Furious as a blaze, these clerics worship the astral deity, Ravana, and fight with two scimitars or a two-bladed sword, rushing into combat as a flurry of steel. The rage of battle seems to fuel them as they unleash never ending attacks of singing blades. These priests, who study the art of fighting in such an aggressive manner, and rejoice in the glory of combat, are known as swordlords.
The swordlord is a deific order of the cleric class.
Limit Breaks (Su)
At 1st level, the swordlord receives the Limit Breaks (Bloody Fuller and Defensive Counter).
Bloody Fuller (Su): This Limit Break allows the swordlord to whirl around, dealing damage of his weapons in a 30-ft.-radius. All enemies within range takes damage from both of his weapons if dual-wielding scimitars or damage from both ends of his two-bladed sword plus 1d6 points of wind damage plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per four cleric levels after 1st, with a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the cleric’s level + his Charisma modifier) for half damage.
Defensive Counter (Su): This Limit Break allows the swordlord to counter all melee attacks made against him. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four cleric levels after 1st, the swordlord can parry and riposte a number of melee attacks equal to his Charisma modifier for the round. For each melee attack parried, he gains an attack against that person equal to his highest BAB. This limit break requires only a swift action.
A swordlord casts red mage spells which are drawn from the red mage spell list.
To learn or cast a red mage spell, the swordlord must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Wis 11 for 1st-level spells, Wis 12 for 2nd-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a swordlord’s spell is 10 + the spell level + his Wisdom modifier. In addition, a swordlord gains additional MP for having a high attribute (Wisdom). All red mage spells learned by the swordlord uses his Wisdom modifier instead of Charisma for all spells’ effects.
Class Skills
A swordlord adds Ride to his list of class skills. In addition, he gains a bonus on Sense Motive skill checks equal to half his cleric level (minimum 1).
Favored Weapon
A swordlord adds scimitar or two-bladed sword to his list of weapon proficiencies.
A swordlord gains access to two of the following domains: Evil, Strength, War
Deity Abilities
A swordlord gains the following abilities from his deity as he increases in level.
Blade Training (Ex)
The swordlord’s training with two blades is the basic fundamental practice with fighting with two swords. At 1st level, the swordlord gains Two Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat, and use his Charisma score in place of Dexterity in place of any feat that requires two weapon fighting as a prerequisite. In addition, when fighting with two scimitars or a two-bladed sword, a swordlord may use a hand that holds one of those weapons to cast his spells with, so long as that hand is only occupied by said weapon. While wielding two scimitars or a two-bladed sword, they are considered light weapons.
Stamina Pool (Ex)
At 3rd level, the sword lord gains a reservoir of stamina that he can draw upon to fuel his talents that he gains below. This stamina pool has a number of points equal to half his cleric level + his Constitution modifier (minimum 1). The pool refreshes once per day when the sword lord rests for a full 8 hours. Sustained modes take up a static amount of stamina points from the swordlord’s current and maximum stamina pool and most sustained modes stack.
Some talents are activated as a sustained mode. When activated, these talents both consume stamina and reduce the user’s maximum stamina by the listed amount. While active, they provide their listed bonuses until the user deactivates them as a free action, falls unconscious, or dies, at which point the reduction to the user’s maximum stamina is removed. Multiple sustained mode talents may be used at the same time as long as the user has enough stamina, though some talents may specify others that they cannot be used with.
By spending 1 stamina point as a swift action, the swordlord can do one of the following:
- Increase his speed by 10 feet for 1 round, or
- Delay and suppress his fatigue or exhaustion for 1 round, or
- Increase one saving throw by +1 for 1 round.
Florentine Talent Tree
Also at 3rd level and every three cleric levels thereafter, the swordlord gains a talent from the Florentine talent tree below. This tree invokes the style of fighting with twin swords or double weapons, the swordlord studies this art to unleash a blinding flurry of attacks on foes from afar. Those who go down this tree rejoice in the glory of combat and always seem to lust for more. Weapon Requirement: Two scimitars or a two-bladed sword.
- Bloodlust: The swordlord gains a pool of bloodlust that he can use while in combat. When combat begins, he begins with 0 points of bloodlust, each time he deals damage to a target he gains 1 point of bloodlust. He gains these points by any means except nonlethal damage or damage reduced to 0 from resistance or damage reduction, but is gained form any form of attack as long as his swords are involved (such as swordskills). If multiple enemies are hit, via multiple attacks, or radius attacks from talents or swordskils, he gains 1 point per enemy hit. He has a maximum pool of bloodlust equal to 10 plus his plus his Charisma modifier. These points from this pool can be used as if they was stamina points, but they cannot be used for sustained modes. If he remains out of combat for more than 1 minute, he loses all points in his bloodlust pool.
- Rose of Hate: Bloodlust now grants 2 points each time he deals damage instead of 1, and the maximum bloodlust pool is increased by 10. Prerequisite: Bloodlust
- Rose of Conquest: While in combat, when the swordlord fells an enemy by dropping them below 0 HP or killing them by any means, the swordlord gains 10 points of bloodlust. He can only gain bloodlust from this talent once per round. Prerequisites: Bloodlust, Rose of Hate
- Flourish of Steel: As a swift action, the swordlord may activate this talent as a sustained mode. The swordlord lowers the penalties of two weapon fighting by 1. This lowers by 1 again at 10th level. This mode uses up 2 stamina points of the swordlord’s current and maximum stamina pool.
