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EngineerEngineers are vital members of the Lands of Spira. They’re responsible for building and maintaining weapons, vehicles, airships, Magitek, and more with the help of his Automatons. Although many Engineers confine themselves to workshops, garages, and shipyards, many are drawn to a life of adventure and prefer to work “in the field.” Some of the best and brightest Engineers ply his trade aboard airships, on distant lands, and on the battlefield. Every organization and nation that depends on technology relies on his knowledge. Engineers use his knowledge of how things are put together to more effectively take things apart and are often called in to bypass security measures or whip up special weapons for field troops in dangerous situations.

Role: Engineers travel to pick up new and interesting skills and raw materials for his inventions. Unused to either huge or delicate machines with hissing steam and arcing electricity, common people find engineers disconcerting at the least, and often frightening. his ability to create useful devices make them well-loved by adventuring parties. A group with an engineer seldom lacks the equipment they require.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d8

Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 gil (average 105 gil.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gil or less.

Class Skills
The engineer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, and technology) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Repair (Int), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Main Ability Scores:
The engineer mainly focuses on STR/DEX for combat and INT for his class features.

Table: Engineer

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
1st+0+2+2+0Automaton, Crafter, Repair (1d6), Technologist, Limit Breaks
2nd+1+3+3+0Engineer Trick, Tinkering, Combat Awareness
3rd+2+3+3+1Repair (2d6), Demolish (+1d6), Salvage, Rough and Ready
4th+3+4+4+1Engineer Trick, Support Droid, Jury-Rig
5th+3+4+4+1Repair (3d6), Crafting Expertise
6th+4+5+5+2Engineer Trick, Demolish (+2d6)
7th+5+5+5+2Repair (4d6), Quick Craft
8th+6/+1+6+6+2Engineer Trick, Durable Materials
9th+6/+1+6+6+3Repair (5d6), Demolish (+3d6)
10th+7/+2+7+7+3Engineer Trick, Salvage Expert
11th+8/+3+7+7+3Repair (6d6), Unflustered
12th+9/+4+8+8+4Engineer Trick, Demolish (+4d6)
13th+9/+4+8+8+4Repair (7d6), Precise Timing
14th+10/+5+9+9+4Engineer Trick, Master Mechanic
15th+11/+6/+1+9+9+5Repair (8d6), Demolish (+5d6), Rapid Rebuild, Construct Expertise
16th+12/+7/+2+10+10+5Engineer Trick ,Clockwork Mimicries
17th+12/+7/+2+10+10+5Repair (9d6), Master Engineer
18th+13/+8/+3+11+11+6Engineer Trick, Demolish (+6d6)
19th+14/+9/+4+11+11+6Repair (10d6), Primal Technomancy
20th+15/+10/+5+12+12+6Engineer Trick, One With Machines

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the engineer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Engineers are proficient with all simple weapons, all martial hammers, plus any type of non-exotic crossbows, and simple firearms. Engineers are proficient with light armor, but not with any type of shields.

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, the engineer receives the Limit Breaks (Auto-Repair and Overdrive).

Auto-Repair (Su): This Limit Break grants the engineer an aura that extends out to 30 feet around him. Any damaged items or machinery chosen by the engineer within the area of effect start repairing themselves at 4 hit points + an additional 4 hit points per four engineer levels after 1st for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four engineer levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Overdrive (Su): This Limit Break increases the overall combat effectiveness of the engineer’s automaton. For the duration of 1 round + 1 round per four engineer levels after 1st, the automaton gains a 2/- DR and +2 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity. These bonuses increase by said amount per four engineer levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Crafter (Ex)

Few can match the engineer’s artifice when creating objects. At 1st level, an engineer gains a bonus equal to half his engineer level (minimum 1) to all Craft skill checks.

Repair (Su)

An engineer can fix broken items or his automaton with a mere touch. Starting at 1st level, as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity unless the engineer targets an adjacent machine, in which case it is a swift action, the engineer repairs 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every other engineer level beyond first (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). In addition, one use of Repair restores an item affected by the broken condition. The engineer can repair a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier.


At 1st level, engineers receive the Technologist feat for free.

