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The healer is a master of battlefield revivification, sustaining and restoring allies to keep them in the fight.

The healer is an archetype of the cleric class.

Willing Healer

A healer must choose the Healing domain. She does not gain a second domain. The healer must worship a deity that grants the Healing domain. A healer must channel holy energy.

Pray (Su)

At 1st level, as a full-round action, the healer can say a prayer to grant healing to herself and her allies. All allies within 20 feet (including herself), the healer heals everyone for 1d6 + her Wisdom modifier in hit points, plus an additional 1d6 per four cleric levels after 1st. This ability only functions while in combat encounters.

At 10th level, this ability can used as a standard action.

At 13th level, this ability also cures one status effect (of 4th level and lower). At 16th level, this ability also cures one status effect (of 6th level and lower). At 19th level, this ability also cures one status effect (of any level).

This ability replaces faith and devotion.

Channel Energy (Su)

At 1st level, as the cleric ability, save that a healer must channel holy energy, and when she does, she cannot choose to target undead. This ability is otherwise identical to the cleric ability of the same name.

This ability modifies channel energy.

Merciful Healing (Su)

At 4th level, a healer can channel holy energy to relieve one or more harmful conditions.

The healer chooses one of the following harmful conditions at 4th level: fatigued, shaken, or sickened. When the healer channels energy, she can remove the chosen condition from one living creature that she heals within her channel energy burst.

At 8th level, she can choose another condition. It can be one of those she didn’t choose at 4th level, or one of the following conditions: dazed, diseased, or staggered. She can remove the selected condition or the one she chose at 4th level from up to two creatures within her channel energy burst.

She gains another condition at 12th level, and can choose an above condition or one of the following conditions: cursed, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, or poisoned. She can remove that condition, or a condition she previously chose, from one or two creatures within the burst.

Finally, at 16th level, she can choose a lower-level condition or one of the following conditions: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or stunned. She can remove that condition or one she previously chose from one, two, or three creatures within her channel energy burst.

This ability replaces blessing of the faithful.