself and all allies within 30 feet with his enhancement pool without spending any from his enhancement pool. However, the duration of the enhancements only last for 1 round + 1 round per four engineer levels after 1st.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Overdrive).

Magical Essence (Su)

A disciple of the hand gains a pool of magical essence every level, which he may use to aid in crafting magic items. Magical essence is measured in gil, and may be spent in place of gil to cover the raw material cost for creating magical items. No more than 50% of the cost of creating an item may be covered by magical essence; the rest must be covered by conventional means. Whenever the disciple of the hand gains a level, his magical essence pool is increased by the new value associated with his level on the table below. If the disciple of the hand has any remaining magical essence, that magical essence carries over.

Table: Magical Essence

LevelMagical Essence

This ability replaces technologist.

Magical Affinity (Ex)

A disciple of the hand adds his engineer level as a competence bonus to any Craft or Profession skill checks made to produce a magic item. He also adds half his engineer level as a competence bonus to his Use Magic Device and Spellcraft skill (minimum 1.) and may use Spellcraft to identify magical items without the need for Detect Magic spell.

This ability replaces crafter.

Enhancement Pool (Su)

At 1st level, a disciple of the hand gains the ability to enhance his own and his allies’ equipment, via his enhancement pool. This pool is equal to half his engineer level plus his Intelligence modifier, and refreshes once per day after 8 hours of rest.

At 1st level, a disciple of the hand can expend 1 point from his enhancement pool as a swift action to grant any weapon, shield or suit of armor within 30 feet a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four engineer levels beyond 1st, the item gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the item, stacking with existing enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.

At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following properties:

  • For weapons: flaming, flaming burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, defending, distance, returning, seeking, wounding or vorpal.
  • For armor: fortification (light, medium, heavy), trapwarding, invulnerability, ghost touch, or spell resistance (13, 15, 17, 19).
  • For shields: arrow catching, arrow deflection, reflecting, blinding, or bashing.

Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the item already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the item is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the enhancement pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the disciple of the hand enhances the item.

This ability replaces automaton.

Crafter’s Art (Ex)

At 1st level, a disciple of the hand chooses a crafter’s art, representing his area of focus and expertise in his pursuit of enchanting. This focus could be working with a specific material like cloth or stone, or a type of object like weapons or mechanics. Not only can a disciple of the hand create enchantments faster when working within this specialty, but his expertise in blending material and magic grants him a number of advantages, both magical and mundane. Whenever a disciple of the hand enchants an item that falls inside his crafter’s art, he may choose to double the cost of the raw materials in order to enchant the item in half the time. This stacks with every other method for decreasing the crafting time of a magic item.

Cloth: Whenever the disciple of the hand enchants robes, capes, clothing, bags, or other objects made of fabric, he decreases the required time by 10%.

  • Deflection Armor (Su): As long as the disciple of the hand is wearing padded armor, cloth armor, or no armor at all, he gains a deflection bonus to his armor class equal to half his engineer level (minimum: 1).
  • Force Aura (Su): At 9th level, the disciple of the hand may spend 1 enhancement point as a standard action to extend the benefits of his deflection armor to every ally within 30 ft, giving them a deflection bonus to their armor class equal to half his engineer level for 1 minute.
  • Natural Augmentation (Ex): At 17th level, the disciple of the hand may spend enhancement points to add enhancement bonuses and armor properties to any source of armor bonus, whether it be force armor, bracers of armor, or even no armor at all.

Metal: Whenever the disciple of the hand enchants objects comprised of metal (metal armors, swords, crowbars, etc.), he decreases the required time by 10%.

