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Worshippers of the Crystals of Light are granted power by the Mother Crystal, Hydaelyn. These multifaceted magicians work to promote harmony between races – by any means necessary.

The crystalist is a deific order of the cleric class.

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, the crystalist receives the Limit Breaks (Crystalline Megamagic and Overattunement).

Crystalline Megamagic (Su): This Limit Break gives the crystalist unbounded access to her crystal magic. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four cleric levels after 1st, the first spell the crystalist casts each round that was granted by her attunement costs 0 MP. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Overattunement (Su): This Limit Break allows the crystalist to connect more deeply with her elemental crystals. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four cleric levels after 1st, the crystalist’s attunement grants elemental absorption in place of resistance, and her crystals do not impose elemental weaknesses.


A crystalist casts astrologian spells which are drawn from the astrologian spell list.

To learn or cast an astrologian spell, the crystalist must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Wis 11 for 1st-level spells, Wis 12 for 2nd-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a crystalist’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the crystalist’s Wisdom modifier. In addition, a crystalist gains additional MP for having a high attribute (Wisdom).

Class Skills

A crystalist adds Intimidate to her list of class skills. In addition, she gains a bonus on Diplomacy skill checks equal to half her cleric level (minimum 1).

Favored Weapon

A crystalist adds power rods to her list of weapon proficiencies.


A crystalist gains access to two of the following domains: Magic, Good, Healing, Repose, Sun.

Deity Abilities

A crystalist gains the following abilities from her deity as she increases in level.

Elemental Shards (Su)

At 1st level, the crystalist begins play with an elemental crystal of her choice, granted directly by Hydaelyn in a supernatural vision. By spending a full round action, for a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier, the crystalist can attune to one of these crystals, ending any previous crystal’s attunement. The benefits of the crystal otherwise last indefinitely, but can be deactivated as a free action during the crystalist’s turn.

  • Dark: The crystalist becomes attuned to Darkness, and she gains shadow resistance 10, but a weakness to holy. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 1d4 points of shadow damage.
  • Earth: The crystalist becomes attuned to Earth, and she gains earth resistance 10, but a weakness to wind. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 1d4 points of earth damage.
  • Fire: The crystalist becomes attuned to Fire, and she gains fire resistance 10, but a weakness to water. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 1d4 points of fire damage.
  • Ice: The crystalist becomes attuned to Ice, and she gains ice resistance 10, but a weakness to fire. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 1d4 points of ice damage.
  • Light: The crystalist becomes attuned to Light, and she gains holy resistance 10, but a weakness to shadow. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 1d4 points of holy damage.
  • Lightning: The crystalist becomes attuned to Lightning, and she gains lightning resistance 10, but a weakness to earth. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 1d4 points of lightning damage.
  • Water: The crystalist becomes attuned to Water, and she gains water resistance 10, but a weakness to lightning. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 1d4 points of water damage.
  • Wind: The crystalist becomes attuned to Wind, and she gains wind resistance 10, but a weakness to ice. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 1d4 points of wind damage.

At 2nd level and every three cleric levels thereafter, the crystalist has a vision, in which she gains a new elemental crystal of her choice, until she has all eight at 20th level.

Crystal Magic (Su)

At 3rd level, usable a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier, the crystalist gains access to specific elemental spells from the Black Mage and White Mage spell lists, but can only cast the appropriate elemental magic according to her caster level and her currently attuned crystal. These spells use her Wisdom modifier instead of Intelligence for all spells’ effects.

The spells gained are only accessible through the crystals and are not added to her regular spell list; the crystalist will know the spells as long as she’s attuned to it. A crystalist only gains spells up to her highest spell level. For example, a crystalist of 4th level attuned to Wind can cast Aero and Aero II, but not Aero III or Blizzard. The spells gained through the attunement does not count towards the requirements to craft items.

Starting at 6th level, the crystalist can temporarily grant an ally the benefits of her currently attuned crystal. As a swift action, she can designate a single ally and choose one of her crystals that she is currently attuned to. The ally will gain full benefits of the crystal, as if they are attuned to it as well, but the crystalist cannot change her crystal attunement as long as the ally is granted a crystal’s powers (including the elemental spells, if that ally has spell levels of his own). This ability lasts for 1 minute, and the crystalist can dismiss it as a free action. The crystalist can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her cleric level.

In addition, her crystal attunement grants her (and her linked ally, if any) an ongoing speed bonus and a +2 sacred bonus to one type of skill check, based on her attuned element:

ElementSpeedSkill Bonus
Dark10 ft. climb speed, or +5 ft. to climb speed.Intimidate
Earth10 ft. climb speed, or +5 ft. to climb speed.Handle Animal
Fire+10 ft. land speed.Intimidate
Ice10 ft. swim speed, or +5 ft. to swim speed.Diplomacy
Light+10 ft. land speed.Diplomacy
Lightning10 ft. fly speed (clumsy), or +5 ft. fly speed and +1 step maneuverability.Bluff
Water10 ft. swim speed, or +5 ft. to swim speed.Bluff
Wind10 ft. fly speed (clumsy), or +5 ft. fly speed and +1 step maneuverability.Handle Animal

Elemental Crystals (Su)

Starting at 9th level, the crystalist can attune herself to a crystal as a standard action instead. In addition, the effects of her attunement improve.

