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Few mortals dare to give reverence to the devil Diablos. His dark will would see demons and devils invade the material plane, causing untold death and destruction on but a whim. Yet the call of power tempts many, and the power that the Planar Gatekeeper can offer is great indeed.

The void beckoner is a deific order of the cleric class.

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, the void beckoner receives the Limit Breaks (Diablos’ Messenger and Final Slumber).

Diablos’ Messenger (Su): This Limit Break allows the void beckoner to slip between the boundaries of the material plane, allowing her to teleport as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This teleport has a range of 30 feet + 10 feet per four cleric levels after 1st, and can be performed for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four cleric levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Final Slumber (Su): This Limit Break causes dark waves to emanate from the void beckoner, causing the eyelids of all enemies within 30 feet of her to grow heavy. These enemies must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of her cleric level + her Charisma modifier) or take 2 bleed damage + 2 per four cleric levels after 1st and suffer the sleep status effect for 1 round + 1 round per four cleric levels after 1st. This bleed damage does not remove the sleep status effect.


A void beckoner casts chronomancy spells which are drawn from the time mage spell list.

To learn or cast a chronomancy spell, the void beckoner must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Wis 11 for 1st-level spells, Wis 12 for 2nd-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a void beckoner’s spell is 10 + the spell level + her Wisdom modifier. In addition, a void beckoner gains additional MP for having a high attribute (Wisdom). All time mage spells learned by the void beckoner uses her Wisdom modifier instead of Intelligence for all spells’ effects.

Class Skills

A void beckoner adds Fly to her list of class skills. In addition, she gains a bonus on Knowledge (Planes) checks equal to half her cleric level (minimum 1).

Favored Weapon

A void beckoner adds scythes to her list of weapon proficiencies.


A void beckoner gains access to two of the following domains: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Travel.

Deity Abilities

A void beckoner gains the following abilities from her deity as she increases in level.

Dark Caller (Ex)

At 1st level, a void beckoner may add any non-enhancing dark descriptor spells from the black mage spell list to the list of spells she can learn.

Dampen Gravity (Ex)

At 3rd level, a void beckoner can make the equipment she carries lighter by lowering gravity around her. She treats her Strength score as 4 points higher for determining carrying capacity.

Shadow Strike (Ex)

At 6th level, as a standard action, the void beckoner can strike a nearby shadow with a melee attack, hitting a creature up to 30 feet away. She takes a -5 penalty to this attack but her foe is considered flat-footed against the attack. She may do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

Nightmarish Slumber (Su)

At 9th level, by spending 3 daily uses of channel energy, a void beckoner can put all creatures within 20 ft. of her into a nightmare. Creatures within the area of effect must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of her cleric level level + her Charisma modifier) or be inflicted with the sleep status effect and take a penalty to their attack rolls equal to 1d6 for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Shadow Assault (Ex)

At 12th level, the void beckoner may make a full-attack as a full-round action using shadow strike. Using this ability takes up 2 uses of shadow strike. She takes a -5 penalty to all attacks made but her foe is considered flat-footed against the attacks. In addition, her shadow strike may hit foes up to 60 feet away.

Corrupted Caller (Ex)

At 15th level, a void beckoner increases her effective caster level and spell DC by 1 for all dark descriptor spells.

Night Terror (Su)

At 18th level, by spending 4 daily uses of channel energy, the void beckoner inflicts an inner nightmare within her victim. The subject must be within 100 feet and must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of her cleric level + her Charisma modifier) or take 15d4 points of shadow damage and be inflicted with the frightened status effect for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). If her victim is asleep, the target takes 15d8 points of shadow damage and is inflicted with the panicked status effect for a number of rounds equal to double her Charisma modifier (minimum 2) instead.

Dark Ascension (Su)

At 20th level, a void beckoner grows a leathery pair of wings, gaining a fly speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability. If she already has a fly speed (or gains one from another source), she increases her fly speed by 30 feet and adds a +10 profane bonus to all Fly skill checks. In addition, all gravity spells have their DC increase by 2.