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For every action within the world, it leaves an echo in the shadow plane. The results of the action, indeed the action itself, continues to persist for a moment after its passing. Mimes go beyond simple mimicry, and are able to duplicate the exact conditions of what they see, adapt them to their purposes, and have them repeat events which just occurred without any training or ability to otherwise pull them off. In a party of powerful people, the mime multiplies their power exponentially.

The mime is an archetype of the blue mage class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The mime mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features. 

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Class skills (appraise), MP Pool, Limit Breaks, Creature Magic, Cantrips, Spell Proficiency, Blue Magery. 2ndScan, Azure Talent. 3rdArmored Mage, Analysis (Lucubrate). 4thAzure Physical Training, Azure Talent. 5thClear Mind I, Blue Magery. 6thInvoke, Azure Talent. 7thI Know That Trick, Analysis (Mettle). 8thAzure Physical Training, Azure Talent. 9th Azure Counter, Blue Magery, Advantageous Opportunity. 10th Clear Mind II, Azure Talent. 11thSimulation, Analysis (Foreknowledge). 12thImproved Invoke, Azure Physical Training, Azure Talent. 13thBlue Magery, Improved Advantageous Opportunity. 14th Azure Talent, Seen It Before. 15thDoublecast, Clear Mind III, Analysis (Flummox). 16th Azure Physical Training, Azure Talent. 17th Azure Lore, Blue Magery. 18th 1 MP Spell, Azure Talent. 19thCerulean Focus, Analysis (Puissance) 20th Clear Mind IV, Assimilation, Azure Physical Training, Azure Talent.

Class Skills

The mime adds Disguise and Perform to his list of class skills. This replaces Appraise as a class skill.

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, the mime receives the Limit Breaks (Mimicry Reversal and Perfect Mimicry).

Mimicry Reversal (Su): This Limit Break allows the mime to make any enemy up to 60 feet away to copy what he does. The target (whose HD cannot exceed 1.5 times the mime’s own HD) must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the blue mage’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be forced to imitate the mime. The mime must spend his actions to make the affected creature do anything that the creature can normally do including spellcasting or song-performing. This lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four blue mage levels after 1st. If the mime is knocked unconscious during this time, the affected creature must make another Will save with the same DC or become unconscious as well.

Perfect Mimicry (Su): This Limit Break allows the mime to copy any humanoid up to 60 feet away perfectly. The mime can use any abilities of the person copied (whose HD cannot exceed 1.5 times the mime’s own HD), even casting spells without using a MP pool if the person copied is a spell-caster. The mime uses his own stats, saving throws, hit points, and any equipment he possesses. The mime can copy another humanoid once per round as a swift action. This limit break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four blue mage levels after 1st.

These abilities replace the blue mage’s standard Limit Breaks. 

Mimicry (Su)

At 1st level, a mime begins his journey in copying others. Once per round as a free action, a mime can mimic an ability that another creature used within the last round, temporarily gaining that ability until the mime’s next turn. The mime must have seen or otherwise been aware of the copied ability in question, and he must have been within 30 feet plus 5 feet per blue mage level of the creature when it was used. Once attained, the mime can use the copied ability as normal, ignoring all resource costs other than health. Unless specified otherwise, the mime uses his own statistics for any scaling of the ability (such as ability scores or BAB), and his blue mage level as his HD, level, or caster level. The mime cannot mimic creatures whose HD exceeds 1.5 times his blue mage level. The mime can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his blue mage level + his Charisma modifier. Passive abilities (such as a monk’s AC bonus ability), can be copied as long as the mime is aware of it. Maintained abilities (such as a berserker’s rage ability) may be retained at the start of the mime’s turn as long as he can continue copying the source creature for it. If an ability requires another ability to function (such as a fighter talent that uses a chosen weapon bonus), the mime is treated as having that ability from the source for the purposes of the copied ability. The mime can’t use any abilities gained from his mimicry powers to qualify for feats, prestige classes, or other options, with the exception of ranks in the fly skill.

