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It’s often thought that all of those touched in divine power are ignorant of the world they inhabit; heads too far in the clouds (or in dark places) to pay heed of mortal affairs. Alas, this is often more the case than many may realize, yet not all such beings are quite as distant to the world. There are those that lead lives of epic struggle of Good and Evil with earthlier grace and wisdom, and are perhaps more dangerous because of it. These more level-headed knights are known as Ark Knights, and while they are less mystical than their fellows, they make up for the loss of divine power with greater worldly know-how.

The ark knight is an archetype of the dark knight or paladin class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The ark knight mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat, CHA for their class features and spells, as well as CON for other class features and INT for optional class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stHarm Touch. 2ndFirst Into Battle, Shared Offense, Dark Knight Talent. 4th – Dark Knight Talent. 5thSoul Eater. 6th – Dark Knight Talent. 8th – Dark Knight Talent. 9thLast Resort. 10th – Dark Knight Talent. 12th – Dark Knight Talent. 14th – Dark Emissary, Dark Knight Talent. 16th – Enervating Touch, Dark Knight Talent. 18th – Dark Knight Talent. 20th – Dark Knight Talent.

Worldly Knowledge (Ex)

With less empowerment from divine sources, the ark knight must make his own way through the world by his own merit and ability. At 1st level and every level thereafter, he gains 2 extra skill points that can only be spent on Wisdom- or Intelligence- based skills and all Intelligence-based skill are now considered Class Skills.

This ability replaces harm touch or lay on hands (as appropriate).

Managerial Enlightenment (Ex)

Suppression of the masses through fear or parley, the ark knight is more than capable through the means of his world experience. At 2nd level, the ark knight gains a competence bonus to either Diplomacy or Intimidate (chosen when attained) skill checks equal to his Charisma modifier. In addition, if Diplomacy was chosen, Influence Attitude requires only a full-round action. If Intimidate was chosen, Demoralize Opponent requires only a move action.

This ability replaces first into battle, dark emissary, and enervating touch.

Boring Yet Practical (Ex)

While the flash and flare may inspire or terrify the common man, the stronger foes will nary be impressed; at times like these it pays to have a solid foundation. An ark knight at 2nd, 7th, 12th and 17th level may select any Combat feat that he meets the prerequisite for.

This ability replaces shared offense or shared defense (as appropriate).

From the Earth (Ex)

Often overlooked are those whose talents lack the flash and flare of the more supernatural bent, yet these skill-sets have nonetheless gave rise to the foundation of legends and empires, something an ark knight understands better than most. At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, he may gain a Warrior Talent or Thief Talent, treating his effective level in both classes for the purpose of talents as his class level – 2.

This ability replaces dark knight talents or paladin talents (as appropriate).

Inventive or Explosive (Ex or Su)

Diving into the unknown, some invent things to help with their lifestyle or discover a way to blow things up. At 5th level, an ark knight may select either the ability to create an Automaton like an Engineer or throw Bombs like a Chemist equal to half his class level (rounded down). Once chosen, it cannot be latter changed.

This ability replaces souleater or unwavering confidence (as appropriate).

Silence and the Fury (Ex)

Just as the knights of darkness and light stand opposed to one another so two are those that are fueled by passion and serenity. Those of passion work themselves into an unstoppable fury becoming whirlwinds of action and energy. Those of serenity center themselves into an unmovable pillar that weathers all storms with cool efficiency. The unstoppable force and the unmovable object, few battles are as epic as such. At 9th level, an ark knight may select either the ability to Rage like a Berserker or enter the Defensive Stance (this stance can stack with grit stance or oath stance) like a Knight equal to half his class level (rounded down). Once chosen, it cannot be latter changed.

This ability replaces last resort or flash of light (as appropriate).