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Disciples of the Twelve worship the pantheonic gods, known as the Twelve. By following and upholding the tenants of the Twelve she is bestowed upon the favor of the gods, granting her many supernatural abilities.

The disciple of the twelve is a deific order of the cleric class.

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, the disciple of the twelve receives the Limit Breaks (Call of the Phoenix and Patron of the Twelve).

Call of the Phoenix (Su): This Limit Break allows the disciple of the twelve to summon the avatar of the Twelve, the Phoenix. Treat this as the Phoenix avatar as if she had equal levels in summoner. The Phoenix lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four cleric levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Patron of the Twelve (Su): This Limit Break allows the disciple of the twelve to spread her blessings to her allies. All allies within a 30-foot radius gain the benefits of all the blessings the disciple of the twelve has for a number of rounds equal to 1 round + 1 round per four cleric levels after the 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.


A disciple of the twelve casts red magic spells which are drawn from the red mage spell list.

To learn or cast a red mage spell, the disciple of the twelve must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Wis 11 for 1st-level spells, Wis 12 for 2nd-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a disciple of the twelve’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the disciple of the twelve’s Wisdom modifier. In addition, a disciple of the twelve gains additional MP for having a high attribute (Wisdom). All spells learned by the disciple of the twelve uses her Wisdom modifier instead of the casting modifier used for all spells’ effects.

Class Skills

A disciple of the twelve adds Use Magic Device to her list of class skills. In addition, she gains a bonus equal to half her cleric level (minimum of 1) to a skill based on the god chosen at 1st level (even if it is not a class skill).

Favored Weapon

A disciple of the twelve adds a weapon to her list of weapon proficiencies depending on the god that is chosen at 1st level.


A disciple of the twelve gains access to two of the domains depending on the god that is chosen at 1st level.

Deity Abilities

At 1st level, a disciple of the twelve chooses a single god to follow, adding the favored weapon to her list of weapon proficiencies, choosing 2 of their domains and adding half her cleric level (minimum 1) to the listed skill. At 3rd level and every three cleric levels thereafter, a disciple of the twelve chooses an additional god to follow and start to gain their abilities in addition to those she is already gaining from her previous gods, but she does not gain the favored weapon, domains or skill bonus from these additional gods. A disciple of the twelve cannot select the same god more than once. The gods’ abilities get stronger the longer she follows them, as such, each god will measure how long she has been following them and grant their powers accordingly.

Elemental Protection gained at 1st level will get the bonuses at 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

Elemental Protection gained at 3rd level will get the bonuses at 3rd, 7th, 11th, and 15th, and 19th level.

Blessing of Halone

Favored Weapon: Shortspear
Domains: Chaos, Ice, War
Skill: Knowledge (Religion)

Elemental Protection, Ice (Su): Upon following Halone, the disciple of the twelve gains ice resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Halone, she increases the ice resistance by 3.

Halone’s Fury (Su): Upon following Halone, the disciple of the twelve gains a +1 sacred bonus to attack and damage rolls. For every four cleric levels after following Halone, the bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by 1.

Blessing of Menphina

Favored Weapon: Combat Wok
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Ice
Skill: Diplomacy

Elemental Protection, Ice (Su): Upon following Menphina, the disciple of the twelve gains ice resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Menphina, she increases the ice resistance by 3.

Menphina’s Love (Sp): Upon following Menphina, the disciple of the twelve can use Charm as a spell-like ability once per day (DC 10 + half the cleric’s level + her Charisma modifier). A disciple of the twelve can target non-humanoid creatures with this ability, however, it will only last for rounds per level instead of hours per level. For every four cleric levels after following Menphina, she gains an additional use per day and increases the DC by 1.

Blessing of Thaliak

Favored Weapon: Power Staff
Domains: Knowledge, Law, Water
Skills: Linguistics

Elemental Protection, Water (Su): Upon following Thaliak, the disciple of the twelve gains water resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Thaliak, she increases the water resistance by 3.

Thaliak’s Knowledge (Su): Upon following Thaliak, the disciple of the twelve gains a +1 sacred bonus to all Knowledge rolls. For every two cleric levels of following Thaliak, she increases the bonus to Knowledge rolls by 1.

Blessing of Nymela

Favored Weapon: Rapier
Domains: Time, Void, Water
Skill: Knowledge (Planes)

Elemental Protection, Water (Su): Upon following Nymeia, the disciple of the twelve gains water resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Nymeia, she increases the water resistance by 3.

Nymeia’s Fate (Su): Upon following Nymeia, the disciple of the twelve can reroll any dice once per day. For every three cleric levels of following Nymeia, she gains one additional use per day.

Blessing of Llymlaen

Favored Weapon: Trident
Domains: Air, Travel, Water
Skills: Navigate

Elemental Protection, Wind (Su): Upon following Llymlaen, the disciple of the twelve gains wind resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Llymlaen, she increases the wind resistance by 3.

