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A ruthless warrior who rules an entire knightly order. It is said that none can match his swordplay. These knights exchange spells for advanced dark sword techniques.

The dark swordsman is an archetype of the dark knight class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The dark swordsman mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Grit StanceDarkside. 3rd Abyssal Arts. 4th Spellcasting. 6th Abyssal Arts. 7th  Dark Resilience. 9th Abyssal Arts. 12th Abyssal Arts15th  Shadow Wall, Abyssal Arts. 18th Abyssal Arts. 20th Dark Champion.

Dark Swordplay (Su)

This ability functions the same as the sword saint’s swordplay ability, except a dark swordsman gains less swordskills (see below) and may only choose swordskills from Dark Sword, Destroy Sword, and Universal forms. In addition, he may use any swordskill he knows without needing to ready them. Each swordskill can still only be used once per encounter but can be regained through the dark swordsman’s Dark Pool ability.

LevelSwordskills Known

These abilities replace darkside and spellcasting gained at 4th level.

Dark Pool (Su)

At 1st level, a dark swordsman gains a reservoir of dark energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers. This dark pool has a number of points equal to half his dark knight level (minimum 1) + his Charisma modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the dark knight rests for a full 8 hour. A dark swordsman can expend 1 point from his dark pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.

At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: abyssalabyssal burstdancingearthenearthen burstflamingflaming burstfrosticy burstjetstreamjetstream burstkeenroaringroaring burstshockshocking burstspeed, or vorpal.

Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the dark pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the dark swordsman uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the dark swordsman.

A dark swordsman can only enhance one weapon in this way at one time. If he uses this ability again, the first use immediately ends.

While his sword is enhanced with his dark pool, he can spend 1 point of his dark pool, as a swift action, to regain a swordskill he has already used for the encounter.

This ability replaces grit stance and modifies dark pool gained at 3rd level.

Dark Sword Talent

As he gains levels, a dark swordsman learns special talents tailored to his specific way of blending martial puissance and dark power. Starting at 3rd level, a dark swordsman gains one dark sword talent or a sword saint talent that modifies swordplay, using his dark knight level as his sword saint level for qualifying for talents. He gains an additional talent for every three levels of dark knight attained after 3rd level. Unless specifically noted in a dark sword talent’s description, a dark swordsman cannot select a particular dark sword talent more than once.

Accurate Strike (Ex): The dark swordsman can expend 2 points from his dark pool as a swift action to resolve all of his melee weapon attacks until the end of his turn as melee touch attacks. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 8

Bane Blade (Su): Whenever the dark swordsman enhances his weapon using his dark pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his dark pool to add the bane special ability to the weapon. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 16

Dark Accuracy (Su): The dark swordsman can expend 1 point from his dark pool as a swift action to grant himself an insight bonus equal to his Charisma bonus on all attack rolls until the end of his turn. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 4

Dark Edge (Su): The dark swordsman can expend 1 point from his dark pool as an immediate action after hitting a target with a slashing or piercing weapon in order to deal an amount of bleed damage equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 0). Prerequisite: Dark Knight 8

Dark Redoubt (Su): As a swift action, the dark swordsman can expend 1 point from his dark pool to treat his shield bonus to AC (including any enhancement bonus) as a bonus to touch AC until the beginning of his next turn.

Dark Redoubt, Greater (Su): Whenever the dark swordsman uses his dark redoubt dark sword talent, he may spend an additional point from his dark pool in order to apply his shield bonus to AC (including any enhancement bonus) as a bonus on Reflex saves until the beginning of his next turn. If he is targeted with an effect requiring a Reflex save while using this power, he may spend 2 points from his dark pool as an immediate action to grant himself evasion, or 4 points to grant himself improved evasion. Prerequisites: Dark Knight 12, dark redoubt dark sword talent

Dedicated Knight of Apprehension (Ex): The dark swordsman gains Signature Skill (Intimidate) as a bonus feat. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 6.