Automaton (Ex)

Many engineers create automatons capable of performing a host of duties. Whether or not the servitor is created from intricate clockwork, or steam driven pistons, they share the same capabilities. Unless granted a Master Upgrade, all automatons are unintelligent constructs that follow the engineer’s instructions unfailingly. At 5th and every five levels thereafter, the engineer upgrades an Automaton they currently possess in order to represent his growing skill and power. Upgrades must be performed in order and the engineer must meet the level requirements for the upgrade.

The capabilities granted by previous upgrades remain and stack with any improvements granted by the new upgrade. When installing a new upgrade, the engineer may reconfigure old design decisions, such as damage types, made at previous upgrades unless otherwise noted. If an Automaton is destroyed, the engineer must rebuild from scratch, costing him 100 gil per engineer level in material components, plus 200 gil per upgrade, to rebuild his Automaton. Remaking a destroyed Automaton requires 8 hours of uninterrupted work, plus 8 hours for each upgrade. In all other respects, this resembles the process for crafting a magic item. Upon creation, the engineer chooses the base form he wishes the Automaton to take from the following four types. This form may not be altered upon subsequent upgrades.  Then he adds to the base statistics bonuses based on his levels in engineer using Table 3-16: Automaton Base Statistics.


Starting Statistics

Size: Medium; Speed: 20 ft., swim 40 ft.; AC: (see armor plating); Attack: bite (1d6); Ability Scores: Str 19, Dex 12, Con –, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 10; Special Qualities: Construct traits, Lightning Vulnerability, Critical Hit Vulnerability.


Starting Statistics

Size: Medium; Speed: 30 ft.; AC: (see armor plating); Attack: slam (1d8); Ability Scores: Str 17, Dex 14, Con –, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 10; Special Qualities: Construct traits, Lightning Vulnerability, Critical Hit Vulnerability.

*A humanoid Automaton has arms and hands.


Starting Statistics

Size: Medium; Speed: 50 ft.; AC: (see armor plating); Attack: slam (1d8); Ability Scores: Str 15, Dex 15, Con –, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 10; Special Qualities: Construct traits, Lightning Vulnerability, Critical Hit Vulnerability.


Starting Statistics

Size: Medium; Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC: (see armor plating); Attack: bite (1d6); Ability Scores: Str 14, Dex 17, Con –, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 10; Special Qualities: Construct traits, Lightning Vulnerability, Critical Hit Vulnerability.

Table: Automaton Base Statistics

Class LevelHDBABSaveArmor BonusSaves BonusSpecial
1st2+2+0+0+0Armor Plating
2nd3+3+1+1+1Share Trick
4th4+4+1+1+1Ability Score Increase, Magic Attacks
5th5+5+2+2+2Automaton 1st Upgrade
7th6+6+2+3+3Share Trick
9th8+8+3+3+3Ability Score Increase
10th9+9+3+4+4Automaton 2nd Upgrade
12th10+10+4+5+5Share Trick
14th12+12+5+5+5Ability Score Increase
15th12+12+5+6+6Automaton 3rd Upgrade
17th14+14+6+7+7Share Trick
20th16+16+7+8+8Automaton Master Upgrade, Ability Score Increase

  • Class Level: The character’s engineer level. The engineer’s class levels stack with levels of any other classes that are entitled to an automaton for the purpose of determining the automaton’s statistics.
  • HD: This is the total number of 10 sided die (d10) Hit Dice the Automaton possesses. No Constitution modifier is applied to the Automaton’s hit points. The Automaton gets bonus hit points depending on its size: Medium 20 HP, Large 30 HP, Huge 40 HP.
  • BAB: This is the automaton’s base attack bonus. Automatons do not gain additional attacks using his natural attack for a high base attack bonus.
  • Saves: These are the automaton’s base saving throw bonuses. An automaton has poor saving throws.
  • Armor Bonus: The number noted here is the Automaton’s base total armor bonus. This number is modified by the Automaton’s base form. An Automaton cannot wear armor of any kind, as the armor interferes with the engineer’s operation of the Automaton. An engineer’s Automaton’s body can be enchanted as if it were armor. In addition, magic items interfere with the engineer’s connection to his automaton. As a result, the engineer and his automaton share magic item slots. For example, if the engineer is wearing a ring, his automaton can wear no more than one ring. In case of a conflict, the items worn by the engineer remain active, and those used by the automaton become dormant. The automaton must possess the appropriate appendages to utilize a magic item.
  • Saves Bonus: Add this modifier as an equipment bonus to all of the Automaton’s saving throws.