Llymlaen’s Navigation (Su): Upon following Llymlaen, the disciple of the twelve always knows which way is north. In addition, while traveling and camping, the disciple of the twelve can find the path that is the safest, avoiding the chance of a random encounter 15% of the time. For every four cleric levels after following Lymlaen, she increases the chance of avoiding a random encounter by an additional 15%.

Blessing of Oschon

Favored Weapon: Longbow
Domains: Air, Community, Travel
Skill: Survival

Elemental Protection, Wind (Su): Upon following Oschon, the disciple of the twelve gains wind resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Oschon, she increases the wind resistance by 3.

Oschon’s Wanderings (Su): Upon following Oschon, the disciple of the twelve is not slowed down by wearing medium or heavy armor. For every four cleric levels after following Oschon, she increases her base land speed by 10 feet.

Blessing of Byregot

Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Domains: Artifice, Good, Lightning
Skill: All Craft

Elemental Protection, Lightning (Su): Upon following Byregot, the disciple of the twelve gains lightning resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Byregot, she increases the lightning resistance by 3.

Byregot’s Creation (Su): Upon following Byregot, the disciple of the twelve can use Craft in place of Spellcraft for crafting magical items. For every four cleric levels after following Byregot, the amount of progress she makes in an 8 hour period increases by 500 gil. This does not reduce the cost of the item, it just increases the rate at which the item is crafted.

Blessing of Rhalgr

Favored Weapon: Power Staff
Domains: Destruction, Law, Lightning
Skill: Intimidate

Elemental Protection, Lightning (Su): Upon following Rhalgr, the disciple of the twelve gains lightning resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Rhalgr, she increases the lightning resistance by 3.

Rhalgr’s Destruction (Su): Upon following Rhalgr, the disciple of the twelve ignores 2 points of damage reduction and hardness. For every four cleric levels after following Rhalgr, she increases the amount ignored by 2.

Blessing of Azeyma

Favored Weapon: Fighting Fan
Domains: Fire, Nobility, Sun
Skill: Sense Motive

Elemental Protection, Fire (Su): Upon following Azeyma, the disciple of the twelve gains fire resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Azeyma, she increases the fire resistance by 3.

Azeyma’s Inquiry (Su): Upon following Azeyma, the disciple of the twelve can, as a free action, add 1d6 to the result of any Intelligence or Wisdom based skill check a number of times per day equal to the levels of following Azeyma. By expending 2 uses, the disciple of the twelve can use this ability on attack rolls and saving throws. For every four cleric levels after following Azeyma, she increases the dice by 1 die step (d6 > d8 > d10 > d12 > d12+1).

Blessing of Nald’thal

Favored Weapon: Dire Flail
Domains: Fire, Travel, Trickery
Skill: Appraise

Elemental Protection, Fire (Su): Upon following Nald’thal, the disciple of the twelve gains fire resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Nald’thal, she increases the fire resistance by 3.

Nald’thal’s Trade (Su): Upon following Nald’thal, the disciple of the twelve decreases the amount of gil spent from buying trade goods, and increases the amount of gil gained from selling treasure items by 5%, this only applies to gems, jewels, paintings, figurines, art, etc. For every four cleric levels after following Nald’thal, she decreases the amount of gil spent and increases the gil gained by an additional 5%.

Blessing of Nophica

Favored Weapon: Scythe
Domains: Earth, Good, Plant
Skill: Knowledge (Nature)

Elemental Protection, Earth (Su): Upon following Nophica, the disciple of the twelve gains earth resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Nophica, she increases the earth resistance by 3.

Nophica’s Harvest (Su): Upon following Nophica, the disciple of the twelve gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against plant creatures. Likewise, she also gains a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. For every four cleric levels after following Nophica, she increases each of these bonuses by an additional +2.

Blessing of Althyk

Favored Weapon: Greataxe
Domains: Earth, Nobility, Time
Skill: Spellcraft

Elemental Protection, Earth (Su): Upon following Althyk, the disciple of the twelve gains earth resistance 3 (this stacks with any other resistance gained from class features). For every four cleric levels after following Althyk, she increases the earth resistance by 3.

Althyk’s Time (Su): Upon following Althyk, the disciple of the twelve can cast 1 spell per day as if it were modified by the Quicken Spell feat. A spell modified in this way cannot be modified by any other metamagic feat. This does not increase the MP cost or the level of the spell. For every four cleric levels after following Althyk, she gains one additional use per day.

Blessing of the Twelve (Su)

At 20th level, once per day as a free action, the disciple of the twelve is treated as if she has all twelve of the blessings (even ones she had not picked) as if they were all obtained at 1st level for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier.