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At 2nd level and every two dark knight levels thereafter, a dark knight gains a talent that helps improved his class abilities. Unless specified otherwise, a dark knight cannot select an individual talent more than once.

Table: Dark Knight Talents

Dark Knight TalentPrerequisitesBenefits
Abyssal Focus (Su)Abyssal Arts class featureIncrease the DC of one of your abyssal arts abilities by 1. This talent may be taken multiple times to increase the DC of an abyssal art that was previously unselected by this talent.
Antagonistic Personality (Ex)Antagonize featYou gain Provoke as a bonus feat.
Broad Offense (Su)Dark Knight 8, Shared Offense class featureDouble the range of your shared offense ability.
Combat FeatA dark knight may select any Combat feat instead of a talent. A dark knight must still meet all prerequisites for this feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums. This talent may be selected only once.
Dark Reflection (Su)Dark Knight 12, Darkside class featureWhile succumbing to darkside, the dark knight uses his wounded flesh to rend his enemy's. For every 10 hit points the dark knight is missing, he deals an additional 1 point of damage. This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
Dark Sustenance (Su)Dark Knight 10, Darkside class featureWhile succumbing to your darkside ability, add your Charisma modifier as a profane bonus to all healing you receive from your abilities.
Defiled Blessing (Su)Dark Knight 4, Dark Blessing and Defile class featuresYou double the bonus from your dark blessing ability to saving throws for the status effects you may apply listed in the defiles available at 3rd level (see defile class feature). This talent may be taken again at 8th level to double the bonus from dark blessing for the status effects listed in the defiles at 6th level, again at 12th level for the status effects listed at 9th level, and once more at 16th level for status effects listed at 12th level.
Determination (Su)Dark Knight 6, Grit Stance class featureBy expending a dark point from your dark pool as a free action, your movement speed is no longer hindered by the effects of your grit stance for the remainder of your turn.
Enhanced Darkside (Ex)Darkside class featureA dark knight reduces the damage he takes from being in Darkside by 1. This talent can be taken multiple times.
Enhanced Harm Touch (Ex)Harm Touch class featureA dark knight with this talent adds his Charisma modifier to his harm touch damage/heal.
Extra Abyssal Art (Su)Abyssal Arts class featureGain an additional abyssal art. This talent may be taken again at 8th level, again at 12th level, and once more at 16th level.
Feast on Fear (Su)Dark Knight 10, Feed on Fear class featureYou may use your feed on fear ability when inflicting a fear effect by demoralizing an enemy.
Melee Power (Ex)A dark knight with this talent adds +2 to damage with all melee weapons he wields.
Melee Tenacity (Ex)A dark knight with this talent may reroll 1s for damage with all weapon dice with all melee weapons he wields.
Offensive Verbiage (Ex)Antagonize feat, Intimidate 5 ranksWhen using the Antagonize feat, you can use the same check against all enemies within a 30-ft.-radius as a full-round action. Talents or feats that reduce the action cost of Antagonize have no effect on this ability.
Profane Blade (Su)A dark knight treats any weapon he wields with at least a +1 enhancement bonus as evil-aligned.
Provoke (Ex)A dark knight that selects this talent adds half his dark knight levels as a bonus to all Intimidate checks to antagonize. This also reduces the DC check by 2.
└- Staredown (Ex)Dark Knight 12, Provoke dark knight talentThe dark knight may attempt the Demoralize action on all opponents within 30 ft. as a move action.
Renewed Self (Ex)Dark Knight 12Once per encounter, as a standard action, the dark knight may regain hit points equal to twice his dark knight level plus his Constitution modifier. Any hit points he would gain from this ability over his maximum total are lost.
Threat Control (Ex)You gain the Antagonize feat as a bonus feat. Additionally, if you fail an Intimidate skill check with the Antagonize feat, you may attempt the check again against the same creature.
Wrath of the Wicked (Ex)Dark Knight 8Gain a profane bonus to your attack roll equal to your Charisma modifier when confirming a critical against good-aligned creatures .