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The shadow smith is a walking armory of shadowy weapons. He can create shadow weapons from the darkness within his essence. Often seen as the vanguard of demonic hordes, guardsmen of the border of the Plane of Shadow, or as wandering purveyors of shadow against those who would recklessly spread light. Whomever he comes across, he is always prepared with blood, grit, and a keen edge.

The shadow smith is an archetype of the dark knight class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The shadow smith mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features and spells.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stGrit Stance, Harm Touch. 2ndFirst Into Battle, Shared Offense. 2nd – Dark Knight Talent. 3rdDefile. 4thDark Knight Talent. 5thSoul Eater. 6thDark Knight Talent, Defile. 8thDark Knight Talent. 9thDefile, Last Resort. 10thDark Knight Talent. 11thAura of Cowardice. 12thDark Knight Talent, Defile. 14thDark Emissary, Dark Knight Talent. 15thDefile, Shadow Wall. 16thEnervating Touch, Dark Knight Talent. 18thDefile, Dark Knight Talent. 20thDark Champion, Dark Knight Talent.

Shadow Surge (Su)

At 1st level, the shadow smith gains the ability to create a condensed reserve of shadowy energy from the Plane of Shadow which he can expend to great effect, but creating the reserve takes effort. The shadow smith can spend a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity to gain a single shadow surge. When he does this, his shadow becomes darker and more distinct as it is infused with the planar energy. The shadow surge is an expendable resource that the shadow smith can use to fuel his various abilities. He cannot have more than one surge at a time, but there is otherwise no limitation on how many times a day the shadow smith can create or use shadow surges. The shadow smith has these surges indefinitely until he expends them, though he loses his surges if she is ever unconscious, asleep, or killed. The shadow smith can expend a shadow surge as a free action when making a Stealth check to enshroud himself in darkness, letting him roll twice and take the better result.

This ability replaces harm touch.

Shadow Armament (Su)

Also at 1st level, the shadow smith can create a weapon made out of shadowstuff. The weapon must be a melee weapon he is proficient with. Being made of shadowstuff, the weapon is only partially real; creatures that realize the weapon is not real are less affected by it.

When he first attacks a creature with the armament, it is entitled to a Will save to realize the weapon isn’t real (DC 10 + half of the dark knight’s level + his Charisma modifier). On a successful save, the weapon deals only minimum damage to the target for the duration of the armament. A shadow armament also only deals minimum damage to objects (such as constructs) but is still considered a magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. A creature only gets one saving throw, regardless of how often he strikes the creature.

At 1st level, the weapon created has a +1 enhancement bonus. For every three levels after 1st, the total enhancement of the weapon increases by 1, to a total enhancement of +7 at 19th level. The weapon cannot have an enhancement bonus higher than +5 (as with a normal weapon). At 4th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: abyssal, abyssal burst, frost, ghost touch, heartseeking, icy burst, keen, ominous, vorpal, and wounding. These properties do not function on a creature that makes its Will save. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. Duplicate abilities do not stack. The armament must be given at least a +1 enhancement bonus before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the armament is created and cannot be changed until the next time he uses this power.

Creating a shadow armament is a move action (that spends a shadow surge) and lasts for a number of minutes equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1). As long as the armament’s duration lasts, he can “stow” and “draw” the weapon by dispersing and rematerializing the weapon. This takes the same amount of time it takes for him to draw or sheathe a normal weapon, including any reductions in time from feats and abilities such as Quick Draw. If he is ever disarmed of the armament or he throws it (as a thrown weapon), he can rematerialize the same weapon as if he was drawing it.

The shadow smith can only have one shadow armament in existence at a time. If he uses the power again, the previous armament vanishes.

This ability replaces grit stance.

Shadow Barrier (Su)

At 2nd level, the shadow smith can make the shadows cover him at the right moment. As an immediate action, the shadow smith can spend a shadow surge to engulf himself in an umbral shell. Doing so grants soft cover against a single enemy and against the attack or spell that enemy uses against the shadow smith. This gives him a +4 profane bonus to Armor class and a +2 profane bonus to Reflex saves. After the triggering attack is made, whether it hits or misses, the barrier disperses. The shadow smith can use this ability as an attack roll is made but not after knowing the final result. At 10th level, the barrier will last against all attacks or spells from the triggering creature for the remainder of the round. In addition, if the shadow smith spends an additional shadow surge, as part of the action, he can increase the effectiveness of Shadow Barrier from cover to improved cover (+8 profane bonus to AC and +4 profane bonus to saves respectably).

This ability replaces first into battle.

Versatile Armament (Su)

At 2nd level, the shadow smith gains new ways to shape his shadow armament. This grants two new forms: dual weapons, and ranged weapons.