Special: This includes a number of abilities gained by all automatons as they increase in power. Each of these bonuses is described below.

  • Construct Traits: Automatons count as constructs and have the following two weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to Critical Hits: Whenever an automaton takes extra damage from a critical hit, it must make a DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round. If it makes a successful saving throw, it is staggered for 1 round. The automaton remains immune to other sources of the stunned condition.
    • Vulnerable to Lightning: Automatons take 150% as much damage as normal from lightning attacks, unless they are immune to lightning via other special defenses.
  • Armor Plating (Ex): At 1st level, the engineer chooses one of the following armor plating:
    • Heavy Armor Plating: Grants the Automaton a +8 armor bonus to AC (with a max Dexterity bonus of 0), but with a -10 ft. movement speed and a -2 Dexterity to starting Dexterity score.
    • Medium Armor Plating: Grants the Automaton a +4 armor bonus to AC (with a max Dexterity bonus of +4).
    • Light Armor Plating: Grants the Automaton a +2 armor bonus to AC (with no max Dexterity penalty), movement speed increases by 10-ft., and a +2 Dexterity to starting Dexterity score.
  • Share Trick (Ex): At 2nd level, the engineer selects a trick (any non-augmentation tricks) he knows. The Automaton gains the benefit of this engineer trick. If the engineer chooses to share a gadget, the Automaton uses its own abilities to determine its effects with the exception of any saving throw DCs it requires, which are calculated from the engineer’s abilities. At 7th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the engineer can select an additional trick to share.
  • Magic Attacks (Su): The automaton treats its natural attacks as if they were magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. If the engineer is 10th level or higher, all of the automaton’s natural weapons are treated as the alignment of the engineer for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
  • Ability Score Increase (Ex): The automaton adds +1 to any one of its ability scores.
  • Automaton Upgrade 1: An engineer may add this upgrade to his Automaton at 5th level. Adding the first upgrade to an Automaton creates a telepathic link between the engineer and his creation. They can mentally communicate across any distance as long as they remain on the same plane. Communicating in this way is a free action. The engineer may choose to increase his Automaton by one size category, granting it a +4 size bonus to Strength and 10 additional hit points based on its size. In addition, it gains DR 5/- and the engineer may add a +2 equipment bonus to Strength or Dexterity to his automaton.
  • Automaton Upgrade 2: An engineer may add this upgrade to his Automaton at 10th level. Adding the second upgrade allows the construct to make a second natural attack (as base form) during a full attack at the Automaton’s highest base attack bonus. It also gains a bonus feat from the following list, even if it would not normally qualify: Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, or Toughness. In addition, the engineer may add a +2 equipment bonus to Strength or Dexterity to his automaton.
  • Automaton Upgrade 3: An engineer may add this upgrade to his Automaton at 15th level. Adding the third upgrade to the Automaton grants it the use of an elemental energy attack. At the time of the upgrade the engineer chooses from fire, ice or lightning elemental energy and picks either a 60 ft. line or 30 ft. cone, inflicting 4d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 2 HD the Automaton possesses. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1 per 2 HD the Automaton possesses + the engineer’s Intelligence modifier) halves the damage. This ability is usable once every 1d4 rounds and cannot be changed until the Automaton is upgraded again. In addition, the engineer can choose to increase his Automaton by one size category, granting it an additional +4 size bonus to Strength and 10 additional hit points based on its size. The maximum size of an Automaton is Huge. The Automaton also gains the Grab special attack on all of its slam attacks. In addition, the engineer may add a +2 equipment bonus to Strength or Dexterity to his automaton.
  • Automaton Master Upgrade: An engineer may add this upgrade to his Automaton at 20th level. Adding the fourth upgrade gives the Automaton an Intelligence score of 10. It can now act upon its own volition, but always according to the intention of its creator, gaining an identical alignment as the creator’s at the moment it gained sentience. It gains feats appropriate to its hit dice and 2 skill points per hit dice, treating any skill the engineer has ranks in as a class skill. The engineer may also increase the size of the Automaton once more (to a maximum of Huge), and change the Automaton’s elemental energy attack to earth, water or wind damage. In addition, the Automaton’s DR increases to 10/- and the engineer may add a +2 equipment bonus to Strength or Dexterity to his automaton.

