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The marauder is a combat specialist whose weapon of choice is any two-handed weapon – a fearsome arm emblematic of Eorzea’s pirates. Their approach to battle is one of brute force, relying on strength and steel to crush enemies and sunder weapons. They are highly sought after for their ferocity and intimidating presence, and are often employed to hunt down monsters plaguing the land, or turning the tide of battle between warring nations.

The marauder is an archetype of the berserker class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The marauder mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and STR and CON for their class features, as well as CHA for optional class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Armor Proficiencies, Fast Movement. 2ndUncanny Dodge. 3rdDanger Sense. 5thImproved Uncanny Dodge. 8thBloodlust. 9thSilent Threat. 14thIndomitable Will. 19thUnstoppable.

Armor Proficiency

The marauder can wear metal light or medium armor, even while raging without penalty.

This ability modifies the berserker’s armor proficiencies.

Power Attack

At 1st level, a marauder gains Power Attack as a bonus feat. He does not need to meet the prerequisites to receive this feat.

This ability replaces fast movement.

Overhand Chop (Ex)

At 2nd level, when a marauder makes a single attack (with the attack action or a charge) with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls.

This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

Shattering Strike (Ex)

At 3rd level, a marauder gains a +1 bonus to CMB and CMD on sunder attempts and on damage rolls made against objects. These bonuses increase by +1 for every four berserker levels beyond 3rd.

This ability replaces danger sense.

Weapon Training (Ex)

At 5th level, the marauder gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when wielding two-handed melee weapons. This bonus increases by +1 for every four berserker levels beyond 5th.

This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Backswing (Ex)

At 8th level, when a marauder makes a full-attack with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls for all attacks after the first.

This ability replaces bloodlust.

Piledriver (Ex)

At 9th level, as a standard action, a marauder can make a single melee attack with a two-handed weapon. If the attack hits, he may make a bull rush or trip combat maneuver against the target of his attack as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

This ability replaces silent threat.

Greater Power Attack (Ex)

At 14th level, when using Power Attack with a two-handed melee weapon, the bonus damage from Power Attack is doubled (+100%) instead of increased by half (+50%).

This ability replaces indomitable will.

Devastating Blow (Ex)

At 19th level, as a standard action, a marauder may make a single melee attack with a two-handed weapon at a –5 penalty. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical threat. Special weapon abilities that activate only on a critical hit do not activate if this critical hit is confirmed.

This ability replaces unstoppable.