The shadow smith can create two melee weapons he is proficient with, one in each hand, rather than just one. These do not have to be the same weapon. They must be appropriately sized for the shadow smith to wield. When he creates two weapons, the total enhancement bonus he can apply to his shadow armament is lowered by 2 (minimum +0), but both weapons receive the bonuses. Both weapons must be given the same enhancements; if one of the chosen weapon properties can be applied to one of his weapons and not the other, the bonus does not function on the incompatible weapon. A creature only gets its Will save once against the weapons; a successful save makes the creature realize both weapons are not real and taking only minimal damage.

The shadow smith can also create his armament in the form of a ranged weapon he is proficient with. When he does so, he also gains a replenishing supply of shadowy ammunition. The ammunition is typical of the weapon and has no special material or alchemical properties; it could take the form of a bullet or arrow, but not an alchemical cartridge or silver bolt. This ammunition can only be used with the shadow smith’s shadow armament. A creature only gets its Will save once against the ammunition; a successful save makes the creature realize all of the ammunition is not real and taking only minimal damage.. Real ammunition cannot be used with the shadow armament; it simply falls through the weapon. The weapon is loaded when created, if required.

Instead of its normal enhancements, a ranged shadow armament gains the following properties for its ammunition at 4th level: abyssal, abyssal burst, brilliant energy, designating, frost, ghost touch, greater designating, icy burst, and seeking. These effects do not function against a creature that makes its Will save.

This ability replaces shared offense.

Shadow Smith Talents (Su)

The shadow smith can add the following shadow smith talents to the his repertoire when he would gain a dark knight talent:

Arsenal of Gloom (Su): The shadow smith gains the Gloomstorm (Conduit) feat as a bonus feat. His Shadow Armament counts as the shadow weapon feature for the purposes of meeting prerequisites. In addition, he can use half his dark knight levels instead of Knowledge (planes) for the purposes of meeting prerequisites and determining the effects of the Gloomstorm feat. Prerequisite: The shadow smith must be at least 10th level to select this abyssal art.

Blades in the Dark (Su): Whenever the shadow smith forms a Shadow Armament in dim light, it increases the overall enhancement bonus of the weapon by 1. In an area of darkness, the enhancement bonus is increased by 2. In areas of supernatural darkness, the weapon the enhancement bonus is increased by 2 and the reach of the weapon increases by 5 feet. These bonuses cannot exceed the normal maximum allowed on a weapon. The armament retains this increase for as long as it remains in an an area of darkness and deeper darkness. Should he exits an area of darkness, deeper darkness or subject to an effect that changes the lighting conditions of an area, he retains the bonus for an amount of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. Prerequisite: The shadow smith must be at least 6th level to select this abyssal art.

Dark Recovery (Ex): The shadow smith can recover a shadow surge as a swift action, instead of a standard action. This will still provoke an attack of opportunity. Prerequisite: The shadow smith must be at least 4th level to select this abyssal art.

Dark Resurgence (Su): The shadow smith can regain all shadow surges as a free action once per day. Prerequisite: The shadow smith must be at least 8th level to select this abyssal art.

Deadly Detail (Su): When the shadow smith forms his Shadow Armament, he can sacrifice the enhancement bonus of the weapon to increase the DC to disbelieve by an amount equal to the bonus sacrificed. This bonus remains lost for 1 round and then returns, setting the DC back to its original value. This is a free action that can be done once per round.

Lingering Realization (Su): Creatures that make the save to disbelieve the shadow armament still take the full effect of the weapon for 1 round as if they had failed the Will save. This effect does not apply to weapons enhanced by Dark Enchantment. Prerequisite: The shadow smith must be at least 4th level to select this abyssal art.

Mystic Shade (Su): The shadow smith can expend a shadow surge to roll twice on a Use Magic Device check, taking the better result.

Penumbral Proficiency (Su): When the shadow smith crafts a magical item, he can use his Charisma instead of Intelligence modifier for the check so long as he has a Shadow Surge available. Once the item is finished, the shadow smith cannot summon another shadow surge for 1d4 hours.

Shadow Cache (Su): The shadow smith can carve out a space in the Plane of Shadow (Life Stream, Hells, Void, or whatever relevant plane of existence that is an empty purgatory of shadows) to hide his belongings. This functions as the spell secret chest, using the shadow smith’s level as his caster level. Unlike with secret chest, the chest is made of shadowstuff (meaning it does not cost anything) and lasts until the shadow smith either dismisses the cache or is killed. Creating, hiding, and summoning the chest can be done at will without a focus as a full-round action. Creatures cannot stay in the shadow cache; if a creature is inside the chest when it is sent back to the Plane of Shadow (or relevant plane of similar make), the creature is left behind. The shadow smith can only maintain one shadow cache. If he dismisses the shadow cache or is killed while the chest is still on the Plane of Shadow, the items in the chest remain there, and cannot be recalled by any means, even by creating another shadow cache. A planar expedition to the plane the secret chest resides in can be made to find the chest. Prerequisite: The shadow smith must be at least 10th level to select this abyssal art.