  • Mimic Extraordinary Ability: Mimes can imitate extraordinary abilities. The mime cannot mimic abilities that use appendages he does not have, such as a tail swipe.
  • Mimic Feat: Mimes can mimic feats in use that he sees. The mime must meet all prerequisites of the feat in order to mimic it.
  • Mimic Limit Break: Mimes can mimic the broken limits of others. The mime must be under 50% health in order to initiate a limit break and still counts against his number of limit break uses per day.
  • Mimic Movement: Mimes can mimic movement types. The mime can even imitate a movement type for which he does not have the correct appendages, such as flying as a bird.
  • Mimic Skill: Mimes can mimic skills being used. The copied skill uses the same roll and bonuses (if any) as the original skill.
  • Mimic Song/Spell/Ninjutsu/Spell-like Ability: Mimes can mimic spells, or things that resemble spells. The mime can mimic magic this way from creatures of any HD, but only for magic of 0th or 1st level. For every three blue mage levels after 1st, the mime can mimic magic of spell levels 1 higher. The mime can cast this magic even without the required ability score. If the magic has a cast time higher than 1 round, the mime must continue spending uses of mimicry if they want to complete it.
  • Mimic Supernatural Ability: Mimes can imitate supernatural abilities. The mime can even imitate an ability for which he does not have the correct appendages.

 This ability replaces creature magic, MP pool, doublecast, and 1 MP spell. 

Aptitude Focus (Ex)

Also at 1st level, a mime can select one of seven areas upon which he can focus his ever-shifting talents. The mime gains a +2 aptitude bonus while any focus is activated. This bonus increases by +2 at 5th level, and every four levels thereafter. Activating a focus, he gains the chosen abilities of his focus that remains in effect until the mime uses a swift action to dismiss it or activate another focus in its place.

  • Ascetic Focus: The mime gains an aptitude bonus on all Acrobatics checks. This focus also grants Improved Unarmed Strike feat and the unarmed damage of a monk of half his character level as well as an aptitude bonus as a dodge bonus to his armor class.
  • Caster Focus: The mime gains an aptitude bonus on all Spellcraft skill checks and Concentration checks, and on any healing and damage spell rolls.
  • Combat Focus: The mime gains an aptitude bonus as a competence bonus on all attack and damage rolls. This focus also grants proficiency with medium and heavy armor, martial weapons, and shields (not tower shields).
  • Guardian Focus: The mime gains an aptitude bonus as a deflection bonus to his armor class as well as damage reduction equal to the aptitude focus bonus. This focus also grants proficiency with medium and heavy armor, martial weapons, and shields (including tower shields).
  • Song Focus: The mime gains an aptitude bonus on all Perform skill checks and Concentration checks, and on any healing and damage song rolls.
  • Stealth Focus: The mime gains an aptitude bonus on all Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth skill checks, these are considered class skills while in this focus. This focus also grants Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge and Evasion (as thief).
  • Wild Focus: You gain an aptitude bonus on all Climb, Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks, these are considered class skills while in this focus. This focus also grants Wild Empathy (as beastmaster; treat the mime’s blue mage level as equal to his beastmaster level) and Woodland Stride (as beastmaster).

This ability replaces blue magery and azure talents.

Modified Advantage (Ex)

Starting at 1st level, as an immediate action, a mime can gain a +1 bonus to any single d20 roll. A mime could make a minor internal change to his form that assists in the performance of a task. Whether he’s making his fist heavier, making the arch of his swing move faster, changing the shape of his eyes and ears to heighten his senses, or he moves nerves around increasing his reaction time. The mime can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces cantrips.

Impersonate (Ex)

At 2nd level, using his ability to emulate the thoughts of creature that he has touched, the mime can impersonate other living creatures’ mannerisms, speech patterns, knowledge, and overall demeanor, thus granting a +5 competence bonus to Disguise checks. The mime can use this ability at will, although they must have touched the creature to be impersonated at some point. In addition, the mime masters an androgynous, ageless, racially ambiguous base appearance. He incorporates deceptive makeup and articles of clothing into his daily wardrobe, and never takes a penalty on Disguise skill checks for assuming a different gender, race, or age.

This ability replaces scan.

Mirror Combat (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, the mime is adept at picking up a target’s defensive and offensive patterns in the midst of combat and using them himself. Whenever he makes an attack roll against a target, he may make a Perception check against the target’s AC as an immediate action. If he succeeds, he gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls + an additional +2 for every 5 points he succeeds his Perception check by for 1 round. Whenever an attack is made against the mime, he may make an opposed Perception check against the target’s attack roll as an immediate action. If he succeeds, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC + an additional +2 bonus for every 5 points he succeeds his Perception check by for 1 round.

This ability replaces analysis.

Perfect Copy (Ex)

Whenever a 3rd-level mime uses the disguise skill to change his appearance, he may assume the appearance of a specific individual.

This ability replaces armored mage.

