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As a blue mage gains experience, she learns a number of talents that assist her in manipulating spells and other forms of magic. At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, a blue mage gains one azure talent. A blue mage cannot select an individual talent more than once. Talents marked with an asterisk add effects to a blue mage’s spellcasting ability. Only one of these talents can be applied to an individual spell and the decision must be made before the spell is cast.

Table: Azure Talents

Azure TalentPrerequisitesBenefits
Arcane Fighter (Ex)The blue mage's levels stack with any warrior levels she possesses for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites for feats that specifically select her spells, such as Weapon Specialization (ray). The blue mage treats her spells as weapons for the purposes of taking feats like Improved Critical, or using feats like Arcane Strike.
Arcane Pool (Su)Must not have an Arcane PoolThe blue mage gains an arcane pool, as if she was a red mage of the same level as her blue mage level. The blue mage does not naturally gain any ruby arcana, but may select extra ruby arcana feat. The blue mage treats her blue mage level as her red mage level for all ruby arcana, and must meet their prerequisites. The blue mage does not gain any other red mage class feature (such as spell combat, spellstrike, or spell recall), and cannot select ruby arcana that affect or depend on these abilities.
Azure Attunement (Ex)I Know That Trick class featureThe blue mage gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls against creatures which have an ability she has learned as a blue magic spell, and on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance on these creatures.
Azure Finesse (Ex)Blue Mage 6A blue mage with this azure talent gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. In addition, she can select any one type of weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse (such as rapiers or daggers). Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with the selected weapon, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll. If any effect would prevent the blue mage from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll, she does not add her Dexterity modifier. The blue mage can select a second weapon at 11th level and a third at 19th level.
Azure Spellcraft (Su)Blue Mage 6The blue mage gains Azure Knowledge as a bonus feat. This talent may be taken more than once.
Behemoth's Foe (Ex)Favored Enemy class featureThe blue mage selects a creature type for which she possesses the correct favored enemy designation. She deals +1d6 additional damage to creatures of this type that are larger than you.
Bristling Needles* (Su)Any Needles spellWhenever the blue mage casts a Needles spell, it deals additional damage equal to the number of damage dice it rolls. In addition, the blue mage may choose a single natural weapon granted by Azure Physical Training. That weapon deals the same amount of additional damage on successful hits until the end of the blue mage's next turn.
Broad Analysis (Ex)Analysis class feature
When using an analysis ability that targets one creature only, the blue mage may spend an additional use of that ability to apply it to all creatures of that race for the duration of the analysis ability.
Carapace (Ex)The blue mage gains a +1 natural armor bonus. This stacks with any other natural armor she may have.
Concentrate (Ex)The blue mage can reroll any concentration check she has just made with a +4 bonus. She must use this ability after the roll is made, but before the roll’s outcome is determined. The blue mage must take the second roll, even if it is worse. The blue mage can use this ability once per day.
Detect Traps (Su)Scan class feature, Improved Scan azure talentThe blue mage can now reveal mundane traps within the area of the Scan ability. The blue mage must also make a single Spellcraft check to reveal any magical traps in the area, and reveals any magical traps whose DC is reached (DC 15 + double the trap’s spell level). The blue mage can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier.
Empowered Magic (Su)The blue mage can cast one spell per day as if it were modified by the Empower Spell feat. This does not increase the MP cost or the level of the spell.
Extra Favored Enemy (Ex)Favored Enemy class featureThe blue mage may select an additional favored enemy. This does not increase the bonuses offered by previously selected favored enemies. This azure talent may only be taken once.
Familiar (Ex)Caster Level 2nd. Must be chosen at 2nd level.The blue mage who selects this talent gains the Familiar feat.
Favored Critical (Ex)Favored Enemy class feature, Critical Focus featWhenever the blue mage rolls a critical threat against her favored enemy, it automatically confirms. The blue mage can gain this talent multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time she takes this talent, it applies to a different favored enemy.