  • Spikes (Su): While the disciple of the hand is wearing metal armor, he may grow spikes as a swift action by spending 1 enhancement point. These spikes last for 1 round, and may be used as armor spikes if he is proficient. In addition, any creature that injures him with a natural or unarmed attack must make a Reflex save against a DC equal to 10 + half his engineer level + his Intelligence modifier or take half his engineer level in damage (minimum 1.) Likewise, any creature who swallows him or grapples him takes half his engineer level (minimum 1) in damage. These spikes do not stack with the barbed vest.
  • Mimic Material (Su): At 9th level, the disciple of the hand may spend 1 enhancement point as a swift action to allow one weapon within 30 ft to bypass damage reduction as if it were comprised of a special material he selects (cold iron, silver, adamantine, etc.) for 1 minute. A weapon may only mimic one special material at a time. If he possesses the improved enhancement or greater enhancement craftsman techniques, he may use that technique in conjunction with this ability.
  • Snake Metal (Su): At 17th level, when wielding metal weapons or weapons with metal heads, the disciple of the hand may spend 1 enhancement point as a swift action to increase the range of his weapons by 5 feet for 1 round.

Weapons: Whenever the disciple of the hand enchants a melee or ranged weapon, he decreases the required time by 10%.

  • Weapon User (Ex): Choose 2 martial weapons. The disciple of the hand gains proficiency with those weapons.
  • Mass Enhancement (Su): At 9th level, the disciple of the hand may spend 1 enhancement point as a swift action to enhance the weapons of every ally within 30 ft. This is exactly the same as enhancing a weapon with his enhancement pool, except it only lasts for 1 round. This enhancement may be maintained each round as a free action, but 1 enhancement point is spent for each round mass enhancement is maintained. The enhanced weapons may each have different enhancements, and need not stay within 30 ft once enhanced. This ability may be used in conjunction with Improved Enhancement and Greater Enhancement.
  • Weapon Veteran (Ex): At 17th level, the disciple of the hand may use any weapon as if he was proficient with that weapon. He also gains Chosen Weapon, as the fighter class feature, with 1 weapon group.

Armor: Whenever the disciple of the hand enchants armor or shields, he decrease the required time by 10%.

  • Defense Training (Ex): The disciple of the hand gains proficiency with heavy armor and tower shields.
  • Defensive Aura (Su): At 9th level, the disciple of the hand can emit a 30-foot aura of defense a number of rounds per day equal to his engineer level. All allies within this aura are treated as if under the effects of a sanctuary spell with a DC equal to 10 + half his engineer level + his Intelligence modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is a standard action. If an ally leaves the area or makes an attack, the effect ends for that ally. If the disciple of the hand makes an attack, the effect ends for him and his allies.
  • Armor Training (Ex): At 17th level, the disciple of the hand may move in any type of armor without a detriment to his speed. In addition, increase the armor bonus he gains from his worn armor by 2.

Leather: Whenever the disciple of the hand enchants objects made of leather (leather bags, riding boots, studded leather armor, whips, animal harnesses, etc.), he decreases the required time by 10%.

  • Harness Expert (Ex): The disciple of the hand gains Acrobatics, Climb, Handle Animal, and Ride as class skills. He also gain proficiency with whips.
  • Elemental Friend (Sp): At 9th level, the disciple of the hand gains the ability to cast summon nature’s ally V as a spell-like ability by spending 2 enhancement points, using his engineer level as his caster level. This improves to summon nature’s ally VI at 11th level, summon nature’s ally VII at 13th level, summon nature’s ally VIII at 15th level, and summon nature’s ally IX at 17th level.
  • Enhanced Leather (Su): At 17th level, as long as the disciple of the hand is wearing leather or hide armor (leather armor, studded leather, hide shirt, hide armor, etc.), his armor gains the properties of adamantine (Hardness 20, 40 hp, DR/1- for light armor, DR/2- for medium armor), his armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 2, and he gains a +2 bonus to his Dexterity.

Stone: Whenever the disciple of the hand enchants stone statues, stone buildings, stone weapons, or other stone objects, he decreases the required time by 10%.