Ability Boon (Ex)

At 4th level, when activating an aptitude focus, the mime also gains a +2 competence bonus to an ability score of his choice. This bonus lasts until he changes his aptitude focus. At 8th level and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2.

This ability replaces azure physical training.

Contortionist (Ex)

Beginning at 5th level, the mime can alter his size by folding or stretching his body. He can spend one minute to increase or decrease his size by one category.

  • If enlarging, the mime gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a -1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size. A mime whose size increases to Large has a space of 10 feet and a natural reach of 10 feet.
  • If shrinking, the mime gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, a -2 size penalty to Strength (to a minimum of 1), and a +1 bonus on attack rolls and AC due to its reduced size. A Small mime whose size decreases to Tiny has a space of 2-1/2 feet and a natural reach of 0 feet (meaning that it must enter an opponent’s square to attack). A Large mime whose size decreases to Medium has a space of 5 feet and a natural reach of 5 feet.

These benefits last until he spends a minute to revert to his normal size. This is not a magical effect and cannot be dispelled or suppressed via anti-magic effects.

This ability replaces clear mind, advantageous opportunity, and improved advantageous opportunity.

Sound Mimicry (Ex)

At 6th level, the mime is so trained in vocal alteration that he gains the sound mimicry ability, allowing him to perfectly imitate sounds and voices he has heard within the last 24 hours. The mime makes a Bluff check opposed by a listener’s Sense Motive check to recognize the mimicry, although if the listener isn’t familiar with the person or type of creatures mimicked, it takes a -8 penalty on its Sense Motive check. The mime has a +8 racial bonus on his Bluff check to mimic sounds he has listened to for at least 10 minutes. The mime cannot duplicate the effects of magical abilities (such as bardic performance or a harpy’s captivating song), though he may be able to mimic the sound of those abilities. This ability does not allow the mime to speak or understand language he doesn’t know.

This ability replaces invoke and improved invoke.

Adaptive Wardrobe (Ex)

At 7th level, the mime can manipulate his body’s interaction with magical items. He may wear any magic item in a body slot not normally suited to it, so long as it is somewhat reasonable (for instance, he could wear a ring on a toe, using his feet slot, or a scarf in his hair as a headband). This allows the mime to benefit from multiple magic items that normally would occupy the same slot. All items still occupy the slot in which they’re worn—a mime with a magical ring on his toe cannot also benefit from wearing magical boots.

This ability replaces I know that trick and seen it before.

Jack-of-All-Trades (Ex)

At 9th level, the mime can use any skill, even if the skill normally requires him to be trained. In addition, he considers all skills to be class skills.

This ability replaces azure counter.

Mimic Defense (Ex)

At 11th level, a mime can duplicate other’s actions to protect himself. When a creature in the mime’s line of sight succeeds on a save, as an immediate action, the mime can attempt a DC 15 Perception check. If he succeeds, the mime gains a bonus on the mimicked save equal to the target’s base save. This bonus lasts for 1 round per level. A mime can only copy one save at a time this way.

This ability replaces simulation.

Instant Mimic (Su)

At 17th level, a mime can use any of his mimic abilities (mimic feat, mimic spell, mimic song, mimic skill, mimic extraordinary ability, mimic supernatural ability, mimic spell-like ability and mimic limit break) as an immediate action three times per day.

This ability replaces azure lore.

Multicopy (Su)

At 19th level, a mime has learned to remember how to duplicate many abilities at the same time. A mimic may use two different mimicry abilities running at the same time, provided that he can use them in the same round. For example, a mime couldn’t mimic a spell and a song in the same round, but he could mimic a spell and a feat.

This ability replaces cerulean focus.

Complete Copy (Su)

At 20th level, mimicry is mastered completely. Once per day as a standard action, a mime may copy in full any non-unique, non-mindless, non-templated creature right down to their original character sheet and ability scores (which would exclude unique beings like the tarrasque, unique devils such as Asmodeus, most golems, a paragon half-dragon housecat, or Bob the Troll, though he would be able to copy himself into a standard troll). For the purposes of this ability, abominations are considered unique creatures as well, regardless of how many exist. The mime may only make a complete copy of creatures whose CR does not exceed his HD. He loses his original items, ability scores, and anything related to his character except for his personality and alignment, and obtain copies of what the original creature is using for 1 minute. He gains full normal hit points equal to the creature in question and retain any status effects he possessed, positive or negative. When the effect ends, if the mime is still alive, he is returned to his normal body, hit points, and his items return.

This ability replaces assimilation.