Devoted Blade (Su): Whenever the dark swordsman enhances his weapon using his dark pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his dark pool to add either the anarchic or unholy special ability to the list of available options. A dark swordsman may only add one of these abilities if it matches his own alignment. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 12

Dispelling Strike (Su): The dark swordsman can spend 1 or more points from his dark pool as a swift action to imbue his weapon with a special power. If the weapon strikes a creature within the next minute, that creature is the subject of a targeted dispel using the dark knight’s level as the caster level, except that this effect cannot dispel a spell of a level higher than the number of dark pool points expended to activate this ability (treat higher-level spells as if they do not exist and apply the dispel attempt to the remaining spells with the highest caster level). Once the strike is made, the power dissipates, even if the dispel attempt is unsuccessful. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 8

Disruptive (Ex): The dark swordsman gains Disruptive as a bonus feat.

Enduring Blade (Su): Whenever the dark swordsman enchants his weapon using his dark pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his dark pool to increase the duration to 1 minute per dark knight level.

Forced Co-operation (Ex): The dark swordsman may add half his dark knight level to all intimidation checks.

Ghost Blade (Su): Whenever the dark swordsman enchants his weapon using his dark pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his dark pool to add the brilliant energy and ghost touch special abilities to the list of available options. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 8

Hasted Assault (Su): The dark swordsman can expend 1 point from his dark pool as a swift action to move more quickly. This functions as haste, but only targets the dark swordsman and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the dark swordsman’s Charisma bonus. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 8

Head Knight’s Commands (Ex): The dark swordsman may add his dark knight level to all Intimidation checks, instead of half. Prerequisite: Forced Co-operation, Intimidate 10 ranks, Dark Knight 10.

Lingering Pain (Su): The dark swordsman can expend 1 point from his dark pool as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack. All damage from that attack is considered continuous damage for the purposes of any concentration checks made by the target prior to the beginning of the dark swordsman’s next turn.

Prescient Attack (Su): The dark swordsman can expend 1 point from his dark pool as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack, allowing him to anticipate his opponent’s defenses. The target is denied its Dexterity bonus against the dark swordsman’s attacks until the end of the dark swordsman’s next turn.

Prescient Defense (Su): The dark swordsman can expend 1 point from his dark pool as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack, granting him a premonition of his enemy’s intentions. The dark swordsman gains a bonus to his AC and on Reflex saves equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 0) against attacks by that opponent until the beginning of his next turn. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 8

Spellbreaker (Ex): The dark swordsman gains Spellbreaker as a bonus feat. Prerequisite: Dark Knight 12

Umbral Coercion (Ex): The dark swordsman gains Intimidating Prowess as a bonus feat.

Umbral Desecration (Ex): The dark swordsman gains Killing Flourish as a bonus feat. Prerequisite: Umbral Coercion, Intimidate 4 ranks, Dark Knight 4.

Umbral Massacre (Ex): The dark swordsman gains Gruesome Slaughter as a bonus feat. Prerequisite: Umbral Coercion, Umbral Desecration, Intimidate 11 ranks, Dark Knight 12.

This ability replaces abyssal arts.

Practiced Skill (Ex)

When a dark swordsman reaches 7th level, he has become so proficient in the basic skills that he can further his skill with that particular skill unlocking its true power, truly mastering his skills. He may select one basic sword skill he has learned and choose to gain its Practiced effect. The dark swordsman may choose an additional swordskill at 12th level and 17th level.

This ability replaces dark resilience.

Perfected Skill (Ex)

When a dark swordsman reaches 15th level, he has become so extraordinarily adept in the basic skills and has perfected his power. He may choose a single sword skill that he has chosen to have practiced and now gain its Perfected effect. The dark swordsman may choose an additional swordskill at 20th level.

This ability replaces shadow wall.

Dark Blade (Ex)

At 20th level, a dark swordsman reaches his peak in swordplay, learning to embolden himself in harming his foes. When a dark swordsman uses his harm touch ability on an enemy, he gains a +5 competence bonus to attack rolls and the DC of all his swordskills are increased by 2 for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces dark champion.