Favored Defense (Ex)Favored Enemy class featureThe blue mage chooses one of her favored enemy types. She adds half her favored enemy bonus to her CMD and as a dodge bonus to AC when attacked by a favored enemy. The blue mage can choose this talent multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time she takes this feat, it applies to a new favored enemy type.
Field of Study: Adroitness (Su)Analysis class featureThe blue mage with this talent adds this ability to her list of Analysis abilities. The blue mage learns how to better manipulate magic so to be more effective against creatures of that race, and informs her allies on how to do so, granting her allies a +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance made against them. If the blue mage succeeds on her Knowledge check by 5 or more, then this bonus increases to +2. If the blue mage succeeds on her Knowledge check by 10 or more, then this bonus increases to +3. If the blue mage succeeds on her Knowledge check by 20 or more, then this bonus increases to +4.
Field of Study: Torpefy (Su)Analysis class feature
The blue mage with this talent adds this ability to her list of Analysis abilities. The blue mage’s knowledge of monsters allows her to bend the supernatural energies of a creature and weaken them against attacks. This ability can only be used against a single creature. On a successful Knowledge check, the creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the blue mage’s level + her Intelligence modifier) or take a -1 penalty to saving throws. If the blue mage succeeds on her Knowledge check by 5 or more, then this penalty increases to -2. If the blue mage succeeds on her Knowledge check by 10 or more, then this penalty increases to -3. If the blue mage succeeds on her Knowledge check by 20 or more, then this penalty increases to -4.
Focused Aberration Expertise (Ex)Favored Enemy (aberration) class featureThe blue mage adds half of her favored enemy bonus against aberrations to the saving throw DC of spells that she casts against aberrations and on caster level checks to overcome the spell resistance of aberrations.
Focused Analysis (Ex)Analysis class feature
When using an analysis ability that targets creatures of the same race, the blue mage may reduce the number of targets affected. For each target reduced in this way, the bonuses granted increase by 1 (to a maximum increase of 4 if 4 targets were left unaffected).
Focused Construct Expertise (Ex)Favored Enemy (construct) class featureThe blue mage's weapon attacks ignore a number of points of damage reduction or hardness equal to half her favored enemy (construct) bonus. This talent allows her to only ignore damage reduction that is normally bypassed by adamantine, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing weapons. Against constructs, the amount of damage reduction and hardness she ignores is equal to her full favored enemy bonus.
Focused Dragon Expertise (Ex)
Favored Enemy (dragon) class featureThe blue mage gains a bonus on saving throws against breath weapons and fear effects equal to half her favored enemy (dragon) bonus. Whenever she succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against a dragon’s extraordinary or supernatural ability that would deal half damage, she instead takes no damage. If she already has the evasion class feature, she instead gain a knight’s stalwart ability against dragons’ extraordinary and supernatural abilities.
Focused Fey Expertise (Ex)Favored Enemy (fey) class featureThe blue mage gains a bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits equal to half her favored enemy (fey) bonus. She treats her weapon attacks against fey as cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and regeneration.
Focused Magical Beast Expertise (Ex)Favored Enemy (magical beast) class featureIf a creature makes three or more attacks with natural weapons against the blue mage during its turn, she gains partial cover against the third and subsequent natural attacks from that creature. If the creature makes five or more attacks against her with natural weapons, she gains cover (instead of partial cover) against the fifth and subsequent natural attacks. If the attacker is a magical beast, reduce by one the number of natural attacks it must make in order for her to gain cover or partial cover.
Focused Ooze Expertise (Ex)Favored Enemy (ooze) class featureThe blue mage gains a bonus to her CMD equal to half her favored enemy (ooze) bonus. She also gains earth resistance equal to half her favored enemy (ooze) bonus. Against oozes, she instead applies her full favored enemy (ooze) bonus for both benefits.
Focused Outsider ExpertiseFavored Enemy (outsider) class featureThe blue mage's weapon attacks ignore a number of points of damage reduction equal to half her favored enemy (outsider [any one]) bonus. This talent allows her to ignore only damage reduction that is normally bypassed by chaotic-, evil-, good-, or lawful-aligned weapons. Against outsiders that match her favored enemy subtype, the amount of damage reduction and hardness she ignores is equal to her full favored class bonus.