  • Stone-like (Su): The disciple of the hand gains DR 1/adamantine. His damage reduction increases by 1 at 5th level and every five engineer levels thereafter, to a maximum of DR 5/adamantine at 20th level.
  • Living Golem (Su): At 9th level, the disciple of the hand may spend 1 enhancement point as a standard action to encase himself or an ally within 30 ft in living stone. The ally may still move, see, breath and otherwise act normally, but now has an added layer of protection that takes any physical damage directed at it. The stone has a hardness of 8 and 30 hp, and must be breached before damage may be done to the person inside. After 1 minute or after the stone’s hp is reduced to 0, the stone crumbles and falls off the affected creature.
  • Stone Mastery (Su): At 17th level, the disciple of the hand may spend 2 enhancement points to use stone call as a spell-like ability, or 1 enhancement point to use stone shape as a spell-like ability, using his engineer level as his caster level. Whenever he use his living golem ability, increase the stone’s hp by +15.

Jewelry: Whenever the disciple of the hand enchants rings, amulets, or other forms of jewelry, he decreases the required time by 10%.

  • Jeweler’s Eye (Ex): The disciple of the hand gains a competence bonus equal to his engineer level to any check made with your Appraise skill.
  • Enhanced Rings (Ex): At 9th level, the disciple of the hand may put spells into any ring, as if the ring were a ring of spell-storing. He may place a number of spell levels into a ring equal to 1/3 your engineer level. Placing a spell in a ring requires the Forge Ring feat, and costs 12.5 gil x the spell’s level x the spell’s caster level, requiring 1 day of work for every 1,000 gil, with a minimum of 1 hour of work required. Once a spell has been placed in a ring, that spell may be used by anyone who wears that ring, as if the ring were a ring of spell-storing. If the ring already is a ring of spell-storing, these spell levels stack and all may be filled with spells in this fashion.
  • Ring Lord (Ex): At 17th level, the disciple of the hand gains 2 extra ring slots, allowing him to wear and gain the benefits from four magic rings instead of two.

Arcana: When the disciple of the hand enchants scrolls, potions, wands, or staves, he decreases the required time by 10%.

  • Empower Damage (Ex): Whenever the disciple of the hand uses a scroll, wand, or staff to cast a spell that deals damage, he deals an extra amount of damage equal to half his engineer level (minimum 1.)
  • Empower Healing (Ex): At 9th level, whenever the disciple of the hand activates a scroll, wand, or staff to cast a spell that heals damage, he heals an extra amount of damage equal to half his engineer level (minimum 1.)
  • Metamagic Item (Ex): At 17th level, the disciple of the hand may choose 1 metamagic feat. Whenever he activates a scroll, wand, or staff, he may apply the effects of this metamagic feat to the activated spell by spending a number of enhancement points equal to the metamagic feat’s level increase. He may choose a second metamagic feat at 19th level.

Consumables: Whenever the disciple of the hand creates scrolls, potions, or items with only a single use, he decreases the required time by 10%.

  • Powerful Alchemical Items (Ex): The disciple of the hand gains the Enhance Alchemical Item chemist discovery, treating his engineer levels as chemist levels for this purpose.
  • Improved Alchemical Items (Ex): At 9th level, the disciple of the hand may create improved alchemical items. Improved alchemical items may mimic the effects of spells of up to 6th level. Alternately, an improved alchemical item may mimic the effects of two spells of 3rd level or lower at once. To create an alchemical item that mimics two spells, determine the cost of creating the two effects individually, as if creating two alchemical items. Multiply the effect with the lower base cost by 1.5 and add the costs together to determine the cost of creating the alchemical item. Improved alchemical items are powerful, but also very unstable, and cannot be affected by the Extend Alchemical Item, Eternal Alchemical Item, or Dilution chemist discoveries.
  • Alchemical Items Master (Ex): At 17th level, the disciple of the hand gains the Extend Alchemical Item, Eternal Alchemical Item, and Dilution chemist discoveries.

Master Craftsman (Ex)

A disciple of the hand gains the Master Craftsman feat at 2nd level even without meeting the prerequisites. While he only gains the +2 bonus to one craft or profession skill, a disciple of the hand may use his ranks in any relevant craft or profession skill as his caster level when crafting magic items or qualifying for item creation feats. A disciple of the hand may also qualify for and select any item creation feat, not just Craft Weapons and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item.