Tinkering (Ex)

When it comes to tearing apart salvage, engineers are highly adept. By 2nd level, engineers become so used to tinkering with machinery that they come to understand the finer points of trap mechanisms. An engineer adds half of his engineer level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). An engineer can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Combat Awareness (Ex)

At 2nd level, an engineer is ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. He gains his Intelligence modifier as a bonus on all initiative rolls.

Engineer Tricks

At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, an engineer learns a technical innovation called an engineer trick. These engineer tricks come in three forms: augmentations, gadgets, or techniques. Unless otherwise noted, an engineer cannot select an individual engineer trick more than once. Some engineer tricks can only be received if the engineer has met certain prerequisites first, such as learning other engineer tricks. The DC of any saving throw called for by an engineer trick is equal to 10 + half of the engineer’s level + his Intelligence modifier.

  • Augmentations are engineer tricks that enhance or otherwise add on to an Automaton.
  • Gadgets are tangible items that engineers can craft. Generally, they are only usable a certain number of times per day and some require the engineer to provide some form of fuel. Only the engineer knows the peculiarities of his function, preventing others from using them. Unless otherwise noted, they are all Tiny items with AC 10 (when not being held); hardness 5 and 10 HP. If a gadget is lost or destroyed the engineer may spend 100 gil and 8 hours of work in order to rebuild it.
  • Techniques are tricks that the engineer has learned that are not tied to any single item, however many require an item to be used in conjunction with them.

Rough and Ready (Ex)

 At 3rd level, the engineer has trained with activating his gadgets under pressure that it becomes almost intuition to bring them to bear as his hands move with blinding speed. Once per day, the engineer can activate a single gadget that requires a standard action to activate as a swift action. At 7th level and every four levels beyond, the engineer can use this ability one additional time per day to a maximum of 4 times per day at 15th level.

Salvage (Ex)

At 3rd level, the engineer can salvage electrical and mechanical parts from destroyed vehicles, constructs, and airships. Salvaging a destroyed vehicle, construct, or airship takes time as noted in the table below. At the end of this time, the engineer makes a Perception check. If the check succeeds, he gains gil equal to the amount indicated on the table below. A particular vehicle, construct, or airship can be successfully salvaged only once. Any further attempts to salvage the wreckage fail automatically. If the engineer attempts to salvage one of their own destroyed construct companions, they instead salvage an amount of gil equal to the cost of creating that construct.

Table: Salvage (Vehicle, Construct, and Airship)

SizeTime RequiredPerception Check DCGil
Tiny to Small10 minutes10500
Medium30 minutes151,000
Large1 hour202,000
Huge3 hours254,000
Gargantuan6 hours308,000
Colossal12 hours3516,000

Demolish (Ex)

At 3rd level, an engineer has come to understand the key workings of mechanical devices and constructs so well that he can strike constructs or machinery for an additional +1d6 points of damage as long as he is using a blunt or piercing melee weapon. This increases by +1d6 every three levels after 3rd (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th). In addition, the engineer can ignore up to 3 points of hardness/damage reduction against any construct. This increases by 3 every three levels after 3rd.

Jury-Rig (Ex)

At 4th level, the engineer gains Field Repair as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the feat’s prerequisites. In addition, the engineer can make temporary repairs to broken technology on the fly. Jury-rigging a broken object (including a vehicle’s driving devices or engines) has a Craft DC equal to the Disable Device DC to disable a device of the same complexity, and requires the same amount of time; the Craft skill for this check must be relevant to the object being jury-rigged. If the check is successful, the object is relieved of the broken condition for up to 5 minutes. If a jury-rigged object takes any damage, it regains the broken condition. A jury-rigged object cannot benefit from this ability again until it has been repaired.