Focused Plant Expertise (Ex)Favored Enemy (plant) class featureThe blue mage gains a bonus equal to half her favored enemy (plant) bonus on Reflex saves to avoid being entangled and to her CMD whenever an opponent attempts to grapple her. Her weapons’ critical hit multipliers increase by one against creatures with the plant type.
Focused Undead Expertise (Ex)Favored Enemy (undead) class featureThe blue mage gains a bonus equal to half her favored enemy (undead) bonus on saving throws against ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and negative energy effects. Once per day, when an undead creature’s natural attack against her deals ability damage, deals ability drain, or bestows 1 or more negative levels, she can negate the damage, drain, or negative levels as an immediate action.
Focused Vermin Expertise (Ex)Favored Enemy (vermin) class featureThe blue mage gains DR/— equal to half her favored enemy (vermin) bonus against vermin and creatures with the swarm subtype. When attempting Fortitude saves against a swarm’s distraction ability, she gains a bonus on the save equal to the damage prevented by this talent. Against vermin with the swarm subtype, the amount of damage reduction is equal to her full favored enemy (vermin) bonus. This damage reduction does not stack with that from other sources.
Foebane Magic (Ex)Favored Enemy class featureThe blue mage's favored enemies take a –1 penalty on saving throws against spells she casts. Furthermore, she gain her favored enemy bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify spells cast by favored enemies.
Improved Scan (Su)Scan class featureA blue mage with this talent can scan multiple creatures using her Scan ability equal to her Intelligence modifier.
Knowledge Focus (Ex)The blue mage gains Skill Focus as a bonus feat, but only for one of their Knowledge skills. This talent may be taken more than once. Each time, a different Knowledge skill must be selected.
Needled Carapace (Su)Bristling Needles and Carapace azure talentsWhen the blue mage benefits from her bristling needles talent they may spend a move action to remove the normal effect and attach the needles to her carapace, causing foes who strike her with an unarmed or natural attack to take piercing damage equal to the bonus she would have gained (maximum 10), this damage is counted as magical for the purpose of DR. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Mage TrainingThe blue mage may select an item creation or metamagic feat. The blue mage must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. This talent may be taken more than once. Each time, a different feat must be selected.
Perceive Weakness (Ex)The blue mage gains Perceive Weakness as a bonus feat.
└- Perceive All The Weaknesses (Ex)Perceive Weakness featThe blue mage adds her Intelligence modifier to Perception checks made with Perceive Weakness, this is in addition to her Wisdom modifier.
Reserve TrainingThe blue mage may select a Reserve feat as a bonus feat. The blue mage must still meet all prerequisites for this bonus feat.
Scan Magic (Su)Scan class feature, ability to cast Detect MagicThe blue mage gains the benefits of Detect Magic whenever they use the Scan class feature, but only for that creature. Scanning a different target stops this effect on the first. If the blue mage has the Improved Scan azure talent, she can benefit from Detect Magic against a number of creatures equal to her Intelligence modifier. Selecting this a second time treats the blue mage as if she has spent 3 rounds inspecting the targets.
Selective Magic (Su)The blue mage can cast two spells per day as if they were modified by the Selective Spell metamagic feat. This does not increase the MP cost or the level of the spell.
Silent Magic (Su)The blue mage can cast two spells per day as if they were modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase the MP cost or the level of the spell.
Slayer's Knack (Ex)Favored Enemy class featureWhen the blue mage takes this talent, she chooses one of her favored enemy types. Against enemies of that type, the threat range of any weapon she wields is doubled. This effect does not stack with any other effect that expands a weapon’s threat range. The blue mage can take this talent multiple times. Each time she takes it, she chooses a different favored enemy type.
Spell FocusThe blue mage may select a school of magic, she gains Spell Focus as a bonus feat for that school. The blue mage must still meet all prerequisites for this bonus feat.