A disciple of the hand may create potions, spell completion items, magic device traps, or spell trigger items, even if he does not have access to the prerequisite spells. To do this, the disciple of the hand’s engineering level must equal or exceed the spell’s minimum caster level. If the disciple of the hand possesses levels in a spellcasting class, these levels stack for this purpose in regard to spells on that class’s spell list. A disciple of the hand still adds 5 to the DC to create the item for every prerequisite spell he does not have access to.

In addition, when gaining an item creation feat, a disciple of the hand may choose to improve his efficiency with one item creation feat he already possesses. To do this, choose one item creation feat the disciple of the hand already has. When using that feat to create a magic item, decrease the cost of the required raw materials by 5% (to a maximum of 15%). If the disciple of the hand improves his efficiency with the same item creation feat multiple times, the effects stack.

This ability replaces combat awareness.

Craftsman Technique

As a disciple of the hand gains understanding and skill, he learns a number of special techniques that expand his capabilities. The disciple of the hand loses access to the augmentation engineer tricks for automatons as well as any engineer tricks that involve automatons, but at 2nd level, a disciple of the hand can gain either a craftsman technique or an engineer trick. He gains an additional craftsman technique or engineer trick for every two levels after 2nd. Unless otherwise noted, a disciple of the hand cannot take the same technique more than once.

Animate Guard (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand enhances a weapon or shield using his enhancement pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his enhancement pool to add dancing to the list of available options for weapons and animated to the list of available options for shields. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 10th level to select this craftsman technique.

Apprentice Mage (Ex): The disciple of the hand may take 10 on his Use Magic Device skill when activating a materia, wand, staff or scroll, or when deciphering a scroll. He may take 10 even if circumstances around him would normally prohibit him from taking 10 on a skill. He also gains a +2 bonus to his Use Magic Device checks when activating or deciphering a scroll.

Call Item (Su): As a standard action, the disciple of the hand may call an item to his hand from within his line of sight at a distance of 100 feet + 10 feet per engineer level. This item must have been in the disciple of the hand’s possession for at least 1 day before he may use this ability, and he loses the ability to call an item if it has been out of his possession for more than 1 day. Items in the disciple of the hand’s hidden cache count as being in his possession. If the item is in the possession of an unwilling creature, that creature may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the engineer’s level + his Intelligence modifier) to prevent the object from being taken. An object in a creature’s hand is impossible to take unless the creature is willing to let it go.

Clockwork Engineering (Ex): The disciple of the hand may use his Craft (clockwork) skill and master craftsman class feature to create clockwork constructs, such as clockwork golems, soldiers, spies, servants, leviathans, or goliaths. He does not need the Craft Construct feat. He may also perform repairs and basic modifications on his clockwork constructs. Prerequisites: The engineer must be at least 10th level and have Craft (clockwork) 10 ranks to select this craftsman technique.

Craft Training (Ex): The disciple of the hand chooses one craft or profession skill. He gains ranks in this skill, equal to his engineer level. Every time he gains a level, he gains a rank in this skill. If he already possesses ranks in the chosen craft or profession, he only gains enough ranks in the skill to bring his total ranks equal to his engineer level. This technique may be selected multiple times. Its effects do not stack. The disciple of the hand chooses a new craft or profession skill each time he gains this technique.

Devoted Blade (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand enhances a weapon using his enhancement pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his enhancement pool to add either the anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy special ability to the list of available options. A disciple of the hand may only add one of these abilities if it matches the alignment of the weapon’s wielder. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 12th level to select this craftsman technique.

Duelist Weapon (Su): When the disciple of the hand wields a weapon that may be used with the weapon finesse feat, that weapon is treated as if it had the dueling special ability. If removed from the disciple of the hand’s hands, the weapon loses this enhancement. Prerequisite: Weapon Finesse feat

Efficient Enchanting (Ex): Whenever the disciple of the hand uses his master craftsman class feature to create a magic item or construct, the cost of the required raw materials is decreased by 10%.

Enduring Enhancement (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand enhances a piece of equipment using his enhancement pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his enhancement pool to increase the duration to 1 minute per engineer level. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 6th level to select this craftsman technique.