  • Dark: The crystalist becomes attuned to Darkness, and she gains shadow resistance 20, but a weakness to holy. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 2d4 points of shadow damage.
  • Earth: The crystalist becomes attuned to Earth, and she gains earth resistance 20, but a weakness to wind. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 2d4 points of earth damage.
  • Fire: The crystalist becomes attuned to Fire, and she gains fire resistance 20, but a weakness to water. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 2d4 points of fire damage.
  • Ice: The crystalist becomes attuned to Ice, and she gains ice resistance 20, but a weakness to fire. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 2d4 points of ice damage.
  • Light: The crystalist becomes attuned to Light, and she gains holy resistance 20, but a weakness to shadow. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 2d4 points of holy damage.
  • Lightning: The crystalist becomes attuned to Lightning, and she gains lightning resistance 20, but a weakness to earth. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 2d4 points of lightning damage.
  • Water: The crystalist becomes attuned to Water, and she gains water resistance 20, but a weakness to lightning. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 2d4 points of water damage.
  • Wind: The crystalist becomes attuned to Wind, and she gains wind resistance 20, but a weakness to ice. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 2d4 points of wind damage.

Dual Attunement (Su)

Starting at 12th level, the crystalist can attune to two crystals at the same time as a swift action, splitting her focus between them. The additional damage from each crystal is halved, and she only receives the elemental spells of each up to half of her highest spell level (rounded down). She gains only half of the skill bonus and resistances of each, but the weakness of both, with weaknesses and resistances stacked upon each other. (For example, a 12th level crystalist that attunes to the Lightning and Earth crystals gains a +2 sacred bonus to Bluff and Handle Animal checks, 2d4 / 2 points of earth damage and 2d4 / 2 points of lightning damage on attacks, lightning resistance 10, and earth resistance 10, but gains a weakness to both earth and wind.) She can only maintain this ability for a number of rounds equal to her cleric level per day, but these rounds need not be spent consecutively. Continuously maintaining this connection does not require her to spend additional swift actions beyond the first, but changing the second attunement, or restarting after failing or declining to maintain it, requires another swift action. The crystalist can deactivate this effect as a free action during her turn.

Improved Attunement (Su)

Starting at 15th level, when the crystalist would attune to a new crystal as a standard action, she may do so as a move action instead. In addition, when she changes attunement, she may choose to have the previous attunement remain active for one round at half potency, as if through dual attunement. Activating this effect while another previous attunement is lingering cancels the previous lingering effect.

In addition, the base speed or speed bonus granted by each crystal increases by 5 ft. (and an additional +1 step of maneuverability for fly speeds), and the sacred bonus it grants to the associated skill increases to +4.

Improved Dual Attunement (Su)

Starting at 18th level, while the crystalist is attuned to two crystals through dual attunement, she gains the full benefits of both instead. This does not apply to the lingering effects of a previous crystal from improved attunement.

Elemental Clusters (Su)

At 20th level, when the crystalist would attune herself to a crystal as a standard action, she may do so as a swift action instead. In addition, the effects of her attunement improve again.

  • Dark: The crystalist becomes attuned to Darkness, and she gains shadow immunity, but a weakness to holy. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 3d4 points of shadow damage.
  • Earth: The crystalist becomes attuned to Earth, and she gains earth immunity and lightning resistance 15, but a weakness to wind. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 3d4 points of earth damage.
  • Fire: The crystalist becomes attuned to Fire, and she gains fire immunity and ice resistance 15, but a weakness to water. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 3d4 points of fire damage.
  • Ice: The crystalist becomes attuned to Ice, and she gains ice immunity and fire resistance 15, but a weakness to wind. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 3d4 points of ice damage.
  • Light: The crystalist becomes attuned to Light, and she gains holy immunity, but a weakness to shadow. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 3d4 points of holy damage.
  • Lightning: The crystalist becomes attuned to Lightning, and she gains lightning immunity and water resistance 15, but a weakness to earth. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 3d4 points of lightning damage.
  • Water: The crystalist becomes attuned to Water, and she gains water immunity and wind resistance 15, but a weakness to lightning. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 3d4 points of water damage.
  • Wind: The crystalist becomes attuned to Wind, and she gains wind immunity and earth resistance 15, but a weakness to ice. In addition, a weapon wielded by the crystalist deals an extra 3d4 points of wind damage.