Spell Guard (Su)*Whenever the blue mage casts a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action, she may instead cast it as a full round action. The blue mage channels some of the energy of the spell into a defensive shield around her, giving her a deflection bonus to her AC equal to the level of the spell being cast. This bonus lasts until the beginning of the blue mage’s next turn.
Spell Restraint (Ex)*Whenever the blue mage casts a spell with an area described as a radius, she may decide to make the radius smaller. She may reduce the radius down by any number of 5-foot increments, to a minimum of a 5-foot-radius.
Still Magic (Su)The blue mage can cast two spells per day as if they were modified by the Still Spell feat. This does not increase the MP cost or the level of the spell.
Surecast (Su)Combat Casting featThe blue mage exercises caution when in danger, casting her spells with more care. While in a threatened square, she may choose to spend a full-round action to cast a spell, with a casting time of standard action or less. Doing so allows her to cast the spell without needing to cast defensively.
Think on It (Ex)One per day, the blue mage can re-attempt any previously failed Knowledge check. On this attempt, she adds a +5 competence bonus on the check. At 10th level, this bonus increases to +10.
Tracking Knowledge (Ex)You may use an appropriate Knowledge check in place of Survival to track creatures.
Vengeance (Ex)Power Attack feat, Favored Enemy class featureWhen using Power Attack against the blue mage's favored enemy, she deals a +4 bonus to damage with her first attack in a round, but she suffers a -2 penalty to armor class for 1 round.

Advanced Azure Talents

At 12th, and every two levels thereafter, a blue mage learns further talents to assist her in manipulating spells and other forms of magic. She may choose one of the following advanced azure talents in place of an azure talent. Talents marked with an asterisk add effects to a blue mage’s spellcasting ability. Only one of these talents can be applied to an individual spell and the decision must be made before the spell is cast.

Table: Advanced Azure Talents

Advanced Azure TalentPrerequisitesBenefits
Greater Weakening Gaze (Su)Libra class feature, Weakening Gaze and Improved Weakening Gaze azure talentsAs improved weakening gaze, but creatures must also succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + half of the blue mage’s level + her Intelligence modifier) or be affected by the Imperil status effect for a random element. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the blue mage’s Intelligence modifier.
Heavy Carapace (Ex)Carapace azure talent
The blue mage doubles the natural armor gained from her carapace azure talent.
Improved Azure Counter (Su)Azure Counter class featureA blue mage attempting to counter a special attack with the Azure Counter ability no longer needs to ready an action, but must still use an immediate action.
Improved Weakening Gaze (Su)Libra class feature, Weakening Gaze azure talentAs weakening gaze, but creatures are instead affected as if by a targeted Greater Dispel.
Intel (Ex)Libra class featureWhenever the blue mage uses the Libra ability, he may add one of these two effects: Libra affects all creatures in a 60-foot-radius centered on the blue mage or the effects of Libra remain for a number of rounds equal to the blue mage’s Intelligence modifier. This talent may be taken twice. If taken a second time, the blue mage gains both abilities.
Mage Focus (Su)*When the blue mage casts a spell with an area, as a free action, she may choose to focus the entire might of the spell on a single target. The spell’s save DC is increased by +2, but only one target is affected by the spell. She may do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier.
Maximized Magic (Su)The blue mage can cast one spell per day as if it were modified by the Maximize Spell feat. This does not increase the MP cost or the level of the spell.
Quick Check (Ex)Libra class featureThis talent allows the blue mage to use Libra as a swift action.
Quickened Magic (Su)The blue mage can cast one spell per day as if it were modified by the Quicken Spell feat. This does not increase the MP cost or the level of the spell.
Spell Diligence (Su)*As a swift action, the blue mage may focus all her attention on casting a single spell. Only spells with a casting time of 1 standard action and a range of personal or touch may be cast in this way. The blue mage adds her level to any concentration check made to cast a spell when using spell diligence. The blue mage may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier.
Weakening Gaze (Su)Libra class featureA blue mage with this talent can, by increasing the action required for Libra to a standard action, affect creatures targeted by this ability as if by Dispel in addition to its usual effects.