Elemental Blade (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand enhances a weapon using his enhancement pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his enhancement pool to add the corrosive, corrosive burst, frost and icy burst special abilities to the list of available options. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 6th level to select this craftsman technique.

Empathic Blade (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand enhances a weapon using his enhancement pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his enhancement pool to add the merciful, furious, and menacing special abilities to the list of available options. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 6th level to select this craftsman technique.

Expert Enchanting (Ex): Whenever the disciple of the hand uses his master craftsman class feature to create a magic item or construct, the enchantment takes 25% less time to complete.

Ghost Blade (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand enhances a weapon using his enhancement pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his enhancement pool to add the brilliant energy and ghost touch special abilities to the list of available options. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 10th level to select this craftsman technique.

Improved Enhancement (Ex): Whenever the disciple of the hand uses his enhancement pool to enhance a weapon, shield or suit of armor, he may spend 1 additional enhancement point to enhance a second item as well. The second item does not have to be of the same type nor receive the same enhancements. If the disciple of the hand is using a craftsman technique to alter the list of available enhancements such as Enduring Enhancement or Elemental Blade, these effects are available to all appropriate items being enhanced. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 8th level to select this craftsman technique.

Greater Enhancement (Ex): When using the improved enhancement technique, the disciple of the hand may spend 1 additional point from his enhancement pool to enhance one more item, bringing the total number of items enhanced up to 3. Prerequisites:The engineer must be at least 12th level and have the improved enhancement craftsman technique to select this craftsman technique.

Item Creation (Ex): The disciple of the hand gains one item creation feat that he meets the prerequisites for and does not already possess. He may select this technique multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time, select a new item creation feat.

Major Summoning (Su): When using the minor summoning craftsman technique, the disciple of the hand may choose to have it function as major summoning instead of minor summoning. Doing so consumes 3 points from his enhancement pool instead of 2. Prerequisites: The engineer must be at least 10th level and have the minor summoning craftsman technique to select this craftsman technique.

Materia Mastery (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand casts a spell from a materia, he calculates the DC using his Intelligence modifier instead of the minimum modifier needed to cast a spell of that level.

Mechanical Genius (Ex): The disciple of the hand is not only an expert at creating magical items, but mundane ones as well. The disciple of the hand gains a bonus equal to his engineer level whenever he makes a Craft check to create a non-magical item, even if that check is made untrained.

Metamagic Rod Mastery (Su): When wielding a wand in one hand and a metamagic rod in the other, the disciple of the hand may use the metamagic rod on spells fired from the wand. Prerequisites: The engineer must be at least 10th level and have the Craft Rod and Craft Wand item creation feats to select this craftsman technique.

Minor Summoning (Su): The disciple of the hand has tapped into the power of creation itself and may expend 2 points from his enhancement pool to use minor summoning as a spell-like ability, using his engineer level as his caster level. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 6th level to select this craftsman technique.

Reaching Enhancement (Ex): The disciple of the hand extends the distance at which he can enhance a piece of equipment with his enhancement pool from 30 ft. to 300 ft.

Rod Combatant (Ex): Whenever using a rod that functions as a weapon, the disciple of the hand is considered proficient with that weapon and gains a +1 bonus to his weapon attack rolls.

Rod Mastery (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand uses a rod, he calculates the DC for any spell it contains using his Intelligence modifier instead of the minimum modifier needed to cast a spell of that level.

Scroll Artistry (Ex): The disciple of the hand reduces his spell failure chance by 10% when using scrolls. He may select this craftsman technique multiple times. The effects stack.

Scroll Mastery (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand uses a scroll, he calculates the DC for any spell it contains using his Intelligence modifier instead of the minimum modifier needed to cast a spell of that level.

Staff Empowerment (Su): When the disciple of the hand activates a staff (or a wand if he possesses the wand empowerment craftsman technique), he may spend one enhancement point as a free action to increase the activated spell’s caster level by 2. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 12th level to select this craftsman technique.