Support Droid (Ex)

At 4th level, an engineer can build a support droid. Support droids, like Automatons, are unintelligent constructs that follow the engineer’s instructions unfailingly. If a support droid is destroyed, the engineer must rebuild from scratch, costing him 100 gil per hit dice in material components, to rebuild his support droid. Remaking a destroyed support droid requires 8 hours of uninterrupted work.

Support Droid Basics

Use the basic statistics (see below), but with the following changes.

  • Hit Dice: For the purpose of effects related to number of Hit Dice, use the engineer’s total level.
  • Hit Points: The support droid has half the engineer’s total hit points (not including temporary hit points), rounded down.
  • Attacks: Use the engineer’s base attack bonus. Use the support droid’s Dexterity modifier, to calculate the support droid’s ranged attack.
  • Saving Throws: For each saving throw, the support droid uses the engineer’s basic saving throws. The support droid uses its own ability modifiers to saves, and it doesn’t share any of the other bonuses that the engineer might have on saves.
  • Skills: For each skill in which the engineer has ranks, use the normal skill ranks for the engineer’s skill ranks. In either case, the support droid uses its own ability modifiers. Regardless of a support droid’s total skill modifiers, some skills may remain beyond the support droid’s ability to use. support droids treat Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Perception, and Stealth as class skills.

Support Droid

Starting Statistics

Size: Tiny; Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect); AC: +1 natural armor; Ability Scores: Str 7, Dex 17, Con –, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 1; Special Qualities: Construct traits.

Table: Support Droid Statistics

Class LevelNatural Armor Adj.Armor BonusSaves BonusSpecial
8th+3+2+2Support Droid Upgrade 1, Ability Score Increase
10th+3+3+3Improved Fine-Tuning
12th+4+3+3Support Droid Upgrade 2
15th+5+4+4Stout Servant
16th+6+5+5Support Droid Upgrade 3, Ability Score Increase
20th+7+6+6Support Droid Master Upgrade, Ability Score Increase

Class Level: The character’s engineer level. The engineer’s class levels stack with levels of any other classes that are entitled to a support droid for the purpose of determining the support droid’s statistics.

Armor Bonus: The number noted here is the Support Droid’s base total armor bonus. This number is modified by the Support Droid’s base form. A Support Droid cannot wear armor of any kind, as the armor interferes with the engineer’s operation of the Support Droid. An engineer can enchant his Support Droid’s body as if it were armor.

Saves Bonus: Add this modifier to the Support Droid’s saving throws.

The support droid has no combat capabilities until 12th level, but possesses two different support modes (Repair and Shield) at a 30 foot range.

  • Repair (Ex): In Repair mode, the support droid will start repairing the automaton or any designated machinery the engineer commanded it to fix. The support droid repairs 1 damage per two engineer levels for a duration of 1 round per engineer level. While repairing, it can only take move actions. If all of the duration is used up for repairing, it must wait 1d4 rounds to regain the energy to repair.
  • Shield (Ex): In Shield mode, the support droid will shield an ally with a protective barrier. The support droid encases the designated ally the engineer commanded it to with a protective barrier that does the following: +1 deflection bonus to AC, +1 morale bonus to saving throws, and DR 1/- per two engineer levels for a duration of 1 round per engineer level. While shielding, it can only take move actions. If all of the duration is used up for shielding, it must wait 1d4 rounds to regain the energy to shield.

Fine-Tuning (Ex): The support droid gains the Evasion ability. If it makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage.

Support Droid Upgrade 1: An engineer may add this upgrade to his Support Droid at 8th level. Adding the first upgrade to a Support Droid creates a telepathic link between the engineer and his creation. They can mentally communicate across any distance as long as they remain on the same plane. Communicating in this way is a free action. The engineer may improve his Support Droid with the following abilities: Increase Flight Speed by 30 feet, Increase Dexterity Score by 2, Grant the Support Droid a Feat (must meet prerequisites), or Grant the Support Droid a DR of 1/-.

Improved Fine-Tuning (Ex): The support droid gains the Improved Evasion ability. Even if it fails a Reflex saving throw against an attack, it takes half damage.

Support Droid Upgrade 2: An engineer may add this upgrade to his Support Droid at 12th level. The Support Droid gains a new mode, Attack. This new combat mode allows the Support Droid to fire a ray of plasma with a range of 50 feet. In addition, the engineer may improve his Support Droid with any of the abilities from the 1st upgrade.