Umbral Reinforcement (Su): When using Shadow Barrier, gain DR/- equal to half the bonus to AC against the triggering attack(s). This damage reduction stacks with other sources of damage reduction.

These abilities may replace dark knight talents.

Shadow Equipment (Su)

At 3rd level, the shadow smith can spend a shadow surge as a standard action to create a quasi-real object that weighs no more than 1 pound per dark knight level he possesses. The created gear is not truly real; a creature affected by any equipment made by the shadow smith is entitled to a Will save to disbelieve the item, treating it as if it doesn’t exist. The equipment remains for 1 minute per dark knight level before fading away, although it disappears after one round if it leaves the shadow smith’s possession. Creating equipment to an exact specification might require a Craft skill check, subject to GM discretion. The shadowstuff can replicate simple materials, such as wood, stone, glass, or metal, but it cannot contain any moving parts. The shadow smith could use this ability to create a dagger or a rope, but not a flask of acid. Any created equipment is mundane, non-masterwork and cannot be magically enhanced by any means.

This ability replaces defile.

Penumbral Craft (Su)

At 5th level, the shadow smith gains the Master Craftsman as a bonus feat without needing to meet the prerequisites. Additionally, when he crafts a magic item (except a potion, spell trigger item, or spell completion item), he may utilize shadow magic to replicate the required spells, letting him ignore one spell prerequisite without increasing the creation DC. He can ignore an additional prerequisite at 10th, 15th and 20th level.

This ability replaces soul eater.

Twin Surge (Su)

A shadow smith of 8th level or higher can store up to two shadow surges at once. He can gain both surges with a single full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity or gain one surge as a standard action as normal.

This ability replaces a dark knight talent gained at 8th level.

Shadow’s Gift (Su)

At 9th level, the shadow smith can bestow a semblance of his power to others. As a full-round action, he can touch an ally to grant it a single shadow surge that he currently has. If the target has the shadow surge class feature, he can use that shadow surge with any of his class features that utilizes shadow surges. If the ally does not normally have the shadow surge class feature, that ally can spend the shadow surge as a free action when making a Stealth check to enshroud itself in darkness, letting him roll twice and take the better result.

In addition, if the shadow smith has another method of expending a shadow surge, he may grant the ally that ability as well. He may only grant one other ability that expends shadow surges in this manner, and it must be usable by a shadow smith of half his dark knight level. For any purpose based on level, the creature is treated as a shadow smith of half his dark knight level to determine the effects of the ability. This can be granted to creatures with or without the shadow surge class feature. The ally loses this granted ability once it has spent the shadow surge.

The shadow surge must be spent by the ally within 1 hour, otherwise it is lost. The shadow smith may only give out 1 shadow surge at a time in this manner, and cannot give out another one until the first is used or lost.

This ability replaces last resort.

Shifting Shroud (Su)

At 10th level, the shadows within protect the shadow smith from grievous wounds.

So long as the shadow smith has one shadow surge, critical hits or sneak attacks against him have a 25% chance to be ignored. This chance increases to 50% at 15th level.

This ability replaces a dark knight talent gained at 10th level and shadow wall.

Dark Enchantment (Su)

At 11th level, the shadow smith’s armaments have become more flexible in their creation. The shadow smith adds earthen, earthen burst, flaming, flaming burst, shocking, shocking burst, and thundering to his list of bonuses he can apply to his armaments. The shadow smith can, as a move action as part of creating an armament, cover a real weapon with his shadowstuff. Doing so lets the shadow smith apply the enhancement bonuses he can normally apply to his armaments to the weapon instead but the weapon die of the covered weapon is lowered by 1 step (from 1d10 to 1d8, from 1d8 to 1d6 and so on.) for the duration of Shadow Armament. The shadow smith is still limited by the total enhancement bonus that he can apply to his armaments. In addition, he can only enhance the weapon if he can create an armament of the same type of weapon. (This is usually melee weapons but with Versatile Armament, this can also apply to ranged weapons as well.)

This ability replaces aura of cowardice.

Triple Surge (Su)

A shadow smith of 14th level or higher can store up to three shadow surges at once. He can gain all three surges with a single full-round action or can gain a single surge as a standard action.

This ability replaces dark emissary and enervating touch.

Shadow Regalia (Su)

At 20th level, the shadow smith’s control over shadow creation lets him create a constant barrier of darkness to defend himself. He gains DR 5/silver and immunity to sneak attacks and critical hits. In dim light, darkness, or supernatural darkness, his damage reduction increases to DR 10/silver.

This ability replaces dark champion.