Transformative Weapon (Su): Any weapon in the disciple of the hand’s hands is treated as if it had the transformative special ability. If removed from the disciple of the hand’s hands, the weapon reverts to its original form.

Technological Savant (Ex): The disciple of the hand may use his Craft (mechanics) skill and master craftsman class feature to create constructs of the robot subtype, even if he does not have the Craft Construct feat. He may also perform repairs and basic modifications on his robot constructs. Prerequisites: The engineer must be at least 10th level and have Craft (mechanics) 10 ranks to select this craftsman technique.

Telekinesis (Su): The disciple of the hand may affect all of his surroundings with his will by spending one enhancement point. This functions as the telekinesis spell, using his engineer level as his caster level, except it only lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier. If performing a violent thrust, he may only select a number of objects equal to his Intelligence modifier. Prerequisites:The engineer must be at least 6th level and have call item craftsman technique to select this craftsman technique.

Trap Expert (Ex): The disciple of the hand chooses either the cunning trigger, quick trapsmith, or frugal trapsmith thief talents. He gains this thief talent, treating his engineer levels as thief levels for the purposes of that thief talent. He may select this technique multiple times. Each time he selects this technique, he gains a different thief talent. The effects of the thief talents do not stack with themselves.

Wand Empowerment (Su): When the disciple of the hand activates a wand, he may use his engineer level as the wand’s caster level, if it is higher. He may apply any relevant feats that alter a spell contained in a wand, as if the wand were a staff. Prerequisites:The engineer must be at least 10th level, have Craft Staff item creation feat and the wand mastery craftsman technique to select this craftsman technique.

Wand Mastery (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand uses a wand, he calculates the DC for any spell it contains using his Intelligence modifier instead of the minimum modifier needed to cast a spell of that level.

Weighted Blade (Su): Whenever the disciple of the hand enhances a weapon using his enhancement pool, he may spend 2 additional points from his enhancement pool to add the anchoring and impact special abilities to the list of available options. Prerequisite: The engineer must be at least 6th level to select this craftsman technique.

Disenchant (Su)

At 3rd level, a disciple of the hand may unweave the enchantments on a magical item, adding the raw material cost of that item to his magical essence pool. the disciple of the hand must possess the item’s prerequisite item creation feats, and must spend one day with the item before he may disenchant it. Artifacts cannot be disenchanted. When disenchanting an item with charges or a limited number of uses (like a wand), divide the cost of creating the item by the original number of charges, then multiply by the remaining uses to find the amount of magical essence gained. If the item was created at lower than the usual cost (such as via a disciple of the hand with the Efficient Enchanting craftsman technique), the disciple of the hand only gains the actual amount the item cost to create as magical essence.

This ability replaces rough and ready.

Animate Object (Ex)

At 4th level, a disciple of the hand may use his master craftsman class feature to craft animated objects as if he possessed the Craft Construct item creation feat. An animated object’s caster level equals its Hit Dice, and as usual, the disciple of the hand adds 5 to the crafting DC for each prerequisite spell he does not possess (permanency.) He does not, however, need to meet these spell’s minimum caster level in order to create animated objects.

The disciple of the hand may upgrade an animated object he already owns, increasing its Hit Dice for 500 gil per Die. An animated object may have as many construction points as the disciple of the hand desires, but with few exceptions (GMs discretion), they must be decided at creation, as adding construction points after creation usually involves completely rebuilding the object. No animated object can possess more Hit Dice than the disciple of the hand has ranks in his prerequisite Craft or Profession skill. The disciple of the hand may make basic modifications and repairs to his animated objects, but he cannot perform weapon modifications unless he possesses Craft Weapons and Armor, nor can he make complex modifications without the Craft Construct feat. A construct does not grow in size as it gains Hit Dice.

This ability replaces support droid.

Hidden Cache (Su)

At 5th level, a disciple of the hand may create a cache in the astral plane for his equipment. This functions similarly to the secret chest spell, using the disciple of the hand’s class level as his caster level, except the chest never runs the risk of disappearing, and the disciple of the hand may reforge the chest replica if it is lost or destroyed to regain access to the cache. Only one replica may exist at a time, and forging a new one causes the previous replica to lose its power. Living creatures cannot be stored in a disciple of the hand’s hidden cache; the cache refuses to return to the Astral plane if this is attempted.