- Wall of Steel: As a swift action, the swordlord may activate this talent as a sustained mode. The swordlord gains a +1 shield bonus when wielding a weapon in each hand or a double weapon. This bonus increases by 1 every three cleric levels after 3rd and stacks with Two Weapon Defense, but not any other ability or feat that provides a shield bonus from wielding a weapon or shield. This mode uses up 2 stamina points of the swordlord’s current and maximum stamina.
- Slaughter: At the cost of 1 stamina point, as a full round action, the swordlord can make two attacks attack against all opponents in his reach, one attack from each of his two weapons or both ends of a double weapon, taking penalties for two weapon fighting as normal.
- Full Slaughter: At the cost of 2 stamina points, as a full round action, the swordlord can use his slaughter talent to attack all enemies in a 15-ft.-radius of him instead, and increasing the penalty from two weapon fighting by 1. Prerequisite: Slaughter
- Surpanaka: At the cost of 1 stamina point, as a full round action, the swordlord can make two attacks, one attack with two weapons or both ends of a double weapon against all enemies in his frontal cone, taking penalties for two weapon fighting as normal.
- Tapasya: At the cost of 2 stamina points, as a full round action, the swordlord can use his surpanaka talent to attack all enemies in a 15-ft.-cone before him instead, and increasing the penalty from two weapon fighting by 1. Prerequisite: Surpanaka
- Atma-Linga: At the cost of 3 stamina points, the swordlord makes two attacks, one attack from two weapons or both ends of a double weapon, against all foes in a 30-ft.-radius of him. Taking penalties from two weapon fighting as normal and increasing the penalty by 2. Prerequisites: Slaughter, Full Slaughter, Surpanaka, Tapasya
Blade Rush (Ex)
At 6th level, as a full attack action, the swordlord can perform a Blade Rush. This is a special type of charge that allows the swordlord to move up to his base movement speed and make two melee attacks (one from his main hand, the other from his offhand from either two weapons or both ends of a two-bladed sword). If he is unable to make an attack with two weapon fighting, the swordlord cannot perform this ability. He receives all penalties, and bonuses as if he was charging. At 18th level, this increases to double his base movement speed.
Lastly, starting at 12th level, the swordlord may utilize Acrobatics skill checks to move through threatened squares at no speed penalty during a Blade Rush, his speed making him seem like a blur to his enemies. The swordlord may also use Blade Rush through difficult terrain, although he will still be impeded in movement. Additionally, he does not need to move in a straight line as per charging rules, and can attack enemies at any time during his movement. This allows a powerful swordlord to dart between enemies who are far apart provided he has the movement speed to move between them.
Bloody Stances (Ex)
At 9th level, the swordlord can, as a swift action, spend a use of channel energy to activate one of his three stances (these stances last until another use of channel energy is spent to change stances or until unconscious or asleep):
- Beetle (Ex): The beetle stance grants the swordlord a +3 dodge bonus to AC but a -3 penalty to all attack rolls. This bonus/penalty increases by 1 for every three cleric levels after 9th level.
- Dragonfly (Ex): The dragonfly stance grants the swordlord a +3 bonus to attack rolls but a -3 penalty on all damage rolls. This bonus/penalty increases by 1 for every three cleric levels after 9th level
- Scorpion (Ex): The scorpion stance grants the swordlord a +3 bonus to damage rolls but a -3 penalty to AC. This bonus/penalty increases by 1 for every three cleric levels after 9th level.
Prelude to Slaughter (Su)
At 12th level, as a standard action, the swordlord can spend 2 uses of channel energy to cause a whirlwind of blades to whirl around him in a 30-ft.-radius. All enemies within range takes 1d8 points of wind and slashing damage per cleric level, with a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the cleric’s level + his Charisma modifier) to reduce the damage by half.
Critical Ascension (Ex)
At 15th level, the swordlord treats his cleric level as his warrior level for meeting the prerequisites of critical feats. In addition, he gains Improved Critical as a bonus feat and gains a +1 to critical hit range for scimitars and two-bladed swords, which stacks with Keen and Improved Critical.
The Seeing Wing/Tail (Ex)
At 18th level, the swordlord can spend 2 uses of channel energy to reflect attacks. As a swift action, the swordlord spends 2 uses of channel energy to either use Seeing Wing or Seeing Tail. If using Seeing Wing, any melee attack that isn’t flanking the swordlord does damage equal to the damage of the weapon to the attacker instead and is knockbacked 5 feet from the swordlord. If using Seeing Tail, any melee attacks that is flanking the swordlord does damage equal to the damage of the weapon to the attacker instead and is knockbacked 5 feet from the swordlord. Seeing Wing/Tail lasts until the start of the swordlord’s next turn.
Champion of War (Ex)
At 20th level, the swordlord has channel Ravana’s energy for so long that he feels his deity looking over him constantly. Once per day, for a duration of an hour, the swordlord treats his cleric level as his base attack bonus and gains a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls equal to his Charisma modifier for any scimitars or two-bladed swords he wields. In addition, he also gains an additional +1 to hit critical hit range of any scimitars or two-bladed swords he wields that stacks with Keen and Improved Critical.