  • Attack (Ex): In Attack mode, the support droid will start blasting a target creature the engineer commanded it to attack. The support droid uses a ranged touch attack and deals 1d6 points of half fire/half lightning damage per two engineer levels for a duration of 1 round per engineer level. While attacking, it can only take move actions. If all of the duration is used up for attacking, it must wait 1d4 rounds to regain the energy to attack.

Stout Servant (Ex): The support droid is more durable and resilient. The support droid gains DR 5/-. This damage reduction stacks with any support droid upgrades.

Support Droid Upgrade 3: An engineer may add this upgrade to his Support Droid at 16th level. The Support Droid gains a new mode, Disrupt. This new combat mode allows the Support Droid to focus a beam of disruption energy that becomes a hindrance to any targeted spell-casters with a range of 50 feet. In addition, the engineer may improve his Support Droid with any of the abilities from the 1st upgrade.

  • Disrupt (Ex): In Disrupt mode, the support droid will fire a concentrated beam of disruption energy at a target spell-caster the engineer commanded it to disrupt. The support droid causes the spell-caster to make concentration checks to cast spells with a –1 penalty for every two engineer levels for a duration of 1 round per engineer level. In addition, the target must pay an additional MP for any successful cast spell. While disrupting, it can only take move actions. If all of the duration is used up for disrupting, it must wait 1d4 rounds to regain the energy to disrupt.

Support Droid Master Upgrade: An engineer may add this upgrade to his Support Droid at 20th level. Adding the fourth upgrade to the support droid increases its senses. The support droid can now see invisible creatures and objects. It has a darkvision of 120 feet as well as low-light vision. It also gains a force field. A force field sheathes the support droid in a thin layer of shimmering energy that grants 50 bonus hit points. All damage dealt to a support droid with an active force field is reduced from these hit points first. As long as the force field is active, the support droid is immune to critical hits. A force field has fast healing 10, but once its hit points are reduced to 0, the force field shuts down and does not reactivate for 24 hours. In addition, the engineer may improve his Support Droid with any of the abilities from the 1st upgrade.

Crafting Expertise

At 5th level, the engineer gains Master Craftsman as a bonus feat.

Quick Craft (Ex)

At 7th level, an engineer learns how to craft ordinary scratch-built items more quickly than normal. The engineer reduces the building time of ordinary objects and masterwork objects by half.

Durable Materials (Ex)

At 8th level, the engineer learns how to build for durability and toughness. Any item crafted by the engineer receives a bonus to hit points equal to the level of the engineer at the time of its creation.

Salvage Expert (Ex)

At 10th level, the engineer has gotten so good at keeping an eye out for spare parts that he can always decrease the cost of repairs or construction by 25%. In addition, when using the Salvage ability, the engineer gains a competence bonus on his Perception checks equal to half of his engineer level.

Unflustered (Ex)

An 11th-level engineer can perform complicated tasks without provoking attacks of opportunity from adjacent foes. During any round in which the engineer uses the Craft, Disable Device, or Repair skill, he can first make a concentration check (DC 15, using the engineer’s level as his caster level) to use the desired skill without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Precise Timing (Ex)

At 13th level, the mechanical timing of a construct or automaton becomes incredibly predictable to someone intimate with how machines act and move. The engineer is now so familiar with this timing that he can never be caught flat-footed by a construct, and gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC against them as well.

Master Mechanic (Ex)

At 14th level, the engineer becomes fully experienced in the art of quick repairs and mechanical tinkering, even under pressure. The engineer can always take 10 on his jury-rig check or when using Disable Device, even when under adverse conditions. In addition, the engineer can make repairs or disable a device with masterful speed. He can make repairs on an object or vehicle in half the normal amount of time (repairing double the normal amount of damage per day of work). Furthermore, Simple devices can be disabled as a standard action, Tricky can be disabled in 1d2 rounds, and Difficult and Extreme devices can be disabled in 1d4+1 rounds.

Rapid Rebuild (Ex)

At 15th level, the engineer becomes faster at making things he is familiar with. As long as he has built something once in the past, he may rebuild it in half the time it would take to build normally.