This ability replaces crafting expertise.

Staff Mastery (Ex)

At 11th level, a disciple of the hand may use his engineer level as his caster level when activating a staff. He may also expend points from his enhancement pool in place of charges when activating an item that uses charges. For every 2 points he expends from his enhancement pool, he consumes one less charge. In addition, once per day, the disciple of the hand may spend 4 enhancement points to restore one charge to a staff. He cannot restore more than one charge, nor restore charges to more than one staff, per day.

This ability replaces unflustered.

Transference (Su)

At 13th level, a disciple of the hand gains the ability to take the enchantment on one item and transfer it to another item of the same type (melee weapon to melee weapon, armor to armor, shield to shield, etc.) If the second item already possesses an enchantment, that enchantment is transferred to the first item. To transfer enchantments, the disciple of the hand must have both magic items and the appropriate item creation feat for that type of item. Transferring enchantments takes 1 hour of focused work. Note that some enchantments will not function if transferred to certain items (such as a duelist enchantment transferred to a halberd.) Constructs may not have their enchantments transferred, but enchantments on a construct’s armor or weapons may be transferred as normal. Intelligent items that are unwilling to be transferred make a Will save against a DC of 10 + half of the engineer’s level + his Intelligence modifier. If the item succeeds at this check, then the disciple of the hand may not try transference again on that item, unless the item relents. Artifacts can never be transferred.

This ability replaces precise timing.

Item Summoning (Su)

At 15th level, a disciple of the hand no longer needs to summon his cache in order to store and retrieve items stored there. the disciple of the hand may send an item to his cache, summon an item from his cache, or switch an item with one from his cache as a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The item or items in question must have been in the craftsman’s possession for at least 24 hours before using this ability. If the disciple of the hand summons armor or another item that can be worn, he may choose to summon it directly onto his body if he so chooses. While the disciple of the hand does not need to open his cache to exchange items, he must still have the small chest replica on his person to summon an item in this way.

At 20th level, the time it takes a disciple of the hand to use item summoning is reduced to a move action, and no longer provokes an attack of opportunity.

This ability replaces construct expertise.

Magnum Opus (Ex)

At 19th level, the disciple of the hand unlocks the secret of creating artifacts. He gains one minor artifact, subject to GM’s approval, which represents his constant tinkering throughout his life. This item is virtually indestructible and may be called to the disciple of the hand who made it from anywhere, even across planes. This minor artifact is not bound equipment and thus may be used by others. The disciple of the hand may now forge major and minor artifacts, but the process for crafting such items is long, difficult, and unique to each item. Forging an artifact could require rare and unique materials, visits to other planes, communication with outer gods, fire from the heart of an active volcano, or any number of special prerequisites.

This ability replaces primal technomancy.

Supreme Technique (Su)

At 20th level, a disciple of the hand uncovers a supreme technique. He gains one technique from the list below. This technique represents the culmination of a disciple of the hand’s study, and his mastery over his discipline. The secrets of these techniques cannot be taught; they must be discovered for one’s self.

Master Enchanter (Su): The disciple of the hand has perfected the art of creating magical items. Whenever the disciple of the hand crafts a magic item, it takes 25% less time to create, and the cost of the required raw materials is decreased by 5%.

Master Creator (Su): Using the minor summoning or major summoning craftsman techniques only cost 1 enhancement point. In addition, the disciple of the hand may create or forge twice as much material as usual with these abilities. Prerequisite: Major summoning craftsman technique

Personal Enchantment (Ex): The disciple of the hand’s study of enchantments has enabled him to enhance his own body. His Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores are increased by 2.

Staff Lord (Su): As a full-round action, the disciple of the hand may make two uses of a wand or staff. The second use may be from the same wand or staff, or from a second he is wielding.

This ability replaces one with machines.