Construct Expertise

At 15th level, the engineer gains the Craft Construct feat. The engineer does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat. He uses his engineer levels as his effective caster level when creating constructs. The engineer can eschew spells needed to craft a construct, but the costs to craft are doubled, or he must have access to the prerequisite spells, either through use of a magical item or cast by another spellcaster.

Clockwork Mimicries (Ex)

At 16th level, an engineer can use his mechanical mastery to create clockwork mimicries of powerful magic items. Doing so takes 1 hour of uninterrupted work, and allows the engineer to create a wondrous item that functions for a number of hours per day equal to his engineer level. When creating such a clockwork item, the engineer must use materials worth an amount equal to the wondrous item’s construction cost. He need not meet any of the item’s other creation requirements. An engineer cannot create a mimicry of a consumable wondrous item or a wondrous item with finite charges, and he can have only one mimicry at a time. The clockwork item never functions as a wondrous item for any other creature.

Master Engineer (Ex)

At 17th level, the engineer’s expertise with dealing with crafting and repairing becomes exceedingly easy. The engineer is considered always taking 10 on any Craft and Repair checks. The engineer can also take 20 in half the time.

Primal Technomancy (Su)

Beginning at 19th level, an engineer can choose to use a scroll without consuming it or a wand/materia without expending a charge. Whenever he uses the Use Magic Device skill to activate a scroll or a wand he may add an additional +10 to the DC. If he fails this check the charge or scroll is expended as if he failed to activate the item. If he succeeds the scroll or wand is used but is not expended.

One With Machines (Ex)

At 20th level, the engineer floods his body with nanobots. The engineer becomes immune to poison and diseases. He also gains Fast Healing 5. In addition, the engineer may use the Repair ability upon himself as if he were a construct. Once per day, these nanobots can bring the engineer back to life as a Raise spell. The engineer will no longer takes penalties to his ability scores for aging. Any such penalties that he has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue. When the engineer’s natural life span is reached, the biology inside it fails, and its remaining systems become a construct with all of the same stats it had in life, but it no longer has independent thought.

Favored Class Bonuses

Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon his favored classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have engineer as his favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.

  • Al Bhed: Add +1 hit point or +1 to one saving throw to the engineer’s automaton. If the engineer ever replaces his automaton, the new automaton gains these bonus hit points or saving throw bonuses.
  • Dwarf: Add +1/4 armor bonus to the AC of the engineer’s automaton.  If the engineer ever replaces his automaton, the new automaton gains this bonus.
  • Elvaan: Add +1/2 bonus to Craft skill checks.
  • Galka: Add +1/4 armor bonus to the AC of the engineer’s automaton.  If the engineer ever replaces his automaton, the new automaton gains this bonus.
  • Garlean: Add +1/4 to the number of Repair daily uses.
  • Genome: Add +1 hit point or +1 to one saving throw to the engineer’s automaton. If the engineer ever replaces his automaton, the new automaton gains these bonus hit points or saving throw bonuses.
  • GoblinAdd +1/2 bonus to Craft skill checks.
  • Half-Breed: Add +1 hit point or +1 to one saving throw to the engineer’s automaton. If the engineer ever replaces his automaton, the new automaton gains these bonus hit points or saving throw bonuses.
  • Hume: Add +1 hit point or +1 to one saving throw to the engineer’s automaton. If the engineer ever replaces his automaton, the new automaton gains these bonus hit points or saving throw bonuses.
  • Immortal: Add +1 hit point or +1 to one saving throw to the engineer’s automaton. If the engineer ever replaces his automaton, the new automaton gains these bonus hit points or saving throw bonuses.
  • Ixal: Add +1/2 bonus to Craft skill checks.
  • Kobold: Add +1/2 bonus on Knowledge (Engineering and Technology) skill checks.
  • Mithra: The engineer gains +1/6 of an additional 1d6 points of repair healing.
  • Moogle: Add +1/4 to the number of times the engineer can use the Repair ability.
  • Moomba: Add +1/2 bonus to Craft skill checks.
  • PuPu: Add +1/2 bonus to Craft skill checks.
  • Shindroid: Add +1/4 to the number of Repair daily uses.
  • Tarutaru: Add +1/2 bonus to Craft skill checks.
